772 resultados para Initiative to promote healthy eating
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Childhood’s overweight and obesity are a worrying issue in the world nowadays. The purpose of this study was to provide contributions to the promotion of healthy food by analyzing the impact of physical activity, parents’ influence and home meals frequency on children’s food choices. Structured questionnaires were used and were answered by 172 children between 10 and 14 years old and by their respective parents. Children and parents preferred healthy food vs. non-healthy food presenting the children’s healthy food choices a mean of 4.26 and the parent’s healthy food choices a mean of 4.47 in a scale ranging from 0 to 6. Our results also show that physical activity, parent’s education and home meals frequency did not have an impact on children’s food choices, contrasting to the sedentary behavior and parents’ choices which had a negative and positive correlation, respectively, with children’s food choices. Taking these results into account and using them to advise parents and companies, we underline that parents must guarantee an adequate children’s nutrition after doing physical efforts and control the time children watch TV and play computer games and companies may create marketing campaigns and educational programs in order to promote healthy food, improve children’s eating habits and reduce the childhood obesity prevalence.
Although in several EU Member States many public interventions have been running for the prevention and/or management of obesity and other nutrition-related health conditions, few have yet been formally evaluated. The multidisciplinary team of the EATWELL project will gather benchmark data on healthy eating interventions in EU Member States and review existing information on the effectiveness of interventions using a three-stage procedure (i) Assessment of the intervention's impact on consumer attitudes, consumer behaviour and diets; (ii) The impact of the change in diets on obesity and health and (iii) The value attached by society to these changes, measured in life years gained, cost savings and quality-adjusted life years. Where evaluations have been inadequate, EATWELL will gather secondary data and analyse them with a multidisciplinary approach incorporating models from the psychology and economics disciplines. Particular attention will be paid to lessons that can be learned from private sector that are transferable to the healthy eating campaigns in the public sector. Through consumer surveys and workshops with other stakeholders, EATWELL will assess the acceptability of the range of potential interventions. Armed with scientific quantitative evaluations of policy interventions and their acceptability to stakeholders, EATWELL expects to recommend more appropriate interventions for Member States and the EU, providing a one-stop guide to methods and measures in interventions evaluation, and outline data collection priorities for the future.
This review provides a classification of public policies to promote healthier eating as well as a structured mapping of existing measures in Europe. Complete coverage of alternative policy types was ensured by complementing the review with a selection of major interventions from outside Europe. Under the auspices of the Seventh Framework Programme's Eatwell Project, funded by the European Commission, researchers from five countries reviewed a representative selection of policy actions based on scientific papers, policy documents, grey literature, government websites, other policy reviews, and interviews with policy-makers. This work resulted in a list of 129 policy interventions, 121 of which were in Europe. For each type of policy, a critical review of its effectiveness was conducted, based on the evidence currently available. The results of this review indicate a need exists for a more systematic and accurate evaluation of government-level interventions as well as for a stronger focus on actual behavioral change rather than changes in attitude or intentions alone. The currently available evidence is very heterogeneous across policy types and is often incomplete.
Unhealthy diets can lead to various diseases, which in turn can translate into a bigger burden for the state in the form of health services and lost production. Obesity alone has enormous costs and claims thousands of lives every year. Although diet quality in the European Union has improved across countries, it still falls well short of conformity with the World Health Organization dietary guidelines. In this review, we classify types of policy interventions addressing healthy eating and identify through a literature review what specific policy interventions are better suited to improve diets. Policy interventions are classified into two broad categories: information measures and measures targeting the market environment. Using this classification, we summarize a number of previous systematic reviews, academic papers, and institutional reports and draw some conclusions about their effectiveness. Of the information measures, policy interventions aimed at reducing or banning unhealthy food advertisements generally have had a weak positive effect on improving diets, while public information campaigns have been successful in raising awareness of unhealthy eating but have failed to translate the message into action. Nutritional labeling allows for informed choice. However, informed choice is not necessarily healthier; knowing or being able to read and interpret nutritional labeling on food purchased does not necessarily result in consumption of healthier foods. Interventions targeting the market environment, such as fiscal measures and nutrient, food, and diet standards, are rarer and generally more effective, though more intrusive. Overall, we conclude that measures to support informed choice have a mixed and limited record of success. On the other hand, measures to target the market environment are more intrusive but may be more effective.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This project will build on previous work carried out over the last 3 years. There are 4 main aspects: - intergenerational work focusing on the development of a vegetable garden with pharmacy input on health advice - develop and promote the lunch club which has been very successful to date and has targeted people previously not accessing support or community services in the village - annual health fair - local carer’s advice centre to provide practice information and signposting services. This last aspect is the result of ongoing identification of the need to support carers over the last 2 years of the BCPP project. This project will be driven forward by a lay health worker working closely with the pharmacist Outcome: The project built on previous work. Some of the work included: health fayre, intergenerational garden, and luncheon club. Results from questionnaires showed that the project increased people's awareness of the causes of ill-health and how they might deal with them. People now see the pharmacist as a local and not just as someone dispensing medicine.
A theory based healthy eating leaflet was evaluated against an existing publicly available standard leaflet. The intervention leaflet was designed to encourage healthy eating in 18-30 year olds and was developed by modifying an existing British Nutrition Foundation leaflet. The intervention leaflet targeted attitudes and self-efficacy. Participants (n=104) were randomly assigned either to the intervention, Foundation or a local food leaflet control condition. Cognitions were measured pre-intervention, immediately after reading the corresponding leaflet, and once again at two weeks follow-up. Critically, intentions to eat healthily were significantly greater at follow-up in the Intervention group compared to the other two groups, with the former leaflet also being perceived as more persuasive. The Intervention group also showed evidence of healthier eating at two weeks compared to the other two groups. Collectively the results illustrate the utility of a targeted theory-based approach.
If allowed to continue unabated, the obesity epidemic may lead to the first decline in life expectancy in the developed world (Olshansky et al., 2005). Similar to the relationship between smoking habits in youth and adulthood, obesogenic dietary and physical activity habits in childhood may persist into adulthood (Kelder et al., 2002). Teaching children how to establish healthy eating habits and activity levels, as well as providing them the necessary resources to internalize and maintain these behaviors, may be the key to curbing this epidemic.^ A school-based obesity prevention approach is advantageous for many reasons including exposure to large captive audiences, reduced costs of sustainability and long-term maintenance, and generalizability of models and results across multiple populations. The effectiveness of school-based programs has been researched over the past 20 years, with promising results.^ Social marketing is a program-planning process that “facilitates the acceptance, rejection, modification, abandonment, or maintenance of particular behaviors” (Grier & Bryant, 2005). Social marketing has been shown to be effective in a variety of public health applications including improving diet, increasing physical activity, and preventing substance abuse. It is hypothesized that social marketing could further enhance the effectiveness of the Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Central Texas Middle School Project, a school-based obesity prevention program.^ The development, implementation, and initial evaluation of the get ur 60 campaign, to promote the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended sixty minutes of daily activity, is described in this paper. Various components of the get ur 60 campaign were assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign during the first semester of implementation. At the end of the spring semester focus groups were held to collect student reactions to the first semester of the get ur 60 campaign.^ The initial results from the first semester of get ur 60 have demonstrated that the campaign as designed was feasible to implement, accepted at all intervention schools, and resulted in a measure of success. ^
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Growing Together will develop a community garden on unused land to help local families and groups to grow, cook and eat fruit and vegetables. The project aims to engage members of Dunmanway community in sharing and learning skills (including intergenerational cooperation) to promote healthy eating and wellbeing and to provide opportunities for growing and using food together in a fun, sustainable and inclusive way. Watch this space! Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Cork Partner Agencies safefood Website http://dunmanwayfrc.com/communityandoutreach/881/
Background. Diets high in fat and calories are promoted by the toxic food environment in which high fat, high calorie foods are readily accessible, thus contributing to high rates of overweight and obesity.^ Hypothesis. Changing the food environment to make low-fat, low-calorie foods readily identifiable and accessible while simultaneously offering incentives for choosing those foods will result in increased consumption of targeted foods, thus decreasing caloric and fat intake and ultimately decreasing obesity rates.^ Objective. To conduct an outcome evaluation study on the effectiveness of The Fresh & Healthy Program, a health promotion project designed to promote healthy eating among The Methodist Hospital employees by labeling and promoting low calorie, low fat items in the hospital cafeteria. ^ Program. By promoting healthy eating, this program seeks to address unhealthy dietary behaviors, one of the most widely known and influential behavioral causes of obesity. Food items that are included in the program meet nutritional criteria for calories and fat and are labeled with a special logo. Program participants receive incentives for purchasing Fresh & Healthy items. The program was designed and implemented by a team of registered dietitians, two health education specialists, and retail foodservice managers at The Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center in Houston and has been in existence since April 2006.^ Methods. The evaluation uses a non-randomized, one-group, time series design to evaluate the effect of the program on sales of targeted food items.^ Key words. point-of-purchase, menu labeling, environmental obesity interventions, food pricing interventions ^
This research aimed to understand hotel managers’ attitudes toward the provision of healthy meals. The study deployed a mailing survey to assess the managers’ perceptions. A closed-ended questionnaire was developed evaluating the role of healthy food choices in Mediterranean resort hotels. The findings showed that (1) atmosphere in the restaurant, (2) appealing display of food, and (3) eating habits and lifestyle were more important than personal health when selecting a meal. In addition, this study suggested that the managers were not ready to promote healthy eating because their customers would have been critical of this new service concept
Este estudo visou avaliar percepções, barreiras e características de materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável descritas por adolescentes. Realizaram-se quatro grupos focais com 25 adolescentes com perguntas sobre: percepção e motivação para modificar a dieta; conceito de alimentação saudável e barreiras para sua adoção; e características de impressos para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis. Observou-se uma freqüente indecisão quanto a classificar a dieta como saudável. Os adolescentes referiram não se sentir confiantes para modificar a dieta, mas relataram conceitos adequados sobre alimentação saudável. As principais barreiras citadas foram focadas em aspectos pessoais e sociais, como: a tentação, o sabor dos alimentos, a influência dos pais e a falta de tempo e de opções de lanches saudáveis na escola. Para os jovens, materiais educativos de promoção de alimentação saudável devem reforçar seus benefícios imediatos e destacar mensagens alarmantes sobre os riscos à saúde advindos de uma alimentação inadequada.
A síndrome metabólica (SM) consiste em um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovascular relacionados à obesidade abdominal e à resistência à insulina, refletindo no aumento da glicemia e da pressão arterial e na ocorrência de dislipidemia. Critérios recentes utilizados para a classificação da síndrome consideram a circunferência da cintura e a pressão arterial elevadas, pré-diabetes, hipertrigliceridemia e HDL colesterol reduzido. A SM pode aumentar consideravelmente o risco de desenvolvimento e de mortalidade por doenças e agravos não transmissíveis, como diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares. Sua ocorrência é multifatorial, envolvendo aumento ponderal, alimentação inadequada, inatividade física, predisposição genética e tabagismo. Ações preventivas mostram-se mais efetivas para a diminuição de riscos, quando comparadas ao tratamento de suas consequências, sendo importante a promoção da alimentação saudável, que envolve incentivo ao consumo de fibras e de gorduras insaturadas e moderação das saturadas e trans e de sódio