925 resultados para Input pulses


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Serial and parallel interconnection of photonic devices is integral to the construction of any all-optical data processing system. This thesis presents results from a series of experiments centering on the use of the nonlinear-optical loop mirror (NOLM) switch in architectures for the manipulation and generation of ultrashort pulses. Detailed analysis of soliton switching in a single NOLM and cascade of two NOLM's is performed, centering on primary limitations to device operation, effect of cascading on amplitude response, and impact of switching on the characteristics of incident pulses. By using relatively long input pulses, device failure due to stimulated Raman generation is postponed to demonstrate multiple-peaked switching for the first time. It is found that while cascading leads to a sharpening of the overall switching characteristic, pulse spectral and temporal integrity is not significantly degraded, and emerging pulses retain their essential soliton character. In addition, by including an asymmetrically placed in-fibre Bragg reflector as a wavelength selective loss element in the basic NOLM configuration, both soliton self-switching and dual-wavelength control-pulse switching are spectrally quantised. Results are presented from a novel dual-wavelength laser configuration generating pulse trains with an ultra-low rms inter-pulse-stream timing jitter level of 630fs enabling application in ultrafast switching environments at data rates as high as 130GBits/s. In addition, the fibre NOLM is included in architectures for all-optical memory, demonstrating storage and logical inversion of a 0.5kByte random data sequence; and ultrafast phase-locking of a gain-switched distributed feedback laser at 1.062GHz, the fourteenth harmonic of the system baseband frequency. The stringent requirements for environmental robustness of these architectures highlight the primary weaknesses of the NOLM in its fibre form and recommendations to overcome its inherent drawbacks are presented.


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Spiking neural networks - networks that encode information in the timing of spikes - are arising as a new approach in the artificial neural networks paradigm, emergent from cognitive science. One of these new models is the pulsed neural network with radial basis function, a network able to store information in the axonal propagation delay of neurons. Learning algorithms have been proposed to this model looking for mapping input pulses into output pulses. Recently, a new method was proposed to encode constant data into a temporal sequence of spikes, stimulating deeper studies in order to establish abilities and frontiers of this new approach. However, a well known problem of this kind of network is the high number of free parameters - more that 15 - to be properly configured or tuned in order to allow network convergence. This work presents for the first time a new learning function for this network training that allow the automatic configuration of one of the key network parameters: the synaptic weight decreasing factor.


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Redes neurais pulsadas - redes que utilizam uma codificação temporal da informação - têm despontado como uma promissora abordagem dentro do paradigma conexionista, emergente da ciência cognitiva. Um desses novos modelos é a rede neural pulsada com função de base radial, que é capaz de armazenar informação nos tempos de atraso axonais dos neurônios. Um algoritmo de aprendizado foi aplicado com sucesso nesta rede pulsada, que se mostrou capaz de mapear uma seqüência de pulsos de entrada em uma seqüência de pulsos de saída. Mais recentemente, um método baseado no uso de campos receptivos gaussianos foi proposto para codificar dados constantes em uma seqüência de pulsos temporais. Este método tornou possível a essa rede lidar com dados computacionais. O processo de aprendizado desta nova rede não se encontra plenamente compreendido e investigações mais profundas são necessárias para situar este modelo dentro do contexto do aprendizado de máquinas e também para estabelecer as habilidades e limitações desta rede. Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação desse novo classificador e um estudo de sua capacidade de agrupar dados em três dimensões, particularmente procurando estabelecer seus domínios de aplicação e horizontes no campo da visão computacional.


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Hippocampal slices are used to show that, as a temporal input pattern of activity flows through a neuronal layer, a temporal-to-spatial transformation takes place. That is, neurons can respond selectively to the first or second of a pair of input pulses, thus transforming different temporal patterns of activity into the activity of different neurons. This is demonstrated using associative long-term potentiation of polysynaptic CA1 responses as an activity-dependent marker: by depolarizing a postsynaptic CA1 neuron exclusively with the first or second of a pair of pulses from the dentate gyrus, it is possible to “tag” different subpopulations of CA3 neurons. This technique allows sampling of a population of neurons without recording simultaneously from multiple neurons. Furthermore, it reflects a biologically plausible mechanism by which single neurons may develop selective responses to time-varying stimuli and permits the induction of context-sensitive synaptic plasticity. These experimental results support the view that networks of neurons are intrinsically able to process temporal information and that it is not necessary to invoke the existence of internal clocks or delay lines for temporal processing on the time scale of tens to hundreds of milliseconds.


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I describe physiologically plausible “voter-coincidence” neural networks such that secondary “coincidence” neurons fire on the simultaneous receipt of sufficiently large sets of input pulses from primary sets of neurons. The networks operate such that the firing rate of the secondary, output neurons increases (or decreases) sharply when the mean firing rate of primary neurons increases (or decreases) to a much smaller degree. In certain sensory systems, signals that are generally smaller than the noise levels of individual primary detectors, are manifest in very small increases in the firing rates of sets of afferent neurons. For such systems, this kind of network can act to generate relatively large changes in the firing rate of secondary “coincidence” neurons. These differential amplification systems can be cascaded to generate sharp, “yes–no” spike signals that can direct behavioral responses.


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In this letter, we numerically demonstrate that the use of inline nonlinear optical loop mirrors in strongly dispersion-managed transmission systems dominated by pulse distortion and amplitude noise can achieve all-optical passive 2R regeneration of a 40-Gb/s return-to-zero data stream. We define the tolerance limits of this result to the parameters of the input pulses.


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Spiking neural networks - networks that encode information in the timing of spikes - are arising as a new approach in the artificial neural networks paradigm, emergent from cognitive science. One of these new models is the pulsed neural network with radial basis function, a network able to store information in the axonal propagation delay of neurons. Learning algorithms have been proposed to this model looking for mapping input pulses into output pulses. Recently, a new method was proposed to encode constant data into a temporal sequence of spikes, stimulating deeper studies in order to establish abilities and frontiers of this new approach. However, a well known problem of this kind of network is the high number of free parameters - more that 15 - to be properly configured or tuned in order to allow network convergence. This work presents for the first time a new learning function for this network training that allow the automatic configuration of one of the key network parameters: the synaptic weight decreasing factor.


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The current study discusses new opportunities for secure ground to satellite communications using shaped femtosecond pulses that induce spatial hole burning in the atmosphere for efficient communications with data encoded within super-continua generated by femtosecond pulses. Refractive index variation across the different layers in the atmosphere may be modelled using assumptions that the upper strata of the atmosphere and troposphere behaving as layered composite amorphous dielectric networks composed of resistors and capacitors with different time constants across each layer. Input-output expressions of the dynamics of the networks in the frequency domain provide the transmission characteristics of the propagation medium. Femtosecond pulse shaping may be used to optimize the pulse phase-front and spectral composition across the different layers in the atmosphere. A generic procedure based on evolutionary algorithms to perform the pulse shaping is proposed. In contrast to alternative procedures that would require ab initio modelling and calculations of the propagation constant for the pulse through the atmosphere, the proposed approach is adaptive, compensating for refractive index variations along the column of air between the transmitter and receiver.


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A CMOS/SOI circuit to decode Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) signals is presented as part of a body-implanted neurostimulator for visual prosthesis. Since encoded data is the sole input to the circuit, the decoding technique is based on a novel double-integration concept and does not require low-pass filtering. Non-overlapping control phases are internally derived from the incoming pulses and a fast-settling comparator ensures good discrimination accuracy in the megahertz range. The circuit was integrated on a 2 mum single-metal thin-film CMOS/SOI fabrication process and has an effective area of 2 mm(2). Measured resolution of encoding parameter a is better than 10% at 6 MHz and V-DD = 3.3 V. Idle-mode consumption is 340 LW. Pulses of frequencies up to 15 MHz and alpha = 10% can be discriminated for 2.3 V less than or equal to V-DD less than or equal to 3.3 V. Such an excellent immunity to V-DD deviations meets a design specification with respect to inherent coupling losses on transmitting data and power by means of a transcutaneous link.


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In this paper is proposed and analyzed a digital hysteresis modulation using a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and VHDL (Hardware Description Language), applied at a hybrid three-phase rectifier with almost unitary input power factor, composed by parallel SEPIC controlled single-phase rectifiers connected to each leg of a standard 6-pulses uncontrolled diode rectifier. The digital control allows a programmable THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) at the input currents, and it makes possible that the power rating of the switching-mode converters, connected in parallel, can be a small fraction of the total average output power, in order to obtain a compact converter, reduced input current THD and almost unitary input power factor. Finally, the proposed digital control, using a FPGA device and VHDL, offers an important flexibility for the associated control technique, in order to obtain a programmable PFC (Power Factor Correction) hybrid three-phase rectifier, in agreement with the international standards (IEC, and IEEE), which impose limits for the THD of the AC (Alternate Current) line input currents. The proposed strategy is verified by experiments. © 2008 IEEE.


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A field of computational neuroscience develops mathematical models to describe neuronal systems. The aim is to better understand the nervous system. Historically, the integrate-and-fire model, developed by Lapique in 1907, was the first model describing a neuron. In 1952 Hodgkin and Huxley [8] described the so called Hodgkin-Huxley model in the article “A Quantitative Description of Membrane Current and Its Application to Conduction and Excitation in Nerve”. The Hodgkin-Huxley model is one of the most successful and widely-used biological neuron models. Based on experimental data from the squid giant axon, Hodgkin and Huxley developed their mathematical model as a four-dimensional system of first-order ordinary differential equations. One of these equations characterizes the membrane potential as a process in time, whereas the other three equations depict the opening and closing state of sodium and potassium ion channels. The membrane potential is proportional to the sum of ionic current flowing across the membrane and an externally applied current. For various types of external input the membrane potential behaves differently. This thesis considers the following three types of input: (i) Rinzel and Miller [15] calculated an interval of amplitudes for a constant applied current, where the membrane potential is repetitively spiking; (ii) Aihara, Matsumoto and Ikegaya [1] said that dependent on the amplitude and the frequency of a periodic applied current the membrane potential responds periodically; (iii) Izhikevich [12] stated that brief pulses of positive and negative current with different amplitudes and frequencies can lead to a periodic response of the membrane potential. In chapter 1 the Hodgkin-Huxley model is introduced according to Izhikevich [12]. Besides the definition of the model, several biological and physiological notes are made, and further concepts are described by examples. Moreover, the numerical methods to solve the equations of the Hodgkin-Huxley model are presented which were used for the computer simulations in chapter 2 and chapter 3. In chapter 2 the statements for the three different inputs (i), (ii) and (iii) will be verified, and periodic behavior for the inputs (ii) and (iii) will be investigated. In chapter 3 the inputs are embedded in an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process to see the influence of noise on the results of chapter 2.


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DCE-MRI is an important technique in the study of small animal cancer models because its sensitivity to vascular changes opens the possibility of quantitative assessment of early therapeutic response. However, extraction of physiologically descriptive parameters from DCE-MRI data relies upon measurement of the vascular input function (VIF), which represents the contrast agent concentration time course in the blood plasma. This is difficult in small animal models due to artifacts associated with partial volume, inflow enhancement, and the limited temporal resolution achievable with MR imaging. In this work, the development of a suite of techniques for high temporal resolution, artifact resistant measurement of the VIF in mice is described. One obstacle in VIF measurement is inflow enhancement, which decreases the sensitivity of the MR signal to the presence of contrast agent. Because the traditional techniques used to suppress inflow enhancement degrade the achievable spatiotemporal resolution of the pulse sequence, improvements can be achieved by reducing the time required for the suppression. Thus, a novel RF pulse which provides spatial presaturation contemporaneously with the RF excitation was implemented and evaluated. This maximizes the achievable temporal resolution by removing the additional RF and gradient pulses typically required for suppression of inflow enhancement. A second challenge is achieving the temporal resolution required for accurate characterization of the VIF, which exceeds what can be achieved with conventional imaging techniques while maintaining adequate spatial resolution and tumor coverage. Thus, an anatomically constrained reconstruction strategy was developed that allows for sampling of the VIF at extremely high acceleration factors, permitting capture of the initial pass of the contrast agent in mice. Simulation, phantom, and in vivo validation of all components were performed. Finally, the two components were used to perform VIF measurement in the murine heart. An in vivo study of the VIF reproducibility was performed, and an improvement in the measured injection-to-injection variation was observed. This will lead to improvements in the reliability of quantitative DCE-MRI measurements and increase their sensitivity.


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Keywords High-pressure fluids · Whiteschists · U–Pb dating · Oxygen isotopes · Ion microprobe · Metasomatism Introduction The subduction of crustal material to mantle depths and its chemical modification during burial and exhumation contribute to element recycling in the mantle and the formation of new crust through arc magmatism. Crustal rocks that Abstract The Dora-Maira whiteschists derive from metasomatically altered granites that experienced ultrahighpressure metamorphism at ~750 °C and 40 kbar during the Alpine orogeny. In order to investigate the P–T–time– fluid evolution of the whiteschists, we obtained U–Pb ages from zircon and monazite and combined those with trace element composition and oxygen isotopes of the accessory minerals and coexisting garnet. Zircon cores are the only remnants of the granitic protolith and still preserve a Permian age, magmatic trace element compositions and δ18O of ~10 ‰. Thermodynamic modelling of Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist compositions shows that there are two main fluid pulses during prograde subduction between 20 and 40 kbar. In Si-poor samples, the breakdown of chlorite to garnet + fluid occurs at ~22 kbar. A first zircon rim directly overgrowing the cores has inclusions of prograde phlogopite and HREE-enriched patterns indicating zircon growth at the onset of garnet formation. A second main fluid pulse is documented close to peak metamorphic conditions in both Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist when talc + kyanite react to garnet + coesite + fluid. A second metamorphic overgrowth on zircon with HREE depletion was observed in the Si-poor whiteschists, whereas a single metamorphic overgrowth capturing phengite and talc inclusions was observed in the Si-rich whiteschists. Garnet rims, zircon rims and monazite are in chemical and isotopic equilibrium for oxygen, demonstrating that they all formed at peak metamorphism at 35 Ma as constrained by the age of monazite (34.7 ± 0.4 Ma) and zircon rims (35.1 ± 0.8 Ma). The prograde zircon rim in Si-poor whiteschists has an age that is within error indistinguishable from the age of peak metamorphic conditions, consistent with a minimum rate of subduction of 2 cm/year for the Dora-Maira unit. Oxygen isotope values for zircon rims, monazite and garnet are equal within error at 6.4 ± 0.4 ‰, which is in line with closed-system equilibrium fractionation during prograde to peak temperatures. The resulting equilibrium Δ18Ozircon-monazite at 700 ± 20 °C is 0.1 ± 0.7 ‰. The in situ oxygen isotope data argue against an externally derived input of fluids into the whiteschists. Instead, fluidassisted zircon and monazite recrystallisation can be linked to internal dehydration reactions during prograde subduction. We propose that the major metasomatic event affecting the granite protolith was related to hydrothermal seafloor alteration post-dating Jurassic rifting, well before the onset of Alpine subduction.


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In this paper, the mathematical description of the temporal selfimaging effect is studied, focusing on the situation in which the train of pulses to be dispersed has been previously periodically modulated in phase and amplitude. It is demonstrated that, for each input pulse and for some specific values of the chromatic dispersion, a subtrain of optical pulses is generated whose envelope is determined by the Discrete Fourier Transform of the modulating coefficients. The mathematical results are confirmed by simulations of various examples and some limits on the realization of the theory are commented.


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We consider the random input problem for a nonlinear system modeled by the integrable one-dimensional self-focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We concentrate on the properties obtained from the direct scattering problem associated with the NLSE. We discuss some general issues regarding soliton creation from random input. We also study the averaged spectral density of random quasilinear waves generated in the NLSE channel for two models of the disordered input field profile. The first model is symmetric complex Gaussian white noise and the second one is a real dichotomous (telegraph) process. For the former model, the closed-form expression for the averaged spectral density is obtained, while for the dichotomous real input we present the small noise perturbative expansion for the same quantity. In the case of the dichotomous input, we also obtain the distribution of minimal pulse width required for a soliton generation. The obtained results can be applied to a multitude of problems including random nonlinear Fraunhoffer diffraction, transmission properties of randomly apodized long period Fiber Bragg gratings, and the propagation of incoherent pulses in optical fibers.