982 resultados para Jansen, Wibke
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Wave-shaped ribs were detected at prenatal ultrasound in a 20(+1) week female fetus. At birth, skeletal radiographs showed marked hypomineralization and suggested hypophosphatasia. However, elevated blood calcium and alkaline phosphatase excluded hypophosphatasia and raised the possibility of Jansen metaphyseal dysplasia. Molecular analysis of the PTH/PTHrP receptor gene (PTH1R) showed heterozygosity for a previously undescribed transversion variant (c.1373T>A), which predicts p.Ile458Lys. In vitro evaluation of wild type and mutant PTH/PTHrP receptors supported the pathogenic role of the p.Ile458Lys substitution, and confirmed the diagnosis of Jansen metaphyseal dysplasia. This disorder may present prenatally with wavy ribs and in the newborn with hypomineralization, and may therefore be confused with hypophosphatasia. The mottled metaphyseal lesions typically associated with this disease appear only in childhood.
A tese Ana Jansen: Empreendedorismo feminino no século XIX teve como objetivo investigar como Ana Jansen manifestou sua capacidade empreendedora e adminis-trativa no contexto tradicionalmente patriarcal, predominante no Maranhão no início do século XIX. Para tanto, tornou-se necessário Identificar os aspectos sócio-econômicos brasileiro e maranhense, caracterizar os aspectos relacionados ao em-preendedorismo no Brasil, contextualizar o papel da mulher no século XIX e analisar a atuação de Ana Jansen na administração, política, economia e na sociedade maranhense. Para concretização do estudo utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Os métodos utilizados foram à historiografia e a análise de conteúdo. Os dados levantados foram analisados através do modelo de análise adaptado dos ensinamentos de Quivy e Campenhoudt (2008), onde foram identificados os conceitos, as dimensões operacionais e indicadores indispensáveis para apresentação dos resultados. Após a análise, constatou-se que o empreendedorismo de Donana passou a ser manifestado a partir das reações do seu contexto sendo que Ana Jansen soube perceber essas mudanças criando sua própria forma de ganhar e multiplicar o seu capital.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the use of nitrogen and phosphorus in the culture of jambu. The experiment was initiated at the experimental farm of the agency APTA Polo Vale do Ribeira, using the Nazaré cultivar. The experimental design was complete randomized with fourlevelsof nitrogen (0, 37.5, 75 and 112.5 kg ha-1 N) and phosphorus (0, 75, 150 and 300 Kg ha-1P2O5),and four reapplications. After soil preparation, liming and fertilization, seedlings of jambu were transplanted at a spacing of 0.50 x 0.5 m. The experimental plot was 1.0 x 1.0 m. Fresh and dry mass of leaves and flowers and number of flowers were analyzed. The production of fresh and dry leaves and flowers were influenced by fertilization. Thelevelsof nitrogen affected the outcome, as theyprovided a linear increase in all variables, and the phosphorus level of 75 kgha-1 P2O5 caused the highest average production in the number of flowers and in the fresh and dried mass of flowers.
Context: Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (JMC) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by activating mutations in the PTH 1 receptor (PTH1R; PTH/PTHrP receptor), leading to chronic hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria. Hypophosphatemia is also a hallmark of JMC, and recently, increased fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels have been reported in this syndrome. Hypercalcemia has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk; however, cardiovascular disease has not been extensively investigated in JMC patients. Objective: The aim of the study was to describe the long-term follow-up of a JMC patient with regard to the management of hypercalciuria, the evaluation of FGF23 levels under bisphosphonate treatment, and the investigation of cardiovascular repercussion of chronic hypercalcemia. Results: The diagnosis of JCM was confirmed by molecular analysis (p.H223R mutation in PTH1R). The patient was followed from 5 to 27 yr of age. Asymptomatic nephrolithiasis was diagnosed at 18 yr of age, prompting pharmacological management of hypercalciuria. Treatment with alendronate reduced hypercalciuria; however, normocalciuria was only obtained with the association of thiazide diuretic. Serum FGF23 levels, measured under alendronate treatment, were repeatedly within the normal range. Subclinical cardiovascular disease was investigated when the patient was 26 yr old, after 19 yr of sustained mild hypercalcemia; carotid and vertebral artery ultrasonography was normal, as well as coronary computed tomography angiography (calcium score = 0). Conclusion: The long-term follow-up of our JMC patient has provided insight on therapeutic strategies to control hypercalciuria, on the potential effects of alendronate on FGF23 levels, and on the lack of detectable cardiovascular disease at young adulthood after prolonged exposure to hypercalcemia. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97: 1098-1103, 2012)
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Comentários as políticas adotadas pelos governantes a respeito da correção monetária transcreve algumas notícias da imprensa escrita a partir de 1979 quando começava-se a falar em desindexação.