993 resultados para Information behaviours


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This paper presents the results from a study of information behaviours (IB), with specific focus on information- organisation-related behaviours conducted as part of a larger daily diary study with 40 participants. The findings indicate that organisation of information in everyday life is problematic due to various factors, specifically temporal and spatial ones, i.e., the passage of time, along with the difference in the physical environment between when the information was organised and when the information is retrieved. These have implications for information organisation schemas, and point toward the need for a context-sensitive model of information organisation that reflects the relation between information objects, information representation, and information users.


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Information behaviour (IB) is an area within Library and Information Science that studies the totality of human behaviour in relation to information, both active and passive, along with the explicit and the tacit mental states related to information. This study reports on a recently completed dissertation research that integrates the different models of information behaviours using a diary study where 34 participants maintained a daily journal for two weeks through a web log or paper diary. This resulted in thick descriptions of IB, which were manually analysed using the Grounded Theory method of inquiry, and then cross-referenced through both text-analysis and statistical analysis programs. Among the many key findings of this study, one is the focus this paper: how participants express their feelings of the information seeking process and their mental and affective states related specifically to the sense-making component which co-occurs with almost every other aspect of information behaviour. The paper title – Down the Rabbit Hole and Through the Looking Glass – refers to an observation that some of the participants made in their journals when they searched for, or avoided information, and wrote that they felt like they have fallen into a rabbit hole where nothing made sense, and reported both positive feelings of surprise and amazement, and negative feelings of confusion, puzzlement, apprehensiveness, frustration, stress, ambiguity, and fatigue. The study situates this sense-making aspects of IB within an overarching model of information behaviour that includes IB concepts like monitoring information, encountering information, information seeking and searching, flow, multitasking, information grounds, information horizons, and more, and proposes an integrated model of information behaviour illuminating how these different concepts are interleaved and inter-connected with each other, along with it's implications for information services.


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Multitasking information behaviour is the human ability to handle the demands of multiple information tasks concurrently. When we multitask, we work on two or more tasks and switch between those tasks. Multitasking is the way most of us deal with the complex environment we all live in, and recent studies show that people often engage in multitasking information behaviours. Multitasking information behaviours are little understood, however, and an important area for information behaviour research. Our study investigated the multitasking information behaviours of public library users at the Brentwood and Wilkinsburg Public Libraries in Pittsburgh through diary questionnaires. Findings include that some 63.5 percent of library users engaged in multitasking information behaviours, with a mean of 2.5 topic changes and 2.8 topics per library visit. A major finding of our study is that many people in libraries are seeking information on multiple topics and are engaged in multitasking behaviours. The implications of our findings and further research are also discussed. (Contains 7 tables and 2 figures.)


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To address the challenge of an ageing population in an information society, it is important to introduce information systems to assist the aged people in maintaining and improving their quality of life. An understanding of what information aged people need, how they seek and use information, and how they adopt Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is required. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study undertaken in Australia to understand the information needs of senior citizens who reside in the community. The study aims to understand how ICT can support the independent living of senior people in the community from both the social and health perspectives. We offer a new understanding of the information needs of aged people in the community and extend the information systems research in aged care. This research also contributes to the development of innovative ICT enabled aged care service solutions in community aged care.


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This paper focuses on the information needs and behaviours of senior citizens and their carers in the community. Two case studies concerning elderly stroke patients and their carers are described and discussed. Analysis of the case study data reveals a number of themes including the actual information needs and information behaviours of the senior citizens, the importance of proxy information seekers and advocates and the need for usable, accessible and useful tool to support the needs of care recipients. A preliminary framework is developed that highlights important aspects of supporting the information needs of care recipients and carers in community aged care. Finally we suggest opportunities for technology interventions that address various information needs of senior citizens in the community.


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This study aims to explore the use of Twitter for professional purposes. The researcher discovered that Twitter is widely perceived as an information ground in online spaces. Information grounds are social settings where information, people, and places come together to create an information flow within a physical environment. Twitter provides a sense of place as well as a sense of belonging that enables IT professionals to use Twitter for professional development. The data for this study were collected using online observations and interviews. The online observations helped the researcher to distinguish the ‘information behaviours’ (the objective and observable actions) of the participants. The interviews were used to understand the way IT professionals use Twitter for professional purposes through their own individual perspectives. The data were analysed using a constructive grounded theory. The findings show that building professional networking is extremely important to IT professionals; rather than the information-seeking and information-sharing aspects of Twitter. Building professional networking in microblogging has a significant influence on an individual’s professional development. The results also demonstrate that IT professionals are more likely to exploit their weak-ties rather than their strong-ties on Twitter. In short, these users experience Twitter as a real place or ‘information grounds’ where they meet and socialise with experts.


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Un atout majeur des organisations consiste en leur capacité à créer et exploiter l’information et les connaissances, capacité déterminée entre autres par les comportements informationnels. Chargés de décisions stratégiques, tactiques et opérationnelles, les cadres intermédiaires sont au cœur du processus de création des connaissances, et leurs comportements informationnels doivent être soutenus par des systèmes d’information. Toutefois, leurs comportements informationnels sont peu documentés. La présente recherche porte sur la modélisation des comportements informationnels de cadres intermédiaires d’une organisation municipale. Plus spécifiquement, elle examine comment ces cadres répondent à leurs besoins d’information courante dans le contexte de leurs activités de gestion, c’est-à-dire dans leur environnement d’utilisation d’information. L’étude répond aux questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les situations problématiques auxquelles font face les cadres intermédiaires municipaux ? (2) Quels sont les besoins informationnels exprimés par les cadres intermédiaires municipaux lors de situations problématiques ? (3) Quelles sont les sources d’information qui soutiennent les comportements informationnels des cadres intermédiaires municipaux ? Cette recherche descriptive s’inscrit dans une approche qualitative. Les 21 cadres intermédiaires ayant participé à l’étude proviennent de deux arrondissements d’une municipalité québécoise fusionnée en 2002. Les modes de collecte de données sont l’entrevue en profondeur en personne et l’observation directe auprès de ces cadres, et la collecte de documentation pertinente. L’incident critique est utilisé comme technique de collecte de données et comme unité d’analyse. Les données recueillies font l’objet d’une analyse de contenu qualitative basée sur la théorisation ancrée. Les résultats indiquent que les rôles de gestion proposés dans les écrits pour les cadres supérieurs s’appliquent aussi aux cadres intermédiaires, bien que le rôle conseil ressorte comme étant particulier à ces derniers. Ceux-ci ont des responsabilités de gestion aux trois niveaux d’intervention opérationnel, tactique et stratégique, bien qu’ils œuvrent davantage au plan tactique. Les situations problématiques dont ils sont chargés s’inscrivent dans l’environnement d’utilisation d’information constitué des composantes suivantes : leurs rôles et responsabilités de gestion et le contexte organisationnel propre à une municipalité en transformation. Les cadres intermédiaires ont eu à traiter davantage de situations nouvelles que récurrentes, caractérisées par des sujets portant principalement sur les ressources matérielles et immobilières ou sur des aspects d’intérêt juridique, réglementaire et normatif. Ils ont surtout manifesté des besoins pour de l’information de nature processuelle et contextuelle. Pour y répondre, ils ont consulté davantage de sources verbales que documentaires, même si le nombre de ces dernières reste élevé, et ont préféré utiliser des sources d’information internes. Au plan théorique, le modèle de comportement informationnel proposé pour les cadres intermédiaires municipaux enrichit les principales composantes du modèle général d’utilisation de l’information (Choo, 1998) et du modèle d’environnement d’utilisation d’information (Taylor, 1986, 1991). L’étude permet aussi de préciser les concepts d’« utilisateur » et d’« utilisation de l’information ». Au plan pratique, la recherche permet d’aider à la conception de systèmes de repérage d’information adaptés aux besoins des cadres intermédiaires municipaux, et aide à évaluer l’apport des systèmes d’information archivistiques à la gestion de la mémoire organisationnelle.


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Techniques to align spatio-temporal data for large-scale analysis of human group behaviour have been developed. Application of the techniques to sports databases enable sport team's characteristic styles of play to be discovered and compared for tactical analysis. Applications in surveillance to recognise group activities in real-time for person re-identification from low-resolution video footage have also been developed.


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Cooper, J. & Urquhart, C. (2005). The information needs and information-seeking behaviours of home-care workers and clients receiving home care. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 22(2), 107-116. Sponsorship: AHRC


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The impact of service direction, service training and staff behaviours on perceptions of service delivery are examined. The impact of managerial behaviour in the form of internal market orientation (IMO) on the attitudes of frontline staff towards the firm and its consequent influence on their customer oriented behaviours is also examined. Frontline service staff working in the consumer transport industry were surveyed to provide subjective data about the constructs of interest in this study, and the data were analysed using structural equations modelling employing partial least squares estimation. The data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation (IMO), the attitudes of the employees to the firm and their consequent behaviour towards customers. Customer orientation, service direction and service training are all identified as antecedents to high levels of service delivery. The study contributes to marketing theory by providing quantitative evidence to support assumptions that internal marketing has an impact on services success. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information about the management, training and motivation of service staff towards service excellence.


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This paper summarises findings from a survey of user behaviors and intentions towards digital media and information in Australia. It was undertaken in the first quarter of 2009 by the Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty and was funded by the Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre. The survey targeted users of 2 news and information sites that are available online only. Findings highlighted differences between the 18-24 year age segment and older users. Social networks (specifically friends and family) were rated as the least reliable, relevant and accurate sources of news. Other findings indicate online news sources that are associated with an established newspaper are highly valued as reliable, relevant and accurate news sources by most people. While most people prefer to use online news sources, there is a great deal of variation in the ways in which people actually use online news. From a total of 524 respondents to the survey it was possible to identify three main types of online news consumers: convenience, loyal and customising users.


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Evidence-based Practice (EBP) has recently emerged as a topic of discussion amongst professionals within the library and information services (LIS) industry. Simply stated, EBP is the process of using formal research skills and methods to assist in decision making and establishing best practice. The emerging interest in EBP within the library context serves to remind the library profession that research skills and methods can help ensure that the library industry remains current and relevant in changing times. The LIS sector faces ongoing challenges in terms of the expectation that financial and human resources will be managed efficiently, particularly if library budgets are reduced and accountability to the principal stakeholders is increased. Library managers are charged with the responsibility to deliver relevant and cost effective services, in an environment characterised by rapidly changing models of information provision, information access and user behaviours. Consequently they are called upon not only to justify the services they provide, or plan to introduce, but also to measure the effectiveness of these services and to evaluate the impact on the communities they serve. The imperative for innovation in and enhancements to library practice is accompanied by the need for a strong understanding of the processes of review, measurement, assessment and evaluation. In 2001 the Centre for Information Research was commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in the UK to conduct an examination into the research landscape for library and information science. The examination concluded that research is “important for the LIS [library and information science] domain in a number of ways” (McNicol & Nankivell, 2001, p.77). At the professional level, research can inform practice, assist in the future planning of the profession, raise the profile of the discipline, and indeed the reputation and standing of the library and information service itself. At the personal level, research can “broaden horizons and offer individuals development opportunities” (McNicol & Nankivell, 2001, p.77). The study recommended that “research should be promoted as a valuable professional activity for practitioners to engage in” (McNicol & Nankivell, 2001, p.82). This chapter will consider the role of EBP within the library profession. A brief review of key literature in the area is provided. The review considers issues of definition and terminology, highlights the importance of research in professional practice and outlines the research approaches that underpin EBP. The chapter concludes with a consideration of the specific application of EBP within the dynamic and evolving field of information literacy (IL).