834 resultados para Intelligence, Surveillance
O sculo XXI introduziu profundas mudanas no espao onde a atuao militar se desenvolve. Esta mutao, que agora inclui o domnio fsico e cognitivo na ao militar, impe a adoo de novos conceitos de operao e estruturas organizacionais mais geis, de forma a fazerem face a um ambiente altamente voltil, imprevisvel e complexo. Tal contexto torna as organizaes, hoje mais do que nunca, dependentes de informao (e dos sistemas que as geram), e no mbito das organizaes militares, uma capacidade em particular assume, na atualidade, uma preponderncia fulcral para o sucesso destas, que se designa por Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR). Considerando a complexidade de sistemas, processos e pessoas que envolvem toda esta capacidade, torna-se relevante estudar como a Fora Area Portuguesa (FAP) est a acomodar este conceito no interior da sua estrutura, uma vez que a sua adaptao requer uma organizao da era da informao, onde o trabalho em rede assume particular destaque. A presente investigao analisa formas de estruturas organizacionais contemporneas e cruza-as com as recomendaes da Organizao do Tratado do Atlntico Norte (tambm designada por Aliana), comparando-as posteriormente com a atualidade da FAP. No final, so efetuadas propostas tangveis, que podem potenciar as capacidades existentes, de onde se destaca a criao de uma matriz de anlise quanto eficincia organizacional, uma nova forma de organizao das capacidades residentes no que ao ISR concerne, bem como o modo de potenciar o trabalho em rede com base nos meios existentes. Abstract: The 21st century has caused profound changes in the areas where military action takes place. This mutation, which now includes the physical and cognitive domain in military action, requires the adoption of new concepts of operation and more agile organizational structures in order to cope with a highly volatile, unpredictable and complex environment. Thus, more than ever, this makes the present organizations dependent of information (and the systems that generate them), in the case of military organizations, a particular capability undertakes today a strong impact on the success of military organizations. It is known as Intelligence, Surveillance& Reconnaissance (ISR). Taking into account the complexity of systems, processes and people involving all this capability, it is relevant to study how the Portuguese Air Force (PAF) is accommodating this concept within its structure, since the adaptation requires an organization adapted to the information era, where networking is particularly prominent. This research aims to analyze contemporary forms of organizational structures and cross them with the recommendations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (also known as Alliance), later comparing them with today's PAF. At the end of this investigation, some tangible proposals are made which can enhance existing capabilities: we can highlight the creation of an analysis matrix for organizational efficiency, a new form of organization of the resident capabilities in the ISR concerns, as well as the way of enhancing networking, based on existing means.
Informao, Vigilncia e Reconhecimento : Contributo para as funes de combate Comando-Misso e Informaes
Um dos efeitos da digitalizao do campo de batalha o uso intensivo de novas tecnologias ao nvel ttico, de forma a agilizar a gesto e facilitar a compreenso do mesmo, com objetivo de contribuir decisivamente para a obteno da superioridade de informao durante a conduo das operaes militares, assumindo particular relevncia nesta temtica a utilizao de sistemas de informao para o comando e controlo. Observando a crescente importncia destes sistemas para os exrcitos, em particular para os baixos escales, o presente trabalho, com o tema Informaes, Vigilncia e Reconhecimento: Contributo para as Funes de Combate Comando-Misso e Informaes, estuda e analisa o papel dos dados, notcias e informaes nessas funes de combate, bem como a sua relao com os sistemas de informao para o comando e controlo. So estudados e definidos os conceitos considerados base para a investigao, luz da doutrina nacional e NATO, constituindo um suporte essencial para o estudo de sistemas de informao para o comando e controlo utilizados no exrcito norte-americano (com arquitetura de sistemas considerada como referncia nos desenvolvimentos em curso no nosso exrcito) e para a anlise dos sistemas de informao para o comando e controlo utilizados atualmente no Exrcito Portugus nas suas foras de manobra, com foco nos baixos escales, abordando o que se encontra igualmente em desenvolvimento. Do estudo realizado determinaram-se uma srie de requisitos operacionais, passveis de serem integrados num sistema de informao para o comando e controlo de baixos escales; verificou-se que tipo de dados e notcias eram recolhidos das viaturas utilizadas pela unidade em estudo, neste caso o Grupo de Reconhecimento da Brigada de Interveno; e relacionaram-se os dados, notcias, informaes e funcionalidades presentes com as variveis de misso e, posteriormente, s funes de combate Comando-Misso e Informaes.
In this work, we present a multi-camera surveillance system based on the use of self-organizing neural networks to represent events on video. The system processes several tasks in parallel using GPUs (graphic processor units). It addresses multiple vision tasks at various levels, such as segmentation, representation or characterization, analysis and monitoring of the movement. These features allow the construction of a robust representation of the environment and interpret the behavior of mobile agents in the scene. It is also necessary to integrate the vision module into a global system that operates in a complex environment by receiving images from multiple acquisition devices at video frequency. Offering relevant information to higher level systems, monitoring and making decisions in real time, it must accomplish a set of requirements, such as: time constraints, high availability, robustness, high processing speed and re-configurability. We have built a system able to represent and analyze the motion in video acquired by a multi-camera network and to process multi-source data in parallel on a multi-GPU architecture.
This paper proposes a semi-supervised intelligent visual surveillance system to exploit the information from multi-camera networks for the monitoring of people and vehicles. Modules are proposed to perform critical surveillance tasks including: the management and calibration of cameras within a multi-camera network; tracking of objects across multiple views; recognition of people utilising biometrics and in particular soft-biometrics; the monitoring of crowds; and activity recognition. Recent advances in these computer vision modules and capability gaps in surveillance technology are also highlighted.
Characteristics of surveillance video generally include low resolution and poor quality due to environmental, storage and processing limitations. It is extremely difficult for computers and human operators to identify individuals from these videos. To overcome this problem, super-resolution can be used in conjunction with an automated face recognition system to enhance the spatial resolution of video frames containing the subject and narrow down the number of manual verifications performed by the human operator by presenting a list of most likely candidates from the database. As the super-resolution reconstruction process is ill-posed, visual artifacts are often generated as a result. These artifacts can be visually distracting to humans and/or affect machine recognition algorithms. While it is intuitive that higher resolution should lead to improved recognition accuracy, the effects of super-resolution and such artifacts on face recognition performance have not been systematically studied. This paper aims to address this gap while illustrating that super-resolution allows more accurate identification of individuals from low-resolution surveillance footage. The proposed optical flow-based super-resolution method is benchmarked against Baker et al.s hallucination and Schultz et al.s super-resolution techniques on images from the Terrascope and XM2VTS databases. Ground truth and interpolated images were also tested to provide a baseline for comparison. Results show that a suitable super-resolution system can improve the discriminability of surveillance video and enhance face recognition accuracy. The experiments also show that Schultz et al.s method fails when dealing surveillance footage due to its assumption of rigid objects in the scene. The hallucination and optical flow-based methods performed comparably, with the optical flow-based method producing less visually distracting artifacts that interfered with human recognition.
Person re-identification involves recognising individuals in different locations across a network of cameras and is a challenging task due to a large number of varying factors such as pose (both subject and camera) and ambient lighting conditions. Existing databases do not adequately capture these variations, making evaluations of proposed techniques difficult. In this paper, we present a new challenging multi-camera surveillance database designed for the task of person re-identification. This database consists of 150 unscripted sequences of subjects travelling in a building environment though up to eight camera views, appearing from various angles and in varying illumination conditions. A flexible XML-based evaluation protocol is provided to allow a highly configurable evaluation setup, enabling a variety of scenarios relating to pose and lighting conditions to be evaluated. A baseline person re-identification system consisting of colour, height and texture models is demonstrated on this database.
This paper presents an efficient face detection method suitable for real-time surveillance applications. Improved efficiency is achieved by constraining the search window of an AdaBoost face detector to pre-selected regions. Firstly, the proposed method takes a sparse grid of sample pixels from the image to reduce whole image scan time. A fusion of foreground segmentation and skin colour segmentation is then used to select candidate face regions. Finally, a classifier-based face detector is applied only to selected regions to verify the presence of a face (the Viola-Jones detector is used in this paper). The proposed system is evaluated using 640 x 480 pixels test images and compared with other relevant methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the detection time to 42 ms, where the Viola-Jones detector alone requires 565 ms (on a desktop processor). This improvement makes the face detector suitable for real-time applications. Furthermore, the proposed method requires 50% of the computation time of the best competing method, while reducing the false positive rate by 3.2% and maintaining the same hit rate.
In this paper, we propose an approach which attempts to solve the problem of surveillance event detection, assuming that we know the definition of the events. To facilitate the discussion, we first define two concepts. The event of interest refers to the event that the user requests the system to detect; and the background activities are any other events in the video corpus. This is an unsolved problem due to many factors as listed below: 1) Occlusions and clustering: The surveillance scenes which are of significant interest at locations such as airports, railway stations, shopping centers are often crowded, where occlusions and clustering of people are frequently encountered. This significantly affects the feature extraction step, and for instance, trajectories generated by object tracking algorithms are usually not robust under such a situation. 2) The requirement for real time detection: The system should process the video fast enough in both of the feature extraction and the detection step to facilitate real time operation. 3) Massive size of the training data set: Suppose there is an event that lasts for 1 minute in a video with a frame rate of 25fps, the number of frames for this events is 60X25 = 1500. If we want to have a training data set with many positive instances of the event, the video is likely to be very large in size (i.e. hundreds of thousands of frames or more). How to handle such a large data set is a problem frequently encountered in this application. 4) Difficulty in separating the event of interest from background activities: The events of interest often co-exist with a set of background activities. Temporal groundtruth typically very ambiguous, as it does not distinguish the event of interest from a wide range of co-existing background activities. However, it is not practical to annotate the locations of the events in large amounts of video data. This problem becomes more serious in the detection of multi-agent interactions, since the location of these events can often not be constrained to within a bounding box. 5) Challenges in determining the temporal boundaries of the events: An event can occur at any arbitrary time with an arbitrary duration. The temporal segmentation of events is difficult and ambiguous, and also affected by other factors such as occlusions.
Internet chatrooms are common means of interaction and communications, and they carry valuable information about formal or ad-hoc formation of groups with diverse objectives. This work presents a fully automated surveillance system for data collection and analysis in Internet chatrooms. The system has two components: First, it has an eavesdropping tool which collects statistics on individual (chatter) and chatroom behavior. This data can be used to profile a chatroom and its chatters. Second, it has a computational discovery algorithm based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to locate hidden communities and communication patterns within a chatroom. The eavesdropping tool is used for fine tuning the SVD-based discovery algorithm which can be deployed in real-time and requires no semantic information processing. The evaluation of the system on real data shows that (i) statistical properties of different chatrooms vary significantly, thus profiling is possible, (ii) SVD-based algorithm has up to 70-80% accuracy to discover groups of chatters.
Since the revisions to the International Health Regulations (IHR) in 2005, much attention has turned to two concerns relating to infectious disease control. The first is how to assist states to strengthen their capacity to identify and verify public health emergencies of international concern (PHEIC). The second is the question of how the World Health Organization (WHO) will operate its expanded mandate under the revised IHR. Very little attention has been paid to the potential individual power that has been afforded under the IHR revisions primarily through the first inclusion of human rights principles into the instrument and the allowance for the WHO to receive non-state surveillance intelligence and informal reports of health emergencies. These inclusions mark the individual as a powerful actor, but also recognise the vulnerability of the individual to the whim of the state in outbreak response and containment. In this paper we examine why these changes to the IHR occurred and explore the consequence of expanding the sovereignty-as-responsibility concept to disease outbreak response. To this end our paper considers both the strengths and weaknesses of incorporating reports from non-official sources and including human rights principles in the IHR framework.
Since the revisions to the International Health Regulations (IHR) in 2005, much attention has turned to how states, particularly developing states, will address core capacity requirements attached to the revised IHR. Primarily, how will states strengthen their capacity to identify and verify public health emergencies of international concern (PHEIC)? Another important but under-examined aspect of the revised IHR is the empowerment of the World Health Organization (WHO) to act upon non-governmental reports of disease outbreaks. The revised IHR potentially marks a new chapter in the powers of disease intelligence and how the WHO may press states to verify an outbreak event. This article seeks to understand whether internet surveillance response programs (ISRPs) are effective in naming and shaming states into reporting disease outbreaks.
In North America and Europe, the binary toxin positive Clostridium difficile strains of the ribotypes 027 and 078 have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes. Following an increase in C. difficile infections (CDIs) in Queensland, a prevalence study involving 175 hospitals was undertaken in early 2012, identifying 168 cases of CDI over a 2 month period. Patient demographics and clinical characteristics were recorded, and C. difficile isolates were ribotyped and tested for the presence of binary toxin genes. Most patients (106/168, 63.1%) were aged over 60 years. Overall, 98 (58.3%) developed symptoms after hospitalisation; 89 cases (53.0%) developed symptoms more than 48 hours after admission. Furthermore, 27 of the 62 (67.7%) patients who developed symptoms in the community ad been hospitalised within the last 3 months. Thirteen of the 168 (7.7%) cases identified had severe disease, resulting in admission to the Intensive Care Unit or death within 30 days of the onset of symptoms. The 3 most common ribotypes isolated were UK 002 (22.9%), UK 014 (13.3%) and the binary toxin-positive ribotype UK 244 (8.4%). The only other binary toxin positive ribotype isolated was UK 078 (n = 1). Of concern was the detection of the binary toxin positive ribotype UK 244, which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and New Zealand. No isolates were of the international epidemic clone of ribotype UK 027, although ribotype UK 244 is genetically related to this clone. Further studies are required to track the epidemiology of ribotype UK 244 in Australia and New Zealand. Commun Dis Intell 2014;38(4):E279E284.
Pattern Recognition special issue: Sparse representation for event recognition in video surveillance