957 resultados para Jewish philosophers
El propósito de este ensayo radica en ubicar la filosofía política judía como un problema propiamente filosófico, tal como ha sido planteado por Leo Strauss. Esta tarea implica que descartemos tratar el asunto de la filosofía política, y específicamente su distintivo judío, como una subdisciplina de la filosofía o como parte de un manual de historia de la filosofía. La filosofía política judía, por el contrario, es el escenario donde pueden ser develadas las respuestas sobre los problemas que aquejan al pensamiento político contemporáneo. En ese sentido, resulta necesario abandonar el prejuicio moderno de considerar a las ideas del pasado inferiores respecto a las perspectivas de nuestro tiempo. La comprensión de la filosofía política judía exige que estemos preparados para aprender algo de los filósofos judíos, pero no podemos llegar a tal punto sin antes esbozar los términos en los que esa aproximación debería ser efectuada.---Prolegomena to the problem of the jewish political philosophyThe purpose of this paper is to locate the Jewish political philosophy as a philosophical problem itself, as has been raised by Leo Strauss. This task requires that the Jewish political philosophy is not considered a subdiscipline of philosophy or as part of a history of philosophy’s handbook. Jewish political philosophy, by contrast, is the scene where the answers on the problems facing the contemporary political thought can be unveiled. In this sense, it is necessary to abandon the modern prejudice of considering the past ideas lower about the prospects of our time. The understanding of Jewish political philosophy requires that we are prepared to learn from the Jewish philosophers, but we can not go that far without outlining the terms in which this approach should be made.Key words: political philosophy, Jewish philosophy, philosophy of history---Prolegômenos ao problema da filosofia política judaicaO Propósito deste ensaio radica em localizar a política judaica como um problema propriamente filosófico, tal como tem sido exposto por Leo Strauss. Esta tarefa implica que descartemos tratar o assunto da filosofia política, e especificamente seu distintivo judaico, como uma sub-disciplina da filosofia ou como parte de um manual de historia da filosofia. A filosofia política judaica, pelo contrário, é o cenário donde podem ser reveladas as respostas sobre os problemas que afetam o pensamento político contemporâneo. Neste sentido, resulta necessário abandonar o prejuízo moderno de considerar às idéias do passado inferiores respeito às perspectivas de nosso tempo. A compreensão da filosofia política judaica exige que estejamos preparados para aprender algo dos filósofos judeus, mas não podemos chegar a tal ponto, sem antes esboçar os termos nos que essa aproximação deveria ser efetuada.Palavras chave: Filosofia política, filosofia judaica, filosofia da historia
Bibliographical references in "Notes" (p. 216-228)
"Published according to the will of the Rev. John Hulse, in consequence of having gained the annual prize, instituted by him in the University of Cambridge."
This dissertation is about ancient philosophers notions of mental illness, from Plato onwards. Mental illness here means disorders that, in ancient medical thought, were believed to originate in the body but to manifest themselves predominantly through mental symptoms. These illnesses were treated by physical means, which were believed to address the bodily cause of the illness, conceived of as an elemental imbalance or a state of cephalic stricture , for example. Sometimes the mental symptoms were addressed directly by psychotherapeutic means. The first and most important question explored concerns how the ancient philosophers responded to the medical notion of mental illness, and how they explained such illnesses in their theories of physiology and psychology. Although the illnesses are seldom discussed extensively, the philosophers were well aware of their existence and regarded their occurrence an indication of the soul s close dependence on the body. This called for a philosophical account. The second question addressed has to do with the ancient philosophers role as experts in mental problems of a non-medical kind, such as unwanted emotions. These problems were dubbed diseases of the soul , and the philosophers thus claimed to be doctors of the soul. Although the distinction between mental illnesses and diseases of the soul was often presented as rather obvious, there was some vagueness and overlap. There is still a third question that is explored, concerning the status of both mental illnesses and diseases of the soul as unnatural conditions, the role of the human body in the philosophical aetiologies of evil, and the medico-philosophical theories of psycho-physiological temperaments. This work consists of an introduction and five main chapters, focusing on Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics and Galen, and the Sceptics, the Epicureans and later Platonists. The sources drawn on are the original Greek and Latin philosophical and medical texts. It appears that the philosophers accepted the medical notion of mental illness, but interpreted it in various ways. The differences in interpretation were mostly attributable to differences in their theories of the soul. Although the distinction between mental illness and diseases of the soul was important, marking the boundary between the fields of expertise of medicine and philosophy, and of the individual s moral responsibilities, the problematic aspects of establishing it are discussed rather little in ancient philosophy. There may have been various reasons for this. The medical descriptions of mental illness are often extreme, symptoms of the psychotic type excluding the possibility of the condition being of the non-medical kind. In addition, the rigid normativeness of ancient philosophical anthropologies and their rigorous notion of human happiness decreased the need to assess the acceptability of individual variation in their emotional and intellectual lives and external behaviour.
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Reproduction of a painting of a meeting of the Joint Distribution Committee (representing the American Jewish Relief Committee, the Central Rellief Committee and the People's Relief Committee) and the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Relief Committee, with chairman Felix Warburg, secretary Albert Lucas, stenographer Mrs. F. Friedman, executive director Boris Bogen, comptroller Harriet Lowenstein, associate treasurer Paul Baerwald and treasurer Arthur Lehman; Office of Mr. Felix M. Warburg, 52 William Street, New York