970 resultados para KIT mutation
The KIT receptor protein-tyrosine kinase plays an important role during embryonic development. Activation of KIT is crucial for the development of various cell lineages such as melanoblasts, stem cells of the haematopoietic system, spermatogonia and intestinal cells of Cajal. In mice, many mutations in the Kit gene cause pigmentation disorders accompanied by pleiotropic effects on blood cells and male fertility. Previous work has demonstrated that dominant white Franches-Montagnes horses carry one copy of the KIT gene with the p.Y717X mutation. The targeted breeding of white horses would be ethically questionable if white horses were known to suffer from anaemia or leukopenia. The present study demonstrates that no statistically significant differences in peripheral blood parameters are detectable between dominant white and solid-coloured Franches-Montagnes horses. The data indicate that KIT mutations may have different effects in mice, pigs, and horses. The KIT p.Y717X mutation does not have a major negative effect on the haematopoietic system of dominant white horses.
Exon 11 KIT mutations are found in a majority of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and are usually predictive of response to imatinib, a KIT, PDGFRA and ABL inhibitor. Exon 11 mutations with poor sensitivity to imatinib and poor outcome can be observed on rare occasions, including p.(L576P). In silico and in vitro studies suggested a decreased binding affinity for imatinib in p.(L576P) KIT mutations, thereby offering an explanation for their poor outcome and poor response to standard therapy. These observations were further corroborated with anecdotal case reports of refractoriness or non-durable response to imatinib therapy. However, we describe the favorable response to imatinib and outcome in 5 p.(L576P)-KIT mutant GIST patients treated at a tertiary sarcoma referral center. The sensitivity of p.(L576P)-KIT mutations to imatinib, and the prognostic impact of this mutation need to be further evaluated in a larger cohort. Based on our observations, p.(L576P) mutated GISTs should be treated with standard first line imatinib therapy.
Activating mutations in the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase have been identified in both rodent and human mast cell leukemia. One activating Kit mutation substitutes a valine for aspartic acid at codon 816 (D816V) and is frequently observed in human mastocytosis. Mutation at the equivalent position in the murine c-kit gene, involving a substitution of tyrosine for aspartic acid (D814Y), has been described in the mouse mastocytoma cell line P815. We have investigated the mechanism of oncogenic activation by this mutation. Expression of this mutant Kit receptor tyrosine kinase in a mast cell line led to the selective tyrosine phosphorylation of a 130-kDa protein and the degradation, through the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, of a 65-kDa phosphoprotein. The 65-kDa protein was identified as the src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, a negative regulator of signaling by Kit and other hematopoietic receptors, and the protein product of the murine motheaten locus. This mutation also altered the sites of receptor autophosphorylation and peptide substrate selectivity. Thus, this mutation activates the oncogenic potential of Kit by a novel mechanism involving an alteration in Kit substrate recognition and the degradation of SHP-1, an attenuator of the Kit signaling pathway.
Although gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is effectively treated with imatinib, there are a number of clinical challenges in the optimal treatment of these patients. The plasma steady-state trough level of imatinib has been proposed to correlate with clinical outcome. Plasma imatinib level may be affected by a number of patient characteristics. Additionally, the ideal plasma trough concentration of imatinib is likely to vary based on the KIT genotype (genotype determines imatinib binding affinity) of the individual patient. Patients’ genotype or plasma imatinib level may influence the type and duration of response that is appreciable by clinical evaluation. The objectives of this study were to determine effects of genotype on the type of response appreciable by current imaging criteria, to determine the distribution of plasma imatinib levels in patients with GIST, to determine factors that correlate with plasma imatinib level, to determine the incremental effects of imatinib dose escalation; and to explore the median plasma levels and outcomes of patients with various KIT mutations. We therefore obtained KIT mutation information and analyzed CT response for size and density measurement of GISTs at baseline and within the first four moths of imatinib treatment. In 126 patients with metastatic/unresectable disease, the KIT genotype of patients’ tumor was significantly associated with unique response characteristics measurable by CT. Furthermore, hepatic and peritoneal metastases differed in their response characteristics. A subgroup of patients with KIT exon 9 mutation, who received higher doses of imatinib and experienced higher trough imatinib levels, experienced improved progression-free survival similar to that of KIT exon 11 patients. Therefore, we have found that imatinib plasma levels were higher in patients with elevated Aspartate amino transferase, were women, were older, or were being treated concomitantly with CYP450 substrate drugs. As expected, CYP450 inducers correlated with a lower plasma imatinib levels in GIST patients. Renal metabolism of imatinib accounts for <10%, so it was not included in the analysis but may affect covariates. Interestingly, there was a trend for low imatinib levels and inferior progression-free survival in patients who had undergone complete gastrectomy. Patients with KIT exon 9 mutation in our cohort received higher imatinib doses, experienced higher trough imatinib levels, and experienced a PFS similar to that of KIT exon 11 patients. In conclusion, imatinib plasma levels are influenced by a number of patient characteristics. The optimal imatinib plasma level for individual patients is not known but is an area of intense investigation. Our study confirms patients with KIT exon 9 mutations benefit from high-dose imatinib and higher trough imatinib levels.
Several methods of mutation detection, such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), tandem SSCP/heteroduplex analysis and SNaPshot analysis were developed using homemade kit on ABI 310 genetic analyzer, and were successfully applied to mutation detection of 31 colorectal tumor samples. The sieving capability of homemade kit and commercial kit were compared, results demonstrate that homemade kit has higher resolution and shorter analysis time. In clinical tumor samples, 26% K-ras (exon 1) and 24% p53 (exons 7-8) were found to have mutations, and all mutations were single point variations. A majority of mutations occurred in one gene, only 1 tumor contained alterations in the two genes, which indicates that development of colorectal cancer lies on alternate pathways, and may correlate with different gene mutations.
Mutationen, die zu einer reduzierten Aktivität der Tyrosinkinase c-Kit führen, können zum Verlust von Mastzellen führen, weshalb entsprechende Mausstämme intensiv zur Erforschung von Mastzellfunktionen verwendet werden. C-Kit ist der Rezeptor für den in der Hämatopoese essentiellen Stammzellfaktor (SCF) und die vorliegende Arbeit hatte daher das Ziel, mögliche weitere Auswirkungen der Mutation KitW-sh auf die Hämatopoese in Mäusen zu untersuchen. Es zeigte sich, dass die KitW-sh-Mutation zu einer ausgeprägten extramedullären Hämatopoese in der Milz führt. Dies ist durch das vermehrte Vorkommen von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen und Vorläufern der myeloiden Zellreihe charakterisiert, die alle eine reduzierte Expression von c-Kit aufweisen. Detailiert untersucht wurde eine massiv expandierte Zellpopulation mit dem Phänotyp neutrophiler Granulozyten in den Milzen naiver KitW-sh-Mäuse. Es handelt sich hierbei jedoch um Zellen mit immunsuppressiven Eigenschaften, die in Wildtypmäusen typischerweise während der Entwicklung von Tumoren expandieren und als "myeloid-derived suppressor cells" (MDSC) angesprochen werden, eine phänotypisch und funktionell heterogene Zellgruppe. Die entsprechenden Zellen aus naiven KitW sh-Mäusen wurden als granulozytär-(G)-MDSC-ähnlichen Zellen bezeichnet, da sie in der Lage sind, in vitro die Proliferation von T-Zellen durch die Produktion reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies zu hemmen und nach Transfer in tumortragende Wildtypmäuse das Tumorwachstum zu begünstigen. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit unserer Beobachtung, dass der Transfer einer Karzinom-Zelllinie in KitW-sh-Mäusen zur Bildung größerer Tumore führt als in entsprechenden Wildtyp-Kontrolltieren, unabhängig von der Abwesenheit von Mastzellen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen einen starken Einfluss der KitW-sh-Mutation nicht nur auf die Entwicklung von Mastzellen, sondern auch auf die extramedulläre Myelopoese. Die Expansion G-MDSC-ähnlicher Zellen mit potentiell immunsuppressiven Eigenschaften kann die Verwendung von KitW-sh-Mäusen für die gezielte Untersuchung Mastzell-spezifischer Phänomene einschränken.
Both stem cells and mast cells express c-kit and proliferate after exposure to c-kit ligand. Mutations in c-kit may enhance or interfere with the ability of c-kit receptor to initiate the intracellular pathways resulting in cell proliferation. These observations suggested to us that mastocytosis might in some patients result from mutations in c-kit. cDNA synthesized from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with indolent mastocytosis, mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder, aggressive mastocytosis, solitary mastocytoma, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia unassociated with mastocytosis was thus screened for a mutation of c-kit. This analysis revealed that four of four mastocytosis patients with an associated hematologic disorder with predominantly myelodysplastic features had an A-->T substitution at nt 2468 of c-kit mRNA that causes an Asp-816-->Val substitution. One of one patient examined who had mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder had the corresponding mutation in genomic DNA. Identical or similar amino acid substitutions in mast cell lines result in ligand-independent autophosphorylation of the c-kit receptor. This mutation was not identified in the patients within the other disease categories or in 67 of 67 controls. The identification of the point mutation Asp816Val in c-kit in patients with mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder provides insight not only into the pathogenesis of this form of mastocytosis but also into how hematopoiesis may become dysregulated and may serve to provide a means of confirming the diagnosis, assessing prognosis, and developing intervention strategies.
BACKGROUND: Although most gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) carry oncogenic mutations in KIT exons 9, 11, 13 and 17, or in platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRA) exons 12, 14 and 18, around 10% of GIST are free of these mutations. Genotyping and accurate detection of KIT/PDGFRA mutations in GIST are becoming increasingly useful for clinicians in the management of the disease. METHOD: To evaluate and improve laboratory practice in GIST mutation detection, we developed a mutational screening quality control program. Eleven laboratories were enrolled in this program and 50 DNA samples were analysed, each of them by four different laboratories, giving 200 mutational reports. RESULTS: In total, eight mutations were not detected by at least one laboratory. One false positive result was reported in one sample. Thus, the mean global rate of error with clinical implication based on 200 reports was 4.5%. Concerning specific polymorphisms detection, the rate varied from 0 to 100%, depending on the laboratory. The way mutations were reported was very heterogeneous, and some errors were detected. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that such a program was necessary for laboratories to improve the quality of the analysis, because an error rate of 4.5% may have clinical consequences for the patient.
Familial cutaneous mastocytosis is an exceptional condition of unknown etiology. In this study we report the largest series of patients with familial cutaneous mastocytosis without other manifestations (18 affected subjects from seven unrelated families), and we investigate the role of germ-line KIT mutations in the pathogenesis of the disease. The mean age at onset was 5.4 years (range from birth to 22 years), and the clinical behavior was variable over a mean follow up period of 15.1 years (range 2-36): improvement in seven, stability in eight and worsening in the remaining three patients. The pattern of inheritance was compatible with an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance; a female preponderance (14 females vs 4 males, ratio 3.5:1) was noted; among the six women who have been pregnant at least once, three experienced important clinical changes during pregnancy. No germ-line mutation was found in the exons 10, 11, and 17 of the KIT proto-oncogene, which are the most commonly mutated exons in sporadic mastocytosis. However, in the majority of affected subjects we found the Met541Leu polymorphic variant of the KIT gene, which seems to confer a growth advantage to mast cells in vitro. This observation further suggests that the Met541Leu may be a predisposing factor of cutaneous mastocytosis, although it seems to be neither necessary nor sufficient for the development of the disease.
White coat color has been a highly valued trait in horses for at least 2,000 years. Dominant white (W) is one of several known depigmentation phenotypes in horses. It shows considerable phenotypic variation, ranging from approximately 50% depigmented areas up to a completely white coat. In the horse, the four depigmentation phenotypes roan, sabino, tobiano, and dominant white were independently mapped to a chromosomal region on ECA 3 harboring the KIT gene. KIT plays an important role in melanoblast survival during embryonic development. We determined the sequence and genomic organization of the approximately 82 kb equine KIT gene. A mutation analysis of all 21 KIT exons in white Franches-Montagnes Horses revealed a nonsense mutation in exon 15 (c.2151C>G, p.Y717X). We analyzed the KIT exons in horses characterized as dominant white from other populations and found three additional candidate causative mutations. Three almost completely white Arabians carried a different nonsense mutation in exon 4 (c.706A>T, p.K236X). Six Camarillo White Horses had a missense mutation in exon 12 (c.1805C>T, p.A602V), and five white Thoroughbreds had yet another missense mutation in exon 13 (c.1960G>A, p.G654R). Our results indicate that the dominant white color in Franches-Montagnes Horses is caused by a nonsense mutation in the KIT gene and that multiple independent mutations within this gene appear to be responsible for dominant white in several other modern horse populations.
White spotting phenotypes have been intensively studied in horses, and although similar phenotypes occur in the donkey, little is known about the molecular genetics underlying these patterns in donkeys. White spotting in donkeys can range from only a few white areas to almost complete depigmentation and is characterised by a loss of pigmentation usually progressing from a white spot in the hip area. Completely white-born donkeys are rare, and the phenotype is characterised by the complete absence of pigment resulting in pink skin and a white coat. A dominant mode of inheritance has been demonstrated for spotting in donkeys. Although the mode of inheritance for the completely white phenotype in donkeys is not clear, the phenotype shows similarities to dominant white in horses. As variants in the KIT gene are known to cause a range of white phenotypes in the horse, we investigated the KIT gene as a potential candidate gene for two phenotypes in the donkey, white spotting and white. A mutation analysis of all 21 KIT exons identified a missense variant in exon 4 (c.662A>C; p.Tyr221Ser) present only in a white-born donkey. A second variant affecting a splice donor site (c.1978+2T>A) was found exclusively in donkeys with white spotting. Both variants were absent in 24 solid-coloured controls. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study investigating genetic mechanisms underlying white phenotypes in donkeys. Our results suggest that two independent KIT alleles are probably responsible for white spotting and white in donkeys.
The mouse rump white (Rw) mutation causes a pigmentation defect in heterozygotes and embryonic lethality in homozygotes. At embryonic day (E) 7.5, Rw/Rw embryos are retarded in growth, fail to complete neurulation and die around E 9.5. The Rw mutation is associated with a chromosomal inversion spanning 30 cM of the proximal portion of mouse chromosome 5. The Rw embryonic lethality is complemented by the W19H deletion, which spans the distal boundary of the Rw inversion, suggesting that the Rw lethality is not caused by the disruption of a gene at the distal end of the inversion. Here, we report the molecular characterization of sequences disrupted by both inversion breakpoints. These studies indicate that the distal breakpoint of the inversion is associated with ectopic Kit expression and therefore may be responsible for the dominant pigmentation defect in Rw/+ mice; whereas the recessive lethality of Rw is probably due to the disruption of the gene encoding dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6, Dpp6 [Wada, K., Yokotani, N., Hunter, C., Doi, K., Wenthold, R. J. & Shimasaki, S. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 197–201] located at the proximal inversion breakpoint.
The genetic basis for virulence in influenza virus is largely unknown. To explore the mutational basis for increased virulence in the lung, the H3N2 prototype clinical isolate, A/HK/1/68, was adapted to the mouse. Genomic sequencing provided the first demonstration, to our knowledge, that a group of 11 mutations can convert an avirulent virus to a virulent variant that can kill at a minimal dose. Thirteen of the 14 amino acid substitutions (93%) detected among clonal isolates were likely instrumental in adaptation because of their positive selection, location in functional regions, and/or independent occurrence in other virulent influenza viruses. Mutations in virulent variants repeatedly involved nuclear localization signals and sites of protein and RNA interaction, implicating them as novel modulators of virulence. Mouse-adapted variants with the same hemagglutinin mutations possessed different pH optima of fusion, indicating that fusion activity of hemagglutinin can be modulated by other viral genes. Experimental adaptation resulted in the selection of three mutations that were in common with the virulent human H5N1 isolate A/HK/156/97 and that may be instrumental in its extreme virulence. Analysis of viral adaptation by serial passage appears to provide the identification of biologically relevant mutations.