802 resultados para International Society for Knowledge Organization
Subject Cataloging is one of the processes of subject approach to information, beside indexing and subject analysis. In this sense, this research is a part of a broader project which analyses ISKO as an academic space that promotes a dialogical dimension among those theoretical questions. In this sense, it aims to analyze the presence of subject cataloguing in the discussions of knowledge organization as well as how the authors of such subject dialogue each other. Considering the questions, the full collection of ISKO and ISKO-Spain conference proceedings were analyzed in order to verify how present were subject cataloguing matters in those collections. It was possible to identify a group of 36 articles (27 from International ISKO and 9 from ISKO – Spain) whose references were bibliometrically analyzed in terms of documentary forms, average life, language and citation analysis. The results showed that the major ISKO and ISKO-Spain literature on subject cataloguing is based on journal articles, mostly published in English, presenting a relatively young average life (14 years for ISKO and 10 for ISKO-Spain).
In this volume are represented the proceedings of the Third North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization held at Ryerson University in Toronto Canada on June 16-17, 2011. It contains 21 papers and one abstract.
In the context of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, we often consider knowledge organization systems to comprise catalogues, thesauri, and bibliothecal classification schemes – schemes for library arrangement. In recent years we have added ontologies and folksonomies to our sphere of study. In all of these cases it seems we are concerned with improving access to information. We want a good system.And much of the literature from the late 19th into the late 20th century took that as their goal – to analyze the world of knowledge and the structures of representing it as its objects of study; again, with the ethos for creating a good system. In most cases this meant we had to be correct in our assertions about the universe of knowledge and the relationships that obtain between its constituent parts. As a result much of the literature of knowledge organization is prescriptive – instructing designers and professionals how to build or use the schemes correctly – that is to maximize redundant success in accessing information.In 2005, there was a turn in some of the knowledge organization literature. It has been called the descriptive turn. This is in relation to the otherwise prescriptive efforts of researchers in KO. And it is the descriptive turn that makes me think of context, languages, and cultures in knowledge organization–the theme of this year’s conference.Work in the descriptive turn questions the basic assumptions about what we want to do when we create, implement, maintain, and evaluate knowledge organization systems. Following on these assumptions researchers have examined a wider range of systems and question the motivations behind system design. Online websites that allow users to curate their own collections are one such addition, for example Pinterest (cf., Feinberg, 2011). However, researchers have also looked back at other lineages of organizing to compare forms and functions. For example, encyclopedias, catalogues raisonnés, archival description, and winter counts designed and used by Native Americans.In this case of online curated collections, Melanie Feinberg has started to examine the craft of curation, as she calls it. In this line of research purpose, voice, and rhetorical stance surface as design considerations. For example, in the case of the Pinterest, users are able and encouraged to create boards. The process of putting together these boards is an act of curation in contemporary terminology. It is describing this craft that comes from the descriptive turn in KO.In the second case, when researchers in the descriptive turn look back at older and varied examples of knowledge organization systems, we are looking for a full inventory of intent and inspiration for future design. Encyclopedias, catalogues raisonnés, archival description, and works of knowledge organization in other cultures provide a rich world for the descriptive turn. And researchers have availed themselves of this.
This paper outlines the purposes, predications, functions, and contexts of information organization frameworks; including: bibliographic control, information retrieval, resource discovery, resource description, open access scholarly indexing, personal information management protocols, and social tagging in order to compare and contrast those purposes, predications, functions, and contexts. Information organization frameworks, for the purpose of this paper, consist of information organization systems (classification schemes, taxonomies, ontologies, bibliographic descriptions, etc.), methods of conceiving of and creating the systems, and the work processes involved in maintaining these systems. The paper first outlines the theoretical literature of these information organization frameworks. In conclusion, this paper establishes the first part of an evaluation rubric for a function, predication, purpose, and context analysis.
Este texto parte de la caracterización del concepto de multiculturalismo en general y específicamente en el contexto de la UE. A continuación, intentamos demostrar el carácter multicultural de una red de información, la red de los CDE, presente en todo el território de la EU, a partir de los resultados de encuestas distribuídas a los responsables, a sus utilizadores y en base a los datos recogidos durante visitas a algunos de ellos. Efectivamente, se verifica la existência de diferencias substanciales Finlandia, Irlanda, Hungría y Portugal en lo que respecta a la localización de los CDE, las tipologías de utilizadores, al uso de lenguages sistemáticos y alfabéticos para la organización de la información. Estas diferencias son menos marcadas pero también existen en lo que respecta a las áreas temáticas mas buscadas y los aspectos que los utilizadores de los CDE consideran que facilitan su acceso a la información. Por lo que se refiere a las formas de búsqueda en el catálogo y a los aspectos que se apuntan como obstáculos en el acceso a la información parece haber más coincidencia entre los diferentes países.
En este artículo tratamos la relación interdisciplinar entre las Ciencias de la Documentación y las Ciencias de la Educación, principalmente en lo que se refiere al papel que la alfabetización informacional puede desempeñar en la ejecución de modelos educativos orientados al currículum integrado o al aprendizaje basado en recursos, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo de competencias transdisciplinares necesarias para el aprendijaze a lo largo de la vida. Intentamos demostrar que la alfabetización informacional presenta una relación muy estrecha con el aprendizaje, ya que una persona competente, en términos de información és aquélla que ha aprendido a aprender, sabe encontrar la información, sabe utilizar la información y sabe cómo organizarla. En este sentido, presentamos un estudio de caso, centrado en el análisis de las actitudes, de los hábitos de lectura y de las prácticas informaciónales de los alumnos del municipio de Vila do Conde, con base en la utilización de las collecciones disponibles en el espacio de la biblioteca escolar y de los recursos tecnológicos, principalmente las formas de localización y uso de los documentos de libre acceso, así como la busquéda de información. Presentamos una breve caracterización generale de esta red municipal de bibliotecas escolares, pero centramos el análisis del universo de la investigación en tres escuelas del 1º Ciclo, una EB 2,3 y una Secundaria, con la aplicación de una encuesta. Para una mejor contextualización de nuestro estudio haciemos también la caracterizacion y el encuadrimiento de cada biblioteca escolar en el medio en que está inserto (urbano, rural y pesquero), a fin de realizar puntualmente un análisis comparativo de los resultados.
El quart EOCONSID (Encuentro de Organización del Conocimiento en Sistemas de Información y Documentación), organitzat per ISKO-España (Capítulo Español de la International Society for Knowledge Organization), ha suposat «situar en el mapa» un congrés i una entitat que fins ara havien tingut poca projecció. Tot i organitzar les trobades regularment ¿cada dos anys¿ des del 1993, el poc coneixement de l'entitat i dels seus objectius comportava una assistència escassa de professionals a les trobades, limitada, es podria dir, als membres de l'entitat i als alumnes de la Universidad Carlos III, ¿entitat que havia acollit les segones i terceres trobades. Igualment, les actes publicades tenien poc ressò, tot i incloure contribucions d'un bon nivell de qualitat. El canvi en els òrgans de govern d'ISKO-España, el 1998, va replantejar la manera d'organitzar el congrés: es va decidir formar un equip independent de la junta directiva que s'hi pogués dedicar plenament i que garantís un major grau de professionalitat.
This article is the result of a domain analysis of the articles published in the congresses of ISKO in Brazil, Spain and North America, aiming at identifying the themes and scientific collaboration characteristics, as an input for future studies on research trends and promoting the growth of the participation in each community. So it was characterized as an exploratory research focused on the analysis domain. The results showed that the Brazilian, North American and Iberian ISKO Chapters have been building a large space of scientific production with some convergent subjects like the epistemological questions, but also considering the regional specific ones. In this vein, the presence of researchers in the three studied academic spaces reveals a concern on establishing dialogical basis in KO research, whose main research institutions are São Paulo State University (UNESP, Brazil), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM, United States) and University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M, Spain), which have deeply intensified their collaboration in joint publications.
Information organization can be considered as a nuclear area in Information Science and its historical background has been historically built based on three theoretical approaches: subject cataloguing, under a North-American influence, Indexing, under a British influence, and document analysis, under a French influence. In this sense, although one can consider the strong influence of the logic-linguistic approach of the French tradition in information organization both in Brazil and in Spain, it is not already clear in what extent the mentioned influence specifically occurs in Brazil and Spain as well as what are the dialogical perspectives between them. So, and in order to analyze how the Information Science academic environments in Brazil and in Spain conceive the interdisciplinary relationships in the domain of document analysis (DA), it was applied a questionnaire to Brazilian and Spain DO researchers based on the records of the Brazilian and the Spanish International Society for Knowledge Organization chapters. The results (64,5% of answers in Brazil and 60,6% in Spain) allowed the identification of 35 DA interdisciplinary relationships in Brazil and 98 in Spain, whose data were so grouped in 7 matrixes ? cognitive, philosophical, historical, logic-lingusitic, quantitative, social and political, and technological. It was possible to observe that the logical-linguistic matrix is strongly predominant (90% of the answers in Brazil and in Spain) what reflects the influence of the ideas of Jean-Claude Gardin. On the other side, the graphic visualization of authors´s network showed a strong perspective of dialogical relationships among Brazilian and Spanish DA researchers, based on the convergence of theoretical conceptions, what allow us to conclude the need of joint research policies between both coountries in order to make the mention ed dialogical relationships real and fruitful.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this poster, we describe a new way of conceptualizing relationships between systems for information dissemination throughout history, based on a set of basic attributes or facets. This poster illustrates one way in which these attribute-based relationships might be visualized, as a step toward illuminating novel perspectives on and comparisons between these phenomena.
In 2008 the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) started an initiative to systematically develop its capacity and its internal and external policy agenda. This paper sums up achievements that have been made with this ISPRM initiative as well as pending issues and strategies to address them. The paper treats the following: ISPRM`s policy agenda in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), research capacity in functioning and rehabilitation, ISPRM world conferences, relationships with regional societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and ISPRM`s membership and governance structure.