889 resultados para Input vector
We introduce a flexible technique for interactive exploration of vector field data through classification derived from user-specified feature templates. Our method is founded on the observation that, while similar features within the vector field may be spatially disparate, they share similar neighborhood characteristics. Users generate feature-based visualizations by interactively highlighting well-accepted and domain specific representative feature points. Feature exploration begins with the computation of attributes that describe the neighborhood of each sample within the input vector field. Compilation of these attributes forms a representation of the vector field samples in the attribute space. We project the attribute points onto the canonical 2D plane to enable interactive exploration of the vector field using a painting interface. The projection encodes the similarities between vector field points within the distances computed between their associated attribute points. The proposed method is performed at interactive rates for enhanced user experience and is completely flexible as showcased by the simultaneous identification of diverse feature types.
Self-organizing neural networks have been implemented in a wide range of application areas such as speech processing, image processing, optimization and robotics. Recent variations to the basic model proposed by the authors enable it to order state space using a subset of the input vector and to apply a local adaptation procedure that does not rely on a predefined test duration limit. Both these variations have been incorporated into a new feature map architecture that forms an integral part of an Hybrid Learning System (HLS) based on a genetic-based classifier system. Problems are represented within HLS as objects characterized by environmental features. Objects controlled by the system have preset targets set against a subset of their features. The system's objective is to achieve these targets by evolving a behavioural repertoire that efficiently explores and exploits the problem environment. Feature maps encode two types of knowledge within HLS — long-term memory traces of useful regularities within the environment and the classifier performance data calibrated against an object's feature states and targets. Self-organization of these networks constitutes non-genetic-based (experience-driven) learning within HLS. This paper presents a description of the HLS architecture and an analysis of the modified feature map implementing associative memory. Initial results are presented that demonstrate the behaviour of the system on a simple control task.
Variations on the standard Kohonen feature map can enable an ordering of the map state space by using only a limited subset of the complete input vector. Also it is possible to employ merely a local adaptation procedure to order the map, rather than having to rely on global variables and objectives. Such variations have been included as part of a hybrid learning system (HLS) which has arisen out of a genetic-based classifier system. In the paper a description of the modified feature map is given, which constitutes the HLSs long term memory, and results in the control of a simple maze running task are presented, thereby demonstrating the value of goal related feedback within the overall network.
Neurofuzzy modelling systems combine fuzzy logic with quantitative artificial neural networks via a concept of fuzzification by using a fuzzy membership function usually based on B-splines and algebraic operators for inference, etc. The paper introduces a neurofuzzy model construction algorithm using Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions as basis functions. The new network maintains most of the properties of the B-spline expansion based neurofuzzy system, such as the non-negativity of the basis functions, and unity of support but with the additional advantages of structural parsimony and Delaunay input space partitioning, avoiding the inherent computational problems of lattice networks. This new modelling network is based on the idea that an input vector can be mapped into barycentric co-ordinates with respect to a set of predetermined knots as vertices of a polygon (a set of tiled Delaunay triangles) over the input space. The network is expressed as the Bezier-Bernstein polynomial function of barycentric co-ordinates of the input vector. An inverse de Casteljau procedure using backpropagation is developed to obtain the input vector's barycentric co-ordinates that form the basis functions. Extension of the Bezier-Bernstein neurofuzzy algorithm to n-dimensional inputs is discussed followed by numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new data based modelling approach.
A new structure of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network called the Dual-orthogonal RBF Network (DRBF) is introduced for nonlinear time series prediction. The hidden nodes of a conventional RBF network compare the Euclidean distance between the network input vector and the centres, and the node responses are radially symmetrical. But in time series prediction where the system input vectors are lagged system outputs, which are usually highly correlated, the Euclidean distance measure may not be appropriate. The DRBF network modifies the distance metric by introducing a classification function which is based on the estimation data set. Training the DRBF networks consists of two stages. Learning the classification related basis functions and the important input nodes, followed by selecting the regressors and learning the weights of the hidden nodes. In both cases, a forward Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS) selection procedure is applied, initially to select the important input nodes and then to select the important centres. Simulation results of single-step and multi-step ahead predictions over a test data set are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach.
Feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) were used to predict the skeletal type of molecules belonging to six classes of terpenoids. A database that contains the (13)C NMR spectra of about 5000 compounds was used to train the FFNNs. An efficient representation of the spectra was designed and the constitution of the best FFNN input vector format resorted from an heuristic approach. The latter was derived from general considerations on terpenoid structures. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, a generalized passivity concept for linear multivariable systems was obtained which allows circumventing the restrictiveness of the usual passivity concept. The latter is associated with the classical SPR (Strictly Positive Real) condition whereas the new concept of passivity is associated with the so called WSPR condition and its advantage in multivariable systems is that it does not require a restrictive symmetry condition of SPR systems. As a result, it allows the design of multivariable adaptive control that, unlike some existing factorization approaches, does not imply in additional overparameterization of the adaptive controller. In this paper, we complete a previously established WSPR sufficient condition and prove that it is also necessary. We also propose some methods of passification by either premultiplying the system output tracking error vector or the system input vector by an adequate passifying matrix multiplier, so that the resulting input/output transfer function becomes WSPR. The efficiency of our proposals are illustrated by simulation utilizing a well known robotics adaptive visual servoing problem. © 2011 IFAC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Lovell and Rouse (LR) have recently proposed a modification of the standard DEA model that overcomes the infeasibility problem often encountered in computing super-efficiency. In the LR procedure one appropriately scales up the observed input vector (scale down the output vector) of the relevant super-efficient firm thereby usually creating its inefficient surrogate. An alternative procedure proposed in this paper uses the directional distance function introduced by Chambers, Chung, and Färe and the resulting Nerlove-Luenberger (NL) measure of super-efficiency. The fact that the directional distance function combines features of both an input-oriented and an output-oriented model, generally leads to a more complete ranking of the observations than either of the oriented models. An added advantage of this approach is that the NL super-efficiency measure is unique and does not depend on any arbitrary choice of a scaling parameter. A data set on international airlines from Coelli, Perelman, and Griffel-Tatje (2002) is utilized in an illustrative empirical application.
A new method for detecting microcalcifications in regions of interest (ROIs) extracted from digitized mammograms is proposed. The top-hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations and, in this paper, is used to perform contrast enhancement of the mi-crocalcifications. To improve microcalcification detection, a novel image sub-segmentation approach based on the possibilistic fuzzy c-means algorithm is used. From the original ROIs, window-based features, such as the mean and standard deviation, were extracted; these features were used as an input vector in a classifier. The classifier is based on an artificial neural network to identify patterns belonging to microcalcifications and healthy tissue. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative for automatically detecting microcalcifications, because this stage is an important part of early breast cancer detection
In this letter, we propose a class of self-stabilizing learning algorithms for minor component analysis (MCA), which includes a few well-known MCA learning algorithms. Self-stabilizing means that the sign of the weight vector length change is independent of the presented input vector. For these algorithms, rigorous global convergence proof is given and the convergence rate is also discussed. By combining the positive properties of these algorithms, a new learning algorithm is proposed which can improve the performance. Simulations are employed to confirm our theoretical results.
Minimization of a sum-of-squares or cross-entropy error function leads to network outputs which approximate the conditional averages of the target data, conditioned on the input vector. For classifications problems, with a suitably chosen target coding scheme, these averages represent the posterior probabilities of class membership, and so can be regarded as optimal. For problems involving the prediction of continuous variables, however, the conditional averages provide only a very limited description of the properties of the target variables. This is particularly true for problems in which the mapping to be learned is multi-valued, as often arises in the solution of inverse problems, since the average of several correct target values is not necessarily itself a correct value. In order to obtain a complete description of the data, for the purposes of predicting the outputs corresponding to new input vectors, we must model the conditional probability distribution of the target data, again conditioned on the input vector. In this paper we introduce a new class of network models obtained by combining a conventional neural network with a mixture density model. The complete system is called a Mixture Density Network, and can in principle represent arbitrary conditional probability distributions in the same way that a conventional neural network can represent arbitrary functions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Mixture Density Networks using both a toy problem and a problem involving robot inverse kinematics.
We consider the problem of assigning an input vector bfx to one of m classes by predicting P(c|bfx) for c = 1, ldots, m. For a two-class problem, the probability of class 1 given bfx is estimated by s(y(bfx)), where s(y) = 1/(1 + e-y). A Gaussian process prior is placed on y(bfx), and is combined with the training data to obtain predictions for new bfx points. We provide a Bayesian treatment, integrating over uncertainty in y and in the parameters that control the Gaussian process prior; the necessary integration over y is carried out using Laplace's approximation. The method is generalized to multi-class problems (m >2) using the softmax function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method on a number of datasets.
We consider the problem of assigning an input vector to one of m classes by predicting P(c|x) for c=1,...,m. For a two-class problem, the probability of class one given x is estimated by s(y(x)), where s(y)=1/(1+e-y). A Gaussian process prior is placed on y(x), and is combined with the training data to obtain predictions for new x points. We provide a Bayesian treatment, integrating over uncertainty in y and in the parameters that control the Gaussian process prior the necessary integration over y is carried out using Laplace's approximation. The method is generalized to multiclass problems (m>2) using the softmax function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method on a number of datasets.
The assessment of the reliability of systems which learn from data is a key issue to investigate thoroughly before the actual application of information processing techniques to real-world problems. Over the recent years Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks have come to the fore and in this thesis their generalisation capabilities are analysed from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of Gaussian processes are investigated in order to estimate the amount of data required to guarantee a certain level of generalisation performance. In this thesis we analyse the effects on the bounds and the learning curve induced by the smoothness of stochastic processes described by four different covariance functions. We also explain the early, linearly-decreasing behaviour of the curves and we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the upper bounds. The effect of the noise and the characteristic lengthscale of the stochastic process on the tightness of the bounds are also discussed. The analysis is supported by several numerical simulations. The generalisation error of a Gaussian process is affected by the dimension of the input vector and may be decreased by input-variable reduction techniques. In conventional approaches to Gaussian process regression, the positive definite matrix estimating the distance between input points is often taken diagonal. In this thesis we show that a general distance matrix is able to estimate the effective dimensionality of the regression problem as well as to discover the linear transformation from the manifest variables to the hidden-feature space, with a significant reduction of the input dimension. Numerical simulations confirm the significant superiority of the general distance matrix with respect to the diagonal one.In the thesis we also present an empirical investigation of the generalisation errors of neural networks trained by two Bayesian algorithms, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method and the evidence framework; the neural networks have been trained on the task of labelling segmented outdoor images.