993 resultados para Intercultural policy


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Gleichwohl hat sich seit Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends in Deutschland das Selbstverständnis durchgesetzt, dass die Anwesenheit von Migrantinnen und Migranten weder marginal noch vorübergehend, sondern konstitutiv für gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit ist. Die öffentlichen Diskurse, die politischen Debatten und Anstrengungen sowie die Ergebnisse der empirischen Bildungsforschung der letzten Jahre in Deutschland verweisen darauf, dass Migration zu den wichtigsten gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft avanciert ist. Dies bestätigt auch das Feld, das sich aus pädagogischer Perspektive mit Kunst und Ästhetik befasst. [...] Der Autor möchte seinen Beitrag zu Fragen ästhetischer Bildung in der Migrationsgesellschaft mit einer kurzen Kritik der Besonderung durch die interkulturelle Perspektive einleiten (ausführlicher Mecheril u.a., 2010), um vom Brett dieser Kritik in eine alternative Perspektive zu springen, die er Migrationspädagogik nennt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The literature on policy enactment identifies the pivotal role played by school leaders and classroom teachers in response to attempts to implement reforms of current practices. An intersection of teachers’ personal and professional domains, such as enactment of National Curriculum priorities that identify intercultural understanding as a cross-curricular general capability embedded across learning areas, invests individual teachers’ attitudes and beliefs with additional significance. As local policy actors at the centre of this policy mix, teachers of EAL are presented with opportunities to play important roles in reconceptualising understandings of difference that resist categorisation and promote intercultural understanding. We argue that teachers’ beliefs and their attitudes to classroom linguistic and cultural diversity may be shaped significantly by their interaction with broader policy discourses, and that these are reflected in enactments—as opposed to implementations—of intercultural understanding policy in classrooms.


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This research is a dance-based, autoethnographic study which explores my connection with place as a Savolainen woman born on Kalkadoon country; an Australian-born Finn. Edward Relph states 'the more profoundly inside a place the person feels, the stronger will be his or her identity with that place' (1976, 49). I am interested in how a sense of "place identity" has informed my choreographic practice. Autoethnography is important because it places the research within a lived experience: my insider account of a lived experience within the White Australia Policy through my lens as a first generation Australian-born Finn. It also speaks to the space in-between for those, like me, who feel they do not fit into mainstream identity but look like they do. By exploring my lived experience through dance autoethnography, new understandings of my place identity within a cultural, social and political context have emerged. Ellis and Flaherty state ‘subjectivity is situated such that the voices in our heads and the feelings in our bodies are linked to political, cultural, and historical contexts’ (1992, 4). In order to begin my rehearsal process, I wanted a cultural framework which related to connection with land to guide the research. My investigations led me to the Maori examples of "Tikanga Maori" (Tikanga are the customs and traditions), in particular the "Pepeha" (Introduction) and allowed me to challenge my choreographic practice through this cultural framework.


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Early education in Australia encompasses both early education and care(ECEC) and the early years of school. Educational approaches to cultural and linguistic diversity have varied not only by sector but also by jurisdiction based on distinct curriculum frameworks and policies. In Australian early education, provision for cultural and linguistic diversity has been framed largely by multicultural discourse, as defined by a complex history of progressive, yet often superficial reforms. Current initiatives serve to change this trajectory and the positioning of stakeholders. The incorporation of intercultural rather than multicultural approaches offers new possibilities for early education and directs attention to real challenges for ECEC. They re-position Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the First Australians, and direct attention to both Australia’s social, cultural and linguistic diversity and to the role of early childhood educators in enacting more inclusive pedagogies. Challenges yet to be addressed include the cultural understanding of Australian early childhood educators, particularly those who identify as Anglo- Australian, deeper policy enactment in pedagogic practice and negotiation with diverse families and communities. This paper will address the historical and current policy contexts of intercultural early education in Australia, the development of intercultural initiatives, and emerging issues as national policies are introduced. The discussion draws on responses to intercultural early education in New Zealand and Canada to consider approaches to intercultural priorities in Australia. The paper will attend predominantly to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives as a core element of change in Australian early childhood policy, focusing on ECEC.


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The purpose of this article is to develop a methodological framework for analyzing Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). With this goal, we analyze different views of PCD in order to establish a comprehensive approach of Coherence adapted to globalization process. In this context, the article proposes a methodological framework based on four dimensions of analysis in CPD. In each dimen-sion, we set the areas and actors to investigate and we put forward research questions that could be use as a guide for a comprehensive approach to study PCD.


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Situado entre o discurso investigativo e o profissional da Didática de Línguas, o presente estudo assenta: num entendimento da educação em línguas como um processo valorizador da diversidade linguística e cultural, tendo como fim último a promoção da intercompreensão e do diálogo intercultural, dentro dos pressupostos de uma didática das línguas e do plurilinguismo; na conceção do professor de línguas como um dos principais atores na educação de cidadãos / comunicadores interculturais, vendo-se, portanto, a braços com novas exigências, para as quais, muitas vezes, não se sente preparado; e nos pressupostos de que a identidade profissional condiciona fortemente a forma como o professor desempenha a sua ação didática, sendo este processo de se tornar professor contínuo e dependente, quer do sujeito-professor e dos seus percursos profissionais e formativos, quer do contexto (profissional, local, nacional, global) em que este se insere. Pretende-se, com este estudo, contribuir para que a educação intercultural seja uma realidade nas nossas escolas, potenciando a sua migração contextualizada dos documentos orientadores das políticas linguísticas e educativas nacionais e transnacionais e dos discursos da investigação em Didática de Línguas. Para o efeito, desenvolvemos um programa de investigação/formação denominado O Professor Intercultural, durante o ano letivo 2006/2007, com professores de línguas (materna e estrangeiras) de três escolas básicas e secundárias do distrito de Aveiro. Este programa integrava um curso (25 horas) e uma oficina (50 horas), ambas as ações de formação acreditadas pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua. Do ponto de vista formativo, com este programa pretendíamos levar as professoras em formação a desenvolver competências pessoais e profissionais que lhes permitissem gerir a diversidade nos seus contextos profissionais, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento nos seus alunos de uma competência de comunicação intercultural (CCI). Do ponto de vista investigativo, não só pretendíamos compreender as representações dos sujeitos relativamente à educação intercultural em geral e à CCI em particular; como também identificar princípios e estratégias de formação potenciadores do desenvolvimento de competências profissionais docentes para trabalhar a CCI, a partir das perspetivas dos próprios sujeitos. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo de caso de cariz qualitativo e interpretativo / fenomenológico, com potencialidades heurísticas, que pretende evidenciar os sujeitos, as suas representações, as interações consigo e com os outros e a forma como conceptualizam a identidade profissional docente e as suas dinâmicas de desenvolvimento. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados, privilegiámos os Portefólios Profissionais que foram sendo construídos ao longo do percurso de formação; a sessão “Entre Línguas e Culturas” da plataforma Galanet (www.galanet.eu), recurso de formação no âmbito da oficina (entre fevereiro e maio de 2007); o “Diário do Investigador”; e as “entrevistas narrativas e de confrontação” efetuadas sensivelmente um ano após o final do programa de investigação/formação. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo revelam que os sujeitos consideram a CCI uma competência multidimensional e complexa, reconhecendo três componentes: afetiva (domínio do saber ser e saber viver com o outro), cognitiva (domínio do saber) e praxeológica (domínio do saber-fazer). A componente afetiva constitui, de acordo com os resultados, o motor de arranque do desenvolvimento desta competência, que, posteriormente, é alargada em dinâmicas de informação-(inter)ação-reflexão. Por outro lado, dada a grande pertinência que atribuem à abordagem intercultural e à urgência com que veem a sua integração escolar, os sujeitos consideram a CCI uma das competências inerentes à competência profissional docente, elemento integrador da identidade profissional, numa forte ligação com a missão ética e política que cada vez mais é associada ao docente (de línguas). Para além disso, percecionam o seu desenvolvimento profissional docente como um processo que os acompanha ao longo da vida, fruto das idiossincrasias e predisposições do próprio indivíduo, mas também das dinâmicas da sua formação, das caraterísticas dos contextos em que se movimenta e da colaboração com o Outro, no seu espaço profissional ou fora dele. Importa salientar que este desenvolvimento profissional é potenciado, segundo os nossos resultados, por propostas de formação assentes numa abordagem acional e reflexiva, articulando dinâmicas investigação-ação-reflexão como as propostas no nosso programa de formação, nomeadamente no âmbito da oficina. Neste quadro, concluímos o presente estudo, indicando alguns caminhos possíveis para a formação de professores de línguas para a educação intercultural.


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Background: The introduction of the Australia Council's 'Arts in a Multicultural Australia Policy' (AIMAP) (2000) represented a shift in how the arts in multicultural communities were viewed. It has long been recognised that the arts play a significant role in promoting social cohesion, social policy goals, economic growth, and shaping a nation’s sense of identity. However, prior to the introduction of this policy, multicultural arts was typically seen as involving cultural retentive activities which had their roots in expressions of migrant cultural traditions. The introduction of the policy heralded the beginning of an era in which culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) Australians were seen as integral to the fabric of the Australian arts sector. Evaluation of the policy in 2005 however, revealed that culturally and linguistically diverse Australians were under-represented in most artistic categories. Western Australia is the most culturally diverse state in Australia. It is therefore of great interest to the State Government to have a comprehensive picture of the situation in that state. Hence, the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) commissioned Deakin University to undertake an investigation into the participation rates of CaLD artists in the arts sector in Western Australia.

Scope: The project examined the participation in the arts of CaLD artists in Western Australia. The arts sector comprises many more individuals and organisations than artists. For example, there are arts agency administrators, venue operators, policy officers, curators, and countless others who work together to make up the arts sector. This project focused on the artists, the individuals such as those who make music, visual art, dance and theatre performances. In the past it has been shown that CaLD populations are not well represented in the broader arts sector. This research aimed to discover the current position for CaLD artists in terms of participation in the broader arts sector and what factors influence their situation.


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Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations reflects on the tensions and contradictions that arise within debates on social inclusion, arguing that both the concept of social inclusion and policy surrounding it need to incorporate visions of citizenship that value ethnic diversity. Presenting the latest empirical research from Australia and engaging with contemporary global debates on questions of identity, citizenship, intercultural relations and social inclusion, this book unsettles fixed assumptions about who is included as a valued citizen and explores the possibilities for engendering inclusive visions of citizenship in local, national and transnational spaces.


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In 2011, the Innovation and Next Practice Division (INP) of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) conducted a field trial on intercultural understanding in partnership with a research and evaluation team from the University of Melbourne and La Trobe University. The field trial was sponsored by the Languages, English as another Language (EAL) and Multicultural Education Division of DEECD.

The primary research question guiding the field trial was:

1. What is the impact on student outcomes of teaching and learning practice for intercultural understanding?
2. The secondary research questions were:
3. What knowledge and skills do both learners and educators need for intercultural understanding?
4. How is effective practice identified and measured?
5. What intercultural understanding capabilities can be developed at each developmental stage of children and young people in different cultural contexts?

In order to explore these questions, schools across Victoria were initially nominated by International Division, the Multicultural Education Unit and by regional directors and INP based on three core criteria, which included school culture, capability and connections within the school and the wider community. Following an expression of interest process, 26 schools, including one independent school and two catholic schools were selected. Participation in the field trial included the following aims:

• to stimulate thinking about current school policy and practice around intercultural understanding and interaction (ICU)
• to trial projects that support the field trial’s primary research question 
• to evaluate innovative ‘next practice’ and consider its relevance for the education system
• to support the intercultural understanding general capability under consideration for inclusion in the Australian National Curriculum in 2013.

The field trial was implemented by DEECD INP from February 2011 to December 2011 over three stages.


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Vietnam's open-door policy, its socialist-oriented market economy, recent growth in cross-border education and skills mobility, regionalisation and globalisation have created an increasing demand for Vietnamese graduates to develop not only their English language but also their intercultural competence. This paper discusses the issue of student intercultural learning and development in the Vietnamese English as a foreign language (EFL) class. Especially, it addresses the use of film as an innovative approach to engage Vietnamese students in intercultural learning and development in the EFL classroom. The study reported in this paper draws on rich sources of data which include in-depth interviews with students, student reflective journals and video-recorded class observations at a university in central Vietnam. Overall, five key themes relating to student intercultural learning through film have been identified in this study. These include enhancing knowledge about cultural differences, engaging in cross-cultural comparison, breaking cultural stereotypes, immersing students in authentic learning and living in the world of ‘other’ culture and the integrated mode of intercultural language learning. The study is a significant contribution to scholarly research on the use of media objects to enhance student intercultural learning in language classrooms in developing countries.


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Since 1947, Australia has formally resettled more than 750,000 refugees. During that time, researchers have successfully completed more than 150 Masters and doctoral theses and published more than 900 articles, books and reports about issues of refugee settlement in Australia, with about half of them being published in the past 10 years. In this paper, we discuss the development of the production of knowledge about refugee resettlement. We identify trends in the literature, such as the emergence of an ethno-specific focus, and the concern with settlement's psychological and emotional impact, and relate them to policy changes. We suggest that scholars need critically to take stock of the knowledge produced so far and be more cognisant of the international scholarly debate.


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This thesis is a case study of a primary school in a highly diverse urban neighbourhood in Sweden. Basic pre-conditions for intercultural school development are studied by examining the overall organisation of teaching, learning and opportunities for collaboration in the investigated case. The study focuses on the targeted support measures to enhance learning for students with an immigrant background: Mother tongue instruction, Swedish as a Second Language, and tutoring in the mother tongue, as well as looking at pedagogical support provided by the school library. The latter has a mission to promote learning and inclusion, where non-native speakers of Swedish are a prioritised group. Communities of practice linked to the work organisation at a meso-level are investigated, and the collaborative relationships between professional groups at the school involved in the various support measures. Teacher relationships and categorisations implied by support measures impact the learning spaces that are shaped for students and the teaching spaces within which teachers work. Collaborative opportunities and convergence of concerns in the teaching spaces combine to shape the overall space for intercultural development. The raw data for the case study consists of interviews, national policy documents and additional information on local work organisation gained through documents and observations. Four articles resulted from the case study, each focusing a specific support measure. An overarching analysis is then made of findings from these articles and the other dimensions of the investigation. The analysis describes the organisation in terms of monocultural or intercultural school cultures, pointing to significant characteristics of the landscapes of practice, with respect to their overall implications for the spaces of school development. In the discussion, findings are considered in relation to research on professional development in education, collaboration, democracy and inclusive schooling. The relative positioning of languages and cultures is given particular attention, to ascertain if the school culture is monocultural or intercultural in the sense given by Lahdenperä (2008), and to what extent it could enable intercultural development. Such positioning plays a role interms of affordances for identity, participation and engagement discussed by Wenger (1998). This case study should be understood against the wider background of recent social developments in Europe linked to globalisation and technological changes. It is argued that looking at the concrete specifics which facilitate or obstruct school development, and simultaneously reflecting on how the different forms of teaching interrelate in the overall organisation and in policy may provide a useful vantage point from which structural changes can be contemplated.The discussion underlines the importance of the physical localisation of activities, continuity in personal contacts and time available for joint pedagogical reflection, as basic conditions for effective intercultural dialogue in the organisation. Finally, the impact of policy is considered, looking at connections between levels of policy, expressed in official steering documents, and conditions for teaching and learning at the level of an individual school.


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The currency of intercultural education has risen worldwide in response to increased diversity within societies resulting from migration and global lows of populations. As intercultural education becomes a core responsibility of schooling, critical, detailed analysis of pedagogies for teachers’ own intercultural learning is largely absent in education research, in contrast to attention to developing students’ intercultural capabilities and theoretical and policy analyses. In beginning to address this limitation, this article offers a critical, reflexive analysis of our use and the efficacy of using autobiographical narrative for teachers’ intercultural learning. Framing theories include interculturality, autobiographical narratives for teachers’ professional learning, reflexivity, and the effects of silence and silencing in relation to diversity and intercultural relations in schools. Three instances of teacher autobiographical narrative elicited as part of a large-scale, longitudinal study of intercultural education in Australian schools are deconstructed to elucidate their explicit and hidden meanings and effects. The analysis reveals that while autobiographical narrative has productive potential as a strategy for stimulating teacher reflexivity about cultural identities and intercultural relations, it also contains hidden dangers and traps that caution against viewing it as a pedagogical cure-all in the development of teachers’ intercultural knowledge and skills.