998 resultados para Intruder Detection
The problem of intrusion detection and location identification in the presence of clutter is considered for a hexagonal sensor-node geometry. It is noted that in any practical application,for a given fixed intruder or clutter location, only a small number of neighboring sensor nodes will register a significant reading. Thus sensing may be regarded as a local phenomenon and performance is strongly dependent on the local geometry of the sensor nodes. We focus on the case when the sensor nodes form a hexagonal lattice. The optimality of the hexagonal lattice with respect to density of packing and covering and largeness of the kissing number suggest that this is the best possible arrangement from a sensor network viewpoint. The results presented here are clearly relevant when the particular sensing application permits a deterministic placement of sensors. The results also serve as a performance benchmark for the case of a random deployment of sensors. A novel feature of our analysis of the hexagonal sensor grid is a signal-space viewpoint which sheds light on achievable performance.Under this viewpoint, the problem of intruder detection is reduced to one of determining in a distributed manner, the optimal decision boundary that separates the signal spaces SI and SC associated to intruder and clutter respectively. Given the difficulty of implementing the optimal detector, we present a low-complexity distributive algorithm under which the surfaces SI and SC are separated by a wellchosen hyperplane. The algorithm is designed to be efficient in terms of communication cost by minimizing the expected number of bits transmitted by a sensor.
In this paper we report on the outcomes of a research and demonstration project on human intrusion detection in a large secure space using an ad hoc wireless sensor network. This project has been a unique experience in collaborative research, involving ten investigators (with expertise in areas such as sensors, circuits, computer systems,communication and networking, signal processing and security) to execute a large funded project that spanned three to four years. In this paper we report on the specific engineering solution that was developed: the various architectural choices and the associated specific designs. In addition to developing a demonstrable system, the various problems that arose have given rise to a large amount of basic research in areas such as geographical packet routing, distributed statistical detection, sensors and associated circuits, a low power adaptive micro-radio, and power optimising embedded systems software. We provide an overview of the research results obtained.
Generally wireless sensor networks rely of many-to-one communication approach for data gathering. This approach is extremely susceptible to sinkhole attack, where an intruder attracts surrounding nodes with unfaithful routing information, and subsequently presents selective forwarding or change the data that carry through it. A sinkhole attack causes an important threat to sensor networks and it should be considered that the sensor nodes are mostly spread out in open areas and of weak computation and battery power. In order to detect the intruder in a sinkhole attack this paper suggests an algorithm which firstly finds a group of suspected nodes by analyzing the consistency of data. Then, the intruder is recognized efficiently in the group by checking the network flow information. The proposed algorithm's performance has been evaluated by using numerical analysis and simulations. Therefore, accuracy and efficiency of algorithm would be verified.
We consider nonparametric or universal sequential hypothesis testing when the distribution under the null hypothesis is fully known but the alternate hypothesis corresponds to some other unknown distribution. These algorithms are primarily motivated from spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radios and intruder detection in wireless sensor networks. We use easily implementable universal lossless source codes to propose simple algorithms for such a setup. The algorithms are first proposed for discrete alphabet. Their performance and asymptotic properties are studied theoretically. Later these are extended to continuous alphabets. Their performance with two well known universal source codes, Lempel-Ziv code and KT-estimator with Arithmetic Encoder are compared. These algorithms are also compared with the tests using various other nonparametric estimators. Finally a decentralized version utilizing spatial diversity is also proposed and analysed.
A extração de regras de associação (ARM - Association Rule Mining) de dados quantitativos tem sido pesquisa de grande interesse na área de mineração de dados. Com o crescente aumento das bases de dados, há um grande investimento na área de pesquisa na criação de algoritmos para melhorar o desempenho relacionado a quantidade de regras, sua relevância e a performance computacional. O algoritmo APRIORI, tradicionalmente usado na extração de regras de associação, foi criado originalmente para trabalhar com atributos categóricos. Geralmente, para usá-lo com atributos contínuos, ou quantitativos, é necessário transformar os atributos contínuos, discretizando-os e, portanto, criando categorias a partir dos intervalos discretos. Os métodos mais tradicionais de discretização produzem intervalos com fronteiras sharp, que podem subestimar ou superestimar elementos próximos dos limites das partições, e portanto levar a uma representação imprecisa de semântica. Uma maneira de tratar este problema é criar partições soft, com limites suavizados. Neste trabalho é utilizada uma partição fuzzy das variáveis contínuas, que baseia-se na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e transforma os atributos quantitativos em partições de termos linguísticos. Os algoritmos de mineração de regras de associação fuzzy (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) trabalham com este princípio e, neste trabalho, o algoritmo FUZZYAPRIORI, que pertence a esta categoria, é utilizado. As regras extraídas são expressas em termos linguísticos, o que é mais natural e interpretável pelo raciocício humano. Os algoritmos APRIORI tradicional e FUZZYAPRIORI são comparado, através de classificadores associativos, baseados em regras extraídas por estes algoritmos. Estes classificadores foram aplicados em uma base de dados relativa a registros de conexões TCP/IP que destina-se à criação de um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos.
Wireless sensor network is an emerging research topic due to its vast and ever-growing applications. Wireless sensor networks are made up of small nodes whose main goal is to monitor, compute and transmit data. The nodes are basically made up of low powered microcontrollers, wireless transceiver chips, sensors to monitor their environment and a power source. The applications of wireless sensor networks range from basic household applications, such as health monitoring, appliance control and security to military application, such as intruder detection. The wide spread application of wireless sensor networks has brought to light many research issues such as battery efficiency, unreliable routing protocols due to node failures, localization issues and security vulnerabilities. This report will describe the hardware development of a fault tolerant routing protocol for railroad pedestrian warning system. The protocol implemented is a peer to peer multi-hop TDMA based protocol for nodes arranged in a linear zigzag chain arrangement. The basic working of the protocol was derived from Wireless Architecture for Hard Real-Time Embedded Networks (WAHREN).
The problem of sensor-network-based distributed intrusion detection in the presence of clutter is considered. It is argued that sensing is best regarded as a local phenomenon in that only sensors in the immediate vicinity of an intruder are triggered. In such a setting, lack of knowledge of intruder location gives rise to correlated sensor readings. A signal-space viewpoint is introduced in which the noise-free sensor readings associated to intruder and clutter appear as surfaces $\mathcal{S_I}$ and $\mathcal{S_C}$ and the problem reduces to one of determining in distributed fashion, whether the current noisy sensor reading is best classified as intruder or clutter. Two approaches to distributed detection are pursued. In the first, a decision surface separating $\mathcal{S_I}$ and $\mathcal{S_C}$ is identified using Neyman-Pearson criteria. Thereafter, the individual sensor nodes interactively exchange bits to determine whether the sensor readings are on one side or the other of the decision surface. Bounds on the number of bits needed to be exchanged are derived, based on communication complexity (CC) theory. A lower bound derived for the two-party average case CC of general functions is compared against the performance of a greedy algorithm. The average case CC of the relevant greater-than (GT) function is characterized within two bits. In the second approach, each sensor node broadcasts a single bit arising from appropriate two-level quantization of its own sensor reading, keeping in mind the fusion rule to be subsequently applied at a local fusion center. The optimality of a threshold test as a quantization rule is proved under simplifying assumptions. Finally, results from a QualNet simulation of the algorithms are presented that include intruder tracking using a naive polynomial-regression algorithm.
We present a low-complexity algorithm for intrusion detection in the presence of clutter arising from wind-blown vegetation, using Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The algorithm is based on a combination of Haar Transform (HT) and Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) based training and was field tested in a network setting comprising of 15-20 sensing nodes. Also contained in this paper is a closed-form expression for the signal generated by an intruder moving at a constant velocity. It is shown how this expression can be exploited to determine the direction of motion information and the velocity of the intruder from the signals of three well-positioned sensors.
The problem of sensor-network-based distributed intrusion detection in the presence of clutter is considered. It is argued that sensing is best regarded as a local phenomenon in that only sensors in the immediate vicinity of an intruder are triggered. In such a setting, lack of knowledge of intruder location gives rise to correlated sensor readings. A signal-space view-point is introduced in which the noise-free sensor readings associated to intruder and clutter appear as surfaces f(s) and f(g) and the problem reduces to one of determining in distributed fashion, whether the current noisy sensor reading is best classified as intruder or clutter. Two approaches to distributed detection are pursued. In the first, a decision surface separating f(s) and f(g) is identified using Neyman-Pearson criteria. Thereafter, the individual sensor nodes interactively exchange bits to determine whether the sensor readings are on one side or the other of the decision surface. Bounds on the number of bits needed to be exchanged are derived, based on communication-complexity (CC) theory. A lower bound derived for the two-party average case CC of general functions is compared against the performance of a greedy algorithm. Extensions to the multi-party case is straightforward and is briefly discussed. The average case CC of the relevant greaterthan (CT) function is characterized within two bits. Under the second approach, each sensor node broadcasts a single bit arising from appropriate two-level quantization of its own sensor reading, keeping in mind the fusion rule to be subsequently applied at a local fusion center. The optimality of a threshold test as a quantization rule is proved under simplifying assumptions. Finally, results from a QualNet simulation of the algorithms are presented that include intruder tracking using a naive polynomial-regression algorithm. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this paper is to discuss various aspects of implementing a specific intrusion-detection scheme on a micro-computer system using fixed-point arithmetic. The proposed scheme is suitable for detecting intruder stimuli which are in the form of transient signals. It consists of two stages: an adaptive digital predictor and an adaptive threshold detection algorithm. Experimental results involving data acquired via field experiments are also included.
We propose a method for detecting and analyzing the so-called replay attacks in intrusion detection systems, when an intruder contributes a small amount of hostile actions to a recorded session of a legitimate user or process, and replays this session back to the system. The proposed approach can be applied if an automata-based model is used to describe behavior of active entities in a computer system.