998 resultados para Instructional methods
Background: As scholars who prepare future school leaders to be innovative instructional leaders for their learning communities, we are on the verge of a curriculum design revolution. The application of brain research findings promotes educational reform efforts to systemically change the way in which children experience school. However, most educators, school leaders, board members, and policy makers are ill prepared to reconsider the implications for assessment, pedagogy, school climate, daily schedules, and use of technology. This qualitative study asked future school leaders to reconsider how school leadership preparedness programs prepared them to become instructional leaders for the 21st century. The findings from this study will enhance the field of school leadership, challenging the current emphasis placed on standardized testing, traditional school calendars, assessments, monocultural instructional methods, and meeting the needs of diverse learning communities. [See PDF for complete abstract]
The purpose of this online course is to ensure new nursing graduate students know how to use computer technologies required to complete academic and research activities. Powerful computers, high speed internet, digitalized resources and databases are widely available in educational institutes. New renovation and updates are being released at faster pace than ever. All these developments are necessary for a student to utilize computer programs and synthesize large amount of data in a limited time for any given academic research project. [See PDF for complete abstract]
This study examines the correlation between how certified music educators understand audio technology and how they incorporate it in their instructional methods. Participants were classroom music teachers selected from fifty middle schools in Miami- Dade Public Schools. The study adopted a non-experimental research design in which a survey was the primary tool of investigation. The findings reveal that a majority of middle school music teachers in Miami-Dade are not familiar with advanced audiorecording software or any other digital device dedicated to the recording and processing of audio signals. Moreover, they report a lack of opportunities to develop this knowledge. Younger music teachers, however, are more open to developing up-to-date instructional methodologies. Most of the participants agreed that music instruction should be a platform for preparing students for a future in the entertainment industry. A basic knowledge of music business should be delivered to students enrolled in middle-school music courses.
Resumo: Este artigo analisa a relação entre o nível de consciência fonológica, conhecimento das letra e as estratégias utilizadas para ler e escrever, em crianças de cinco anos, ensinadas em catalão. Participaram 69 crianças de três classes diferentes. Cada um dos seus professores utilizava um método diferente de ensino: analítico, sintético ou analítico-sintético. As crianças foram avaliadas no início e no final do ano letivo em: Reconhecimento de letras, segmentação palavra oral, leitura de palavras, leitura de um texto curto e um ditado. Foram realizadas análises de granulação fina em nas respostas das crianças, para identificar estratégias e padrões específicos. A análise qualitativa indica que a capacidade de segmentar uma palavra em sílabas por via oral parece ser suficiente para as crianças começarem a ler de uma forma convencional. Além disso, a consciência fonológica e o conhecimento das letras são usados em formas relativamente diferentes, dependendo do tipo de texto a ser lido. As abordagens de ensino dos professores parecem ter uma influência nos resultados das crianças.
Le brossage des dents, la mastication des aliments et toutes autres activités orales quotidiennes peuvent provoquer une bactériémie transitoire. Cette bactériémie transitoire a le potentiel de causer une endocardite infectieuse en présence de certains facteurs de risque. Les cardiopathies congénitales chez les enfants font partie de ces facteurs de risque. Le contrôle de la plaque dentaire et une bonne santé buccodentaire permettent de réduire le risque d’endocardite infectieuse. Les objectifs du présent projet de recherche visent à évaluer les connaissances des parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales sur l’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire et de connaître les habitudes d’hygiène orale personnelles et professionnelles adoptées par les enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. Le projet de recherche vise également à évaluer l’efficacité de deux méthodes d’enseignement d’hygiène orale chez les enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. La procédure expérimentale implique que tous les parents ou gardiens légaux d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales, âgés entre 6 et 12 ans qui visitent le service de cardiologie du CHU Sainte-Justine sont sollicités à participer au projet de recherche. Un formulaire d’information et de consentement ainsi qu’un questionnaire sont remis aux parents. Le questionnaire vise à évaluer la connaissance des parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales sur ce qu’est l’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire ainsi que de connaître les habitudes d’hygiène orale personnelles et professionnelles des enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. L’examen clinique nécessaire au projet de recherche implique le prélèvement d’un indice de plaque Quigley & Hein, Turesky modifié avant et après que l’enfant participant au projet de recherche ait appliqué les instructions d’hygiène orale reçues. L’enfant est assigné à l’une des deux méthodes d’instructions d’hygiène orale avec l’aide d’une table de randomisation. La méthode d’instructions d’hygiène orale du groupe 1 correspond à des instructions transmises par le cardiologue tandis que la méthode d’instructions d’hygiène orale du groupe 2 correspond aux instructions transmises par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel. Des analyses chi-carré et des tests de T pairé ainsi que des analyses de variance univariée (one-way ANOVA) et des analyses de corrélation de Pearson entre le questionnaire et les données cliniques ont été effectuées pour analyser les données recueillies. Les résultats démontrent que les parents d’enfants « à risque élevé » d’effet adverse d’une endocardite infectieuse ne connaissent pas davantage le risque d’endocardite infectieuse d’origine buccodentaire que les parents d’enfants « de moindre risque » (p=0,104). Les résultats démontrent toutefois que les parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales qui connaissent le risque d’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire adhèrent à des comportements dans le but de maintenir une bonne santé buccodentaire chez leur enfant. Les résultats qui proviennent de l’examen clinique démontrent que l’application des instructions d’hygiène orale faites par le cardiologue et par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel permettent d’observer une différence statistiquement significative (p=0,000) au niveau du contrôle de la plaque dans chacun de ces groupes. Toutefois, aucune différence statistiquement significative (p=0,668) n’a pu être démontrée entre les deux méthodes d’instructions d’hygiène orale. Les parents qui connaissent le lien entre la santé buccodentaire et le risque d’endocardite infectieuse pour leur enfant atteint de cardiopathie congénitale adoptent un comportement pour optimiser la santé buccodentaire de leur enfant. Les instructions d’hygiène orale par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel sont équivalentes aux instructions d’hygiène orale prodiguées par le cardiologue.
This action research study of my 8th grade classroom investigated the use of mathematical communication, through oral homework presentations and written journals entries, and its impact on conceptual understanding of mathematics. This change in expectation and its impact on students’ attitudes towards mathematics was also investigated. Challenging my students to communicate mathematics both orally and in writing deepened the students’ understanding of the mathematics. Levels of understanding deepened when a variety of instructional methods were presented and discussed where students could comprehend the ideas that best suited their learning styles. Increased understanding occurred through probing questions causing students to reflect on their learning and reevaluate their reasoning. This transpired when students were expected to write more than one draft to math journals. By making students aware of their understanding through communicating orally and in writing, students realized that true understanding did not come from mere homework completion, but from evaluating and assessing their own and other’s ideas and reasoning. I discovered that when students were challenged to communicate their reasoning both orally and in writing, students enjoyed math more and thought math was more fun. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both orally and in writing.
In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the use of communication of mathematics through both written and oral expression. Giving my students the opportunity to communicate mathematics both in writing and orally helped to deepen the students’ understanding of mathematics. The students’ levels of comprehension were increased when they were presented with a variety of instructional methods. Through discussion and reflection the students were able to find methods that worked best for them and their learning ability. Students’ understanding increased from probing questions that made the students reflect and re-evaluate their solutions. This learning took place when students were made aware of different solutions or ways of doing things from the class discussions that were held. I discovered that when students are challenged to express their thinking both in writing and orally, the students found that they could communicate their thinking in a new way. Some of my students were only comfortable expressing their thoughts in one of the two ways but by the time the project was completed, they all expressed that they enjoyed both ways, and maybe changed the original way they preferred doing mathematics. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both in writing and orally.
Misconceptions about heat and temperature have been seen across all educational levels, even in undergraduate engineering courses. One way these misconceptions can be remediated is through instructional methods, such as inquiry-based activities. Performance on assessments in sciences and engineering has been found to vary when gender is taken into consideration. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of participant gender, professor gender, and level of inquiry-based activities on the conceptual understanding of 247 undergraduate engineering students in thermodynamics. A pre-test post-test design was used. Conceptual understanding of thermodynamics was measured by students’ scores on the Concept Inventory for Engineering Thermodynamics (CIET; Vigeant, Prince & Nottis, 2011). Inquiry-based activities were developed by the researchers and given to professors who determined if they would do all, some, or none of them as they taught. Significant differences were found among participants of different gender, different gender of the professor instructing the course, and level of inquiry-based activity. The participants who were exposed to all of the activities provided didsignificantly better on the post-test than those who were only exposed to some or none of the activities. The results from this current study indicated that differences in gender, professorgender, and level of inquiry-based activity has an effect on undergraduate engineering students’ conceptual understanding of thermodynamics. Future research should investigate more factorsthat contribute to lower representation of women in the engineering field.
Engineering students continue to develop and show misconceptions due to prior knowledge and experiences (Miller, Streveler, Olds, Chi, Nelson, & Geist, 2007). Misconceptions have been documented in students’ understanding of heat transfer(Krause, Decker, Niska, Alford, & Griffin, 2003) by concept inventories (e.g., Jacobi,Martin, Mitchell, & Newell, 2003; Nottis, Prince, Vigeant, Nelson, & Hartsock, 2009). Students’ conceptual understanding has also been shown to vary by grade point average (Nottis et al., 2009). Inquiry-based activities (Nottis, Prince, & Vigeant, 2010) haveshown some success over traditional instructional methods (Tasoglu & Bakac, 2010) in altering misconceptions. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether undergraduate engineering students’ understanding of heat transfer concepts significantly changed after instruction with eight inquiry-based activities (Prince & Felder, 2007) supplementing instruction and whether students’ self reported GPA and prior knowledge, as measured by completion of specific engineering courses, affected these changes. The Heat and Energy Concept Inventory (Prince, Vigeant, & Nottis, 2010) was used to assess conceptual understanding. It was found that conceptual understanding significantly increased from pre- to post-test. It was also found that GPA had an effect on conceptual understanding of heat transfer; significant differences were found in post-test scores onthe concept inventory between GPA groups. However, there were mixed results when courses previously taken were analyzed. Future research should strive to analyze how prior knowledge effects conceptual understanding and aim to reduce the limitations of the current study such as, sampling method and methods of measuring GPA and priorknowledge.
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effect of academic integration, defined in terms of instructor/student contact, on the persistence of under-prepared college students and the achievement of those who persist. The overall design of this study compared instructor-initiated contact with conventional contact. The dependent variables were persistence, achievement, motivation and anxiety. Information was collected by administering the College-Level Mathematics Test (CLM), the Perceived Affective Contact Questionnaire (PAC), the expectancy and anxiety components of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), a departmental final examination, and by accessing university records. The sample consisted of 130 college algebra students at a large, public university with a Hispanic majority. The main analyses consisted of a 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA (treatment by ethnicity by gender) to test for differences in achievement, t-tests to compare motivation, anxiety and perceived affective contact scores for the two groups, Chi-square tests to assess differences in persistence, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation to determine the relationship between pretest scores and achievement variables. Results indicated that neither instructor-initiated contact, gender nor ethnicity is related to persistence, motivation or anxiety. A significant disordinal interaction of treatment and ethnicity was observed, with Hispanic experimental students scoring significantly higher on a test of algebra achievement than Hispanic control students. ^ Academic integration, defined in terms of instructor/student contact, has a positive influence on the achievement of Hispanic students. This may imply their positive responsiveness to the relational aspect of contact due to traditional cultural values of interdependence, acquiescence to authority and physical closeness. Such interactive feedback is a means by which students with these values are recognized as members of the university academic community, prompting increased academic effort. Training in contact initiation to promote academic integration is implied, by the results of this study, for instructors dealing with first year students, especially instructors at institutions accommodating instructional methods to the needs of diverse groups. ^
This paper discusses the role of the role of social studies education in Nigeria. Amidst problems of mass education, funding, inequities, intolerance, corruption, weak governance, access to quality education, curriculum development, effective instructional methods, research, and teacher education, Nigeria embarks upon a democratic path to national unity and peace.
It has long been known that vocabulary is essential in the development of reading. Because vocabulary leading to increased comprehension is important, it necessary to determine strategies for ensuring that the best methods of teaching vocabulary are used to help students make gains in vocabulary leading to reading comprehension. According to the National Reading Panel, multiple strategies that involve active engagement on the part of the student are more effective than the use of just one strategy. The purpose of this study was to determine if students' use of visualization, student-generated pictures of onset-and-rime-patterned vocabulary, and story read-alouds with discussion, would enable diverse first-grade students to increase their vocabulary and comprehension. In addition, this study examined the effect of the multimodal framework of strategies on English learners (ELs). This quasi-experimental study (N=69) was conducted in four first-grade classrooms in a low socio-economic school. Two treatment classes used a multimodal framework of strategies to learn weekly vocabulary words and comprehension. Two comparison classrooms used the traditional method of teaching weekly vocabulary and comprehension. Data sources included Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR), comprehension and vocabulary scores, and weekly MacMillan/McGraw Hill Treasures basal comprehension questions and onset-and-rime vocabulary questions. This research determined that the treatment had an effect in adjusted FAIR comprehension means by group, with the treatment group (adj M = 5.14) significantly higher than the comparison group ( adj M = -8.26) on post scores. However, the treatment means did not increase from pre to post, but the comparison means significantly decreased from pre to post as the materials became more challenging. For the FAIR vocabulary, there was a significant difference by group with the comparison adjusted post mean higher than the treatment's, although both groups significantly increased from pre to post. However, the FAIR vocabulary posttest was not part of the Treasures vocabulary, which was taught using the multimodal framework of strategies. The Treasures vocabulary scores were not significantly different by group on the assessment across the weeks, although the treatment means were higher than those of the comparison group. Continued research is needed in the area of vocabulary and comprehension instructional methods in order to determine strategies to increase diverse, urban students' performance.
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effect of academic integration, defined in terms of instructor/student contact, on the persistence of under-prepared college students and the achievement of those who persist. The overall design of this study compared instructor-initiated contact with conventional contact. The dependent variables were persistence, achievement, motivation and anxiety. Information was collected by administering the College-Level Mathematics Test (CLM), the Perceived Affective Contact Questionnaire (PAC), the expectancy and anxiety components of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), a departmental final examination, and by accessing university records. The sample consisted of 130 college algebra students at a large, public university with a Hispanic majority. The main analyses consisted of a 2x2x2 ANOVA (treatment by ethnicity by gender) to test for differences in achievement, t-tests to compare motivation, anxiety and perceived affective contact scores for the two groups, Chi-square tests to assess differences in persistence, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation to determine the relationship between pretest scores and achievement variables. Results indicated that neither instructor-initiated contact, gender nor ethnicity is related to persistence, motivation or anxiety. A significant disordinal interaction of treatment and ethnicity was observed, with Hispanic experimental students scoring significantly higher on a test of algebra achievement than Hispanic control students. Academic integration, defined in terms of instructor/student contact, has a positive influence on the achievement of Hispanic students. This may imply their positive responsiveness to the relational aspect of contact due to traditional cultural values of interdependence, acquiescence to authority and physical closeness. Such interactive feedback is a means by which students with these values are recognized as members of the university academic community, prompting increased academic effort. Training in contact initiation to promote academic integration is implied, by the results of this study, for instructors dealing with first year students, especially instructors at institutions accommodating instructional methods to the needs of diverse groups.
Instructional methods employed by teachers of singing are mostly drawn from personal experience, personal reflections, and methods encountered in their own voice training (Welch & Howard, 2005). Even in Academia, singing pedagogy is one of the few disciplines in which research of teaching/learning practice efficacy has not been established (Crocco, et al., 2016). This dissertation argues the reason for this deficit is a lack of operationalization of constructs in singing, which, to date has not been undertaken. The researcher addresses issues of paradigm, epistemology, and methodology to suggest an appropriate model of experimental research towards the assessment of teaching/learning practice efficacy. A study was conducted adapting attentional focus research methodologies to test the effect of attentional focus on singing voice quality in adult novice singers. Based on previous attentional focus studies, it was hypothesized that external focus conditions would result in superior singing voice quality than internal focus conditions. While the hypothesis was partially supported by the data, the researcher welcomed refinement of the suggested research model. It is hoped that new research methodologies will emerge to investigate singing phenomena, yielding data that may be used towards the development of evidence-based frameworks for singing training.
Title of Thesis: Thesis directed by: ABSTRACT EXAMINING THE IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING: A CASE STUDY Stefan Frederick Brooks, Master of Education, 2016 Professor and Chair Francine Hultgren Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Department Project-based learning (PjBL) is a common instructional strategy to consider for educators, scholars, and advocates who focus on education reform. Previous research on PjBL has focused on its effectiveness, but a limited amount of research exists on the implementation challenges. This exploratory case study examines an attempted project- based learning implementation in one chemistry classroom at a private school that fully supports PjBL for most subjects with limited use in mathematics. During the course of the study, the teacher used a modified version of PjBL. Specifically, he implemented some of the elements of PjBL, such as a driving theme and a public presentation of projects, with the support of traditional instructional methods due to the context of the classroom. The findings of this study emphasize the teacher’s experience with implementing some of the PjBL components and how the inherent implementation challenges affected his practice.