961 resultados para Iraq -- Història -- 2003-


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Scientia Potentia est, que traduït, vindria a significar “la informació és poder”.Aquest tòpic que, de ben segur, hem escoltat un miler de vegades és una expressió que hem acabat assimilant.De fet, ens trobem en una època que, el sociòleg Manuel Castells, defineix com l’era de la informació. Una època marcada per les noves tecnologies i el seu augment desfermat, tant quantitatiu com qualitatiu, que permet, o provoca, un ritme de transmissió, i de vida, molt més elevat.És una època en la que els constants fluxos d’informació, han comportat que la globalització, és a dir, l’increment de la interconnexió entre diferents societats, hagi assolit quotes extraordinàries.Estem saturats d’informació i, tot i així, desinformats, ja que és pot convertir en una tasca àrdua destriar allò que ens pot valer o interessar.


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Este trabajo busca hacer un análisis de cómo las Relaciones Políticas y Militares entre Siria e Irán han evolucionado luego del 2003 a partir de la Teoría de las Comunidades de Seguridad


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Introduction. In 2003, Iraq was invaded by the US coalition forces that ousted Saddam Hussein’s regime from power before occupying the whole country. The intension, declared by the then American George W. Bush, was to ‘build a decent and democratic society at the centre of the Middle East’ that ‘will become a place of progress and peace.’1 In 2014, three years after the withdrawal of the last American soldier, however, it is difficult to overestimate or exaggerate what is at stake. National unity and territorial integrity have never been so seriously threatened since the country is experiencing the internal fighting in its modern history. Many parts of Iraq, including the northern oil city of Kirkuk, long claimed as an integral part of the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan, are out of the control of the central government. Large areas in the north including the strategic city of Mosul were seized by the fighters of the Islamic State, an Al-Qaeda offshoot, formerly known as ISIS, who threatened to invade the Kurdistan region before being attacked by airstrikes by the US. They proclaimed a caliphate on both sides of the border with Syria, where they also control vast territory.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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La guerra de Irak llevada a cabo en el 2003 por los EEUU, puso en evidencia un particular escenario de guerra de tipo asimétrica, en la cual se expuso mediáticamente el papel de las Firmas Militares Privadas de Seguridad, como actores clave en términos estratégicos para el desarrollo de estos conflictos. Es así como surge el interés por analizar en esta monografía las causas que argumentaron el uso de Firmas Militares Privadas durante la intervención militar en Irak del 2003, con el fin de brindar una óptica que articule diferentes posturas conceptuales, para entender la decisión estratégica de los EEUU en el contexto de una guerra que tomó más tiempo de lo estimado y que resaltó el papel de estas compañías.


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evidenciar la tensión entre legalidad y legitimidad, a raíz de la intervención de Estados Unidos en Irak en el año 2003. Dicha tensión es el resultado de la implementación de procedimientos democráticos que promovieron cambios legales en el gobierno iraquí. Sin embargo, fue la instrumentalización de tales procedimientos lo que generó una falta de legitimidad del gobierno iraquí por parte de algunos sectores sociales, debido a los intereses económicos, políticos y sociales que tenían aquellos grupos que detentaban el poder. La investigación ofrece un análisis sobre Irak bajo los conceptos de democracia formal, democracia sustancial, legalidad y legitimidad, con el propósito de comprender de manera detallada el tipo de democracia que se estableció en Irak y las tensiones generadas en la sociedad iraquí.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Based on the theoretical approach on the structure and functioning of the capitalist mode of production in the light of the Marxian perspective of Althusser, Poulanzas and Saes, the objective of this study is to describe and analyze the career path of the deployment process of education workers public state of Minas Gerais, in the context of neoliberal educational policies implemented in the period 2003-2014. This study will make use of the techniques of bibliographical and documentary research; to do so, we will try, at first, to establish the correspondence of this peculiar mode of production (capitalism) and the bourgeois state, trying to understand their legal and political structure, characterized by the right and the bourgeois bureaucracy, highlighting the importance of the state apparatus to conditioning ideologies and their structures for prescription of social practices. In the second phase, we will present to the prevailing ideologies School appear in the form of speech and legal and governmental practices in today's society. Finally, we will seek to understand the applicability of the theory studied in the concrete reality of educational public policies implemented in Minas Gerais, in the perspective of democratic government, modernized and efficient state, as opposed to the interests of the Single Union of Education Workers (Sind-UTE / MG). Thus, we can conclude that our work object is to analyze the educational policies of the bourgeois state, focusing on career path in the context of Minas Gerais, from 2003 to 2014, and its social, political and economic education for workers Minas Gerais state and the society today.


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This paper presented at the Portuguese Academy of History sought to reconstruct the origin and evolution of the Goa Historical Archives. It traces its growth amidst many problems and difficulties, caused by nature and humans! It is interesting to note a statement of Prof. Silva Rego admitting that negligence and bad administration of the Goa archives is inherited from the Portuguese times.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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La externalización mediante actores privados del uso de la fuerza en conflictos internos e internacionales es un fenómeno creciente que el artículo analiza desde la perspectiva de sus repercusiones en el respeto de las normas internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos y tomando como caso de estudio en conflicto en Irak.


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This thesis argues that the motivations underpinning the mainstream news media have fundamentally changed in the 21 sl century. As such, the news is no longer best understood as a tool for propaganda or agenda setting; instead it seems that the news is only motivated by the flow of global network capitalism. The author contrasts the work of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman with that of Gilles Deleuze. Chomsky and Herman's 'Propaganda Model' has been influential within the fields of media studies and popular culture. The 'propaganda model' states that the concentration of ownership of the media has allowed the media elite to exert a disproportionate amount of influence over the mass media. Deleuze, on the other hand, regards the mass media as being yet another cog within the global capitalist mechanism, and is therefore separate from ideology or propaganda. The author proposes that 'propaganda' is no longer a sufficient word to describe the function of the news as terms like 'propaganda' imply some form of national sovereignty or governmental influence. To highlight how the news has 'changed from an instrument of propaganda to an instrument of accumulation, the author compares and contrasts the· coverage of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal with that of the Haditha Civilian Massacre. Although similar in nature, the author proposes that the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal received a disproportionate amount of coverage within the mainstream press because of its exciting and sensational nature.