999 resultados para KERATINOCYTES CULTURE


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En 2009 se presento la estandarización de cultivos de queratinocitos autólogos cultivados en suero autólogo. En este estudio los autores describen la efectividad de estos parches de regeneración de piel, para la cobertura de áreas cruentas con indicación de injerto de piel parcial. El porcentaje de epitelización del área cruenta fue el punto principal. Métodos: 47 pacientes fueron incluidos consecutivamente, equivalentes a 78 áreas cruentas. Las áreas fueron estratificadas según la profundidad: grupo 1:IIA (n=8) grupo 2: IIB (n=39); grupo 3,III (n=24) y grupo 4, etiología diferente: Otras (n=7). Todas las áreas fueron tratadas con injertos de queratinocitos autólogos cultivados en suero autólogo y se realizo registro fotográfico y del porcentaje de epitelización al día 5, 7, 15 y 30. Resultados: La efectividad de los injertos de queratinocitos autólogos es de 53.16% ± 46.46%. El porcentaje de epitelización es mayor para el grupo 1 (100%) y grupo 2 (62.79%) que para el grupo 3 (27.57%) y el grupo 4 (33.86%). Se encontró relación entre la interacción de las medianas del porcentaje de epitelización entre área corporal y grado de quemadura (p<0.001 KW) siendo mayor para el grupo 1 en todas las áreas, grupo 2 en cara, grupo 3 en tronco y grupo 4 en cara; y el menor porcentaje de epitelización en el grupo 3 y grupo 4 de las áreas ubicadas tronco. Conclusión: Los injertos de queratinocitos autólogos cultivados en suero autólogo son un método de cobertura eficaz para áreas cruentas producidas por quemaduras IIA y IIB independientemente del tamaño y la localización , y para las áreas cruentas pequeñas (<9cm2) de etiología diferente o grado III de profundidad. Palabras Clave: Cultivo queratinocitos, cobertura áreas cruentas, efectividad.


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Cell therapy is a therapeutic strategy used to replace or repair damaged tissue. The epithelium transplantation of cultivated keratinocytes has been applied to several modalities of reconstruction, like oral, urethra and ocular surface. Life and death signals work coordinately to ensure cellular quality control and the viability of an organism. The aim of this study is to verify that culture conditions did not induce genetic mutations through the analysis of the key genes: pAKT, Pten, p53 and MDM2 and investigate the presence of the related proteins in human oral keratinocytes obtained by primary culture and in vitro cultivated. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues from the oral cavity were utilized as control for normal expression of the related markers and two oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines provided the expression pattern of the proposed markers in the event of cellular transformation. Akt, PTEN, p53 and MDM2 immunohistochemistry and Western-Blotting analyzes were performed. The results showed the expression levels and intracellular localizations of the four proteins evaluated. These analyzes confirmed that the produced in vitro epithelium is bio-compatible for its utilization as reconstruction and reparatory tissue, however further analyses and additional research on other biomarkers should be performed to analyse the long term engraftment of transplantable primary culture of oral keratinocytes and the long term resistance to cellular transformation.


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The incidences of skin cancers resulting from chronic ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure are on the incline both in Australia and globally. Hence, the cellular and molecular pathways associated with UVR-induced photocarcinogenesis urgently need to be elucidated, in order to develop more robust preventative and treatment strategies against skin cancers. In vitro investigations into the effects of UVR (in particular the highly-mutagenic UVB wavelength) have, to date, mainly involved the use of cell culture and animal models. However, these models possess biological disparities to native skin, which to some extent have limited their relevance to the in vivo situation. To address this, we characterised a 3-dimensional, tissue-engineered human skin equivalent (HSE) model (consisting of primary human keratinocytes cultured on a dermal-derived scaffold) as a representation of a more physiologically-relevant platform to study keratinocyte responses to UVB. Significantly, we demonstrate that this model retains several important epidermal properties of native skin. Moreover, UVB-irradiation of the HSE constructs was shown to induce key markers of photodamage in the HSE keratinocytes, including the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, the activation of apoptotic pathways, the accumulation of p53 and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines. Importantly, we also demonstrate that the UVB-exposed HSE constructs retain the capacity for epidermal repair and regeneration following photodamage. Together, our results demonstrate the potential of this skin equivalent model as a tool to study various aspects of the acute responses of human keratinocytes to UVB radiation damage.


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We have developed a method to test the cytotoxicity of wound dressings, ointments, creams and gels used in our Burn Centre, by placing them on a permeable Nunc Polycarbonate cell culture insert, incubated with a monolayer of cells (HaCaTs and primary human keratinocytes). METHODS: We performed two different methods to determine the relative toxicity to cells. (1) Photo visualisation: The dressings or compounds were positioned on the insert's membrane which was placed onto the monolayer tissue culture plate. After 24 h the surviving adherent cells were stained with Toluidine Blue and photos of the plates were taken. The acellular area of non-adherent dead cells which had been washed off with buffer was measured as a percentage of the total area of the plate. (2) Cell count of surviving cells: After 24 h incubation with the test material, the remaining cells were detached with trypsin, spun down and counted in a Haemocytometer with Trypan Blue, which differentiates between live and dead cells. RESULTS: Seventeen products were tested. The least cytotoxic products were Melolite, White soft Paraffin and Chlorsig1% Ointment. Some cytotoxicity was shown with Jelonet, Mepitel((R)), PolyMem((R)), DuoDerm((R)) and Xeroform. The most cytotoxic products included those which contained silver or Chlorhexidine and Paraffin Cream a moisturizer which contains the preservative Chlorocresol. CONCLUSION: This in vitro cell culture insert method allows testing of agents without direct cell contact. It is easy and quick to perform, and should help the clinician to determine the relative cytotoxicity of various dressings and the optimal dressing for each individual wound.


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RESUMO: A pele é o maior órgão do corpo humano e a sua pigmentação é essencial para a sua coloração e proteção contra os efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta (UV). A pigmentação da pele resulta essencialmente de três processos: a síntese e o armazenamento de melanina pelos melanócitos, em organelos especializados denominados melanossomas; o transporte dos melanossomas dentro dos melanócitos; e finalmente, a transferência dos melanossomas para os queratinócitos adjacentes. Nos queratinócitos, a melanina migra para a região perinuclear apical da célula para formar um escudo protetor,responsável pela proteção do DNA dos danos causados pela radiação UV. Os melanócitos estão localizados na camada basal da epiderme e contactam com 30-40 queratinócitos. Em conjunto, estas células formam a “unidade melano-epidérmica”. Apesar dos processos de síntese e transporte de melanina nos melanócitos estarem bastante bem caracterizados, os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à transferência inter-celular de melanina são menos conhecidos e ainda controversos. Dados preliminares obtidos pelo nosso grupo, que se basearam na observação de amostras de pele humana por microscopia electrónica, indicam que a forma predominante de transferência de melanina na epiderme consiste na exocitose dos melanossomas pelos melanócitos e subsequente endocitose da melanina por queratinócitos. Para além disso sabe-se que as proteínas Rab, que controlam o tráfego membranar, estão envolvidas em várias etapas de pigmentação da pele, nomeadamente na biogénese e no transporte de melanina. Assim, dado o seu papel fundamental nestes processos, questionámo-nos sobre o seu envolvimento na transferência de melanina. Com este trabalho, propomo-nos a expandir o conhecimento atual sobre a transferência de melanina na pele, através do estudo detalhado dos seus mecanismos moleculares, identificando as proteínas Rab que regulam o processo. Pretendemos também confirmar o modelo de exo/endocitose como sendo o mecanismo principal de transferência de melanina. Primeiro, explorámos a regulação da secreção de melanina pelos melanócitos e analisámos o papel de proteínas Rab neste processo. Os resultados foram obtidos recorrendo a um método in vitro, desenvolvido previamente no laboratório, que avalia a quantidade de melanina segregada para o meio de cultura por espectrofotometria, e ainda por microscopia, contando o número de melanossomas transferidos para os queratinócitos. Através de co-culturas de melanócitos e queratinócitos, verificou-se que os queratinócitos estimulam a libertação de melanina dos melanócitos para o meio extra-celular, bem como a sua transferência para os queratinócitos. Além disso, a proteína Rab11b foi identificada como um regulador da exocitose de melanina e da sua transferência para os queratinócitos. De facto, a diminuição da expressão de Rab11b em melanócitos provocou a redução da secreção de melanina estimulada por queratinócitos, bem como da transferência desta. Em segundo lugar, para complementar o nosso estudo, centrámos a nossa investigação na internalização de melanina por queratinócitos. Especificamente, usando uma biblioteca de siRNA, explorámos o envolvimento de proteínas Rab na captação de melanina por queratinócitos. Como primeira abordagem, usámos esferas fluorescentes como substituto de melanina, avaliando os resultados por citometria de fluxo. No entanto, este método revelou-se ineficaz uma vez que a internalização destas esferas é independente do recetor PAR-2 (recetor 2 ativado por protease), que foi previamente descrito como essencial na captação de melanina por queratinócitos Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um novo protocolo de endocitose baseado em microscopia, usando melanossomas sem a membrana envolvente (melanocores) purificados do meio de cultura de melanócitos, incluindo um programa informático especialmente desenhado para realizar uma análise semi-automatizada. Após internalização, os melanocores acumulam-se na região perinuclear dos queratinócitos, em estruturas que se assemelham ao escudo supranuclear observado na pele humana. Seguidamente, o envolvimento do recetor PAR-2 na captação de melanocores por queratinócitos foi confirmado, utilizando o novo protocolo de endocitose desenvolvido. Para além disso, a necessidade de quatro proteínas Rab foi identificada na internalização de melanocores por queratinócitos. A redução da expressão de Rab1a ou Rab5b em queratinócitos diminuiu significativamente o nível de internalização de melanocores, enquanto o silenciamento da expressão de Rab2a ou Rab14 aumentou a quantidade de melanocores internalizados por estas células. Em conclusão, os resultados apresentados corroboram as observações anteriores, obtidas em amostras de pele humana, e sugerem que o mecanismo de transferência predominante é a exocitose de melanina pelos melanócitos, induzida por queratinócitos, seguida por endocitose pelos queratinócitos. A pigmentação da pele tem implicações tanto ao nível da cosmética, como ao nível médico, relacionadas com foto-envelhecimento e com doenças pigmentares. Assim sendo, ao esclarecer quais os mecanismos moleculares que regulam a transferência de melanina na pele, este trabalho pode conduzir ao desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para modular a pigmentação da pele.----------------ABSTRACT: Skin pigmentation is achieved through the highly regulated production of the pigment melanin in specialized organelles, termed melanosomes within melanocytes. These are transported from their site of synthesis to the melanocyte periphery before being transferred to keratinocytes where melanin forms a supra-nuclear cap to protect the DNA from UVinduced damage. Together, melanocytes and keratinocytes form a functional complex, termed “epidermal-melanin unit”, that confers color and photoprotective properties to the skin. Skin pigmentation requires three processes: the biogenesis of melanin; its intracelular transport within the melanocyte to the cell periphery; and the melanin transfer to keratinocytes. The first two processes have been extensively characterized. However, despite significant advances that have been made over the past few years, the mechanisms underlying inter-cellular transfer of pigment from melanocytes to keratinocytes remain controversial.Preliminary studies from our group using electron microscopy and human skin samples found evidence for a mechanism of coupled exocytosis-endocytosis. Rab GTPases are master regulators of intracellular trafficking and have already been implicated in several steps of skin pigmentation. Thus, we proposed to explore and characterize the molecular mechanisms of melanin transfer and the role of Rab GTPases in this process. Moreover, we investigated whether the exo/endocytosis model is the main mechanism of melanin transfer. We first focused on melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. Then, we started to investigate the key regulatory Rab proteins involved in this step by establishing an in vitro tissue culture model of melanin secretion. Using co-cultures of melanocytes and keratinocytes, we found that keratinocytes stimulate melanin release and transfer. Moreover, depletion of Rab11b decreases keratinocyte-induced melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. In order to determine whether melanin exocytosis is a predominant mechanism of melanin transfer, the amount of melanin transferred to keratinocytes was then assayed in conditions where melanin exocytosis was inhibited. Indeed, Rab11b depletion resulted in a significant decrease in melanin uptake by keratinocytes. Taken together, these observations suggest that Rab11b mediates melanosome exocytosis from melanocytes and transfer to keratinocytes. To complement and extend our study, we of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptakecentred our attention in the internalization of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptake.Therefore, we concluded that microspheres were uptaken by keratinocytes through a different pathway than melanin. Subsequently, we developed a microscopy-based endocytosis assay using purified melanocores (melanosomes lacking the limiting membrane) from melanocytes, including a program to perform a semi-automated analysis. Melanocores are taken up by keratinocytes and accumulate in structures in the perinuclear area that resemble the physiological supranuclear cap observed in human skin. We then confirmed the involvement of PAR-2 receptor in the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes, using the newly developed assay. Furthermore, we identified the role of four Rab GTPases on the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes. Depletion of Rab1a and Rab5b from keratinocytes significantly reduced the uptake of melanocores, whereas Rab2a, and Rab14 silencing increased the amount the melanocores internalized by XB2 keratinocytes. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting keratinocyte-inducedmelanosome exocytosis from melanocytes, followed by endocytosis of the melanin core by keratinocytes as the predominant mechanism of melanin transfer in skin. Although advances have been made, there is a need for more effective and safer therapies directed at pigmentation disorders and also treatments for cosmetic applications. Hence, the understanding of the above mechanisms of skin pigmentation will lead to a greater appreciation of the molecular machinery underlying human skin pigmentation and could interest the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.


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Treatment of murine Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts and XB/2 keratinocytes with UV-B light (302 nm) resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of [125I] epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding. The light dose required to achieve 50% inhibition of binding in both cell types was 80–85 J/m2 Decreased [125I] platelet-derived growth factor binding was not evoked even by light doses of up to 280 J/m2 UV-B irradiation did not stimultate phosphorylation of the 80 kd protein substrate for protein kinase C. Furthermore, its effect on [125I]EGF binding was not altered as a consequence of protein kinase C down-regulation following prolonged exposure of cells to phorbol esters. These results indicate that UV-B-induced transmodulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor is a specific event mediated through a protein kinase C-indepen dent pathway. Transfer of culture medium from irradiated cells to untreated control cells showed this effect was not induced as a result of transforming growth factor α release and subsequent binding to the EGF receptor in these cells.


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To evaluate the cytotoxicity of PDT (photodynamic therapy) with Photogem (R) associated to blue LED (light-emitting diode) on L929 and MDPC-23 cell cultures, 30000 cells/cm(2) were seeded in 24-well plates for 48 h, incubated with Photogem (R) (10, 25 or 50 mg/l) and irradiated with an LED source (460 +/- 3 nm; 22 mW/cm(2)) at two energy densities (25.5 or 37.5 J/cm(2)). Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT (methyltetrazolium) assay (Dunnet`s post hoc tests) and cell morphology by SEM (scanning electron microscopy). Flow cytometry analysed the type of PDT-induced cell death as well and estimated intracellular production of ROS (reactive oxygen species). There was a statistically significant decrease of mitochondrial activity (90% to 97%) for all Photogem (R) concentrations associated to blue LED, regardless of irradiation time. It was also demonstrated that the mitochondrial activity was not recovered after 12 or 24 h, characterizing irreversible cell damage. PDT-treated cells presented an altered morphology with ill-defined limits. In both cell lines, there was a predominance of necrotic cell death and the presence of Photogem (R) or irradiation increased the intracellular levels of ROS. PDT caused severe toxic effects in normal cell culture, characterized by the reduction of the mitochondrial activity, morphological alterations and induction of necrotic cell death.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies using cultured cells allow one to dissect complex cellular mechanisms in greater detail than when studying living organisms alone. However, before cultured cells can deliver meaningful results they must accurately represent the in vivo situation. Over the last three to four decades considerable effort has been devoted to the development of culture media which improve in vitro growth and modeling accuracy. In contrast to earlier large-scale, non-specific screening of factors, in recent years the development of such media has relied increasingly on a deeper understanding of the cell's biology and the selection of growth factors to specifically activate known biological processes. These new media now enable equal or better cell isolation and growth, using significantly simpler and less labor-intensive methodologies. Here we describe a simple method to isolate and cultivate epidermal keratinocytes from embryonic or neonatal skin on uncoated plastic using a medium specifically designed to retain epidermal keratinocyte progenitors in an undifferentiated state for improved isolation and proliferation and an alternative medium to support terminal differentiation.


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Epidermis is renewed by a population of stem cells that have been defined in vivo by slow turnover, label retention, position in the epidermis, and enrichment in β1 integrin, and in vitro by clonogenic growth, prolonged serial passage, and rapid adherence to extracellular matrix. The goal of this study is to determine whether clonogenic cells with long-term growth potential in vitro persist in vivo and give rise to a fully differentiated epidermis. Human keratinocytes were genetically labeled in culture by transduction with a retrovirus encoding the lacZ gene and grafted to athymic mice. Analysis of the cultures before grafting showed that 21.1–27.8% of clonogenic cells with the capacity for >30 generations were successfully transduced. In vivo, β-galactosidase (β-gal) positive cells participated in the formation of a fully differentiated epithelium and were detected throughout the 40-week postgraft period, initially as loosely scattered clusters and later as distinct vertical columns. Viable cells recovered from excised grafts were seeded at clonal densities and 23.3–33.3% of the colonies thus formed were β-gal positive. In addition, no evidence of transgene inactivation was obtained: all keratinocyte colonies recovered from grafted tissue that were β-gal negative also lacked the lacZ transgene. These results show that cells with long-term growth properties in vitro do indeed persist in vivo and form a fully differentiated epidermis, thereby exhibiting the properties of stem cells.


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Cell–substratum adhesion is an essential requirement for survival of human neonatal keratinocytes in vitro. Similarly, activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) has recently been implicated not only in cell cycle progression but also in survival of normal keratinocytes. The mechanisms by which either cell–substratum adhesion or EGF-R activation protect keratinocytes from programmed cell death are poorly understood. Here we describe that blockade of the EGF-R and inhibition of substratum adhesion share a common downstream event, the down-regulation of the cell death protector Bcl-xL. Expression of Bcl-xL protein was down-regulated during forced suspension culture of keratinocytes, concurrent with large-scale apoptosis. Similarly, EGF-R blockade was accompanied by down-regulation of Bcl-xL steady-state mRNA and protein levels to an extent comparable to that observed in forced suspension culture. However, down-regulation of Bcl-xL expression by EGF-R blockade was not accompanied by apoptosis; in this case, a second signal, generated by passaging, was required to induce rapid and large-scale apoptosis. These findings are consistent with the conclusions that (i) Bcl-xL represents a shared molecular target for signaling through cell-substrate adhesion receptors and the EGF-R, and (ii) reduced levels of Bcl-xL expression through EGF-R blockade lower the tolerance of keratinocytes for cell death signals generated by cellular stress.


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Normal epithelial cells undergo apoptosis when they are denied contact with the extracellular matrix, in a process termed “anoikis.” Conversely, malignant epithelial cells typically acquire anchorage independence, i.e., the capacity to survive and grow in the absence of matrix interaction. Here we asked the question whether anoikis is affected by signaling through the EGF receptor (EGFR). We focused on the EGFR because EGFR signaling is frequently deregulated in malignant epithelial cells. We demonstrate that EGFR activation markedly alleviated the requirement of matrix engagement for survival of primary and immortalized human keratinocytes in suspension culture. Protection of epithelial cells through EGFR activation against anoikis was associated with and required sustained MAPK phosphorylation during the early phase of suspension culture. Interestingly, high levels of MAPK phosphorylation were not only required for EGFR-mediated protection against anoikis but also occurred as a consequence of caspase activation at later stages of suspension culture. These results demonstrate that EGFR activation contributes to anchorage-independent epithelial cell survival and identify MAPK activation as an important mechanism in this process.