443 resultados para Innovacion


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Anuncio sobre una nueva serie titulada 'Ciencia Viva: Innovación y tecnología', que consta de diez capítulos, cada uno dedicado a un tipo de innovación tecnológica.


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La estructura de este número extraordinario de Arbor incluye los siguientes contenidos: artículos de reflexión, investigación aplicada y buenas prácticas. El primer bloque lo constituyen los artículos de reflexión e investigación aplicada en el contexto universitario; el segundo bloque mantiene la misma tipología de artículos, pero orientados a la competitividad y el aprendizaje en diferentes contextos. El último bloque se corresponde con los mejores trabajos presentados en el congreso CINAIC 2011 (I Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Conocimiento).Este número es especial, no por la temática ni por el contexto donde se han generado los distintos artículos sino por su protagonista principal: Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa. Alberto, director de la revista Arbor, miembro del comité organizador de CINAIC 2011 y principal motor de la presente publicación, falleció el pasado 1 de noviembre; suya iba a ser esta presentación y suya será. Por este motivo, tanto desde el comité organizador de CINAIC 2011, como desde el equipo de redacción de la revista Arbor nos parece que el homenaje más adecuado en esta publicación es reproducir el texto que Alberto preparó para su intervención en CINAIC 2011.


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En esta aportación se reflejan una serie de experiencias docentes que el Grupo de Investigación ‘Hypermedia. Taller de configuración arquitectónica’, reconocido también como grupo de innovación educativa de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha llevado a cabo en el ámbito de diversos proyectos de innovación educativa basados en el ‘juego’. Dentro del Plan de Estudios para el título de arquitecto, tanto en las asignaturas troncales de primer curso, como en los talleres experimentales interdepartamentales y en las asignaturas de libre elección -una específicamente de diseño de juguetes sostenibles y otra sobre género-, además de en los cursos intensivos para universitarios europeos (Athens) y por último, en las materias de intensificación de los últimos cursos e incluso en los cursos de posgrado -master y doctorado- hemos introducido experiencias pedagógicas que implican el jugar como pedagogía basada en la acción que provoca una reflexión sobre lo arquitectónico, sobre el mundo y sobre nosotros mismos. Someramente se describen aquí algunas de estas acciones, la metodología, los objetivos y los resultados obtenidos


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Propuesta de una innovación metodológica para el estudio de la rugosidad urbana , a nivel morfológico, desde patrones aerodinámicos, para establecer una evaluación y medidas correctoras para el uso de los espacios públicos urbanos. Caso de estudio en la ciudad de Punta Arenas, Región de Magallanes. Chile.


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Lino Novás Calvo (1903–1983) is by many considered the best Cuban short story writer. Critics acknowledge his major contribution to the modernization of narrative prose in that country. With Cayo Canas and La Luna Nona, the short story achieved a language of its own, a precise technique, an acute outlook and an awareness of its own individual art form. Nevertheless, his novels and short stories have not received the recognition and the distribution they deserve, in part because his books have not been reprinted. ^ The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the innovative character of Novás Calvo's work. From the starting point of traditional discourse, he gathered together the main tendencies that until then co-existed in Cuban literature (realism, social criticism, criollismo, Afro Cuban themes and cosmopolitism) and renewed them with modern contributions, mainly assimilated from American authors writing between the two World Wars. He based himself in a concept of realism that does not limit itself to recreating reality and that eludes language localisms and the portrayal of environments. He brought Cuban characters and themes to his stories which at the same gave them a universal dimension. Novás Calvo participated in debates which amounted to a rupture between tradition and localism and brought universality to the Cuban short story. This achieved the aesthetic syncretism imposed by modernity. ^


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Resumen Las condiciones de competitividad tanto empresarial como de los países, son el resultado de una estrategia consistente y sostenida vinculada con la transferencia desde los centros de investigación y desarrollo (I+D) de conocimiento y de tecnología para brindar  una respuesta oportuna e innovadora a las empresas y al país ante mercados internos e internacionales cada vez más exigentes y competitivos; estos esfuerzos sumados a otros a nivel macroeconómico, meso y meta, que en conjunto facilitan un crecimiento de la productividad del trabajo, un incremento de los ingresos per cápita mediante mejores salarios reales, adecuados niveles de capacitación y un aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales. Se expone el caso particular de Costa Rica, país que ha generado estrategias e inversiones dirigidas a la educación y la tecnología, lo cual ha posibilitado alcanzar adecuadas posiciones en los clasificadores mundiales. Abstract Conditions of managerial and country’s competitiveness are the result of a consistent and sustained strategy linked with transfer of knowledge and technology from the investigation and development centers to enterprises. They offer an opportune and innovative answer for companies and countries, which are facing a strong competition in the local and international markets. Additionally, the public policy on the macroeconomic, meso and meta levels improve the growth production, labor productivity, incomes per capita and wages, as well as the use of natural resources. Therefore, Costa Rica has generated strategies and investments to reach appropriate positions in the world wide competition.


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La refexión acerca de los abordajes novedosos en educación superior es fundamental para enfren-tar los retos educativos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. La educación por competencias y el dise-ño curricular, bajo este enfoque, ofrecen ventajas y desventajas que se analizarán en este artículo. El objetivo se centra en fundamentar la actualización del perfl de egreso desde las competencias profesionales y académicas, como instrumento para la innovación curricular: el caso de la carrera de Ciencias Geográfcas con énfasis en Ordenamiento del Territorio de  la Universidad Nacional (CCG-UNA). La Autoevaluación de la carrera es el antecedente que propició la actualización del perfl y del plan de estudio. La contextualización constituye la clave de la innovación curricular, que se alcanza por medio de la participación de los/as diferentes actrices: estudiantes, graduados/as, profesores/as y empleadores/as, los/as cuales aportan insumos fundamentales para la actualización de la oferta curricular.


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In Brazil, the Laurencia complex is represented by twenty taxa: Laurencia s.s. with twelve species, Palisada with four species (including Chondrophycus furcatus now that the proposal of its transference to Palisada is in process), and Osmundea and Yuzurua with two species each. The majority of the Brazilian species of the Laurencia complex have been phylogenetically analyzed by 54 rbcL sequences, including five other Rhodomelacean species as outgroups. The analysis showed that the Laurencia complex is monophyletic with high posterior probability value. The complex was separated into five clades, corresponding to the genera: Chondrophycus, Laurencia, Osmundea, Palisada, and Yuzurua. A bibliographical survey of the terpenoids produced by Brazilian species showed that only six species of Laurencia and five of Palisada (including C. furcatcus) have been submitted to chemical analysis with 48 terpenoids (47 sesquiterpenes and one triterpene) isolated. No diterpenes were found. Of the total, 23 sesquiterpenes belong to the bisabolane class and eighteen to the chamigrene type, whose biochemical precursor is bisabolane, two are derived from lauranes and four are triquinols. Despite the considerable number of known terpenes and their ecological and pharmacological importance, few experimental biological studies have been performed. In this review, only bioactivities related to human health were considered.


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Due to both the widespread and multipurpose use of document images and the current availability of a high number of document images repositories, robust information retrieval mechanisms and systems have been increasingly demanded. This paper presents an approach to support the automatic generation of relationships among document images by exploiting Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We developed the LinkDI (Linking of Document Images) service, which extracts and indexes document images content, computes its latent semantics, and defines relationships among images as hyperlinks. LinkDI was experimented with document images repositories, and its performance was evaluated by comparing the quality of the relationships created among textual documents as well as among their respective document images. Considering those same document images, we ran further experiments in order to compare the performance of LinkDI when it exploits or not the LSI technique. Experimental results showed that LSI can mitigate the effects of usual OCR misrecognition, which reinforces the feasibility of LinkDI relating OCR output with high degradation.


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This work examines the sources of moisture affecting the semi-arid Brazilian Northeast (NEB) during its pre-rainy and rainy season (JFMAM) through a Lagrangian diagnosis method. The FLEXPART model identifies the humidity contributions to the moisture budget over a region through the continuous computation of changes in the specific humidity along back or forward trajectories up to 10 days period. The numerical experiments were done for the period that spans between 2000 and 2004 and results were aggregated on a monthly basis. Results show that besides a minor local recycling component, the vast majority of moisture reaching NEB area is originated in the south Atlantic basin and that the nearby wet Amazon basin bears almost no impact. Moreover, although the maximum precipitation in the ""Poligono das Secas'' region (PS) occurs in March and the maximum precipitation associated with air parcels emanating from the South Atlantic towards PS is observed along January to March, the highest moisture contribution from this oceanic region occurs slightly later (April). A dynamical analysis suggests that the maximum precipitation observed in the PS sector does not coincide with the maximum moisture supply probably due to the combined effect of the Walker and Hadley cells in inhibiting the rising motions over the region in the months following April.


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In this paper, the CoRoT Exoplanet Science Team announces its 14th discovery. Herein, we discuss the observations and analyses that allowed us to derive the parameters of this system: a hot Jupiter with a mass of 7.6 +/- 0.6 Jupiter masses orbiting a solar-type star (F9V) with a period of only 1.5 d, less than 5 stellar radii from its parent star. It is unusual for such a massive planet to have such a small orbit: only one other known higher mass exoplanet orbits with a shorter period.


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We report the detection of CoRoT-18b, a massive hot Jupiter transiting in front of its host star with a period of 1.9000693 +/- 0.0000028 days. This planet was discovered thanks to photometric data secured with the CoRoT satellite combined with spectroscopic and photometric ground-based follow-up observations. The planet has a mass M(p) = 3.47 +/- 0.38 M(Jup), a radius R(p) = 1.31 +/- 0.18 R(Jup), and a density rho(p) = 2.2 +/- 0.8 g cm(-3). It orbits a G9V star with a mass M(*) = 0.95 +/- 0.15 M(circle dot), a radius R(*) = 1.00 +/- 0.13 R(circle dot), and a rotation period P(rot) = 5.4 +/- 0.4 days. The age of the system remains uncertain, with stellar evolution models pointing either to a few tens Ma or several Ga, while gyrochronology and lithium abundance point towards ages of a few hundred Ma. This mismatch potentially points to a problem in our understanding of the evolution of young stars, with possibly significant implications for stellar physics and the interpretation of inferred sizes of exoplanets around young stars. We detected the RossiterMcLaughlin anomaly in the CoRoT-18 system thanks to the spectroscopic observation of a transit. We measured the obliquity psi = 20 degrees +/- 20 degrees +/- (sky-projected value lambda = -10 degrees +/- 20 degrees), indicating that the planet orbits in the same way as the star is rotating and that this prograde orbit is nearly aligned with the stellar equator.


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We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a transiting brown dwarf orbiting a F7V star with an orbital period of 3.06 days. CoRoT-15b has a radius of 1.12(-0.15)(+0.30) R(Jup) and a mass of 63.3 +/- 4.1 M(Jup), and is thus the second transiting companion lying in the theoretical mass domain of brown dwarfs. CoRoT-15b is either very young or inflated compared to standard evolution models, a situation similar to that of M-dwarf stars orbiting close to solar-type stars. Spectroscopic constraints and an analysis of the lightcurve imply a spin period in the range 2.9-3.1 days for the central star, which is compatible with a double-synchronisation of the system.