30 resultados para Interpellation


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L’objectif est de montrer que, naissent parfois pour gérer les hétérogénéités scolaires des propositions de nature à remettre en cause divers schèmes sur lesquels reposent des représentations usuelles des savoirs et de leur transmission, de la structure de l’intervention didactique et de la formation des enseignants


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Bibliograph. Nachweis: Wolf, Sylvia: Politische Karikaturen in Deutschland 1848/49. Mittenwald 1982. – 1.29 Nr. 9


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Anfrage an das luxemburgische Regierungs-Collegium (samt Antwort desselben) bezüglich der laufenden Verhandlungen mit dem Ziel des Abschlusses eines Konkordates mit dem Heiligen Stuhl


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Inhalt eines Rundschreibens des Innenministers von Eichmann vom 5. Oktober 1848, in dem vom Mißbrauch des Rechts auf Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit die Rede ist und die zuständigen Beamten angewiesen werden, in solchen Fällen 'mit Nachdruck' einzuschreiten: "Ne, jutstet Eichmänneken, so lassen wir nich mehr mit uns reden. Det is 'ne vormärzliche Sprache, die Sie in Ihr Rundschreiben führen ..."


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The purpose of this study is to investigate how secondary school media educators might best meet the needs of students who prefer practical production work to ‘theory’ work in media studies classrooms. This is a significant problem for a curriculum area that claims to develop students’ media literacies by providing them with critical frameworks and a metalanguage for thinking about the media. It is a problem that seems to have become more urgent with the availability of new media technologies and forms like video games. The study is located in the field of media education, which tends to draw on structuralist understandings of the relationships between young people and media and suggests that students can be empowered to resist media’s persuasive discourses. Recent theoretical developments suggest too little emphasis has been placed on the participatory aspects of young people playing with, creating and gaining pleasure from media. This study contributes to this ‘participatory’ approach by bringing post structuralist perspectives to the field, which have been absent from studies of secondary school media education. I suggest theories of media learning must take account of the ongoing formation of students’ subjectivities as they negotiate social, cultural and educational norms. Michel Foucault’s theory of ‘technologies of the self’ and Judith Butler’s theories of performativity and recognition are used to develop an argument that media learning occurs in the context of students negotiating various ‘ethical systems’ as they establish their social viability through achieving recognition within communities of practice. The concept of ‘ethical systems’ has been developed for this study by drawing on Foucault’s theories of discourse and ‘truth regimes’ and Butler’s updating of Althusser’s theory of interpellation. This post structuralist approach makes it possible to investigate the ways in which students productively repeat and vary norms to creatively ‘do’ and ‘undo’ the various media learning activities with which they are required to engage. The study focuses on a group of year ten students in an all boys’ Catholic urban school in Australia who undertook learning about video games in a three-week intensive ‘immersion’ program. The analysis examines the ethical systems operating in the classroom, including formal systems of schooling, informal systems of popular cultural practice and systems of masculinity. It also examines the students’ use of semiotic resources to repeat and/or vary norms while reflecting on, discussing, designing and producing video games. The key findings of the study are that students are motivated to learn technology skills and production processes rather than ‘theory’ work. This motivation stems from the students’ desire to become recognisable in communities of technological and masculine practice. However, student agency is not only possible through critical responses to media, but through performative variation of norms through creative ethical practices as students participate with new media technologies. Therefore, the opportunities exist for media educators to create the conditions for variation of norms through production activities. The study offers several implications for media education theory and practice including: the productive possibilities of post structuralism for informing ways of doing media education; the importance of media teachers having the autonomy to creatively plan curriculum; the advantages of media and technology teachers collaborating to draw on a broad range of resources to develop curriculum; the benefits of placing more emphasis on students’ creative uses of media; and the advantages of blending formal classroom approaches to media education with less formal out of school experiences.


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The concept of ‘power’ can refer to the institutionalised and embodied capacity and right to dominate through a variety of means including ideology, politics, science, religion, class, race, gender and sexuality. Early feminist theorising within the West, for example, conceptualised the structure and nature of power as being connected to male domination and authority within society. Marxists, alternately, argue it is the ruling class that holds power and exercises it as owners of the means of production. In a general sense, we can say that as feminists have tied power to patriarchy and Marxists’ definitions of power have been connected to capitalism. The essays in this section, though, are less concerned with such totalising conceptualisations of power than they are with processes of interpellation or subject creation within dominant or dominating discursive spaces.1 Not power as such, but its many workings and apparatuses.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo apresenta discussões a respeito do desmatamento na Amazônia Legal, em particular no estado do Pará, no período de 1987 a 2012, a partir do corpus de edições do Jornal Pessoal, autoria de Lúcio Flávio Pinto. Busca-se aqui verificar o posicionamento, o discurso do Jornal Pessoal no debate acerca do desmatamento, e a ação do Estado nessa temática. Para exame do corpus, utiliza-se a análise do discurso, constituída numa abordagem teórico-metodológica interdisciplinar. Constata-se que o posicionamento do Jornal Pessoal é crítico-reflexivo, uma vez que o discurso argumentativo se utiliza de estratégias discursivas, como a legitimidade da fala, a interpelação e a interação com o leitor. Observa-se que o Jornal Pessoal, ao debater as ações implementadas pelo Estado para o combate do desmatamento no Pará, mostra que tais ações ainda caminham na criação de instrumentos de controle e mecanismos jurídicos, evidenciando que as ações efetivas estão muito distantes de atrelar o desmatamento a uma política ambiental comprometida e séria, demonstrando a inércia do Estado no combate dessas práticas.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Heftige Kritik an der aus Sicht des Verfassers zaudernden und zu wenig entschiedenen Politik der Linken in der Preußischen Nationalversammlung in Form einer Strafpredigt der Madame Bohmhammel an ihren Gatten Ullo. Hintergrund: die Debatte über die sogenannte 'Interpellation Pax', betreffend den 'reaktionären Geist' in der preußischen Armee (25. September 1848): " ... det seh ick doch in, des sich die Linkschen in de Kammer widder mitten Löffel über't Maul haben wischen lassen." Warnung vor General Wrangel, der 50.000 Mann rings um Berlin zusammengezogen hat


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En este trabajo, inscripto en el campo de análisis de las prácticas discursivas como instancias que participan en la disputa político ideológica siguiendo una lógica propia y específica, me propongo como objetivo explicar cómo es representado el colectivo “trabajadores" y sus formas de participación política en el discurso presidencial kirchnerista, desde qué lugares enunciativos y según qué dispositivos de interpelación. Asimismo, en la medida en que este proceso de significación no es auto-referencial (en realidad, ninguno lo es), sino que se despliega en un diálogo permanente con la práctica discursiva de la dirigencia de la Confederación General del Trabajo, analizo las estrategias de alianza y antagonismo puestas en escena por ambos interlocutores. El material de análisis está formado por los discursos oficiales pronunciados por la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner desde su asunción en el 2007 hasta mediados del 2012 y por los discursos públicos de Hugo Moyano, Secretario General de la CGT en el mismo lapso, ordenados y sistematizados según procedimientos de categorización previa y cerrada en consonancia con los objetivos de la indagación.


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El artículo presenta algunos resultados acerca de la investigación sobre la construcción de proyectos ético-políticos y su relación con las políticas sociales y la reconfiguración de lo social. Pretende aportar a la comprensión del Trabajo Social como sujeto colectivo y al análisis de la incidencia de dichos proyectos en la formación profesional y en la producción de conocimientos) como modos de interpelación a la intervención social desde diversas miradas. Debatir acerca de la actuación profesional del Trabajo Social supone cuestionar la formación que debe brindar la universidad teniendo en cuenta los atravesamientos socio-políticos y las transformaciones societales, desde una mirada socio-histórica que permita reconocer y valorar su trayectoria y los aspectos emergentes.