894 resultados para Inter-dependency


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Aims - Endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of preeclampsia. Desensitization of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway underlies endothelial dysfunction and haeme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is decreased in preeclampsia. To identify therapeutic targets, we sought to assess whether these two regulators act to suppress soluble endoglin (sEng), an antagonist of transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) signalling, which is known to be elevated in preeclampsia. Methods and results - Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), and insulin, which all activate the PI3K/Akt pathway, inhibited the release of sEng from endothelial cells. Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway, by overexpression of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) or a dominant-negative isoform of Akt (Aktdn) induced sEng release from endothelial cells and prevented the inhibitory effect of VEGF-A. Conversely, overexpression of a constitutively active Akt (Aktmyr) inhibited PTEN and cytokine-induced sEng release. Systemic delivery of Aktmyr to mice significantly reduced circulating sEng, whereas Aktdn promoted sEng release. Phosphorylation of Akt was reduced in preeclamptic placenta and this correlated with the elevated level of circulating sEng. Knock-down of Akt using siRNA prevented HO-1-mediated inhibition of sEng release and reduced HO-1 expression. Furthermore, HO-1 null mice have reduced phosphorylated Akt in their organs and overexpression of Aktmyr failed to suppress the elevated levels of sEng detected in HO-1 null mice, indicating that HO-1 is required for the Akt-mediated inhibition of sEng. Conclusion - The loss of PI3K/Akt and/or HO-1 activity promotes sEng release and positive manipulation of these pathways offers a strategy to circumvent endothelial dysfunction.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as implicações/impactos (sociais, gerenciais e políticos) do processo de terceirização - viabilizado por um novo tipo de competição capitalista por intermédio de redes inter-empresas - em um segmento da indústria do petróleo. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa empírica tendo como material de investigação o setor de manutenção industrial de uma refinaria de petróleo do Rio de Janeiro, durante o período de 1999 a 2001. As diferentes ópticas dos sujeitos sociais envolvidos foram consideradas nesta investigação, quais sejam: gerencial, sindical e dos próprios trabalhadores terceirizados. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que a terceirização em curso no setor pesquisado tem implicado em movimentos simultâneos de destruição/reconstrução de relações produtivas tradicionais, combinando modernização e organização da produção em rede com práticas tayloristas/fordistas. Novas e antigas formas de (des)sociabilização e precarização podem ser evidenciadas através de discrepantes condições salariais e de trabalho e na criação de duas categorias de trabalhadores: os petroleiros e os terceirizados. A partir desse estudo a ambigüidade e fragilidade dessa "rede" de terceirização ficaram bem nítidas, pois a concentração de poder e recursos em pontos específicos e o prevalecente aspecto instrumental e economicista em detrimento do dialógico remetem a um distanciamento do próprio princípio de interdependência, inerente a noção de rede. A forma como a terceirização está sendo implementada nessa indústria aproxima-se mais à um padrão predatório que à um padrão flexível e interdependente como características inerentes a concepção gerencial de rede. Além disso, os mecanismos de inclusão/exclusão social e econômica entre efetivos e terceirizados, indicando cidadanias diferenciadas no âmbito da empresa, evidenciam a coexistência de velhas e novas formas de exploração sob o paradigma da rede.


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A organizaçao logica do pensamento ocidental caracteriza-se pela predominancia de valores estáticos, fragmentados e abstratos. A abstração do pensamento favoreceu o desenvolvimento de uma ciencia e tecnologia alheias a relação de interdependncia entre o homem e seu ecossistema. A soberania da ciencia fragmentada, apoiada por conceitos ideológicos, políticos e economicos capitalistas, tem permitido interferencias humanas desestabilizadoras em seu ambiente. Gerou ainda uma concepç~o de desenvolvimento que combina progresso, viol~ncia e destruiç~o. Estas concepcses refletem-se nos valores e formas de organizac.o , , da sociedade ocidental, perpetuando-se através de seus sistemas educativos, entre estes, a educaç~o em escolas publicas. A urgente necesidade da ativaç~o do equilibrio ecológico, através da integraç~o do homem aos ecossistemas naturais, principalmente em paises do terceiro mundo, requer uma revis~o de valores sociais, politicos e econ8micos e uma reo~ganizaç~o do pensamento ocidental voltando-o para bases holisticas e dinamicas. A escola pública no Brasil, pode vir a ser uma peça fundamental neste processo, aproveitando-se deste movimento para reestrutur.r as bases de seu sistema educativo.


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The use of cloud computing is extending to all kind of systems, including the ones that are part of Critical Infrastructures, and measuring the reliability is becoming more difficult. Computing is becoming the 5th utility, in part thanks to the use of cloud services. Cloud computing is used now by all types of systems and organizations, including critical infrastructure, creating hidden inter-dependencies on both public and private cloud models. This paper investigates the use of cloud computing by critical infrastructure systems, the reliability and continuity of services risks associated with their use by critical systems. Some examples are presented of their use by different critical industries, and even when the use of cloud computing by such systems is not widely extended, there is a future risk that this paper presents. The concepts of macro and micro dependability and the model we introduce are useful for inter-dependency definition and for analyzing the resilience of systems that depend on other systems, specifically in the cloud model.


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Inverse analysis for reactive transport of chlorides through concrete in the presence of electric field is presented. The model is solved using MATLAB’s built-in solvers “pdepe.m” and “ode15s.m”. The results from the model are compared with experimental measurements from accelerated migration test and a function representing the lack of fit is formed. This function is optimised with respect to varying amount of key parameters defining the model. Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region optimisation approach is employed. The paper presents a method by which the degree of inter-dependency between parameters and sensitivity (significance) of each parameter towards model predictions can be studied on models with or without clearly defined governing equations. Eigen value analysis of the Hessian matrix was employed to investigate and avoid over-parametrisation in inverse analysis. We investigated simultaneous fitting of parameters for diffusivity, chloride binding as defined by Freundlich isotherm (thermodynamic) and binding rate (kinetic parameter). Fitting of more than 2 parameters, simultaneously, demonstrates a high degree of parameter inter-dependency. This finding is significant as mathematical models for representing chloride transport rely on several parameters for each mode of transport (i.e., diffusivity, binding, etc.), which combined may lead to unreliable simultaneous estimation of parameters.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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This work outlines the historic development of the concept and main theories of energy transfer, as well as the principal experiments carried out to confirm or refute the proposed theories. Energy transfer in coordination compounds is also discussed with a focus on rare earth systems.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção de mini-implantes autoperfurantes sobre o grau de estabilidade desses dispositivos de ancoragem. MÉTODOS: a amostra consistiu de 40 mini-implantes inseridos entre as raízes do primeiro molar e segundo pré-molar superiores de 21 pacientes, com o intuito de fornecer ancoragem para retração anterior. A largura do septo no local de inserção (LSI) foi mensurada nas radiografias pós-cirúrgicas e, sob esse aspecto, os mini-implantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (áreas críticas, LSI<3mm) e grupo 2 (áreas não críticas, LSI>3mm). A estabilidade dos mini-implantes foi avaliada mensalmente pela quantificação do grau de mobilidade e a partir dessa variável foi calculada a proporção de sucesso. Avaliou-se também: a quantidade de placa, altura de inserção, grau de sensibilidade e período de observação. RESULTADOS: os resultados obtidos demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para o grau de mobilidade e proporção de sucesso entre os mini-implantes inseridos em septos de largura mesiodistal crítica e não crítica. A proporção de sucesso total encontrada foi de 90% e nenhuma variável demonstrou estar relacionada ao insucesso dos mini-implantes. No entanto, observou-se maior sensibilidade nos pacientes cujos mini-implantes apresentavam mobilidade, e que a falha desses dispositivos de ancoragem ocorria logo após sua inserção. CONCLUSÃO: a largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção não interferiu na estabilidade dos mini-implantes autoperfurantes avaliados neste estudo.


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Este artigo apresenta reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre processo de investigação de pós-doutorado que objetivava basicamente construir - na ação - estratégia de "psico-sócio-formação" de pessoas envolvidas com a questão do morador de rua; criar e aplicar um recurso metodológico operacional denominado "conto de encontro transformador". Do ponto de vista teórico, sob perspectivas inter e transdisciplinares de produção do conhecimento, essa "pesquisa-ação-formação" baseou-se no encontro dialógico entre os conhecimentos sobre "encontro transformador", "resiliência" e "ágape" e construtos teóricos da área da Educação, com ênfase no processo de autoformação. O projeto contou com vinte participantes: moradores de rua; trabalhadores de instituições de apoio a moradores de rua; técnicos das Secretarias de Assistência Social da Prefeitura de São Paulo e/ou da Secretaria da Saúde; e provenientes da Universidade de São Paulo e de outras Universidades do Brasil, França e Canadá.


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Background: Microarray techniques have become an important tool to the investigation of genetic relationships and the assignment of different phenotypes. Since microarrays are still very expensive, most of the experiments are performed with small samples. This paper introduces a method to quantify dependency between data series composed of few sample points. The method is used to construct gene co-expression subnetworks of highly significant edges. Results: The results shown here are for an adapted subset of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data set with low temporal resolution and poor statistics. The method reveals common transcription factors with a high confidence level and allows the construction of subnetworks with high biological relevance that reveals characteristic features of the processes driving the organism adaptations to specific environmental conditions. Conclusion: Our method allows a reliable and sophisticated analysis of microarray data even under severe constraints. The utilization of systems biology improves the biologists ability to elucidate the mechanisms underlying celular processes and to formulate new hypotheses.


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This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.


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This investigation presents a comprehensive characterization of magnetic and transport properties of an interesting superconducting wire, Nb-Ti -Ta, obtained through the solid-state diffusion between Nb-12 at.% Ta alloy and pure Ti. The physical properties obtained from magnetic and transport measurements related to the microstructure unambiguously confirmed a previous proposition that the superconducting currents flow in the center of the diffusion layer, which has a steep composition variation. The determination of the critical field also confirmed that the flux line core size is not constant, and in addition it was possible to determine that, in the center of the layer, the flux line core is smaller than at the borders. A possible core shape design is proposed. Among the wires studied, the one that presented the best critical current density was achieved for a diffusion layer with a composition of about Nb-32% Ti-10% Ta, obtained with a heat treatment at 700 degrees C during 120 h, in agreement with previous studies. It was determined that this wire has the higher upper critical field, indicating that the optimization of the superconducting behavior is related to an intrinsic property of the ternary alloy.


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It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.