790 resultados para Key Competencies


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This survey was conducted in developing a final specialized examination for all arts therapists in Switzerland by the Council of Swiss Arts Therapy Associations (CSATA). Forty-eight generic key competencies (GKC) were sent to all 1235 arts therapists in five different disciplines in Switzerland (response 47.5%) and to 384 referring professionals and employers (RPE) listed by therapists (response 42%). The mean importance of GKC was rated high (4 points of 5) by practitioners and RPE. Different opinions on importance of GKC in disciplines included artistic ability and psychotherapeutic relative to medical orientation. The training of competencies was rated lower by practitioners (3.48 points) and different in the eight competence categories and five disciplines. Areas of weak training were identified. The performance of GKC was rated by referring professionals equally to its importance (mean +0.3 points) and showed a good understanding of competencies by RPE. Judging of performance was difficult for RPE in more than 20% of items. The results provide criteria for detailed outcome assessments and the advancement of a final examination for arts therapists in Switzerland.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio insere-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio, realizado na empresa MundiServiços, Consultoria de Gestão e Formação, Sucursal de Cabo Verde, conducente ao grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação com especialização na área de Formação de Adultos. A Sucursal da MundiServiços em Cabo Verde centra a sua intervenção no mercado cabo-verdiano essencialmente em dois eixos: Consultoria na área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Formação Profissional. O meu Projecto de Estágio tem a sua incidência na área da Formação Profissional e visa responder a uma solicitação da ARFA - Agência de Regulação e Supervisão de Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares - organização cliente da MundiServiços em Cabo Verde. Neste contexto, o Projecto de Estágio tem como finalidade a realização de um Estudo de Diagnóstico de Necessidades de Formação e a Elaboração de um Plano Estratégico de Formação que possa satisfazer as necessidades organizacionais, profissionais e pessoais da Agência e dos seus trabalhadores. Este trabalho enquadra-se numa medida estratégica da entidade, que passa pelo desenvolvimento de competências chave dos seus recursos humanos, como forma de responder a novos desafios estratégicos e organizacionais e de aumentar a motivação e satisfação interna dos seus trabalhadores. De acordo com os objectivos pré-estabelecidos para a execução deste estudo, tentou-se combinar as metodologias qualitativa e quantitativa, com recurso a diferentes técnicas de recolha, análise e tratamento de dados, com a principal finalidade de obter informações que permitam responder, de forma efectiva, à solicitação da agência, transformando as necessidades formativas dos trabalhadores em potencialidades.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli ydinosaamisen ja strategisen osaamisen määritteleminen ja arvioiminen. Tavoitteena oli selventää sekä organisaation johdon ja keskijohdon näkemyksiä siitä mitä strateginen kyvykkyys on sekä tehdä osaamisten arvioinnin yhteydessä perustyötä henkilöstön strategisten osaamisten kehittämiseksi. Case- organisaationa tutkimuksessa oli Finnsteve Oy, Helsingin, Turun ja Kotkansatamissa toimiva Suomen toiseksi suurin satamaoperaattori. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tiedonkeruumenetelmänä lomakekyselyä yhdis-tettynä kvalitatiiviseen teemahaastatteluun. Ydinosaamisten määrittelyssä käytettiin ryhmätyömenetelmää. Tutkimusongelmia peilattiin sekä resurs-siperusteiseen että ydinosaamisen teorioihin. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selvä kuva siitä, miten ydinosaamisen määrittely käytännössä voidaan yrityksessä toteuttaa. Koska kyseessä oleva yritys tuottaa satamapalveluja, on palvelutapahtuman reagointinopeus, tehok-kuus, joustavuus ja oikea-aikaisen informaation tuottaminen asiakkaille yrityksen kannalta ehdottoman tärkeää. Mikäli yritys haluaa säilyttää maineensa joustavana ja asiakkaiden toiveisiin nopeasti reagoivana yrityksenä sen on kyettävä kannustamaan henkilöstöään innovointiin. Innovoinnit johtavat parhaimmillaan prosessi-innovaatioihin ja sitä kautta sisäisen tehokkuuden paranemiseen jaasiakastyytyväisyyteen.


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Reflective competence is considered one of the key competencies of students‟ education in all teaching levels and in the daily practice of professionals. A lack of conceptual clarity can lead to critical difficulties for teachers when designing activities that promote reflective skills and also to confusion on the part of the students who have to put them into practice. A short introduction to the scientific study of reflective activity which tries to set the stage of the investigation as well as an innovative experience within the framework of the first year of the Degree in Psychology Studies are presented here. This study presents the work on the reflective skills through a reflective portfolio. Five hierarchical levels of reflection are specified as a guide for the making of the portfolio for the students, and as a support for the mentoring and assessment tasks of teachers. As a conclusion, a three-step model for the training of „reflective beginners‟ is outlined


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This is a Master’s thesis research, which mainly aims at identifying the sustainability issues in sourcing process and to identify the core competencies in sourcing process through triple bottom line adaptation. The focus of this thesis is on apparel industry’s sourcing process. The purpose of this thesis is to examine global apparel industry’s reality in their sourcing process and how buyers-suppliers are cooperating with their sourcing process to incorporate sustainability. Other goal of this research paper is to provide recommendation for sustainable sourcing process for companies and how the stakeholders can be benefitted by sustainable sourcing. The literature review part of this paper has presented the research gaps from the earlier researches along with the key concepts, academic purposes and key definitions. Theoretical framework chapter has focused on global sourcing strategies and firm’s competencies and sustainable strategies. From the theoretical framework, author has presented essential theory which establishes the link between research questions and proposed hypotheses. Main results and findings have been presented in empirical findings and in data analysis chapter. This study is an exploratory research followed by deductive method and primary data has been used to evaluate the current situation of apparel industry; which will assist to build the recommendation model. Primary data has been collected through online questionnaires and secondary data has used to cover the literature and theoretical parts. Therefore, the potential outcome of this paper will display the importance of sustainable sourcing from academic point of view and also from the business perspective. As a final point, this paper has followed the research objectives and has generated some new directions for further studies.


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Introduction : L’approche par compétences est maintenant bien ancrée dans l’enseignement au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. Dans ce contexte, un système de sélection également axé sur les compétences pourrait être avantageux. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de concevoir un TJS ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine interne (MI) et en médecine familiale (MF). Méthodologie : Des entrevues d’incidents critiques ont été réalisées auprès de résidents juniors en MI ou en MF afin de générer les items du TJS. Trois leaders de l’approche par compétences ont révisé le contenu du test. Les items ont été analysés pour identifier la compétence principale du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, le contexte ainsi que les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle représentés dans les vignettes. La clé de correction a été déterminée par un panel composé de 11 experts. Cinq méthodes de notation ont été comparées. Résultats : Sept entrevues ont été réalisées. Après révision, 33 items ont été conservés dans le TJS. Les compétences clés du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, les contextes et les divers membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle étaient bien distribués au travers des items. La moyenne des scores des experts variait entre 43,4 et 75,6 % en fonction des différentes méthodes de notation. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre les cinq méthodes de notation variait entre 0,80 et 0,98. Conclusion : Ce projet démontre la possibilité de concevoir un TJS utilisant le cadre CanMEDS comme trame de fond pour l’élaboration de son contenu. Ce test, couplé à une approche globale de sélection basée sur les compétences, pourrait éventuellement améliorer le pouvoir prédictif du processus de sélection au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale.


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This article covers key competencies for success as acquisitions and collection development librarians, delineates between collection development's intellectual facets of curricular support and acquisitions' business functions and shows how the two interrelated. Also provided are best practices for training and mentoring and professional development information for new librarians entering acquisitions and collection development.


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Esta tese estuda as competências essenciais requeridas dos profissionais em vendas de bens perecíveis diante das mudanças ambientais e novas estratégias de relacionamento entre as indústrias de alimentação e seus canais de marketing. Há revisões teóricas sobre marketing e venda pessoal no lado da Administração e sobre competências no lado da Psicologia. Da revisão teórica foram selecionadas 16 competências chave para compor um dicionário, convenientes ao atual contexto de relacionamento entre comprador e vendedor. A pesquisa foi conduzida entre participantes de comitês do Movimento ECR Brasil, funcionários de supermercados e de indústrias de alimentação (n = 192). Empregaram-se as técnicas estatísticas da análise fatorial exploratória e da análise fatorial confirmatória e o modelo teórico foi gerado com três dimensões - suporte à competitividade, relacionamento eficaz e integração operacional - abrangendo 12 competências essenciais. Foram testadas as validades convergente, discriminante e nomológica dos constructos do modelo teórico. Quanto às medidas de ajustamento global do modelo teórico mais o índice esperado de validação cruzada (ECVI) foi possível constatar que o modelo demonstrou consistência com os dados e teve uma boa aproximação da população (X² = 68,15, DF = 51, p = 0,054, RMSEA = 0,042). A avaliação dos resultados do modelo de medidas revelou evidência parcial quanto à validade dos constructos e baixa fidedignidade quanto aos indicadores do modelo teórico.


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In order to be relevant and useful in a fragmented developing country context, community and regional planning needs to shift away from the use of rigid tools to more flexible, adaptive approaches. An international review of planning curricula indicated a widespread consensus with respect to key competencies required of planners. This understanding was used in the development of new teaching programs at three Sri Lankan universities. Complementing the technical core knowledge areas, strong emphases on problem structuring, critical and strategic thinking, and the understanding of the political and institutional contexts appear to be crucial to making the agenda of planning for sustainable development more than a fashionable cliche. In order for these core areas to have relevance in a developing country context, however, planning curricula need to achieve a balance between local priorities and a global perspective.


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Este artículo presenta una investigación en la que se analizan las dificultades del profesorado para planificar, coordinar y evaluar competencias claves en una muestra de 23 centros educativos. El tema tiene hondas repercusiones ya que una mala praxis educativa de las competencias claves puede conculcar uno de los derechos fundamentales del alumnado a ser evaluado de forma objetiva (LODE: Art.6b y RD 732/1995: Art. 13.1) y poder superar las pruebas de evaluación consideradas necesarias para la obtención del título académico mínimo que otorga el estado español. La investigación se ha desarrollado desde una doble perspectiva metodológica; en primer lugar, es una investigación descriptiva en la que presentamos las características fundamentales de las competencias claves y la normativa básica para su desarrollo y evaluación. En segundo lugar,  aplicamos un procedimiento de análisis con una doble vertiente cualitativa mediante el empleo del programa Atlas-Ti y del enfoque reticular-categorial del análisis de redes sociales con la aplicación de UCINET y el visor yED Graph Editor para abordar el análisis de las principales dificultades y obstáculos detectados. Los resultados muestran que existen serias dificultades en las tres dimensiones analizadas: "planificación", "coordinación" y "evaluación" de competencias clave; especialmente en la necesidad de formación del profesorado, en la evaluación de las competencias, en la metodología para su desarrollo y en los procesos de coordinación interna para su consecución en los centros educativos.


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Transport and travel is necessary for our society to function. Today, the privately owned car stands for more than half of all personal trips in Sweden. In the last couple of years researchers have highlighted the idea that personal transport is facing a paradigm shift, which means a reduction in the use and dependent of the privately owned car and an increased focus on individuals buying their Mobility as a Service (MaaS). MaaS is described as an integrated mix of different mobility services which are arranged in the form of customized mobility packages to the customer. These mobility packages can be compared to a mobile phone subscription, which includes various mobility services, such as train, bus, subway, taxi, carpool, etc. in various amounts depending on the individual's changing needs. The individual can take care of their own travel planning, booking and payment via an app in their smartphone. What distinguish MaaS from other mobility services is that the customer can travel from door-to-door instead of a predefine station to another. There have been various Maas projects around the world in order to increase understanding of the concept of MaaS, there is still a lot of unanswered questions and researchers would like to see more studies in the field, in order to find factors that are important and vital to the concept MaaS. The aim of the thesis is to: Discuss some competences that may be significant for the further development of the concept Maas in Sweden and discuss potential challenges that may arise at further development of the concept MaaS in Sweden. This study is based on previous research and experiences and thoughts on the concept MaaS from various stakeholders with knowledge and experience of the concept. This study has an abductive approach. Primary data were obtained through qualitative semistructured interviews with eight people who have knowledge and experience of the Maas. The main conclusions in this study is that the competences that are most important in the development of MaaS is collaborative skills and competences required to create an attractive mobility package based on customer needs. One challenge identified in this study is the challenge of creating individualized mobility package in which different types of mobility services are integrated. Another challenge can arise when public and private organizations collaborate and when new organizations enter the transport network and try to cooperate with the established organizations


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A década de 90 inscreveu as organizações num novo cenário caracterizado pelo aparecimento da denominada nova economia. Outros desafios se colocaram e a luta pela sobrevivência tornou- se uma constante diária para as empresas que operam em actividades altamente competitivas. O presente artigo visa analisar este contexto. Discutem-se as novas preocupações e problemáticas, designadamente as novas competências-chave, a moldagem de futuros competitivos, onde o conhecimento e a aprendizagem são as principais armas de diferenciação entre as organizações. Consequentemente, a informação, a capacidade de absorção e adaptação incessantes e o fascínio pela inovação fazem o diferencial competitivo de algumas empresas centenárias.


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General objective: to analyse the exercise of essential competencies for midwifery care by nurses and/or midwives in the public health system of Sao Paulo (eastern zone), Brazil. Specific objectives: to develop a profile of the public health institutions and of the nurses and/or midwives who care for women before, during and following child birth; to identify the activities performed in providing such care, as well as their frequency; and to specify the possible obstacles or difficulties encountered by them when exercising their competencies. Design: a descriptive and exploratory research design , using a quantitative approach. Setting: the study was conducted in all public health services of Sao Paulo (eastern zone), Brazil, namely 59 basic health-care units and six hospitals, during the period of October 2006-December 2007. Participants: the study population consisted of 272 nurses and/or midwives who provide care for pregnant women and newborns at the primary health-care units and maternity hospitals of the public health system. Participants comprised 100% of hospital nurse coordinators (n = 6), 61% of hospital maternity nursing and/or midwifery staff (n = 62) and 64% (n = 204) of nursing and/or midwifery staff working at primary health-care units. Methods and findings: the data collection was based on a single form given to the coordinators and two questionnaires, one handed out to antenatal and postnatal nursing and/or midwifery staff and another handed out to labour and birth nursing and/or midwifery staff. The results showed that nurses and/or midwives providing care for women during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period did not put the essential competencies for midwifery care into practice, because they encountered institutional barriers and personal resistance, and lacked protocols based on best practice and on the exercise of essential competencies needed for effective midwifery care. Key conclusions: the model of care in the public health services of Sao Paulo (eastern zone) is based much more on hierarchical positions than on professional competencies or on there commendations of the scientific community. As a result, health authorities need to review their midwifery policies to improve maternal-infant care by nurses and/or midwives in order to ensure the implementation of best midwifery practice. Practical implications: the results of this study support actions to improve the quality of care delivered to women and their families, while integrating nursing and midwifery care in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research studies from an internal view based on the Competency-Based Perspective (CBP), key organizational competencies developed for small new business. CBP is chosen in an attempt to explain the differences characterizing the closed companies from the consolidated ones. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of a set of key organizational competencies for new ventures from services and low technology based sectors. Using the classification proposed by [1] and a review of the entrepreneurship literature, the main competencies were defined and classified as: managerial, input-based, transformation-based, and output-based competencies. The proposed model for evaluating new ventures organizational competence is tested by means of Structural Equation


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This research studies from an internal view based on the Competency-Based Perspective (CBP), key organizational competencies developed for small new business. CBP is chosen in an attempt to explain the differences characterizing the closed companies from the consolidated ones. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of a set of key organizational competencies for new ventures from services and low technology based sectors. Using the classification proposed by [1] and a review of the entrepreneurship literature, the main competencies were defined and classified as: managerial, input-based, transformation-based, and output-based competencies. The proposed model for evaluating new ventures organizational competence is tested by means of Structural Equation