999 resultados para Isoformas de proteínas


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A parede celular de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) é constituída por 60% de lipídios, impedindo a passagem de uma grande quantidade de substâncias, além de desempenhar um importante papel na imunopatogênese. A apresentação desses antígenos aos linfócitos se dá por meio de moléculas do tipo CD1.Por sua vez a Apolipoproteína-E (ApoE), glicoproteína amplamente distribuída nos tecidos, pode facilitar a apresentação de lipídios pelo CD1. A ApoE possui três principais alelos ApoE- 2, 3 e 4, que codificam três isoformas de proteínas, tipos 2, 3 e 4, que possuem diferentes estruturas e funções. A presença de determinadas isoformas da ApoE está associada a doenças infecciosas, como herpes labial, dano hepático severo causado pelo vírus da hepatite C, diarréia infantil e tuberculose pulmonar. Neste contexto, avaliamos a participação da ApoE na atividade microbicida in vitro frente ao Mtb. Para tanto, foram arrolados 13 indivíduos PPD-, 17 indivíduos PPD+ e 4 indivíduos com tuberculose pulmonar ativa. O uso de plasma humano depletado de ApoE nos experimentos de atividade microbicida in vitro mostraram um aumento significante (p=0,02) no número de micobactérias (431.5 ± 81.92 UFC) quando comparado ao grupo controle (313.0 ± 74.61 UFC). Esses resultados foram confirmados por um modelo experimental utilizando esplenócitos de camundongos de camundongos C57BL/6 (815.9 ± 76.32 UFC) e animais APOE nocaute (1133 ± 86.85 UFC) (p = 0.021). Quanto à produção de IL-10, no grupo PPD+, observamos que o grupo com depleção de ApoE (866.7 ± 447.8) apresentou uma produção menor desta citocina com relação ao controle infectado (1089 ± 481.3) (p=0,023). Já em relação ao IFN-, em ambos os grupos observou-se, após 72 horas, uma tendência à diminuição da produção dessa citocina no grupo com depleção, com relação ao grupo controle. Esses dados sugerem que a ApoE tem papel distinto na ativação da resposta imune e sua ausência pode prejudicar a resposta imune frente à tuberculose


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A titina é uma proteína sarcomérica gigante que se estende desde a linha Z até a linha M. Em razão de sua localização, representa um importante sensor biomecânico com um papel fundamental na manutenção da integridade estrutural do sarcômero. A titina funciona como uma "mola bidirecional" que regula o comprimento sarcomérico e realiza ajustes adequados da tensão passiva sempre que o comprimento varia. Dessa forma, não só determina a rigidez ventricular e a função diastólica, como também influencia a função cardíaca sistólica, modulando o mecanismo de Frank-Starling. O miocárdio expressa duas isoformas dessa macromolécula: a N2B, mais rígida, e a isoforma N2BA, mais complacente. As alterações na expressão relativa das duas isoformas da titina ou alterações do seu estado de fosforilação têm sido implicadas na fisiopatologia de várias doenças como a insuficiência cardíaca diastólica, a cardiomiopatia dilatada, a cardiomiopatia isquêmica e a estenose aórtica. Neste artigo pretende-se descrever sumariamente a estrutura e localização da titina, a sua relação com diferentes cardiomiopatias, e compreender de que forma as alterações dessa macromolécula influenciam a fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca diastólica, salientando o potencial terapêutico da manipulação dessa macromolécula.


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The transcription factor Aiolos (also known as IKZF3), a member of the Ikaros family of zinc-finger proteins, plays an important role in the control of B lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation. Previously, multiple isoforms of Ikaros family members arising from differential splicing have been described and we now report a number of novel isoforms of Aiolos. It has been demonstrated that full-length Ikaros family isoforms localize to heterochromatin and that they can associate with complexes containing histone deacetylase (HDAC). In this study, for the first time we directly investigate the cellular localization of various Aiolos isoforms, their ability to heterodimerize with Ikaros and associate with HDAC-containing complexes, and the effects on histone modification and binding to putative targets. Our work demonstrates that the cellular activities of Aiolos isoforms are dependent on combinations of various functional domains arising from the differential splicing of mRNA transcripts. These data support the general principle that the function of an individual protein is modulated through alternative splicing, and highlight a number of potential implications for Aiolos in normal and aberrant lymphocyte function.


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It is well known that the adult human thymus degenerates into fat tissue; however, it has never been considered as a potential source of angiogenic factors. Recently, we have described that this fat (TAT) produces angiogenic factors and induces human endothelial cell proliferation and migration, indicating its potential angiogenic properties. DESIGN Adult thymus fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue specimens were obtained from 28 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, making this tissue readily available as a prime source of adipose tissue. We focused our investigation on determining VEGF gene expression and characterizing the different genes, mediators of inflammation and adipogenesis, and which are known to play a relevant role in angiogenesis regulation. RESULTS We found that VEGF-A was the isoform most expressed in TAT. This expression was accompanied by an upregulation of HIF-1alpha, COX-2 and HO-1 proteins, and by increased HIF-1 DNA binding activity, compared to SAT. Furthermore, we observed that TAT contains a high percentage of mature adipocytes, 0.25% of macrophage cells, 15% of endothelial cells and a very low percentage of thymocyte cells, suggesting the cellular variability of TAT, which could explain the differences in gene expression observed in TAT. Subsequently, we showed that the expression of genes known as adipogenic mediators, including PPARgamma1/gamma2, FABP-4 and adiponectin was similar in both TAT and SAT. Moreover the expression of these latter genes presented a significantly positive correlation with VEGF, suggesting the potential association between VEGF and the generation of adipose tissue in adult thymus. CONCLUSION Here we suggest that this fat has a potential angiogenic function related to ongoing adipogenesis, which substitutes immune functions within the adult thymus. The expression of VEGF seems to be associated with COX-2, HO-1 and adipogenesis related genes, suggesting the importance that this new fat has acquired in research in relation to adipogenesis and angiogenesis.


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A regulação da homeostasia intra e extra-celular da glicose está diretamente relacionada ao controle preciso da expressão dos genes que codificam as diferentes isoformas de proteínas transportadoras de glicose, as quais se expressam de maneira tecido-específica, em conseqüência do padrão de ativação dos fatores transcricionais reguladores de cada gene, em cada tipo celular. A síndrome metabólica (SM) abrange uma grande variedade de alterações fisiopatológicas, todas de repercussões sistêmicas, acometendo os mais distintos territórios do organismo, nos quais alterações nos transportadores de glicose presentes são observadas em maior ou menor grau. A presente revisão abordará as alterações na expressão de transportadores de glicose claramente demonstradas na literatura, cujas repercussões nos fluxos territoriais de glicose auxiliam na compreensão de mecanismos fisiopatológicos da SM, assim como dos tratamentos propostos para esta entidade.


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Introduction. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated polyneuropathy and the principal cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis. The most prominent GBS subtypes are: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) and Fisher syndrome (FS). Differences in geographical distribution of variants have been reported. In Brazil, there are few studies describing the characteristics of GBS, but none on the frequency of GBS variants and their clinical manifestations. Infection-induced aberrant immune response resulting from molecular mimicry and formation of cross-reacting antibodies, contribute to complement activation. Functional biallelic polymorphism in immunoglobulin receptors that influence the affinity of IgG subclasses and the type of immune response have been described, suggesting genetic susceptibility to developing disease. It remains unclear whether individuals carrying different FCGR alleles have differential risk for GBS and⁄or disease severity. The goals of this study were: (1) To characterize GBS and describe the clinical findings in a cohort of patients with GBS from the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; (2) to determine whether polymorphism in FCGR were associated with development of GBS, and (3) to tease out whether the global gene expression studies could be a tool to identify pathways and transcriptional networks which could be regulated and decrease the time of disease. Methods. Clinical and laboratory data for 149 cases of GBS diagnosed from 1994 to 2013 were analyzed. Genomic DNA and total RNA were extracted from whole blood. Antigangliosides antibodies were determined in the sera. In addition, we also assessed whether FCGR polymorphism are present in GBS (n=141) and blood donors (n=364), and global gene expressions were determined for 12 participants with GBS. Blood samples were collected at the diagnosis and post-recovery. Results. AIDP was the most frequent variant (81.8%) of GBS, followed by AMAN (14.7%) and AMSAN (3.3%). The incidence of GBS was 0.3 ⁄ 100,000 people for the state of Rio Grande do Norte and cases occurred at a younger age. GBS was preceded by infections, with the axonal variant associated with episodes of diarrhea (P = 0.025). Proximal weakness was more frequent in AIDP, and distal weakness predominant in the axonal variant. Compared to 42.4% of cases with AIDP (P<0.0001), 84.6% of cases with the axonal variant had nadir in <10 days. Individuals with the axonal variant took longer to recover deambulation (P<0.0001). The mortality of GBS was 5.3%. A worse outcome was related to an axonal variant (OR17.063; P=0.03) and time required to improve one point in the Hughes functional scale (OR 1.028; P=0.03). The FCGR genotypes and allele frequencies did not differ significantly between the patients with GBS and the controls (FCGR2A p=0.367 and FCGR3A p=0.2430). Global gene expression using RNAseq showed variation in transcript coding for protein isoforms during acute phase of disease. Conclusions. The annual incidence of GBS was 0.3 per 100,00 and there was no seasonal pattern. A predominance of the AIDP variant was seen, and the incidence of the disease decreased with age. The distribution of weakness is a function of the clinical variants, and individuals with the axonal variant had a poorer prognosis. Early diagnosis and variant identification leads to proper intervention decreasing in long-term morbidity. FCGR polymorphisms do not seem to influence susceptibility to GBS in this population. This study found deregulated genes and signs of transcriptional network alterations during the acute and recovery phases in GBS. Identification of pathways altered during disease might be target for immune regulation and with potential to ameliorate symptoms.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) U.A.N.L., 2006.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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By the year 2005 the world biochemical market will reach an estimated $ 100 billion and separation processes are a vital link between lab discoveries and the fulfillment of this commercialization potential. The practical application of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) to extraction processes has been exploited for several years for the recovery of biological products. Unfortunately, this has not resulted in an extensive presence of the technique in commercial processes. In this paper a critical overview of the fundamental thermodynamic properties related to formation of aqueous two-phase systems and their application to extraction and purification of bioparticules is presented.


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In this study cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymehtylcellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) films adsorbed onto silicon wafers were characterized by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), sum frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG) and contact angle measurements. The adsorption behavior of lysozyme (LIS) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto CAB and CMCAB films was investigated. The amounts of adsorbed LIS or BSA onto CMCAB films were more pronounced than those onto CAB films due to the presence of carboxymethyl group in the CMCAB structure. Besides, the adsorption of BSA molecules on CMCAB films was more favored than that of LIS molecules. Antimicrobial effect of LIS bound to CAB or CMCAB layers was evaluated using Micrococcus luteus as substrate.


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Interações entre células neoplásicas e constituintes da matriz extracelular (MEC) interferem fortemente no desenvolvimento tumoral, incluindo os localizados em cabeça e pescoço, pois influenciam a proliferação e sobrevivência celular, bem como a sua capacidade de migrar do sítio primário para outros tecidos e formar metástases. Essa migração celular é facilitada pela destruição parcial da MEC, a qual é realizada pelas metaloproteinases (MMPs), que representam uma família de mais de vinte endopeptidases, com atividade controlada pela expressão de inibidores específicos (TIMPs). Diversos estudos utilizando-se de marcadores para constituintes da MEC bem como pelas MMPs têm fornecido informações adicionais sobre o diagnóstico e prognóstico em carcinomas de cabeça e pescoço. Nesta revisão consideraremos o papel da MEC e das MMPs na progressão desses tumores, enfatizando que não somente a degradação proteolítica está envolvida neste processo, como também interações entre vários constituintes da MEC fornecem substrato para regulação e crescimento destes tumores.


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De etiologia discutível, as ulcerações aftosas recorrentes (UAR) são, na maioria das vezes, consideradas em um quadro de deficiência imunológica. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho baseia-se na revisão de literatura e em investigações clínico-laboratoriais dos títulos salivares de imunoglobulina A secretora (IgA-s), proteínas totais e fluxo de saliva (em repouso) de pacientes nos períodos de atividade e quiescência das Ulcerações aftosas recorrentes. Forma de Estudo: Estudo clínico e experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Empregou-se a Nefelometria na quantificação das IgA-s salivares, o vermelho de Pirogalol para as proteínas totais salivares e a análise gravimétrica para a determinação do fluxo de saliva. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram aumento estatisticamente significativo das IgA-s salivares nos períodos de lesão ativa em relação aos de quiescência. Não houve diferença estatística nas concentrações de proteínas totais e no fluxo de saliva. CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se que a IgA-s pode ser usada como parâmetro do status imune da mucosa oral.