990 resultados para Interface cultural


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Uma das áreas onde o confronto entre culturas e valores minoritários e maioritários são mais evidentes, é a escola, particularmente porque ela se sobrepõe a uma missão socializadora que não é, de modo nenhum, neutra nem sequer flexível. Sabemos que a taxa de escolarização ainda é muito reduzida, na cultura cigana. A educação é portanto uma área fundamental para a inclusão destes na sociedade, dita dominante. A escola pode e deve assumir-se como um importante interface cultural entre as distintas comunidades, assumir-se como espaço de pertença das crianças ciganas e das suas famílias, respeitando e alargando as suas expectativas, como fator de sucesso. Com o presente trabalho, pretende-se conhecer os percursos escolares dos indivíduos de etnia cigana onde existe sucesso no percurso escolar (escolaridade superior ao 9º ano) e perceber se existem ou não, fatores preponderantes que levem ao sucesso escolar. Será realizado um estudo de caso a quatro indivíduos de etnia cigana com o intuito de aprofundar, compreender e analisar o percurso escolar dos entrevistados bem como, o seu percurso de vida e o dos seus pais. Para podermos aprofundar este tema sobre estes indivíduos iremos recorrer à entrevista semi-estruturada como metodologia a aplicar.


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This project investigated 1) Australian web designers’ cultural perceptions towards Australian Indigenous users and 2) Australian Indigenous cultural features in terms of user interface design. In doing so, it reviews the literature of cross-cultural user interface design by focusing on feasible models and arguments to articulate and integrate Australian Indigenous Internet users’ cultural needs of web user interface. The online survey results collected from 101 Indigenous users and 126 Web designers showed a distinctive difference between them on the integration of Indigenous users' cultural in Web sites. The interview data collected from 14 Indigenous users and 14 web designers suggested practical approaches to the design implications of Indigenous culture.


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Digital Songlines (DSL) is an Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) project that is developing protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the collection, education and sharing of indigenous cultural heritage knowledge. This paper outlines the goals achieved over the last three years in the development of the Digital Songlines game engine (DSE) toolkit that is used for Australian Indigenous storytelling. The project explores the sharing of indigenous Australian Aboriginal storytelling in a sensitive manner using a game engine. The use of the game engine in the field of Cultural Heritage is expanding. They are an important tool for the recording and re-presentation of historically, culturally, and sociologically significant places, infrastructure, and artefacts, as well as the stories that are associated with them. The DSL implementation of a game engine to share storytelling provides an educational interface. Where the DSL implementation of a game engine in a CH application differs from others is in the nature of the game environment itself. It is modelled on the 'country' (the 'place' of their heritage which is so important to the clients' collective identity) and authentic fauna and flora that provides a highly contextualised setting for the stories to be told. This paper provides an overview on the development of the DSL game engine.


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In this chapter I position the iPhone as a “moment” in the history of cultural technologies. Drawing predominantly on advertising materials and public conversations about other "moments" in the history of personal computing and focusing on Apple’s role in this history, I argue that the design philosophy, marketing, and business models behind the iPhone (and now the iPad) have decisively reframed the values of usability that underpin software and interface design in the consumer technology industry, marking a distinctive shift in the history and contested futures of digital culture.


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Despite documented changes to mainstream educational systems, Indigenous educational achievements are still at critically low levels across all phases of formal education. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) Indigenous students are still less likely than non-Indigenous students to complete their final years of schooling (45% compared with 77% in 2009); tertiary level entry and outcomes are also significantly lower than non-Indigenous entry and outcomes. Although significant research has focused on the area of Indigenous education, in particular, identifying and making recommendations on how to close educational gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, these studies have failed to bring about the change needed and to engage successfully with Indigenous communities and draw on Indigenous communities’ insights for best practice. This thesis focuses on Indigenous perspectives and takes a closer look at the cultural factors that impact on tertiary education access for Indigenous young men who come from a Bundjalung community on the far north coast of northern New South Wales. To date, this community has not been the focus of serious postgraduate study. Their experiences and the values and ideas of their community have not been investigated. To do this, the study uses an Indigenous methodological framework. It draws on Indigenous Standpoint Theory to analyse data through concepts of the cultural interface and tensions (Nakata, 2007, pp. 195-217). The study’s framing also draws on decolonising methods (Porsanger, 2004; Smith, 1999) and Indigenist research methods (Rigney, 1997). Such methodologies are intended to benefit both the research participants (community members) and the researcher. In doing so, the study draws on Creswell’s (2008) methods of restorying and retelling to analyse the participants’ interviews and yarns about their lives and experiences relating to tertiary educational access. The research process occurred in multiple stages: (1) selection of research sites, (2) granting of access which was requested through consultation with local Aboriginal Elders and through the local Aboriginal Lands Council, (3) conducting of interviews with participants/ data collection, (4) analysis of data, (5) documentation of findings, (6) theory development, and (7) reporting back to the nominated Indigenous community on the progress and findings of the research. The benefits of this research are numerous. First, this study addresses an issue that has been identified from within the local Aboriginal community as an issue of high precedence, looking at the cultural factors surrounding the underrepresentation of Indigenous people accessing tertiary education. This is not only of local significance but has been identified in the literature as a local, national and international area of concern amongst Indigenous peoples (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2009; Herbert, 2010; King, 2011). Secondly, the study draws on local Indigenous knowledges and learning processes from within a Bundjalung community to gain inside perspectives, namely the cultural factors that are being expressed from a range of Indigenous community members – young men, community Elders and community members – and finding out what they perceive inhibit and/or promote tertiary education participation within their community. Such perspectives are rarely heard. Finally, recommendations made from this study are aimed at revealing investigative styles that may be utilised by Western institutions to improve access for Indigenous young men living in the Narlumdarlum1 region in the tertiary context.


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Accepting the fact that culture and language are interrelated in second language learning (SLL), the web sites should be designed to integrate with the cultural aspects. Yet many SLL web sites fail to integrate with the cultural aspects and/or focus on language acquisition only. This study identified three issues: (1) anthropologists’ cultural models mostly adopted in cross-cultural web user interface have been superficially used; (2) web designers deal with culture as a fixed one which needs to be modeled into interface design elements, so (3) there is a need for a communication framework between educators and design practitioners, which can be utilized in web design processes. This paper discusses what anthropology can contribute to language learning, mediated through web design processes and suggests a cultural user experience framework for web-based SLL by presenting an exemplary matrix. To evaluate the effectiveness of the framework, the key stakeholders (learners, teachers, and designers) participated in a case scenario-based evaluation. The result shows a high possibility that the framework can enhance the effective communication and collaboration for the cultural integration.


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Designing across cultures requires considerable attention to inter-relational design methods that facilitate mutual exploration, learning and trust. Many Western design practices have been borne of a different model, utilizing approaches for the design team to rapidly gain insight into “users” in order to deliver concepts and prototypes, with little attention paid to different cultural understandings about being, knowledge, participation and life beyond the design project. This paper describes a project that intends to create and grow a sustainable set of technology assisted communication practices for the Warnindilyakwa people of Groote Eylandt in the form of digital noticeboards. Rather than academic practices of workshops, interviews, probes or theoretical discourses that emphasize an outside-in perspective, we emphasize building upon the local designs and practices. Our team combines bilingual members from the local Land Council in collaboration with academics from a remote urban university two thousand kilometers away. We contribute an approach of growing existing local practices and materials digitally in order to explore viable, innovative and sustainable technical solutions from this perspective.


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With persisting health inequalities across and between diverse populations, health promotion must consider its engagement with the culture concept in achieving better health for all. By way of a conversation between an Indigenous and non-Indigenous health promotion practitioner, this unique presentation will critically examine the cultural practice of health promotion for Indigenous Australians. Culture becomes the central tenant of this conversation – but not culture in the sense of something to “fix” to improve Indigenous health, or import to make mainstream practices “culturally appropriate”. Rather, the somewhat invisible culture of Australian health promotion practice itself is highlighted. The enthusiasm of mainstream health promotion practice for risk and reductionism supplants biological determinism with a cultural determinism that constructs culture as illness-producing. This is in contrast to Indigenous perspectives of culture in which it is described as integral to individual and community health and well-being. Whilst empowerment features strongly within global health promotion discourses, the preoccupation of health promotion with the inherent deficit/behavioural change approach is an all too convenient distraction from the broader structural factors impacting on the health of Indigenous Australians. That Indigenous Australians have not benefitted from successful public health policy interventions in the same way as the general population is in itself revealing of the culture of health promotion practice in Australia and it is somewhat ironic that the health promotion fraternity seems not to have questioned its own practice. This conversation aims to encourage health promotion practitioners, researchers and policy makers to interrogate the cultural assumptions of their own practice and of the public health system they are part of and consider how to embed and empower the voices and experiences of those who are ‘culturally othered’ within health promotion practice.


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Localization of technology is now widely applied to the preservation and revival of the culture of indigenous peoples around the world, most commonly through the translation into indigenous languages, which has been proven to increase the adoption of technology. However, this current form of localization excludes two demographic groups, which are key to the effectiveness of localization efforts in the African context: the younger generation (under the age of thirty) with an Anglo- American cultural view who have no need or interest in their indigenous culture; and the older generation (over the age of fifty) who are very knowledgeable about their indigenous culture, but have little or no knowledge on the use of a computer. This paper presents the design of a computer game engine that can be used to provide an interface for both technology and indigenous culture learning for both generations. Four indigenous Ugandan games are analyzed and identified for their attractiveness to both generations, to both rural and urban populations, and for their propensity to develop IT skills in older generations.


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We describe the design of a digital noticeboard to support communication within a remote Aboriginal community whose aspiration is to live in "both worlds", nurturing and extending their Aboriginal culture and actively participating in Western society and economy. Three bi-cultural aspects have emerged and are presented here: the need for a bi-lingual noticeboard to span both oral and written language traditions, the tension between perfunctory information exchange and social, embodied protocols of telling in person and the different ways in which time is represented in both cultures. The design approach, developed iteratively through consultation, demonstration and testing led to an "unsurprising interface", aimed at maximizing use and appropriation across cultures by unifying visual, text and spoken contents in both passive and interactive displays in a modeless manner.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objeto de estudo a expressão da sexualidade feminina no momento do parto e nascimento. A sexualidade é entendida a partir de um enfoque abrangente, como um aspecto central do indivíduo, e que está presente em todos os momentos de sua vida. Discutimos a sexualidade feminina como aquela expressa pela mulher no momento do parto e nascimento, ou seja, seus sentimentos positivos, emoções, desejos, fonte de prazeres, troca, comunicação e afetos, expressos e vivenciados pela mulher neste momento. Assim, objetivamos descrever a sexualidade na visão das mulheres que vivenciaram o parto normal; analisar a relação existente entre sexualidade e parto, na perspectiva das mulheres que vivenciaram o parto normal; e, discutir as relações e expressões de sexualidade vividas pelas mulheres durante o parto normal. Caracteriza-se por ser um estudo qualitativo, exploratório, onde o cenário foi duas maternidades situadas no Rio de Janeiro. Participaram do estudo 11 mulheres no puerpério mediato de partos fisiológicos. A coleta dos dados foi realizada através de entrevista semiestruturada que foram analisadas a partir de Análise de Conteúdos. Emergiram dos depoimentos as categorias: Sexualidade na compreensão das depoentes e a Sexualidade e sua interface no momento da parturição: uma relação a partir da vivência da mulher. Os resultados mais significativos foram: na primeira categoria, identificamos que as mulheres, inicialmente, tiveram dificuldade em falar de sexualidade, mas mesmo assim compreendem a sexualidade a partir de relações que fizeram, a saber: sexo/relação sexual; sensações e sentimentos positivos; e, imagem corporal. Na segunda categoria, encontramos uma afirmação da sexualidade presente no parto. A associação da sexualidade com o processo parturitivo foi verbalizada e expressada pelas mulheres com base em suas vivências pessoais, que se inter-relacionam com seu cotidiano sócio-cultural. Desta maneira, apontaram que a sexualidade está presente no parto, pois é demonstrada nele: o papel sexual reprodutivo da mulher, onde observamos satisfação e prazer feminino no nascimento do filho; e, o poder feminino de parir, onde as mulheres manifestaram satisfação e prazer na sua força e potencial no parto.


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Au croisement de l’anthropologie médicale, de la communication, du design industriel et des nouvelles technologies de l’information, ce mémoire se penche sur les difficultés communicatives rencontrées par le personnel médical et les patients de provenances culturelles variées dans le milieu des urgences hospitalières à Montréal. Dans l’optique d’améliorer l’échange au poste de triage, la réflexion porte principalement sur la pertinence et les caractéristiques d’un support visuel d’appoint. Elle aborde la problématique par l’étude des concepts de perception, de compréhension, d’interprétation et de représentation graphique sous les angles théoriques de la communication visuelle (Benjamin, Berger, Dibi-Huberman), de la sémiologie du discours social (Verón) et du jeu herméneutique (Gadamer). Les systèmes symboliques de cent cinquante images, illustrant sur Internet trois symptômes propres à la gastro-entérite, ont été analysés d’après une méthodologie mixte quantitative et qualitative afin d’identifier leurs sens dénotatifs et connotatifs. Les résultats appuient le recours à des images pour contourner les barrières langagières et révèlent l’existence d’une culture médicale visuelle internationale dont le code iconographique est hybride et pluriculturel. Ces nouvelles informations indiquent des critères de performance et des hypothèses concernant les changements occasionnés par l’ajout d’un support visuel dans la dynamique communicationnelle de l’ETC. La recherche ouvre aussi une piste vers l’étude herméneutique du produit en design industriel.