945 resultados para Italian press


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This article intends to verify the Fanfulla's action in the dynamic of the political propaganda, as well as the cultural exchanges established with the fascism during 1922-1924. The leading question is insert on the political culture studies concerned with the significance of the fascism spread among the Italian immigrants and his descendants located on the Sao Paulo State. It unfold in others questions: the reason of the Mussolini government pledge to publish those ideas, the themes approached in this propaganda, the reactions it rise, as well on the Italian community, the Brazilian government and political movements. On this issue is included the position of the Brazilian government, on the Brazilian diplomacy or in the repressive agencies toward fascist Italy and the supporters of the fascism. The choice of the newspaper Fanfulla is justified for its position in the historiography, considered the most expressive source for this study, due its longevity, relations with the fascist regime and diffusion on Sao Paulo State.


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This thesis investigates the representation of Sicilian mafia women on the Italian press after the second postwar, in particular by examining three Italian newspapers, Il Corriere della Sera, L’Ora and Il Giornale di Sicilia. The focus is on the 1963 – 1983 twenty-year period, after which there has been a big change in the world of Sicilian crime organization with the phenomenon of pentitismo that changes a lot of thing in the whole universe of mafia. In this research there are two aspects very different but very central at the same time. On one hand the careful counting of quoted newspapers and the filing of the articles about general mafia and mafia women, which rendered a whole database about the interest for these woman figures founded in print, in a historical period never analyzed from this point of view; on the other hand the interpretation of these articles and the different representation forms. The founded material was compared with the cultural Italian history of that period to understand if there was a difference between general woman perception and that of mafia woman and if there was also an iconographic prototype of southern woman which it is possible to apply on photographs and descriptions. In fact the most important result of the thesis is to underline that, in front of a woman who belongs to mafia context, the Italia press represented the female gender as first and the mafia gender as the second one.


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Basata sul reperimento di un’ampia mole di testi giornalistici (come cronache, interviste, elzeviri e articoli di “Terza”) dedicati alle pratiche coreiche e pubblicati in Italia nel corso del ventennio fascista, la tesi ricostruisce i lineamenti di quello che, seppure ancora embrionale e certo non specialistico, si può comunque ritenere una sorta di “pensiero italiano” sulla danza del Primo Novecento. A partire dalla ricognizione sistematica di numerose testate quotidiane e periodiche e, pertanto, dalla costruzione di un nutrito corpus di fonti primarie, si è proceduto all’analisi dei testi reperiti attraverso un approccio metodologico che, fondamentalmente storiografico, accoglie tuttavia alcuni rudimenti interpretativi elaborati in ambito semiotico (con particolare riferimento alle teorizzazioni di Jurij Lotman e Umberto Eco), il tutto al fine di cogliere, pur nell’estrema varietà formale e contenutistica offerta dal materiale documentario, alcune dinamiche culturali di fondo attraverso le quali disegnare, da un lato, il panorama delle tipologie di danza effettivamente praticate sulle scene italiane del Ventennio,e, dall’altro, quello dell’insieme di pensieri, opinioni e gusti orbitanti attorno ad esse Ne è scaturita una trattazione fondamentalmente tripartita in cui, dopo la messa in campo delle questioni metodologiche, si passa dapprima attraverso l’indagine dei tre principali generi di danza che, nella stampa del periodo fascista, si ritenevano caratteristici della scena coreica internazionale – qui definiti nei termini di “ballo teatrale”, “ballo russo” e “danze libere” – e, successivamente, si presenta un approfondimento su tre singolari figure di intellettuali che, ognuno con un’attitudine estremamente personale, hanno dedicato alla danza un’attenzione speciale: Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Paolo Fabbri e Marco Ramperti. Un’ampia antologia critica completa il lavoro ripercorrendone gli snodi principali.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la forma en la que la prensa italiana de izquierdas construyó la imagen de palestinos e israelíes entre 1947 y 1957. La investigación se ha centrado en el estudio de los artículos publicados por algunos destacados periódicos de la época, con la finalidad de comprender cómo ha ido cambiando el lenguaje empleado por dichos órganos de prensa a la hora de referirse a los moradores de la tierra de Palestina. La tesis de este artículo es que dichos periódicos construyeron múltiples y contradictorias representaciones de judíos y palestinos, representaciones que no tenían nada que ver con la realidad de Oriente Medio, sino que obedecían a cuestiones ideológicas de carácter nacional e internacional (relaciones entre los partidos italianos y evolución de las dinámicas de la guerra fría).


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Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) and homocystinuria, cblC type (MIM 277400) is the most frequent inborn error of vitamin B-12. The recent identification of the disease gene, MMACHC, has permitted preliminary genotype-phenotype correlations. We studied 24 Italian and 17 Portuguese patients with cblC defect to illustrate the spectrum of mutations in a southern European population and discuss the impact that mutation identification has on routine diagnostic procedures. Since the metabolic defect raises the serum levels of homocysteine, we also tested if variants in MTHFR-playing a key role in homocysteine remethylation pathway-could act as genetic modifier in cblC defect. We found that the c.271 dupA (accounting for 55% of the MMA CH alleles in our cohort) followed by c.394C > T (16%) and c.331C > T (9%) were the most frequent mutations. In our study we also identified a novel mutation (c.544T > C). On the other hand, the MTHFR genotype did not appear to influence age at onset, the clinical phenotype and outcome of patients with cblC defect. This study shows that mutation screening for the most common MMACH mutations occurring in early-onset forms (c.271dupA and c.331C > T) seems to have a high diagnostic yield in a southern European population with cblC defect. Although the identification of the gene defect per se does not predict completely time and severity of disease appearance, our data corroborate the importance of a molecular testing to offer accurate prenatal diagnosis to couples at high risk of having affected children. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report a study in which Italian children aged 3 to 5 years were given situations requiring a distinction between lies and honest mistakes. As in previous research, the children displayed an incipient grasp of the lie-mistake distinction with regard to situations involving falsehoods about edibility of a substance that had been contaminated. However, children of all ages often regarded instances of both lies and mistakes as negative rather than restricting their judgements of naughtiness to the lying alone. The results are discussed in terms of the characteristics of Italian language and culture such as the connotations of words used to indicate mistakes'' and references to anger in labelling a variety of emotional events.


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This chapter explores the complex and still obscure relationship between Italian literary academies, which often engaged in amateur theatricals, and professional actors who formed part of the new theatrical companies (commedia dell’arte) which emerged on the theatrical scene at around the same time. By exploring particularly the cases of Adriano Valerini, Isabella Andreini and her son Giovan Battista Andreini, it is argued that some academies by the end of the sixteenth century showed greater openness to comici and particularly to female virtuose. This would lead at the start of the following century to changes in the relation between professionals and amateurs, especially where academies themselves became more hybrid.


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The intellectual societies known as Academies played a vital role in the development of culture, and scholarly debate throughout Italy between 1525-1700. They were fundamental in establishing the intellectual networks later defined as the ‘République des Lettres’, and in the dissemination of ideas in early modern Europe, through print, manuscript, oral debate and performance. This volume surveys the social and cultural role of Academies, challenging received ideas and incorporating recent archival findings on individuals, networks and texts. Ranging over Academies in both major and smaller or peripheral centres, these collected studies explore the interrelationships of Academies with other cultural forums. Individual essays examine the fluid nature of academies and their changing relationships to the political authorities; their role in the promotion of literature, the visual arts and theatre; and the diverse membership recorded for many academies, which included scientists, writers, printers, artists, political and religious thinkers, and, unusually, a number of talented women. Contributions by established international scholars together with studies by younger scholars active in this developing field of research map out new perspectives on the dynamic place of the Academies in early modern Italy. The publication results from the research collaboration ‘The Italian Academies 1525-1700: the first intellectual networks of early modern Europe’ funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is edited by the senior investigators.


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This introduction lays out the scholarly and methodological context where to situate the contributions to this special issue. By combining a rigorous scrutiny of hitherto untapped archival sources with a re-examined application of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of culture within the field of periodical studies and publishing history in Italy (1940s-1950s), the studies illuminate the complex ways in which journals, periodical editors, and the connected publishing houses negotiate cultural practice in a literary field increasingly dominated by the polarization of political discourse.