971 resultados para Internet Governance Forum


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014


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Élaborée à partir d’une étude de cas extensive focalisant sur les perspectives multiples et concurrentes ayant émergé lors des négociations sur la gouvernance de l’Internet, thématique ayant dominé l’agenda politique du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), cette thèse examine les manières avec lesquelles les débats mondiaux sur la gouvernance de l’Internet influencent la notion d’intérêt public en communication. Établie sur la base d’une observation participante extensive, d’entrevues semi-structurées et de l’analyse d’une documentation formelle et informelle associée au SMSI, cette thèse fait état de l’émergence des enjeux associés à la gouvernance de l’Internet au SMSI et présente une analyse approfondie des négociations ayant porté sur cet enjeu. Le cadre théorique développé par Lawrence Lessig au travers duquel « le code est la loi » est appliqué afin d’expliquer comment les différents acteurs ont débattu et ultimement atteint un consensus sur les frontières venant séparer les enjeux normatifs de politique publique et les questions techniques de régulation et de gestion du réseau. Cette thèse discute également de l’évolution des débats autour de la gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet ayant pris place à la suite de la conclusion du SMSI. Sur la base de cette étude de cas, un ensemble de conclusions sont formulées sur les acteurs et les caractéristiques institutionnelles ayant influencé les négociations sur la gouvernance de l’internet. Il est également suggéré que le SMSI a redéfini une discussion étroite sur la gestion d’un ensemble de fonctions techniques de l’Internet en un domaine de politique publique plus large de gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet. Il est également défendu que la notion d’intérêt public dans la gouvernance mondiale de l’Internet est conceptualisée autour des processus de participation et d’intégration des différentes parties prenantes au processus politique. Les implications directes et indirectes qui découlent de ce constat pour comprendre plus largement la notion d’intérêt public dans le domaine de la communication sont également présentées et discutées. En conclusion, cette thèse s’interroge sur les implications programmatiques des éléments ayant été précédemment soulevées pour la recherche médiatique et communicationnelle.


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Since the late 1990s, the Chinese government has engaged in a process of attempting to reform the technical global internet governance regime, which is currently dominated by the US government and non-state actors. This article aims to contribute to the literature on Beijing’s approach to this issue by providing a detailed empirical account of its involvement in a few core regime organisations. It argues that Beijing’s reform approach is guided by its domestically derived preferences for strong state authority and expanding China’s global power, but that its reform efforts are unlikely to succeed based on countervailing structural hard- and soft-power factors.


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 This dissertation examines Chinese engagement with core norms structuring technical global internet governance. It finds that China has been a norm-taker globally, but more of a norm-maker both regionally and domestically. Beijing seeks to restrict US government and non-state actor authority, but cannot due to limited support and power constraints.


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Artigo comissionado ao Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS), da Escola de Direito da Fundação Getulio Vargas, pela RITS – Rede de Informação para o Terceiro Setor, com o intuito de colaborar com as reflexões sobre o processo do Internet Governance Forum, principalmente no que diz respeito à segunda edição do fórum, realizada no Rio de Janeiro, nos dias 12 a 15 de novembro de 2007, e suas repercussões.


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The ways in which Internet traffic is managed have direct consequences on Internet users’ rights as well as on their capability to compete on a level playing field. Network neutrality mandates to treat Internet traffic in a non-discriminatory fashion in order to maximise end users’ freedom and safeguard an open Internet. This book is the result of a collective work aimed at providing deeper insight into what is network neutrality, how does it relates to human rights and free competition and how to properly frame this key issue through sustainable policies and regulations. The Net Neutrality Compendium stems from three years of discussions nurtured by the members of the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN), an open and multistakeholder group, established under the aegis of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF).


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Questa tesi si propone di mettere in evidenza la forte spinta innovatrice che internet potrebbe dare allo sviluppo della democrazia, avendo abbattuto in maniera brutale i confini geo-politici, democratizzato addirittura all'esasperazione la libertà di parola e la possibilità di ognuno di far sentire la propria opinione ad un pubblico globale, rendendo sterile qualsivoglia regolamentazione locale e creando nuove e importanti problematiche di portata universale. Sulla rete viaggiano senza soluzione di continuità dati di ogni tipo, si concretizzano transazioni, si intrecciano relazioni, il tutto sorpassando agilmente le barriere fisiche dei confini nazionali, la distanza, le leggi, mettendo quindi l’umanità di fronte alla nuova sfida di armonizzare i vari ordinamenti giuridici, superare il concetto di sovranità nazionale e di creare un meccanismo democratico e partecipato di gestione della rete. La extraterritorialità della rete e il fatto che non si possa qualificare un "popolo sovrano" appartenente a questa entità, ha come vedremo posto l’umanità di fronte a nuove e ardue sfide: la necessità di regolare un mezzo così potente e diffuso ha portato negli anni ad un lungo dibattito, che vedremo, e che pone questioni di importanza capitale per la società di oggi così come la conosciamo: "si può esigere che l’evoluzione tecnologica della rete sia orientata al raggiungimento di obiettivi di interesse pubblico?", "chi deve gestire la rete?", "usufruire di internet è un diritto della persona?", "chi è il soggetto che ha possibilità e facoltà di intervenire efficacemente per la normazione della rete? I privati, lo Stato, gli utenti, o è necessario un quadro concertato che consideri tutti i pareri e gli interessi sulla questione?".


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CEPS Senior Research Fellow Andrea Renda persuasively shows in this new CEPS Commentary the extent to which the global economy has become heavily reliant on the Internet, but observes that this phenomenon is becoming increasingly insidious. It is efficient, no doubt: but he asks whether it is also secure?


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This case study examines NETmundial, the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, which was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23 and 24 of 2014. The meeting was convened by 1net, a coalition of This case study examines NETmundial, the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, which was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23 and 24 of 2014. The meeting was convened by 1net, a coalition of stakeholder groups involved in Internet governance discussions, in partnership with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), in response to revelations of mass surveillance of communications by the United States. It sought to develop a set of universally acceptable Internet governance principles as well as a way forward for the evolution of the Internet governance system, which together could serve as a framework for the governance and use of the Internet. It convened 930 participants from 110 different countries, representing civil society, the private sector, academia, the technical community, governments and intergovernmental organizations, as well as over 1000 remote participants from 23 countries around the globe. It also employed a content contribution platform that sought to crowd source inputs from stakeholders for the production of the outcome document. The meeting served as a demonstration of the multistakeholder process in action: in the production of the outcome document, stakeholders with a diverse range of backgrounds and interests collectively negotiated the inclusion or exclusion of highly sensitive and complex issues. While the process of achieving rough consensus involved sometimes messy debates and there were procedural imperfections, the case is informative for its structured production of bottom-up multistakeholder outcomes.groups involved in Internet governance discussions, in partnership with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), in response to revelations of mass surveillance of communications by the United States. It sought to develop a set of universally acceptable Internet governance principles as well as a way forward for the evolution of the Internet governance system, which together could serve as a framework for the governance and use of the Internet. It convened 930 participants from 110 different countries, representing civil society, the private sector, academia, the technical community, governments and intergovernmental organizations, as well as over 1000 remote participants from 23 countries around the globe. It also employed a content contribution platform that sought to crowd source inputs from stakeholders for the production of the outcome document. The meeting served as a demonstration of the multistakeholder process in action: in the production of the outcome document, stakeholders with a diverse range of backgrounds and interests collectively negotiated the inclusion or exclusion of highly sensitive and complex issues. While the process of achieving rough consensus involved sometimes messy debates and there were procedural imperfections, the case is informative for its structured production of bottom-up multistakeholder outcomes.


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This paper addresses the liability of intermediaries for copyright infringement, defamation and for engaging in misleading and deceptive conduct. It explores the issue of whether it is possible to develop a legitimate, decentralised copyright graduated response scheme in Australia.


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This briefing is an input to the discussions that will take place in the session “Privacy under mass surveillance: a multi-stakeholder international challenge” to be held on November 9th in João Pessoa, Brazil, during the “Day Zero” of the Internet Governance Forum. This document is one of the outputs of the first phase of the project “Privacy in the digital age: fostering the implementation of the bilateral German-Brazilian strategy in response to massive data collection”, jointly developed by the Center for Technology and Society of the Rio de Janeiro Law School of the Getulio Vargas Foundation and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), with the support of FGV. The project Privacy in the Digital Age seeks to identify legal, political, technical, and economic incentives for the implementation of resolution 168/67 on Privacy in the Digital Age, proposed by Germany and Brazil, and approved by the United Nations General Assembly and to identify other potential areas of collaboration between Germany and Brazil in the field of Internet Governance.


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10. Internet Governance Forum, João Pessoa - PB