106 resultados para Jiu-jitsu.


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Este estudo epidemiológico teve por objetivo investigar a prevalência de injúria orofacial em dois grupos de atletas. O primeiro grupo foi de atletas integrantes do Fluminense Futebol Clube, em Xerém, e o segundo de atletas praticantes do jiu-jitsu em diferentes academias ou que participaram do Campeonato Brasileiro em 2011, no Rio de Janeiro. Um examinador calibrado, auxiliado por um assistente, preencheu os questionários com todos os atletas, seguido do exame clínico de todos. Grupo I: 260 atletas do Fluminense Futebol Clube com idade média de 14,08 (DP 2,71) anos de idade, todos do gênero masculino. Grupo II: 315 atletas de diversas academias de jiu-jitsu com idade média de 26,86 (DP 8,99), dentre esses indivíduos, apenas 10 eram do gênero feminino. A prevalência de injúrias orofaciais encontrada para o Grupo I foi de 47% (n=122; IC 95% 40,94% a 52,99%) e no Grupo II de 74,6% (n=235; IC 95% 69,52% a 79,09%). Considerando-se a prevalência de trauma apenas no elemento dentário, a prevalência diminuiu de 147 injúrias para 57 traumas dentais no futebol e de 289 injúrias para 93 traumas dentais no jiu-jitsu. Foi observada uma menor prevalência de injúria orofacial nos goleiros quando comparados aos outros jogadores de futebol. A maior parte das injúrias ocorreu durante o período do treino (n=42; IC 95% 26,59% a 43,22%) e apenas 4 desses atletas usavam protetor bucal. Por outro lado, no jiu-jitsu, a prevalência de injúria variou de acordo com a cor da faixa do uniforme do atleta. Os atletas da faixa preta exibiram mais injúrias (n=83). Atletas que treinavam de 7 a 15 horas por semana, sofreram mais injúria (n=109). A maioria das injúrias ocorreu durante o treino. Somente 28,57% dos atletas (IC 95% 23,86% a 33,79%) usavam protetor bucal. Nos dois esportes, a maioria dos atletas sofreu apenas uma injúria, sendo o tipo mais frequente em tecido mole. O dente mais atingido foi o incisivo central superior. Estes dados ressaltam a importância de incentivar o uso de protetores bucais em esportes de contato como o futebol e o jiu-jitsu, onde o seu uso não é obrigatório, apesar da prevalência de injúria orofacial ser alta.


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In this study, the physiological responses and rate of perceived exertion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighters submitted to a combat simulation were investigated. Venous blood samples and heart rate were taken from twelve male Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes (27.1+/-2.7 yrs, 75.4+/-8.8 kg, 174.9+/-4.4 cm, 9.2+/-2.4% fat), at rest, after a warm-up (ten minutes), immediately after the fight simulation (seven minutes) and after recovery (fourteen minutes). After the combat the rate of perceived exertion was collected. The combat of the Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighters did not change blood concentrations of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein, ureia and ammonia. However, blood levels of high density lipoprotein were significantly higher post-fight (before: 43.0+/-6.9 mg/dL, after: 45.1+/-8.0 mg/dL) and stayed at high levels during the recovery period (43.6+/-8.1 mg/dL) compared to the rest values (40.0+/-6.6 mg/dL). The fight did not cause changes in the concentrations of the cell damage markers of creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatinine. However, blood concentrations of the alanine aminotransferase (before: 16.1+/-7.1 U/L, after: 18.6+/-7.1 U/L) and lactate dehydrogenase (before: 491.5+/-177.6 U/L, after: 542.6+/-141.4 U/L) enzymes were elevated after the fight. Heart rate (before: 122+/-25 bpm, after: 165+/-17 bpm) and lactate (before: 2.5+/-1.2 mmol/L, after: 11.9+/-5.8 mmol/L) increased significantly with the completion of combat. Despite this, the athletes rated the fight as being light or somewhat hard (12+/-2). These results showed that muscle glycogen is not the only substrate used in Brazilian jiu-jitsu fights, since there are indications of activation of the glycolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic pathways. Furthermore, the athletes rated the combats as being light or somewhat hard although muscle damage markers were generated.


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Moreira, A, Franchini, E, Freitas, CG, Arruda, AFS, Moura, NR, Costa, EC, and Aoki, MS. Salivary cortisol and immunoglobulin A responses to simulated and official Jiu-Jitsu matches. J Strength Cond Res 26(8): 2185-2191, 2012-The aim of this study was to compare the salivary cortisol (sC) and the salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA) responses to simulated and official Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) matches. Saliva samples were collected from 9 male BJJ athletes before (pre) and after (post) 2 simulated matches (SMs) and 2 official matches (OMs) performed during 2 different competitions. Salivary cortisol and sIgA concentrations (absolute concentration of sIgA [sIgA(abs)] and the secretion rate of sIgA [sIgA(rate)]) were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. For sC, there was an effect of condition (SM vs. OM) (p < 0.05) and a time effect (pre and post) (p < 0.05). The sC was lower during SMs as compared with that during OMs and lower at premeasurement when compared with postmeasurement. No changes were observed for sIgA measurements. In summary, both SMs and official BJJ matches can increase sC levels. Moreover, the higher sC resting levels, observed before OMs, suggest that psychological factors associated with high physical-physiological demands from official BJJ competitions maximize stress hormone responses. In addition, the present findings suggest that the acute effect of BJJ matches on mucosal immunity is minimal, and it seems unlikely that changes in cortisol play a major role in the alterations in sIgA levels in response to BJJ matches. The findings of this study suggest that the use of sC can provide valuable information for coaches regarding athletes' responses to competition. In addition, psychological strategies should be implemented before events, to improve the manner in which BJJ athletes cope with the stress inherent to official matches.


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Background and Study Aim: The grip strength endurance is important for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Thus, the aims of this study were: a) to test the reliability of two kimono grip strength tests named maximum static lift (MSL) and maximum number of repetitions (MNR) and b) to examine differences between elite and non-elite BJJ players in these tests. Material/Methods: Thirty BJJ players participated into two phases: "A" to test reliability and "B" to compare elite and non-elite. In phase A, twenty participants performed the MSL and, 15 min later, the MNR in two occasions with 24-h interval. In phase B, ten other BJJ practitioners (non-elite) and ten athletes (elite) performed the same tests. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) two way fixed model (3,1), Bland-Altman plot and the limits of agreement were used to test reliability, correlation between the tests were evaluated by Pearson correlations and independent T test (P<0.05) was utilized to compare elite vs. non-elite. Results: The ICC was high for repeated measurements on different days of phase A (MSL: r=0.99 and MNR: r=0.97). Limits of agreement for time of suspension were -6.9 to 2.4-s, with a mean difference of -2.3 s (CI: -3.3 to -1.2-s), while for number of repetitions the limits of agreement were -2.9 to 2.3-rep, with a mean difference of -0.3-rep (CI: -0.9 to 0.3-rep). In phase B, elite presented better performance for both tests (P<0.05) compared to non-elite (56 +/- 10-s vs. 37 +/- 11-s in MSL and 15 +/- 4-rep vs. 8 +/- 3-rep in MNR). Moderate correlation were found between MSL and MNR for absolute values during test (r=0.475; p=0.034), and retest phases (r=0.489; p=0.029), while moderate and high correlations in the test (r=0.615; p=0.004) and retest phases (r=0.716; p=0.001) were found for relative values, respectively. Conclusions: These proposed tests are reliable and both static and dynamic grip strength endurance tests seem to differentiate BJJ athletes from different levels.


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Athletes from many sports that are categorized by body mass tend to reduce it to fit in lower categories. Such reduction can compromise the athlete's performance and health. In order to determine the most appropriate category, the body composition is highly relevant, especially to avoid excessive reduction. Thus, this study analyzed the morphological profile of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu elite athletes. The sample was composed of 11 athletes, aged 25.8 +/- 3.3 years, medalists in national and/or international competitions. The analysis was performed to determine the anthropometric body composition and somatotype. Body fat percentage from this population was 10.3 +/- 2.6 % fat, a high percentage of muscle mass (61.3 +/- 1.5 %), and predominant mesomorphic component (5.5 +/- 1.0) was observed. The points of highest and lowest fat accumulation were respectively abdominal (15.7 +/- 6.3 mm) and chest (6.8 +/- 1.5 mm) regions. It can be concluded that athletes from this sport showed higher body mass during the preparatory period than in competitive conditions (4.4 +/- 2.4 %); however, they showed low body fat, high muscle mass percentage and predominant mesomorphic component.


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Atletas de diversas modalidades esportivas categorizadas pela massa corporal a reduzem para se enquadrarem em categorias inferiores. Essas reduções podem comprometer o desempenho e a saúde dos atletas. Para a determinação da categoria mais adequada é de suma importância o conhecimento da composição corporal, para que se evite a redução excessiva. Desta forma, o presente estudo buscou analisar o perfil morfológico de atletas de elite de Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. A amostra constitui-se de 11 atletas com 25,8 ± 3,3 anos, medalhistas em competições de nível nacional e/ou internacional. Realizou-se análise antropométrica para determinação de composição corporal e somatotipo. Observou-se percentual de gordura (10,3 ± 2,6%) dentro das indicações para esta população, alto percentual de massa muscular (61,3 ± 1,5%), assim como componente mesomórfico predominante (5,5 ± 1,0). Os pontos de maior e menor acúmulo de gordura foram as regiões abdominal (15,7 ± 6,3mm) e peitoral (6,8 ± 1,5mm), respectivamente. Conclui-se que atletas desta modalidade em período preparatório apresentam peso superior ao peso competitivo (4,4 ± 2,4%), embora apresentem níveis de massa gorda dentro das recomendações, alto percentual de massa muscular e componente mesomórfico predominante.


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Uma das formas de atividade física que tem revelado expressivos resultados na mediação comportamental e cognitiva são as Artes Marciais (AM). Dentre elas, o Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro ou BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) tem se mostrado cada vez mais popular entre jovens de idade escolar, no entatanto nenhum estudo sobre os seus efeitos nas Funções Executivas (FE) foi encontrado. O objetivo desse estudo foi primeiramente, encontrar diferenças nas FE com a pratica do BJJ; secundariamente, pretendeu-se observar o tipo de correlação entre as FE e os niveis de participação; e por fim posicionar os resultados deste estudo a outros trabalhos similares da literatura científica. O estudo avaliou 125 alunos de uma escola pública de Abu Dhabi, antes e após 6 meses de prática, através de um modelo não randomizado. Após todas as exclusões, 59 alunos foram separados em 3 niveis de participação e correlacionados com os resultados do teste de Stroop (VST - Victoria Stroop Test). Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que 30 sessões de BJJ, foram suficientes para oferecer significativas diferenças no Controle Inibitório (CI). Sua boa participação (2 a 3 vezes por semana), não somente mostrou grande tamanho de efeito (SE) comparado a baixa e media participação, como maiores SE comparado a outras formas de Atividade Fisica e Artes Marciais Tradicionais como o Tae Kwon Do e Wu Shu (Kung Fu). Com uma moderada correlação, sua participação apontou uma capacidade de influenciar em 20,8% o (CI) sobre atividades automáticas, bem como 27,3% a distração sobre atividades irrelevantes. Esses achados sugerem que a pratica do BJJ possa levar a melhoras nas Funções Executivas de pré-adolescentes nativos dos Emirados Arabes Unidos.


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El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es analizar los efectos sobre la fuerza máxima y la potencia que conlleva una rápida pérdida de peso por una alta restricción calórica en un tiempo de tres semanas pre-competitivas. Dentro de la naturaleza de este tipo de deportes, la pérdida de peso en periodos cortos de tiempo es muy habitual y lo que se quiso demostrar con el trabajo es que puede ser contraproducente. Cuatro atletas, luchadores de Jiu Jitsu Brasileño y Kick Boxing, se ofrecieron como único grupo experimental, teniendo una competición real y siguiendo con cada uno de los métodos de pérdida de peso; se realizó el primer test las tres semanas previas, y el re-test el día anterior de la competición. Los ejercicios realizados para los diferentes test, fueron el press banca y el salto vertical. Después de las tres semanas de restricción calórica, se observaron pérdidas en los valores absolutos de fuerza máxima, y en el pico de potencia máximo del tren inferior, pudiéndose ver resultados menos concluyentes en el test de potencia del tren superior. En conclusión, este trabajo muestra el descenso del rendimiento en dos manifestaciones neuromusculares importantes si se busca el éxito en los deportes de contacto.


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The fights are one of the most elementary manifestations of body culture, which are also constituted by sports, dances, games, and others. They are present in a lot of different ways, being very diverse among themselves. However, there is no consensus or agreements in the literature about the pedagogical practice of these modalities in fitness centers, sport clubs and sports centers. How do the teachers teach in these environments? What strategies do they use? How do they organize the contents? In what subjects they are based to execute the teaching and learning process? In this way, the objective of this study was to analyze some classes from different styles of fights/ martial arts teachers, trying to find what are their focus, goals, methodologies, classes’ dynamics and didactical and pedagogical procedures, aiming to check what is the focus of fights/ martial arts´ pedagogical practice in non-formal education. For this, it was selected one experienced teacher from the following modalities of fights from oriental origin: karate, judo, jiu jitsu and kung fu. The methodology used in this study consisted first in a literature review about the fights and sports pedagogy. Furthermore, there was one field research of qualitative nature, whose methods of data collection were divided in two: systematic observations of some classes of each teacher and semi-structured interviews with each teacher after the observation process, looking deeper into the pedagogical practice of these modalities. The results were analyzed through a content analyze, crossing the informations acquired with the instruments used. In addition to the description of these teachers and their classes, there was a classification of information, arriving the following categories: ritual and ceremony, tradition and discipline, didactical and pedagogical procedures ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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As Artes Marciais tiveram, em sua maioria, origem no Oriente, em meados do século XIX, principalmente Japão, Índia e China. No inicio essas Artes apresentavam caráter de defesa pessoal e militar. No entanto a intensificação do contato com o Ocidente e a evolução das armas de fogo, fez com que as lutas que utilizavam apenas o corpo caíssem em desuso, passando a ser usada como uma modalidade esportiva e competitiva. Atualmente tem adeptos no mundo todo que buscam avanços nos aspectos físicos (saúde), motores e psicológicos, ale de aprimorar o autodomínio, superar limites e melhorar o poder de concentração (KODOKAN, 1995). Dentre as modalidades mais difundidas pelo mundo, destacam-se o Karatê, o Kung-fu, o Jiu-Jitsu e o Judô, destas darei maior ênfase nas duas últimas. A Psicologia do esporte é uma área da psicologia que visa promover a saúde, a comunicação, as relações interpessoais, a liderança e a melhora do desempenho esportivo. Artes marciais são modalidades onde são encontrados altos níveis de estresse pelas mais variadas causas, sendo assim uma revisão bibliográfica foi realizada para buscar analisar as variáveis envolvidas e respostas de atletas das modalidades bem como os treinadores envolvidos


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This study aimed to develop a device to measure RR intervals, which have high correlation with the values of the gold standard device of electrocardiograph (ECG), by the time domain and frequency domain indices. To this end, a study was conducted with 18 students of Jiu-Jitsu, males with 35.5 ± 8.6 years, at least a weekly frequency of 3 times and one year training. The location was at the academy Gracie Barra de Curitiba PR. They underwent an examination at rest for a period of 7 minutes and then the results were converted into heart rate variability (HRV) and analyzed by the indexes in the time domain and the frequency domain. The results were compared statistically using the Pearson test and intraclass correlation (ICC) and according to them proves to be viable the development of this equipment, which is highly correlated and excellent reproducibility for measuring the RR intervals.


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Peut-être dû à Wang Wei de (début du XIe siècle), qui présenta à l'empereur (1027 ?) un modèle en cuivre du corps humain. Le titre porte l'indication : ouvrage composé dans la période Tian sheng (1023-1031), gravé de nouveau en 1443. Préface de 1443. Texte, figures, tableaux.3 livres. — Comparer Cat. imp., liv. 103 f. 21 (Tong ren zhen jiu jing, 7 livres).


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Le Nouveau Testament.Traduction datée de 1813, faite et publiée à Canton par Robert Morrison. Table des matières.8 livres.


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Le Nouveau Testament.Traduction datée de 1813, faite et publiée à Canton par Robert Morrison. Table des matières.8 livres.