22 resultados para Kayak


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[crop from same image as bl015564]


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Little is known about the race performance characteristics of elite-level slalom canoeists or the magnitude of improvement necessary to enhance medal-winning prospects. Final placing in this sport is determined by the aggregate of semi-final and final run times inclusive of penalty times. We therefore used mixed linear modelling to analyse these times for finalists ranked in the top and bottom half in the men's canoe, men's kayak, and women's kayak boat classes at World Cups, World Championships, and Olympic Games from 2000 to 2007. The run-to-run variability for top-ranked athletes at different courses ranged from 0.8% to 3.2% (90% confidence limits ×/÷1.11-1.31), reflecting differences in how challenging these courses were. The race-to-race variability of aggregate run time was 1.2-2.1% (×/÷~1.09); 0.3 of this variability yields the smallest worthwhile enhancement of 0.4-0.6%. The variabilities of bottom-ranked finalists were approximately double those of top-ranked finalists. The home advantage was small (0.3-0.8%), and incurring a penalty had a marginal effect on reducing actual run time (0.2-0.7%). Correlation coefficients for performance predictability within competitions (0.06-0.35), within years (0.12-0.47), and between years (0.12-0.43) were poor. In conclusion, the variability of performance and smallest worthwhile enhancements in slalom canoe-kayaking are larger than those of comparable sports, and race outcomes are largely unpredictable.


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This study compared the effects of a low-frequency electrical stimulation (LFES; Veinoplus® Sport, Ad Rem Technology, Paris, France), a low-frequency electrical stimulation combined with a cooling vest (LFESCR) and an active recovery combined with a cooling vest (ACTCR) as recovery strategies on performance (racing time and pacing strategies), physiologic and perceptual responses between two sprint kayak simulated races, in a hot environment (∼32 wet-bulb-globe temperature). Eight elite male kayakers performed two successive 1000-m kayak time trials (TT1 and TT2), separated by a short-term recovery period, including a 30-min of the respective recovery intervention protocol, in a randomized crossover design. Racing time, power output, and stroke rate were recorded for each time trial. Blood lactate concentration, pH, core, skin and body temperatures were measured before and after both TT1 and TT2 and at mid- and post-recovery intervention. Perceptual ratings of thermal sensation were also collected. LFESCR was associated with a very likely effect in performance restoration compared with ACTCR (99/0/1%) and LFES conditions (98/0/2%). LFESCR induced a significant decrease in body temperature and thermal sensation at post-recovery intervention, which is not observed in ACTCR condition. In conclusion, the combination of LFES and wearing a cooling vest (LFESCR) improves performance restoration between two 1000-m kayak time trials achieved by elite athletes, in the heat.


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[EU]Ur bizietako piraguak edonolako ingurune basatietan garraiatzeko sistema baten diseinua garatuko du txosten honek. Horretarako dagoeneko existitzen diren modeloei erreparatuko zaie. Sistemak bete behar dituen ezaugarriak erabaki ondoren, diseinuari ekingo zaio. Hasierako ideietatik abiatuz amaierako diseinura iritsi arte fintze etapa ezberdinak burutuko dira. Haietariko azkenean, sortutako prototipoa aztertuko da azken hobekuntza batzuen beharra ebaluatzeko. Guzti hau, sistemak huts egingo ez duela bermatzen duten kalkuluetan oinarrituz egingo da. Azken diseinua sortzeko beharrezko neurriak zehaztuko dira.


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[EN]This project intends to establish a working path in order to create a company which will work on the leisure and tourist sector and will be located in Bizkaia. The company would offer adventure activities like water skiing, Jet Ski, kayak... To make sure the idea is profitable the project will entail some general stages: the market analysis, the marketing plan, the description of the idea and the economical and financial analysis. Apart of this the project will also contain some guidelines for the creation and subsequent management of the company, including the planning of human resources.


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Travail d'intégration réalisé dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.


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El manual presenta una serie de nociones elementales sobre el piragüismo, útiles para los que comiencen la práctica de este deporte. El enfoque del texto es eminentemente educativo facilitando el aprendizaje de iniciación de las modalidades de canoa y kayak.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: interdisciplinariedad y educación física


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Explica los fundamentos de la canoa, kayak, gimnasia, equitación, artes marciales, escalada, rodeo, patinaje, y la natación. Hace un énfasis en los deportes de seguridad y definiciones claras de la terminología especializada asociadas a cada deporte. Para trabajar en clase: explorar cómo se organizan por escrito las instrucciones. Lectura de sencillas instrucciones. Reconocer palabras compuestas, y utilizar este conocimiento para apoyar su ortografía. Resumir oralmente el contenido de un pasaje o texto.


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The aim of this study was to verify the kinetics of lactate production and removal in slalom kayak athletes, K1 category, during official competition. Eight male athletes (22,6 ± 4,3 years) participated of the study. For the analysis of lactate, 25µL of capillary blood were collected. The kinetics of lactate removal was performed before the warm-up (Pre), just after the competitors exit from the river (Post 0'), 5 (Post 5'), and 20 (Post 20') minutes. The results demonstrated a significant increase in lactate concentrations (9.8 mmol/l, 9.4 mmol/l and 6.6 mmol/l) at 0', 5' and 20' post respectively, with values of P<0.01. The findings indicate that after 20 minutes the values of lactate reduced significantly (P<0.05) compared to Pre exercise, suggesting that the athletes would indicate good metabolic conditions for the second turn of the race.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological, anthropometric, performance, and nutritional characteristics of the Brazil Canoe Polo National Team. Ten male canoe polo athletes (age 26.7 +/- 4.1 years) performed a battery of tests including assessments of anthropometric parameters, upper-body anaerobic power (Wingate), muscular strength, aerobic power, and nutritional profile. In addition, we characterized heart rate and plasma lactate responses and the temporal pattern of the effort/recovery during a simulated canoe polo match. The main results are as follows: body fat, 12.3 +/- 4.0%; upper-body peak and mean power, 6.8 +/- 0.5 and 4.7 +/- 0.4 W . kg(-1), respectively; 1-RM bench press, 99.1 +/- 11.7 kg; peak oxygen uptake, 44.3 +/- 5.8 mL . kg(-1) . min(-1); total energy intake, 42.8 +/- 8.6 kcal . kg(-1); protein, carbohydrate, and fat intakes, 1.9 +/- 0.1, 5.0 +/- 1.5, and 1.7 +/- 0.4 g . kg(-1), respectively; mean heart rate, 146 +/- 11 beats . min(-1); plasma lactate, 5.7 +/- 3.8 mmol . L-1 at half-time and 4.6 +/- 2.2 mmol . L-1 at the end of the match; effort time (relative to total match time), 93.1 +/- 3.0%; number of sprints, 9.6 +/- 4.4. The results of this study will assist coaches, trainers, and nutritionists in developing more adequate training programmes and dietary interventions for canoe polo athletes.


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Esta investigación quiere dar respuestas a lagunas que existen en el campo de las actividades del turismo activo o turismo de aventura, sobre el modo, la forma y el fondo de los servicios que se ofrecen a través de estas entidades y con qué criterios de calidad llegan al cliente actividades como: escalada, descenso de barrancos, hydrospeed, kayak, parapente, buceo, caída libre, flysurf, rutas ecuestres, multiaventura, senderismo, bicicleta de montaña, etc.