994 resultados para Isabel Simões Ferreira


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A Rainha Isabel II, que completou oitenta e quatro anos em Abril de 2010, conta actualmente com cinquenta e sete anos de reinado, um longo período que tem sido caracterizado pela mediatização das formas simbólicas. Utilizamos a expressão “formas simbólicas” de acordo com o significado que lhe é atribuído por John Thompson, devendo-se entender por tal um amplo conjunto de “acções e falas, imagens e textos, que são produzidos por sujeitos e reconhecidos por eles e outros como construtos significativos.” (1998: 79)


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A geração de electricidade com recurso a carvão dispõe, na combinação de tecnologias de gasificação de carvão com turbinas a gás avançadas, de uma solução tecnológica bastante eficiente e flexível, constituindo o que se designa por uma Central de Ciclo Combinado com Gasificação Integrada (IGCC). As Centrais IGCC cumprem os requisitos ambientais com baixas emissões atmosféricas poluentes, para além de terem capacidade para integrar directamente tecnologia de Captura e Sequestro de CO2 (CCS). Para além da geração de electricidade, estas unidades podem ser optimizadas para a co-produção de combustíveis sintéticos, tais como o hidrogénio, gás natural sintético (SNG ou metano), outros produtos combustíveis sintéticos por via do processo Fischer-Tropsch, e ainda outros químicos, tais como amónia, ureia, enxofre elementar e ácido sulfúrico, resultando num aumento considerável do factor de utilização do conversor de energia primária. Finalmente, o dióxido de carbono pode ainda ser separado como subproduto de valor comercial, para ser utilizado, por exemplo, em aplicações de exploração incrementada de petróleo (EOR, Enhanced Oil Recovery). Descreve-se neste trabalho o estado do conhecimento actual relativamente a este tema, com base nas tecnologias existentes, a viabilidade técnica e económica, bem como os desafios futuros a vencer desta tecnologia como alternativa para a produção de energia com recurso a carvão, permitindo minimizar o impacte ambiental.


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Tendo presente a relação que o discurso estabelece com a sociedade como um todo, este artigo procura analisar o modo como a monarquia britânica representou o segundo casamento do Príncipe Carlos e o modo como os media construíram os relatos do acontecimento desde 10 de Fevereiro a 9 de Abril de 2005 relativamente a assuntos mais vastos, como sejam as relações de poder, as estruturas económicas dos jornais e a cultura popular. Foi dada particular relevância aos aspectos multifuncionais do discurso (por exemplo, as funções ideacional, interpessoal e textual), o que requer uma leitura contextualizada de um duplo processo de mediação: por um lado, a organização da cerimónia levada a cabo pelo Palácio de St. James e a sua subsequente estratégia para atingir um fechamento monológico e, por outro, as representações discursivas da imprensa britânica, abertas a uma polifonia de vozes e a vários enquadramentos discursivos.


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Eliza Fay’s Original Letters from India (1817), initially sold to the Calcutta Gazette to pay off her debts, aroused the curiosity and interest of Edward M. Forster, while he was doing research for his best-selling novel, A Passage to India. In his own words, “Eliza Fay is a work of art.” (apud Fay 7) The value of E. Fay’s travelogue, comprising not one, but three voyages to India (in 1779, 1784, 1796) can be easily explained if we take into account the scope of its geographical coverage, the hardships of its historical context (the political chaos brought about by the fall of the Mughal empire and the consolidation of the British rule in the Indian subcontinent) and the heroism of the first person-narrator that emerges behind the descriptive sketches and the scenes of adversity and imminent danger. Thus the current analysis will focus on the E. Fay’s adventurous mode of narrating, e.g., the discursive situatedness of the traveller visà- vis the Other(s) (European and non-European peoples and loci) and the constraints imposed by the patriarchal idealization of the domestic Woman and their alleged feebleness.


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Drawing on postcolonial studies and the theorization on imperial gothic, this paper centres on three texts: The Hosts of the Lord (1900) by Flora Annie Steel; East of Suez (1901) by Alice Perrin, and The Way of an Eagle (1912)by Ethel Dell. These three texts highlight in different ways the discursive mediation of the Other and its destabilizing effects on the identity of the European-minded colonizer, thus foregrounding the multifarious nature of the British imaginative engagement with India. In this context, it is particularly relevant to examine the political and ideological implications of representing anywhere East of Suez as a locus of primitivism and chaos vis-à-vis the colonizer’s ambivalent reactions. Thus we seek to demonstrate the power of two distinct practices or modes of representation – namely, the power of a metaphorical discourse versus metonymic discourse- within the proces of constructing the East for a vast Western readership.


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Bearing in mind the relationship between discourse and society at large, this article addresses the way the British monarchy represented Charles’s second marriage and the way the media constructed their accounts in the period from 10 February (announcement) until 9 April 2005 (wedding) in relation to wider issues such as power relations, newspaper economic structures and popular culture. Particular attention is paid to the multifunctional features of discourse (i.e. its ideational, interpersonal and textual functions), which requires a contextualized reading of a dual process of mediation: on the one hand, the staging of the ceremony by St. James’s Palace and its strategy for attaining monologic closure and, on the other hand, discursive representations by the British press open to a polyphony of voices and discursive frames


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Changes in population age structure are a major concern and represent a priority in the agendas and policies of the developed world, which are demanding for renewed models of social and healthcare as well as assistance services to the elderly population. Studies indicate that as far as possible these types of services should desirably be provided at the user’s home, and that ICT-based solutions can have tremendous impact on the delivery of new services. This paper highlight and discusses some of the main results of a project undertaken in a Portuguese Municipality that demonstrates the potential contribution of an e-Marketplace of care and assistance services to the well-being of elderly people. Studies undertaken allowed identifying the main services that should be provided by such e-Marketplace (termed GuiMarket), the relevance that the population grant to this platform and, conversely, the fact that the Digital Divide phenomena influences the potential utilization of this project (and alike projects). The findings support that there is a strong relation between age and qualifications, and between access to ICT and the intended use of GuiMarket.


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Dissertação com vista na obtenção no grau de mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais


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Dissertação com vista na obtenção no grau de mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais


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Como qualquer outra expressão artística, a Escultura tem especificidades singulares que fazem desta actividade um desafio técnico de vulto. Em tempos passados as condições técnicas e o agir artístico que a Escultura exigia e exige não permitiam, como no caso do Desenho e da Pintura, que fosse com a mesma facilidade e frequência uma prenda feminina que lustrava os grupos sociais economicamente favorecidos. Os actos e gestos que exigiam força, eram vistos como algo demasiadamente másculo e o atelier de escultura considerado um lugar impróprio. Seguir esta actividade tornava uma mulher extremamente invulgar, mais rara ainda que as pintoras, constituindo-se como uma afirmação de personalidade.Este livro aborda um conjunto de escultoras pouco conhecidas, ou mesmo desconhecidas e algumas que alcançaram ampla visibilidade.Praticamente todos os nomes abordados foram registados como palavras-chave.Esperamos que estes estudos de caso contribuam para um panorama mais completo do nosso património artístico e que mais tarde possam integrar uma História da Arte que contemple lado a lado escultores e escultoras.


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Resistance to tick feeding has been previously shown to be an acquired, immunologically mediated phenomenon in goats, associated with cutaneous basophilia to nymphs of Amblyomma cajennense, the Cayenne tick, after repeated infestations. On the other hand, it is well known that antigen-presenting cells (APCs) play an important role in the host immune reaction to tick infestations. The most able APCs for Th cells are the well defined dendritic cells, mononuclear phagocytes and B-lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical analysis of draining lymph nodes of goats repeatedly infested with nymphs of the ixodid tick A. cajennense to search for APCs was done. Pre-scapular lymph nodes draining the tick attachment sites were collected 15 days after both the first and third infestations. Tick infestations resulted in increased number of CD21(+) B lymphocytes in lymph nodes after the tertiary infestation. However, the number of CD11b(+) and CD11c(+) cells were not altered after the successive infestations. Lower numbers of CD11c(+) cells had infiltrated lymph nodes responsible for draining the tick infested skin. These findings suggest that acquired immunity of goats against nymphs of A. cajennense is possibly established by B lymphocytes during the first infestation and that APCs may play a key role in this mechanism.


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Tick saliva contains molecules that are inoculated at the site of attachment on their hosts in order to modulate local immune responses and facilitate a successful blood meal. Bovines express heritable, contrasting phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus: breeds of Bos taurus indicus are significantly note resistant than those of Bos taurus taurus. Tick saliva may contain molecules that interfere with adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium and resistant hosts may mount an inflammatory profile that is more efficient to hamper the tick`s blood meal. We show in vitro that adhesion of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to monolayers of cytokine-activated bovine umbilical endothelial cells was significantly inhibited by tick saliva. The inflammatory response to bites of adults of R. microplus mounted by genetically resistant and susceptible bovine hosts managed in the same pasture was investigated in vivo. The inflammatory infiltrates and levels of message coding for adhesion molecules were measured in biopsies of tick-bitten and control skin taken when animals of both breeds were exposed to low and high tick infestations. Histological studies reveal that cutaneous reactions of resistant hosts to bites of adult ticks contained significantly more basophils and eosinophils compared with reactions of the susceptible breed. Expression of the adhesion molecules - intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and P-selectin - was higher in adult-infested skin of susceptible hosts undergoing low infestations compared to resistant hosts; when host was exposed to high infestations expression of these adhesion molecules was down-regulated in both phenotypes of infestations. Expression of leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein-1 (LFA-1) was higher in skin from susceptible hosts undergoing low or high infestations compared to resistant hosts. Conversely, higher levels of E-selectin, which promotes adhesion of memory T cells, were expressed in skin of resistant animals. This finding may explain the resistant host`s ability to mount more rapid and efficient secondary responses that limit hematophagy and infestations. The expression profiles observed for adhesion molecules indicate that there are differences in the kinetics of the inflammatory reactions mounted by resistant and susceptible hosts and the balance between tick and host is affected by the number of tick bites a host receives. We show that the contrasting phenotypes of infestations seen in bovines infested with R. microplus are correlated with differences in the cellular and molecular composition of inflammatory infiltrates elicited by bites with adult ticks. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Tick bites may trigger acute phase responses. Positive and negative acute phase proteins were measured in infested cattle genetically resistant and susceptible to ticks. During heavier infestations levels of haptoglobin increased significantly in susceptible bovines; levels of serum amyloid A increased in resistant bovines; levels of alpha-l-acid glycoprotein decreased significantly in resistant bovines; levels of transferrin decreased significantly in susceptible bovines. In conclusion, tick infestations trigger acute phase responses and enhancement of specific acute phase proteins differs according to the genetic composition of hosts. Acute phase proteins may constitute useful biological signatures for monitoring the stress induced by tick infestations. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.