999 resultados para Inner structures


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It was based on the comparisons of the variance properties of fragment multiplicities FM's and nuclear stoppings R's for the neutron-halo colliding system with those of FZ's and R's for the proton-halo colliding system with the increases of beam energy in more detail, the closely correlations between the reaction mechanism and the inner structures of halo-nuclei is found. From above comparisons it is found that the variance properties of fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping with the increases of beam energy are quite different for the neutron-halo and proton-halo colliding systems, such as the effects of loosely bound neutron-halo structure on the fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping are obviously larger than those for the proton-halo colliding system. This is due to that the structures of halo-neutron nucleus Li-11 is more loosely than that of the proton-halo nucleus Al-23 in this paper. In this case, the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping of halo nuclei may be used as a possible probe for studying the reaction mechanism and the correlation between the reaction mechanism and the inner structure of halo-nuclei.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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In this study, at proper dosage of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (180 sec: 36,000 erg/mm(2)), sperm chromosomes of left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, were inactivated, while spermatozoa maintained ability to move and inseminate eggs. Gynogenetic haploids were detected by morphological observation, chromosome counting, and flow cytometer analysis. The ultrastructure of treated sperm was observed under scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and transmission electronic microscope (TEM). The results showed that after being irradiated at lower dosage of irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)), the surface structure of spermatozoa was not affected by UV irradiation, while the inner structures including membrane system and karyoplasm denseness of treated spermatozoa were little changed. However, obvious changes were observed in their membrane system, mitochondria, and nucleus if the dosage of irradiation increased to 240 sec: 48,000 erg/mm(2) or 300 sec: 60,000 erg/mm(2). The sperm survival rates did not change at the lower dosages of the UV irradiation (0-180 sec: 0-36,000 erg/mm(2)) but decreased as the irradiation dosage increased. The motility of treated sperm was lower than that of control group in general but did not change with UV irradiation dosage increasing at the certain range of 0-300 sec: 0-60,000 erg/mm(2).


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Polysilsesquioxanes containing methacrylate pendant groups were prepared by the sol-gel process through hydrolysis and condensation of (3-methacryloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (MPTS) dissolved in a methanol/methyl methacrylate (MMA) mixture. The effects of different water, MMA, and methanol contents, as well as of pH, on the nanoscopic and local structures of the system, at advanced stages of the condensation reaction, were studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and (29)Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, respectively. SAXS results indicate that the nanoscopic features of the hybrid sol could be described by a hierarchical model composed of two levels, namely (i) silsesquioxane (SSQO) nanoparticles Surrounded by the methacrylate pendant groups and the methanol/MMA mixture. and (ii) aggregation zones or islands containing correlated SSQO nanoparticles, embedded in the liquid medium. The (29)Si NMR results Show that the inner Structures of SSQO nanoparticles produced at pH 1 and 3 were built Up of polyhedral structures. mainly cagelike octamers and small linear oligomers, respectively. Irrespective of MMA and methanol contents, for a [H(2)O]/[MPTS] ratio higher than or equal to 1, the SSQO nailoparticles produced at pH I exhibit an average condensation degree (CD approximate to 69-87%) and average radius of gyration (R(g) approximate to 2.5 angstrom) larger than those produced at pH 3 (CD approximate to 48-67% and R(g) approximate to 1.5 angstrom). Methanol appears to act as a redispersion agent, by decreasing the number of particles inside the aggregation zones, while the addition of MMA induces a swelling of the aggregation zones.


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Este estudo-piloto é uma tentativa de abordar a questão do inter-relacionamento entre os problemas humanos e organizacionais, centrando-se a análise na descoberta dos fatores que facilitam ou impedem a satisfação no trabalho, em uma empresa de prestação de serviços públicos a todo o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Já o modelo de análise organizacional proposto considera a organização e o indivíduo como um sistema permeável às características da sociedade tornando-se, desse modo, fundamental que se determina-se há inter-relações entre os fatores socioeconômicos, mais diretamente ligados à estrutura social, e os fatores motivacionais, mais diretamente ligados à estrutura interna do indivíduo e da empresa. Através da discussão dos resultados, alguns subsídios foram dados à empresa para fazer frente aos complexos problemas que surgiram em face da modificação de seu meio-ambiente (interno e externo). Várias considerações foram feitas quanto ao problema da "medida" da satisfação no trabalho, tendo sido discutida, no último capítulo, a viabilidade de se estender a presente pesquisa a toda a organização.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work we study a model for the breast image reconstruction in Digital Tomosynthesis, that is a non-invasive and non-destructive method for the three-dimensional visualization of the inner structures of an object, in which the data acquisition includes measuring a limited number of low-dose two-dimensional projections of an object by moving a detector and an X-ray tube around the object within a limited angular range. The problem of reconstructing 3D images from the projections provided in the Digital Tomosynthesis is an ill-posed inverse problem, that leads to a minimization problem with an object function that contains a data fitting term and a regularization term. The contribution of this thesis is to use the techniques of the compressed sensing, in particular replacing the standard least squares problem of data fitting with the problem of minimizing the 1-norm of the residuals, and using as regularization term the Total Variation (TV). We tested two different algorithms: a new alternating minimization algorithm (ADM), and a version of the more standard scaled projected gradient algorithm (SGP) that involves the 1-norm. We perform some experiments and analyse the performance of the two methods comparing relative errors, iterations number, times and the qualities of the reconstructed images. In conclusion we noticed that the use of the 1-norm and the Total Variation are valid tools in the formulation of the minimization problem for the image reconstruction resulting from Digital Tomosynthesis and the new algorithm ADM has reached a relative error comparable to a version of the classic algorithm SGP and proved best in speed and in the early appearance of the structures representing the masses.


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Microsurgical suturing is the standard for cerebral bypass surgery, a technique where temporary occlusion is usually necessary. Non-occlusive techniques such as excimer laser-assisted non-occlusive anastomosis (ELANA) have certainly widened the spectrum of treatment of complex cerebrovascular situations, such as giant cerebral aneurysms, that were otherwise non-treatable. Nevertheless, the reduction of surgical risks while widening the spectrum of indications, such as a prophylactic cerebral bypass, is still a main aim, that we would like to pursue with our sutureless tissue fusion research. The primary concern in sutureless tissue fusion- and especially in tissue fusion of cerebral vessels- is the lack of reproducibility, often caused by variations in the thermal damage of the vessel. This has prevented this novel fusion technique from being applicable in daily surgical use. In this overview, we present three ways to further improve the laser tissue soldering technique.In the first section entitled "Laser Tissue Soldering Using a Biodegradable Polymer," a porous polymer scaffold doped with albumin (BSA) and indocyanine green (ICG) is presented, leading to strong and reproducible tensile strengths in tissue soldering. Histologies and future developments are discussed.In the section "Numerical Simulation for Improvement of Laser Tissue Soldering," a powerful theoretical simulation model is used to calculate temperature distribution during soldering. The goal of this research is to have a tool in hand that allows us to determine laser irradiation parameters that guarantee strong vessel fusion without thermally damaging the inner structures such as the intima and endothelium.In a third section, "Nanoparticles in Laser Tissue Soldering," we demonstrate that nanoparticles can be used to produce a stable and well-defined spatial absorption profile in the scaffold, which is an important step towards increasing the reproducibility. The risks of implanting nanoparticles into a biodegradable scaffold are discussed.Step by step, these developments in sutureless tissue fusion have improved the tensile strength and the reproducibility, and are constantly evolving towards a clinically applicable anastomosis technique.


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This paper describes and explains the social worlds of a group of young Murris who are engaged in chroming (paint sniffing) and who sleep rough in inner Brisbane. In particular, the paper considers the ways young Indigenous drug users describe their marginalisation from wider society and its structures of opportunity, but it also includes some reflections from their youth worker and a young man who frequents the young people’s squat. The paper demonstrates the centrality of racism and material disadvantage to the experience of a group of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sniffers, a perspective largely unreflected in the literature on Indigenous volatile substance misuse. Further, the young people’s ways of interacting with the broader society are described to explain the ways their rejection of mainstream norms form a significant political response to their marginality and reflect, at least in part, the wider Indigenous historical experience. The work draws on theories of alienation and subculture to analyse the young people’s descriptions of their social estrangement and the formation of the ‘paint sniffer group’. It is concluded that paint sniffing among urban Indigenous youth is, at least in part, an obnoxious and encoded distillation of a wider Indigenous rebuttal of broader societal norms, and that the dominant — normalising — modes of treatment risk further alienating an already oppositional group of young people.


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This paper reports the first observations of transition from a pre-vortex breakdown (Pre-VB) flowreversal to a fully developed central toroidal recirculation zone in a non-reacting, double-concentric swirling jet configuration and its response to longitudinal acoustic excitation. This transition proceeds with the formation of two intermediate, critical flow regimes. First, a partially penetrated vortex breakdown bubble (VBB) is formed that indicates the first occurrence of an enclosed structure as the centre jet penetration is suppressed by the growing outer roll-up eddy; resulting in an opposed flow stagnation region. Second, a metastable transition structure is formed that marks the collapse of inner mixing vortices. In this study, the time-averaged topological changes in the coherent recirculation structures are discussed based on the non-dimensional modified Rossby number (Ro(m)) which appears to describe the spreading of the zone of swirl influence in different flow regimes. Further, the time-mean global acoustic response of pre-VB and VBB is measured as a function of pulsing frequency using the relative aerodynamic blockage factor (i.e., maximum radial width of the inner recirculation zone). It is observed that all flow modes except VBB are structurally unstable as they exhibit severe transverse radial shrinkage (similar to 20%) at the burner Helmholtz resonant modes (100-110 Hz). In contrast, all flow regimes show positional instability as seen by the large-scale, asymmetric spatial shifting of the vortex core centres. Finally, the mixing transfer function M (f) and magnitude squared coherence lambda(2)(f) analysis is presented to determine the natural couplingmodes of the system dynamic parameters (u', p'), i.e., local acoustic response. It is seen that the pre-VB flow mode exhibits a narrow-band, low pass filter behavior with a linear response window of 100-105 Hz. However, in the VBB structure, presence of critical regions such as the opposed flow stagnation region alters the linearity range with the structure showing a response even at higher pulsing frequencies (100-300 Hz). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper reports the time-mean and phase-locked response of nonreacting as well as reacting flow field in a coaxial swirling jet/flame (nonpremixed). Two distinct swirl intensities plus two different central pipe flow rates at each swirl setting are investigated. The maximum response is observed at the 105 Hz mode in the range of excitation frequencies (0-315 Hz). The flow/flame exhibited minimal response beyond 300 Hz. It is seen that the aspect ratio change of inner recirculation zone (IRZ) under nonreacting conditions (at responsive modes) manifests as a corresponding increase in the time-mean flame aspect ratio. This is corroborated by similar to 25% decrease in the IRZ transverse width in both flame and cold flow states. In addition, 105 Hz excited states are found to shed high energy regions (eddies) asymmetrically when compared to dormant 315 Hz pulsing frequency. The kinetic energy (KE) of the flow field is subsequently reduced due to acoustic excitation and a corresponding increase (similar to O (1)) in fluctuation intensity is witnessed. The lower swirl intensity case is found to be more responsive than the high swirl case as in the former flow state the resistance offered by IRZ to incoming acoustic perturbations is lower due to inherently low inertia. Next, the phase-locked analysis of flow and flame structure is employed to further investigate the phase dependence of flow/flame response. It is found that the asymmetric shifting of IRZ mainly results at 270 deg acoustic forcing. The 90 deg phase angle forcing is observed to convect the IRZ farther downstream in both swirl cases as compared to other phase angles. The present work aims primarily at providing a fluid dynamic view point to the observed nonpremixed flame response without considering the confinement effects.


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An optimal theory on how database analysis to capture the flow structures has been developed in this paper, which include the POD method as its special case. By means of the remainder minimization method in the Sobolev space, for more general optimal conditions the new theory has the potential to overcome an inherent limitation of the POD method, i.e., it cannot be used to the situations in which the optimal condition is other than the inner product global one. As an example, using the new theory, the database of a two-dimensional flow over a backward-facing step is analyzed in detail, with velocity and vorticity bases.


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The linear, drag-reducing effect of vanishingly small riblets breaks down once their size is in the transitionally-rough regime. We have previously reported that this breakdown is caused by the additional Reynolds stresses produced by the appearance of elongated spanwise rollers just above the riblet surface. These rollers are related with the Kelvin--Helmholtz instability of free shear layers, and to similar structures appearing over other rough and porous surfaces. However, because of the limited Reτ=180 in our previous DNSes, it could not be determined whether those structures scaled in inner or outer units. Furthermore, it is questionable if results in the transitionally-rough regime at Reτ=180 can be extrapolated to configurations of practical interest. At such small Reynolds numbers, roughness of transitional size can perturb a large portion of the boundary layer, which is not the case in most industrial and atmospheric applications. To clarify these issues we have conducted a set of DNSes at Reτ=550. Our results indicate that the spanwise rollers scale in wall units, and support the validity of the extrapolation to configurations of practical interest.


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Cross sections for electron impact excitation of lithium from the ground state 1s(2)2s to the excited states 1s2s(2), 1s2p(2), 1s2snp (n = 2-5), 1s2sns (n = 3-5), 1s2pns (n = 3-5), and 1s2pnp (n = 3-5) are calculated by using a full relativistic distorted wave method. The latest experimental electron energy loss spectra for inner-shell electron excitations of lithium at a given incident electron energy of 2500 eV [Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 (2008) 3649] have been reproduced by the present theoretical investigation excellently. At the same time, the structures of electron energy loss spectra of lithium at low incident electron energy are also predicted theoretically, it is found that the electron energy loss spectra in the energy region of 55-57 eV show two-peak structures.