215 resultados para Interlocutor


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A presente tese examina a história de vida do homem de negócios e jornalista fluminense José Carlos Rodrigues (1844 1923), detendo-se, em particular, no lapso de tempo compreendido entre os anos de 1867 e 1915. A primeira data corresponde ao início da temporada de José Carlos nos Estados Unidos da América e a segunda, ao seu afastamento do Jornal do Commercio, órgão da imprensa carioca, do qual foi proprietário entre 1890 e 1915. A pesquisa empreendida analisa as amizades pessoais, além dos vínculos profissionais estabelecidos por Rodrigues, a partir de sua inserção nos campos da imprensa, da política, dos negócios e das letras, no Rio de Janeiro, em Nova York e em Londres, cidades em que viveu no período abordado. Evidencia, também, que essa ampla rede de sociabilidade foi sendo tecida, progressivamente, não apenas pelo conhecido caráter empreendedor do publicista, mas, sobretudo, graças a arranjos sociais e políticos, através do acesso a informações privilegiadas. Mais do que bibliófilo e filantropo, José Carlos Rodrigues atuou nos círculos políticos, interferindo ora de forma clara, ora nos bastidores do poder.


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Este trabajo intenta mostrar, a partir de la experiencia como interlocutor en el Consultorio Social Minuto de Dios (CSMD), las relaciones que se dan entre sus actores (directivas, profesores, practicantes e interloutor) para encontrar si hay distancia entre los discursos y las practicas que se dan.


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Based on insufficient evidence, and inadequate research, Floridi and his students report inaccuracies and draw false conclusions in their Minds and Machines evaluation, which this paper aims to clarify. Acting as invited judges, Floridi et al. participated in nine, of the ninety-six, Turing tests staged in the finals of the 18th Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence in October 2008. From the transcripts it appears that they used power over solidarity as an interrogation technique. As a result, they were fooled on several occasions into believing that a machine was a human and that a human was a machine. Worse still, they did not realise their mistake. This resulted in a combined correct identification rate of less than 56%. In their paper they assumed that they had made correct identifications when they in fact had been incorrect.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Many contemporary currents in applied linguistics have favored discourse studies within assessment; there have been calls for cross-fertilization with other areas within applied linguistics, critiques of the positivist tradition within language testing research, and the growing impact of Conversation Analysis (CA) and sociocultural theory. This chapter focuses on the resulting increase in discourse-based studies of oral proficiency assessment techniques. These studies initially focused on the traditional oral proficiency interview but have since been extended to new test formats, including paired and group interaction. We discuss the research carried out on a number of factors in the assessment setting, including the role of the interlocutor, candidate, and rater, and the impact of tasks, task performance conditions, and rating criteria. Recent research has also concentrated more specifically on the assessment of pragmatic competence and on the applications of technology within the assessment of spoken language, including the comparability of semidirect and direct methods for such assessment and the use of computer corpora.


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Interactional competence has emerged as a focal point for language testing researchers in recent years. In spoken communication involving two or more interlocutors, the co-construction of discourse is central to successful interaction. The acknowledgement of co-construction has led to concern over the impact of the interlocutor and the separability of performances in speaking tests involving interaction. The purpose of this article is to review recent studies of direct relevance to the construct of interactional competence and its operationalisation by raters in the context of second language speaking tests. The review begins by tracing the emergence of interaction as a criterion in speaking tests from a theoretical perspective, and then focuses on research salient to interactional effectiveness that has been carried out in the context of language testing interviews and group and paired speaking tests.


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The panel "Duplicity/Complicity: Performing and Misperforming Lies" at PSi #15 in Croatia in July 2009 examined the half-truths, hidden assumptions and power relations embedded in every act of performance through an analysis of the way bodies, buildings, personae and communities perform and misperform lies. It was a collection of new academic voices from Australia and Croatia, intersecting and colliding and, at times, outright lying, with each other and with commentary from Alan Read. Inspired by this successful adventure in collaborative academic mis-performance, "The ‘Dirty Work’ of the Lie" takes the challenge set by the Prelude Panel at PSI #15 and subjects the ideas emerging from this panel to "friendly fire" in order to build a multi authored response to 'performance that lies', with reference to the work of A Chorus of Women, disabled artists Bill Shannon, Aaron Williamson and Kathryn Araneillo, US dance performer Ann Liv Young and US theatre and festival director Peter Sellars. In doing so, "The 'Dirty Work' of the Lie" provides a reflexive response to the duplicity inherent in the performances, and also in our own academic analyses. With Alan Read acting as interlocutor, each contributor will creatively respond to a paper presented by another, developing the key intersecting issues that emerged through the formation of the panel. These issues include impression management, self-belief and performers who are 'taken in by their own act', the dirty work of taking others in with an act, the guerrilla dimension of lying, the productivity of the lie, and questions of audience engagement and ethics. As a result, this new paper tests how the 'misperformance' of lies across different cultural sites, be it deliberate or accidental, can become a productive – and, indeed, politicised – aspect of cultural performance, betraying accepted attitudes, ideas and structures of authority and offering alternative visions. Through it’s distinctively multi vocal texture, "The 'Dirty Work' of the Lie" also interrogates the modes of analysis available to us, questioning the 'duplicity' in our reflecting, responding and listening to each other as well as the work.


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Paired speaking tests are now commonly used in both high-stakes testing and classroom assessment contexts. The co-construction of discourse by candidates is regarded as a strength of paired speaking tests, as candidates have the opportunity to display a wider range of interactional competencies, including turn taking, initiating topics and engaging in extended discourse with a partner, rather than an examiner. However, the impact of the interlocutor in such jointly negotiated discourse and the implications for assessing interactional competence are areas of concern. This article reports on the features of interactional competence that were salient to four trained raters of 12 paired speaking tests through the analysis of rater notes, stimulated verbal recalls and rater discussions. Findings enabled the identification of features of the performance noted by raters when awarding scores for interactional competence, and the particular features associated with higher and lower scores. A number of these features were seen by the raters as mutual achievements, which raises the issue of the extent to which it is possible to assess individual contributions to the co-constructed performance. The findings have implications for defining the construct of interactional competence in paired speaking tests and operationalising this in rating scales.


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