61 resultados para Insignia


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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"First appeared as a series of articles ... contributed ... to the Reliquary [1877-1886] and the Art Journal [1880-82] ..."--Ed. pref.


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Brisbane City Hall (BCH) is arguably one of Brisbane’s most notable and iconic buildings. Serving as the public’s central civic and municipal building since 1930, the importance of this heritage listed building to cultural significance and identity is unquestionable. This attribute is reflected within the local government, with a simplified image of the halls main portico entrance supplying Brisbane City Council with its insignia and trademark signifier. Regardless of these qualities, this building has been neglected in a number of ways, primarily in the physical sense with built materials, but also, and just as importantly, through inaccurate and undocumented works. Numerous restoration and renovation works have been undertaken throughout BCH’s lifetime, however the records of these amendments are far and few between. Between 2010 and 2013, BCH underwent major restoration works, the largest production project undertaken on the building since its initial construction. Just prior to this conservation process, the full extent of the buildings deterioration was identified, much of which there was little to no original documentation of. This has led to a number of issues pertaining to what investigators expected to find within the building, versus what was uncovered (the unexpected), which have resulted directly from this lack of data. This absence of record keeping is the key factor that has contributed to the decay and unknown deficiencies that had amassed within BCH. Accordingly, this raises a debate about the methods of record keeping, and the need for a more advanced process that is able to be integrated within architectural and engineering programs, whilst still maintaining the ability to act as a standalone database. The immediate objective of this research is to investigate the restoration process of BCH, with focus on the auditorium, to evaluate possible strategies to record and manage data connected to building pathology so that a framework can be developed for a digital heritage management system. The framework produced for this digital tool will enable dynamic uses of a centralised database and aims to reduce the significant data loss. Following an in-depth analysis of this framework, it can be concluded that the implementation of the suggested digital tool would directly benefit BCH, and could ultimately be incorporated into a number of heritage related built form.


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Resumen: Durante la Edad Media hizo su aparición la heráldica como forma de identificar ciertos aspectos de las personas, ya sea por su condición social o por su actividad específica. El uso de blasones y escudos de armas desde el siglo XI generó una importante cantidad de signos, colores y símbolos que edificaron todo un “patrón de lectura” del “rostro social” de la persona que portaba tal insignia, sin importar o no la veracidad de su rostro al confeccionarse un retrato pintado o esculpido. Paralelo a esto, la retratística que hubo durante todo el período medieval de personas reales, sagradas o ideales avanzó hacia un progresivo naturalismo que finalizó en el siglo XV con la reproducción del retratado tal cual era su fisonomía y abandonando el canon estereotipado que durante los siglos precedentes habían proliferado. Finalmente, con el creciente Humanismo, la aparición de la perspectiva y el progresivo abandono de la identificación de determinado personaje con sólo su escudo de armas, sirvió para que el retratado mirase a los ojos del observador y “dialogase”, develando aspectos espirituales antes ocultos. El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarse con una visión antropológica a la cuestión del retrato tardomedieval y renacentista en conjunción con los cambios operados en la heráldica y la iconografía, comprobando que la mirada tiene marcada intencionalidad, los rostros se frontalizan progresivamente y la heráldica pierde el espesor que tuvo en siglos precedentes


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Tecnópolis se emplaza en un gran espacio destruido, en constante reconstrucción.2 Esta no es sino una de las tantas metáforas del país que se reconocen en la muestra. El parque se empeña en transmitir un mensaje: la Argentina tiene futuro, pero no cualquier futuro, sino uno moderno, tecnológico, desarrollado. En el discurso que estructura Tecnópolis, la ciencia y la tecnología aparecen como el buque insignia de nuestro tránsito hacia ese futuro, como heraldos de trabajo y bienestar.


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The growing popularity of English national insignia in international football tournaments has been widely interpreted as evidence of the emergence of a renewed English national consciousness. However, little empirical research has considered how people in England actually understand football support in relation to national identity. Interview data collected around the time of the Euro 2000 and the 2002 World Cup tournaments fail to substantiate the presumption that support for the England football team maps onto claims to patriotic sentiment in any straightforward way. People with far-right political affiliations did generally use national football support to symbolise a general pride in English national identity. However, other people either claimed not to support the England national team precisely because of its associations with nationalism, or else bracketed the domain of football support from more general connotations of English patriotism.


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Contient : « Insignia gentilia magistrorum Ordinis seu militiæ Sti Joannis Hierosolimitani, qui olim nuncupati Rhodi, nunc Melitæi, cum serie temporum quibus floruerunt ; » jusqu'à « Frater Aloph de Vignancourt, MDXVI. » (Blasons peints) ; Armoiries peintes de différentes familles françaises et étrangères : Vendôme, Guise, Dreux, Sully, Savoie, Ventadour, Choisy, Larchant, Gênes, Treize Cantons Suisses, Espagne, Anjou, compagnons de Guillaume le Conquérant, Provence, Paris et différentes villes de France


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The Monastery by Sir Walter Scott, was prsented to margaret Woodruff for proficiency in tennis singles, June 17th, 1913. The book is bound in a leather cover which is embossed with the St. Margaret's College, Toronto insignia. A full text version is available at the following link: https://ia800300.us.archive.org/34/items/themonastery06406gut/mnsry10.txt


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Letter to Sheriff Woodruff from Mr. Brice asking if Mr. Badenhurst [?] owed Mr. Grand any money. This letter is embossed with a Toronto Club insignia. The letter is accompanied by an envelope, Dec. 18, [illegible].


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El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones de Unidas es un órgano de radical importancia no solo para la institucionalidad, sino para la comunidad internacional en general. Importancia que le da el documento insignia de esta institución, la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, en donde su principal propósito de mantener la paz y seguridad internacionales, se le imputa como objetivo especifico al Consejo de Seguridad1 . En ella se dispone que todos los Estados miembros están obligados a acatar las decisiones que éste tome (Art. 25 Carta de las Naciones Unidas) y los Estados no miembros, en caso de estar en un conflicto que competa al Consejo, también deben cumplir con lo establecido sin importar su condición de no membresía.