992 resultados para Instabilidades em plasmas
No presente trabalho, estudamos a absorção e amplificação de ondas eletromagnéticas que se propagam em plasmas com densidade e temperatura fracamente inomogêneas, imersos em um campo magnético também inomogêneo, tendo como base a teoria cinética, dentro do contexto da aproximação local. Esse estudo se dá efetivamente a partir da obtenção do tensor dielétrico do plasma, que deve ser empregado na relação de dispersão. Iniciamos com uma revisão dos conceitos básicos sobre plasmas homogêneos e inomogêneos. Os fundamentos da teoria cinética também foram abordados. Apresentamos uma revisão de trabalhos anteriores que enfocam o mesmo tema, embora descrevendo separadamente os dois tipos de inomogeneidades. A partir desses trabalhos, obtivemos um tensor dielétrico geral, que descreve de forma simultânea as inomogeneidades do campo magnético de equilíbrio e da função distribuição de equilíbrio.Tal tensor foi obtido a partir de um sólido desenvolvimento teórico, que garante a correta descrição da troca de energia entre as ondas e as partículas do plasma. Abordamos os aspectos gerais das instabilidades de deriva, direcionando o estudo à faixa de frequência das ondas híbridas inferiores, e às instabilidades LHDI e MTSI (IWI). Utilizamos perfis lineares de inomogeneidades de campo magnêtico ambiente e densidade para modelar a região da magnetosfera conhecida como neutral sheet. Particularizamos o tensor dielétrico para o estudo específico das instabilidades LHDI e MTSI (IWI), para o tipo de perfil citado acima. Apresentamos uma nova rela»c~ao de dispers~ao para plasmas inomogêneos, que incorpora explicitamente as derivadas espaciais do tensor dielétrico do plasma. Usamos o tensor que unifica os tratamentos das inomogeneidades do campo e densidade nessa relação de dispersão, e obtivemos uma descrição unificada das instabilidades LHDI e MTSI (IWI).
Este trabalho descreve o estudo das instabilidades magneto-hidro-dinâmicas (MHD) comumente observadas nas descargas elétricas de plasma no tokamak TCABR, do Instituto de Física da USP. Dois diagnósticos principais foram empregados para observar essas instabilidades: um conjunto poloidal de 24 bobinas magnéticas (bobinas de Mirnov) colocadas próximas à borda do plasma e um medidor de emissões na faixa do Ultra Violeta e de raios X moles com 20 canais (sistema SXR), cujo circuito de condicionamento de sinais foi aprimorado como parte deste trabalho. Esses diagnósticos foram escolhidos porque fornecem informações complementares, uma vez que o sistema SXR observa a parte central da coluna de plasma, enquanto as bobinas de Mirnov detectam as instabilidades MHD na região mais externa da coluna. As informações coletadas por esses diagnósticos foram submetidas à análise espectral com resolução temporal e espacial, possibilitando determinar a evolução das características espectrais e espaciais das instabilidades MHD observadas. Essas análises revelaram que durante a etapa inicial da formação do plasma (quando a corrente de plasma ainda está aumentando) ilhas magnéticas com números de onda decrescente, identificadas como sendo modos kink de borda, são detectadas nas bobinas de Mirnov. Após a formação do plasma, quando os parâmetros de equilíbrio estão relativamente estáveis (platô), oscilações são detectadas tanto nas bobinas de Mirnov quanto no sistema de SXR, indicando a presença de instabilidades MHD em toda a coluna de plasma. Em geral as oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov tem baixa amplitude e correspondem a pequenas ilhas magnéticas que foram identificadas como sendo modos de ruptura (modos tearing). Por outro lado, as instabilidades na região central foram identificadas como dentes de serra, que correspondem a relaxações periódicas da região interna à superfície magnética com fator de segurança q=1 e que são acompanhadas de oscilações precursoras, cuja amplitude depende da fase do ciclo de relaxação. Devido à essa modulação de amplitude, aparecem picos de frequência satélite nos espectrogramas dos sinais do SXR. Além disso, devido ao fato dos ciclos de relaxação não serem sinusoidais, os harmônicos da frequência de relaxação também aparecem nesses espectrogramas. No entanto, em muitas descargas do TCABR, a intensidade das oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov aumentam significativamente durante o platô, com efeitos sobre a frequência de todas as instabilidades MHD, até mesmo sobre os dentes de serra localizados na região central da coluna. Em todos os casos, observou-se que durante o platô a frequência das ilhas magnéticas coincide com a frequência das oscilações precursoras do dente de serra, apesar de serem duas instabilidades distintas, localizadas em posições radiais muito diferentes. Essa coincidência de frequências possibilitou descrever a evolução em frequência de todas as oscilações detectadas em diversos diagnósticos com base em apenas duas frequências básicas: a dos ciclos de relaxação dente de serra e a das ilhas magnéticas.
Customized magnetic traps were developed to produce a domain of dense plasmas with a narrow ion beam directed to a particular area of the processed substrate. A planar magnetron coupled with an arc discharge source created the magnetic traps to confine the plasma electrons and generate the ion beam with the controlled ratio of ion-to-neutral fluxes. Images of the plasma jet patterns and numerical vizualizations help explaining the observed phenomena.
Cancer is one of the most life-threatening diseases with many forms still regarded as incurable. The conventional cancer treatments have unwanted side effects such as the death of normal cells. A therapy that can accurately target and effectively kill tumor cells could address the inadequacies of the available therapies. Atmospheric gas plasmas (AGP) that are able to specifically kill cancerous cells offer a promising alternative approach compared to conventional therapies. AGP have been shown to exploit tumor-specific genetic defects and a recent trial in mice has confirmed its antitumor effects. The mechanism by which the AGP act on tumor cells but not normal cells is not fully understood. A review of the current literature suggests that reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by AGP induce death of cancer cells by impairing the function of intracellular regulatory factors. The majority of cancer cells are defective in tumor suppressors that interfere normal cell growth pathways. It appears that pro-oncogene or tumor suppressor-dependent regulation of antioxidant/or ROS signaling pathways may be involved in AGP-induced cancer cell death. The toxic effects of ROS are mitigated by normal cells by adjustment of their metabolic pathways. On the other hand, tumor cells are mostly defective in several regulatory signaling pathways which lead to the loss of metabolic balance within the cells and consequently, the regulation of cell growth. This review article evaluates the impact of AGP on the activation of cellular signaling and its importance for exploring mechanisms for safe and efficient anticancer therapies.
Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) is a recent, cutting-edge antimicrobial treatment. It has the potential to be used as an alternative to traditional treatments such as antibiotics and as a promoter of wound healing, making it a promising tool in a range of biomedical applications with particular importance for combating infections. A number of studies show very promising results for APP-mediated killing of bacteria, including removal of biofilms of pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, the mode of action of APP and the resulting bacterial response are not fully understood. Use of a variety of different plasma-generating devices, different types of plasma gases and different treatment modes makes it challenging to show reproducibility and transferability of results. This review considers some important studies in which APP was used as an antibacterial agent, and specifically those that elucidate its mode of action, with the aim of identifying common bacterial responses to APP exposure. The review has a particular emphasis on mechanisms of interactions of bacterial biofilms with APP.
The unique plasma-specific features and physical phenomena in the organization of nanoscale soild-state systems in a broad range of elemental composition, structure, and dimensionality are critically reviewed. These effects lead to the possibility to localize and control energy and matter at nanoscales and to produce self-organized nano-solids with highly unusual and superior properties. A unifying conceptual framework based on the control of production, transport, and self-organization of precursor species is introduced and a variety of plasma-specific non-equilibrium and kinetics-driven phenomena across the many temporal and spatial scales is explained. When the plasma is localized to micrometer and nanometer dimensions, new emergent phenomena arise. The examples range from semiconducting quantum dots and nanowires, chirality control of single-walled carbon nanotubes, ultra-fine manipulation of graphenes, nano-diamond, and organic matter to nano-plasma effects and nano-plasmas of different states of matter. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
We report a nanoscale synthesis technique using nanosecond-duration plasma discharges. Voltage pulses 12.5 kV in amplitude and 40 ns in duration were applied repetitively at 30 kHz across molybdenum electrodes in open ambient air, generating a nanosecond spark discharge that synthesized well-defined MoO 3 nanoscale architectures (i.e. flakes, dots, walls, porous networks) upon polyamide and copper substrates. No nitrides were formed. The energy cost was as low as 75 eV per atom incorporated into a nanostructure, suggesting a dramatic reduction compared to other techniques using atmospheric pressure plasmas. These findings show that highly efficient synthesis at atmospheric pressure without catalysts or external substrate heating can be achieved in a simple fashion using nanosecond discharges.
Plasma-based techniques offer many unique possibilities for the synthesis of various nanostructures both on the surface and in the plasma bulk. In contrast to the conventional chemical vapor deposition and some other techniques, plasma-based processes ensure high level of controllability, good quality of the produced nanomaterials, and reduced environmental risk. In this work, the authors briefly review the unique features of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition approaches, namely, the techniques based on inductively coupled, microwave, and arc discharges. Specifically, the authors consider the plasmas with the ion/electron density ranging from 10^10 to 10^14 cm−3, electron energy in the discharge up to ∼10 eV, and the operating pressure ranging from 1 to 10^4 Pa (up to 105 Pa for the atmospheric-pressure arc discharges). The operating frequencies of the discharges considered range from 460 kHz for the inductively coupled plasmas, and up to 2.45 GHz for the microwave plasmas. The features of the direct-current arc discharges are also examined. The authors also discuss the principles of operation of these systems, as well as the effects of the key plasma parameters on the conditions of nucleation and growth of the carbon nanostructures, mainly carbon nanotubes and graphene. Advantages and disadvantages of these plasma systems are considered. Future trends in the development of these plasma-based systems are also discussed.
We report on the application of cold atmospheric-pressure plasmas to modify silica nanoparticles to enhance their compatibility with polymer matrices. Thermally nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma is generated by a high-voltage radio frequency power source operated in the capacitively coupled mode with helium as the working gas. Compared to the pure polymer and the polymer nanocomposites with untreated SiO2, the plasma-treated SiO2–polymer nanocomposites show higher dielectric breakdown strength and extended endurance under a constant electrical stress. These improvements are attributed to the stronger interactions between the SiO2 nanoparticles and the surrounding polymer matrix after the plasma treatment. Our method is generic and can be used in the production of high-performance organic–inorganic functional nanocomposites.
The term ‘plasmon’ was first coined in 1956 to describe collective electronic oscillations in solids which were very similar to electronic oscillations/surface waves in a plasma discharge (effectively the same formulae can be used to describe the frequencies of these physical phenomena). Surface waves originating in a plasma were initially considered to be just a tool for basic research, until they were successfully used for the generation of large-area plasmas for nanoscale materials synthesis and processing. To demonstrate the synergies between ‘plasmons’ and ‘plasmas’, these large-area plasmas can be used to make plasmonic nanostructures which functionally enhance a range of emerging devices. The incorporation of plasma-fabricated metal-based nanostructures into plasmonic devices is the missing link needed to bridge not only surface waves from traditional plasma physics and surface plasmons from optics, but also, more topically, macroscopic gaseous and nanoscale metal plasmas. This article first presents a brief review of surface waves and surface plasmons, then describe how these areas of research may be linked through Plasma Nanoscience showing, by closely looking at the essential physics as well as current and future applications, how everything old, is new, once again.
Nanosecond dynamics of two separated discharge cycles in an asymmetric dielectric barrier discharge is studied using time-resolved current and voltage measurements synchronized with high-speed (∼5 ns) optical imaging. Nanosecond dc pulses with tailored raise and fall times are used to generate solitary filamentary structures (SFSs) during the first cycle and a uniform glow during the second. The SFSs feature ∼1.5 mm thickness, ∼1.9 A peak current, and a lifetime of several hundred nanoseconds, at least an order of magnitude larger than in common microdischarges. This can be used in alternating localized and uniform high-current plasma treatments in various applications.
Graphene and carbon nanotubes are the most promising nanomaterials for application in various modern nanodevices. The successful production of the nanotubes and graphene in a single process was achieved by using a magnetically enhanced arc discharge in helium atmosphere between carbon and metal electrodes. A 3-D fluid model has been used to investigate the discharge parameters.
Multiscale numerical modeling of the species balance and transport in the ionized gas phase and on the nanostructured solid surface complemented by the heat exchange model is used to demonstrate the possibility of minimizing the Gibbs-Thompson effect in low-temperature, low-pressure chemically active plasma-assisted growth of uniform arrays of very thin Si nanowires, impossible otherwise. It is shown that plasma-specific effects drastically shorten and decrease the dispersion of the incubation times for the nucleation of nanowires on non-uniform Au catalyst nanoparticle arrays. The fast nucleation makes it possible to avoid a common problem of small catalyst nanoparticle burying by amorphous silicon. These results explain a multitude of experimental observations on chemically active plasma-assisted Si nanowire growth and can be used for the synthesis of a range of inorganic nanowires for environmental, biomedical, energy conversion, and optoelectronic applications.
Using the advanced radio-frequency plasma-assisted magnetron deposition system, various nanostructures such as nanoflowers of carbon nanotubes, ZnO nanobelts, and silicon nanotrees were successfully synthesized. In this paper, we present the photographs of ICP and magnetron discharges, the photograph of a complex plasma structure, and the SEM images of various nanostructures synthesized in the system with magnetron and ICP sources operating simultaneously.
The possibility for the switch-over of the growth mode from a continuous network to unidirectional arrays of well-separated, self-organized, vertically oriented graphene nanosheets has been demonstrated using a unique, yet simple plasma-based approach. The process enables highly reproducible, catalyst-free synthesis of arrays of graphene nanosheets with reactive open graphitic edges facing upwards. Effective control over the nanosheet length, number density, and the degree of alignment along the electric field direction is achieved by a simple variation of the substrate bias. These results are of interest for environment-friendly fabrication of next-generation nanodevices based on three-dimensional, ordered self-organized nanoarrays of active nanostructures with very large surface areas and aspect ratios, highly reactive edges, and controlled density on the substrate. Our simple and versatile plasma-based approach paves the way for direct integration of such nanoarrays directly into the Si-based nanodevice platform.