835 resultados para Khmer Rouge


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This thesis is an investigation into the US response to the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia between 1974 and 1981. It argues that the US experience in the Vietnam War acted as a causal factor in the formulation of its Cambodian policy during the presidencies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. From taking power in April 1975 to their removal by the Vietnamese in January 1979, the Khmer Rouge initiated a revolution unrivalled in the 20th Century for its brutality and for the total eradication of modern society. This thesis demonstrates that the Ford administration viewed Cambodia only as it pertained to their strategy in Vietnam and, following US disengagement from Indochina all but ignored the atrocities occurring there as they instead pursued informal relations with the Khmer Rouge as a means of punishing the Vietnamese. The Carter administration formulated a foreign policy based on human rights yet failed to adequately address the genocide that occurred in Cambodia due to its temporal and regional proximity to Vietnam. Instead, this collective reluctance to reengage with the region and the resulting anti-Vietnamese attitude reinforced Brzezinski’s broader global strategy that allied the US with China in support of an independent Cambodia to further isolate Hanoi. Thus this thesis argues that the distorting impact of the Vietnam War, as well as global Cold War calculations, undermined any appreciation of the Cambodian conflict and caused both administrations to pursue policies in Cambodia that ultimately supported the Khmer Rouge regime. This project incorporates declassified material from the Ford and Carter Presidential Libraries, supplemented by the material from the National Archives and Library of Congress, and relevant newspapers and periodicals. It demonstrates that the limitations placed upon US foreign policy by their experience in the Vietnam War may be used to reveal unexplored elements in US-Cambodian relations.


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Using critical feminist border ethnography, the thesis explores the healing of older Khmer women who endured the Khmer Rouge genocide and subsequent migration to Australia. A conceptual framework was developed to describe the process from immense suffering to embodied healing, thus contributing to international feminist justice work and decolonising academic research in the healing of women genocide survivors.


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Non-state insurgent actors are too weak to compel powerful adversaries to their will, so they use violence to coerce. A principal objective is to grow and sustain violent resistance to the point that it either militarily challenges the state, or more commonly, generates unacceptable political costs. To survive, insurgents must shift popular support away from the state and to grow they must secure it. State actor policies and actions perceived as illegitimate and oppressive by the insurgent constituency can generate these shifts. A promising insurgent strategy is to attack states in ways that lead angry publics and leaders to discount the historically established risks and take flawed but popular decisions to use repressive measures. Such decisions may be enabled by a visceral belief in the power of coercion and selective use of examples of where robust measures have indeed suppressed resistance. To avoid such counterproductive behaviours the cases of apparent 'successful repression' must be understood. This thesis tests whether robust state action is correlated with reduced support for insurgents, analyses the causal mechanisms of such shifts and examines whether such reduction is because of compulsion or coercion? The approach is founded on prior research by the RAND Corporation which analysed the 30 insurgencies most recently resolved worldwide to determine factors of counterinsurgent success. This new study first re-analyses their data at a finer resolution with new queries that investigate the relationship between repression and insurgent active support. Having determined that, in general, repression does not correlate with decreased insurgent support, this study then analyses two cases in which the data suggests repression seems likely to be reducing insurgent support: the PKK in Turkey and the insurgency against the Vietnamese-sponsored regime after their ousting of the Khmer Rouge. It applies 'structured-focused' case analysis with questions partly built from the insurgency model of Leites and Wolf, who are associated with the advocacy of US robust means in Vietnam. This is thus a test of 'most difficult' cases using a 'least likely' test model. Nevertheless, the findings refute the deterrence argument of 'iron fist' advocates. Robust approaches may physically prevent effective support of insurgents but they do not coercively deter people from being willing to actively support the insurgency.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-03


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La presente monografía tiene por interés estudiar el caso de violencia masiva vivida en Camboya bajo el mando de los Jemeres Rojos. De manera particular, pretende analizar las drásticas transformaciones promovidas por Pol Pot sobre las instituciones de la escuela y la familia; transformaciones que derivaron en una grave desintegración social cuyo significado histórico resulta inexpresable. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto político, social y económico que condujo al régimen de la Kampuchea Democrática, se hace uso del marxismo como enfoque teórico para analizar lo sucedido en Camboya. Partiendo del concepto de estructura social, se profundiza en la teoría a través de sus planteamientos básicos, para así llegar a la comprensión del papel y la importancia que juegan en ella las instituciones de la familia y la escuela en tanto que Aparatos Ideológicos de Estado. Este ejercicio permite identificar las principales distorsiones entre la teoría, apelada por Pol Pot, y las prácticas de los Jemeres Rojos en Camboya.


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En avril 1975, les Khmers rouges prennent le pouvoir du Cambodge et forcent l’évacuation presque complète des villes du pays vers les campagnes. Le régime restreint à l’extrême les droits individuels, dont la propriété privée. À la chute du régime khmer rouge en janvier 1979, le foncier urbain est en théorie détaché de tous droits antérieurs. Par une enquête historique et ethnographique menée à Battambang, ce mémoire explore comment les relations de propriété autour des ressources foncières et immobilières préexistantes de la ville se sont développées dans ce contexte. Il examine plus précisément les mécanismes d’accès et d’exclusion, issus à la fois des normes politico-légales et de la coutume, qui ont alors légitimé la propriété sur divers types de biens immobiliers situés surtout en ville. La recherche couvre une période historique allant de 1979 à 1992-1993, années de la transition du régime socialiste vers une démocratie libérale. Les résultats montrent que plusieurs logiques d’accès et de possession se sont croisées durant ces années, souvent en marge de la loi et parfois de manière conflictuelle et violente. La diversité de relations de propriété révélée par l’éclairage historique « par en bas » nuance l’idée que l’allocation de la propriété en contexte socialiste a été essentiellement chaotique et contrôlée par un État néopatrimonial. Elle nuance aussi l’idée qu’une pleine privatisation de la propriété a eu lieu au tournant des années 1990. Les nombreuses frictions qui ont résulté de cette formalisation, particulièrement entre l’État local et les petits occupants, invitent à conceptualiser la propriété de manière plus large et à repenser les penchants normatifs pour un régime foncier strict basé sur des droits de propriété individuels et exclusifs, particulièrement dans des régimes post-conflit. En outre, le mémoire sert à donner une profondeur historique à la crise foncière que connaît actuellement le Cambodge.


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Contient les descriptions des manuscrits khmers côtés Indochinois.


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was begun during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program include desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communication and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy-coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 79 pages.)


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Geryon quinquedens is present along the West African continental slope at depths from 300 to 1000 m, on silt-clay sediments. Geryon is a cold and rather poorly oxygenated water loving species. It is easily caught by traps as it is a scavenger and predatory crustacea. In a given area its distribution does not appear to be homogeneous: for example, densities of red crabs are higher in the eastern and western region of Côte d'Ivoire than in the central zone. Similar observations can be made off Congo, Angola and United States. It can be assumed that there is a relation between the abundance of Geryon and the productivity level of the area. Geographical variations of sex ratio are suspected to be correlated with the density distribution. Males and females have not the same bathymetric distribution: females are only common in the shallower waters (300-500 m) whereas males are present in the whole biotope. Seasonal migrations occur down and up the slope in both the sexes and are certainly related to the reproductive biology. Knowledge of the reproductive biology is also necessary to understand fishing-trap catch rate: egg maturation extends over several months and ovigerous females are exceptionally caught by traps; males also are less available during the same period (March to August) when migrations are less important; in this period, mean size increases and probably this happens at the end of a moult. From September to February the catch-rates increase. Growth is slow compared with other littoral Guinean Crustacea (Peneides). Females become sexually mature at a size of 80 mm (carapace width): modification in the allometric relations of abdomen and carapace are then conspicuous.


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From Aug 1975 to Jan 1976 a fishing survey for deep-sea red crab Geryon quinquedens was executed along the Ivorian coast between 3{degree} and 7{degree}30'W. Three regions could be distinguished: a central one with poor catches (1.6 kg/trap/20h); an east region with the best catches (5 kg/trap/20h); and a west region, also with good catches (4.5 kg/trap/20h). For the whole survey, catches only took place between 300 and 700m, the best at 400 m. A distinct sexual segregation was observed according to bathymetry with the percentage of males increasing with depth. Nearly the same abundance was observed in Côte d'Ivoire, in Congo and North Angola, while in South Angola catches are somewhat higher.


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The prolonged wait times may arguably put into question the Canadian Health Act of 1984. Statistics show throughput wait times are 5.5 hours and output wait times for admitted patients are 32.4 hours. After probing and analyzing best practices through a qualitative/quantitative Value Stream Mapping and a qualitative SWOT Analysis; Team Triage and an Overcapacity Protocol is suggested to improve non-admitted patients wait times by 1.89 hours and admitted patients wait times by 16 hours by eliminating wasteful steps in the patient process and upon overcapacity, effectively sharing already stabilized and admitted patients with all wards in the hospital.