994 resultados para Java Applet
These Java Applets help to illustrate some of the difficult to grasp concepts of quantum mechanics. To run this Applet, use the 'Download as zip files' option. Make sure you extract the files first, then double click on the .html file to run the Applet. These are released as open access resources for the purpose of testing, and are to be deployed at the users own risk. Please report any errors you find.
These Java Applets help to illustrate some of the difficult to grasp concepts of quantum mechanics. To run this Applet, use the 'Download as zip files' option. Make sure you extract the files first, then double click on the .html file to run the Applet. These are released as open access resources for the purpose of testing, and are to be deployed at the users own risk.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper introduces Java applet programs for a WWW (world wide web)-HTML (hypertext markup language)-based multimedia course in Power Electronics. The applet programs were developed with the purpose of providing an interactive visual simulation and analysis of idealized uncontrolled single-phase, and three-phase rectifiers. In addition, this paper discusses the development and utilization of JAVA applet programs to solve some design-oriented equations for rectifier applications. The major goal of these proposed JAVA applets was to provide more facilities for the students increase their pace in Power Electronics course, emphasizing waveforms analysis, and providing conditions for an on-line comparative analysis among different hands-on laboratory experiences, via a normal Internet TCP/IP connection. Therefore, using the proposed JAVA applets, which were embedded in a WWW-HTML-based course in Power Electronics, was observed an important improvement of the apprenticeship for the content of this course. Therefore, the course structure becomes fluid, allowing a true on-line course over the WWW, motivating students to learn its content, and apply it in some applications-oriented projects, and their home-works.
This paper presents Java applet programs for a WWW (world wide web)-HTML (hypertext markup language)-based multimedia course in basic power electronics circuits. These tools make use of the benefits of Java language to provide a dynamic and interactive approach to simulate steady-state idealized rectifiers (uncontrolled and controlled; single-phase and three-phase). In addition, this paper discusses the development and the use of the Java applet programs to assist the teaching of basics rectifier power electronics circuits, and to serve as a first design tool for basics power electronics circuits in the experiments of the laboratories. In order to validate the developed simulation applets, the results were confronted with results obtained from a well-know simulator package PSPICE. © 2005 IEEE.
We present a new program tool for interactive 3D visualization of some fundamental algorithms for representation and manipulation of Bézier curves. The program tool has an option for demonstration of one of their most important applications - in graphic design for creating letters by means of cubic Bézier curves. We use Java applet and JOGL as our main visualization techniques. This choice ensures the platform independency of the created applet and contributes to the realistic 3D visualization. The applet provides basic knowledge on the Bézier curves and is appropriate for illustrative and educational purposes. Experimental results are included.
O presente trabalho procura mostrar as potencialidades das técnicas de monitorização estrutural, de detecção, localização e caracterização de dano através de alterações dos parâmetros modais. As características dinâmicas de vibração de uma estrutura são alteradas pela presença de dano, o que, representando uma perda física, conduz à consequente perda de rigidez. Este fenómeno é responsável por modificações nas frequências naturais, deslocamentos modais e respectivas derivadas. Este trabalho apresenta a curvatura das configurações modais como possível parâmetro de controlo na identificação de dano estrutural. Neste documento encontram-se vários estudos de sensibilidade realizados em três modelos distintos (viga bi-apoiada, viga em consola e pórtico encastrado) em que se pretende avaliar a fiabilidade do método das curvaturas. Foram também desenvolvidos estudos respeitantes às alterações das frequências naturais e às alterações de dois indicadores estatísticos, o MAC e o COMAC. Com base nos resultados do método das curvaturas foi desenvolvida uma Java Applet, que constitui uma ferramenta de cálculo que permite explorar as potencialidades do método das curvaturas modais na identificação de danos em várias estruturas. Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida no compilador NetBeans IDE.
Aquesta memòria descriu el projecte de final de carrera anomenat "Disseny d’un Battle Chess 3D (2)", que tracta de la creació, modelat i animació de peces per a un joc d’escacs en 3 dimensions amb certes temàtiques, i que posteriorment s’integren amb el projecte "Disseny d’un Battle Chess 3D (1)" per a formar un joc interactiu d’escacs en un applet de Java. Es descriuen les eines utilitzades, les fases de creació, tècniques simbòliques, mètodes més emprats, proves sotmeses, limitacions, i finalment s’arriba una conclusió de treball aconseguit.
The teaching of higher level mathematics for technical students in a virtual learningenvironment poses some difficulties, but also opportunities, now specific to that virtuality.On the other hand, resources and ways to do now manly available in VLEs might soon extend to all kinds of environments.In this short presentation we will discuss anexperience carried at Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC) involving (an on line university), first, the translation of LaTeX written existent materials to a web based format(specifically, a combination of XHTML andMathML), and then the integration of a symbolic calculator software (WIRIS) running as a Java applet embedded in the materials, intending to achieve an evolution from memorising concepts and repetitive algorithms to understanding and experiment concepts and the use of those algorithms.
Neste trabalho elaboramos cinco atividades experimentais que envolvem o uso do microcomputador como instrumento de medida no laboratório didático de Física. As atividades são do tipo aberto, de modo que os alunos tenham a oportunidade de explorar, testar e discutir soluções para todo o processo de medida, desde o uso de sensores nos sistemas de detecção, à conversão analógica/digital, passando pelos softwares. Somente depois de medidas manuais, o aluno passa à aquisição automática. Há guias impressos para alunos, com questões, desafios e sugestões de tarefas a serem executadas, e um texto de apoio para professores, contendo embasamento teórico e técnico indispensáveis para a compreensão do processo de aquisição automática. Os tópicos tratados são: sensores, medidas de tempo, e ondas mecânicas transversais (em cordas) e longitudinais (sonoras). O embasamento teórico para o desenvolvimento da proposta está apoiado na teoria sócio-interacionista de Vigotsky, na qual o desenvolvimento cognitivo não pode ser entendido sem referência ao contexto social, seus signos e instrumentos. Todas atividades foram testadas em condições de sala de aula em turmas de ensino médio e tecnológico da Unidade de Ensino do CEFET/RS, em 2003, e no curso de extensão Física para o Ensino Médio II, do Instituto de Física da UFRGS, em 2004. O produto educacional deste trabalho consiste em um texto de apoio para professores do ensino médio sobre o uso do microcomputador como um instrumento de medida, guias para alunos das cinco atividades experimentais envolvendo aquisição automática de dados e um hipertexto, disponível na web, baseado em animações do tipo Java Applet (Physlet).
The database reported here is derived using the Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm which compares pairs of protein polypeptide chains and provides a list of structurally similar proteins along with their structure alignments. Using CE, structure–structure alignments can provide insights into biological function. When a protein of known function is shown to be structurally similar to a protein of unknown function, a relationship might be inferred; a relationship not necessarily detectable from sequence comparison alone. Establishing structure–structure relationships in this way is of great importance as we enter an era of structural genomics where there is a likelihood of an increasing number of structures with unknown functions being determined. Thus the CE database is an example of a useful tool in the annotation of protein structures of unknown function. Comparisons can be performed on the complete PDB or on a structurally representative subset of proteins. The source protein(s) can be from the PDB (updated monthly) or uploaded by the user. CE provides sequence alignments resulting from structural alignments and Cartesian coordinates for the aligned structures, which may be analyzed using the supplied Compare3D Java applet, or downloaded for further local analysis. Searches can be run from the CE web site, http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html, or the database and software downloaded from the site for local use.
Publication describes the author’s experience in the development of illustrative dynamic materials for eLearning courses. The presented illustrations offer multiply interactive possibilities for a student and powerful flexibility in creating theoretical or control pages for a teacher. Both specialized and universal ways for illuminating of educational materials are discussed. All interactive dynamic illustrations are realized as Java applets, although it is emphasized, that basic ideas are helpful for any other similar technology.
An eMathTeacher [Sánchez-Torrubia 2007a] is an eLearning on line self assessment tool that help students to active learning math algorithms by themselves, correcting their mistakes and providing them with clues to find the right solution. The tool presented in this paper is an example of this new concept on Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) resources and has been implemented as a Java applet and designed as an auxiliary instrument for both classroom teaching and individual practicing of Fleury’s algorithm. This tool, included within a set of eMathTeacher tools, has been designed as educational complement of Graph Algorithm active learning for first course students. Its characteristics of visualization, simplicity and interactivity, make this tutorial a great value pedagogical instrument.
These Java Applets help to illustrate some of the difficult to grasp concepts of quantum mechanics. To run this Applet, use the 'Download as zip files' option. Make sure you extract the files first, then double click on the .html file to run the Applet. These are released as open access resources for the purpose of testing, and are to be deployed at the users own risk.