16 resultados para Kenaf
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Bioenergia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Energia e Bioenergia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Technology and Food Security
Mode of access: Internet.
Caption title.
Bibliography: p. 19.
Data collected 1961-69.
Mode of access: Internet.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de crescimento de raízes em camadas de solo compactadas, quatro espécies de plantas de cobertura (amaranto, milheto ADR 500, capim pé-de-galinha e kenaf) foram cultivadas em anéis de PVC, com níveis de compactação em subsuperfície (densidade do solo: 1,18; 1,34; 1,51 e 1,60 Mg m-3), sendo o experimento conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. A camada compactada em subsuperfície foi restritiva ao crescimento de raízes das espécies estudadas, ocasionando a concentração de raízes na camada superficial. O milheto ADR 500 e o amaranto foram as espécies que se destacaram na produção de massa seca da parte aérea e conseguiram desenvolver-se nas camadas compactadas e abaixo delas. O milheto ADR500 apresentou maior densidade de comprimento radicular em todas as camadas. O capim pé-de-galinha e o amaranto tiveram comportamento semelhante quanto à densidade de comprimento radicular. O capim pé-de-galinha e o kenaf apresentaram menor massa seca de raízes em relação às demais espécies. O kenaf apresentou menores valores de massa seca da parte aérea, mas não foi afetado pela presença de camadas compactadas.
Brazil is the only country in South America to have an automotive supplier sector based on natural fibers. New opportunities are arising due to an increase demand by the car makers in applying natural fibers in their parts. Several crop fibers have been developed in Brazil. Among them can be listed caroa, piacava, pupunha, mutum and others of regional application. For the automotive industry, which requires large quantities with uniform quality, the alternatives are sisal (170,000 ton/yr), curaua (150 ton/yr in 2003), malva, 200 ton/yr; Brazil is the single largest producer country of sisal, and commercially, the only one in curaua. For South America, the alternatives are fique in Colombia, abaca in equator, flax in Argentina and curaua in Venezuela. It must be understood by the target countries of drugs, is that crop fiber can be an economic alternative to coca in the Andes region, therefore an instrument of land reform and drug reduction plantations. Several companies have a strong program of apply natural fibers based components in their products: Volkswagen do Brazil, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors do Brazil. Among their suppliers can be listed companies such Pematec (curaua), Toro (sisal, coir and jute), Incomer (sisal and jute), Ober (jute, curaua), Indaru (jute and sisal), Antolin (imported kenaf,) Tapetes Sao Carlos (sisal), Poematec (coir) and Art-Gore, with Woodstock'' wood and natural fibers). Figures about production and demand are discussed in the paper.
La presente investigación se presenta como una alternativa para la reducción de la contaminación por nutrientes que produce el vertido de aguas residuales provenientes de núcleos urbanos que acaban en lagos, lagunas o embalses acelerando los procesos de eutrofización de los mismos. El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la reducción de nutrientes, fundamentalmente nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, del agua residual doméstica sometida a tratamiento a través de cultivos hidropónicos en un determinado periodo de tiempo, observando a su vez la evolución del cultivo seleccionado. El sistema se diseñó para funcionar en circuito cerrado con el agua residual circulando por entre las raíces de los vegetales estudiados. El cultivo seleccionado fue el “kenaf”, aunque después de mucho tiempo dedicado a la obtención de semillas de “kenaf “por diferentes proveedores, se decidió comenzar un primer ensayo utilizando plantas de aloe vera durante un periodo de un mes de verano. Se procedió a la colocación de plantas en un tubo conteniendo agua residual de una fosa séptica domiciliaria. La reducción de la DBO5 y la DQO fue notable aunque los resultados de la variación de nitratos y fosfatos no fueron concluyentes. Las altas temperaturas alcanzada en esas fechas por el agua circulante, finalmente imposibilitó la continuación del ensayo. Si bien esta primera puesta en marcha no resultó como se esperaba, aportó numerosa información para modificar el planteo del estudio, la forma de llevarlo a cabo y la puesta a punto de la propia instalación. El segundo ensayo se llevó a cabo en otoño con plantas de kenaf obtenidas del ensayo previo en suelo en una parcela piloto en los llanos de Villamartín, en la provincia de Cádiz. Antes de incorporar el agua al sistema hidropónico se analizaron todos los parámetros requeridos por la normativa española del agua para determinar su clasificación como agua residual doméstica. Luego se le dio seguimiento a la variación de los nutrientes, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio a lo largo de varias semanas para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las plantas de kenaf continuaron su desarrollo utilizando las sustancias disueltas en el agua residual como única fuente de nutrientes disponible. This research is presented as an alternative to reduce the pollution that wastewater discharges from towns generate when they end in lakes, ponds and reservoirs, by accelerating the eutrophication processes. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the reduction of nutrients, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, of domestic wastewater treated through hydroponics crops in a given period of time, noting at the same time the evolution of the selected crop. The system was designed to operate in closed circuit with the wastewater circulating through the roots of the studied plants. The selected crop was "kenaf", although after much time spent in obtaining seeds of "kenaf"by different vendors and the impossibility of achieving its germination; it was decided to start a first test using Aloe Vera plants for a period of one month in the summer. The plants were introduced in the holes of a tube containing septic wastewater. The BOD5 and COD reduction was remarkable though the results of the variation in nitrates and phosphates were inconclusive. High temperatures achieved in those dates by circulating water, eventually precluded the continuation of the test. Although this first implementation was not running as expected, it provided information to modify the proposal of the study, the way to carry it out and the development of the installation itself. The second test was conducted in autumn with kenaf plants obtained from the previous test in a pilot plant in the flatness of Villamartín, province of Cádiz. Before adding the water to the hydroponic system all the parameters required by the Spanish water regulations were analyzed to determine their classification as domestic waste water. Then, the variation of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was tracking over several weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Kenaf plants continued its development using the substances dissolved in wastewater as sole source of nutrients available.
Research on mushroom production and products is gaining more grounds globally and in particular Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine nutritional relationship between the substrate used for cultivation and the fruiting body on each of the substrates. Agro-wastes, namely: palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) fruit shaft, plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) leaves, sawdust and kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) stem, were assessed for suitability as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus floridanus Singer ). The spawn of the mushroom was used to inoculate each of the substrates, using a complete randomised design, with five replicates for each substrate. Results showed that all the substrates supported mycelia growth and development of fruiting bodies of the fungus. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among substrates in terms of number of days to complete mycelia run, with the least recorded in palm fruit shaft (25.20), and the highest in kenaf (32.40). Total yield also differed significantly (P<0.05), with the highest in palm fruit shaft (51.4 g 100 g-1) and lowest in plantain leaves (6.0 g 100 g-1). There was also significant difference (P<0.05) in the nutritional content of fruiting bodies, the highest fat content being on plantain leaves (1.72 g 100 g-1) and the lowest on palm fruit shaft (0.55 g 100 g-1). The trend was similar for mushroom substrates, plantain leaves having (2.55 g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft, (0.41g 100 g-1). Starch content for fruiting bodies was highest on sawdust (5.31 g 100 g-1) and lowest on kenaf (2.66 g 100 g-1), while for mushroom substrates, kenaf was (0.33g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft was (4.45g 100 g-1). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.24) between the nutrient of fruiting bodies and that of the substrate on which it was cultivated.