997 resultados para Information Superiority


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El interés principal de este estudio de caso es analizar y caracterizar el fenómeno del Crimen Organizado (CO) en México y Colombia, y su manifestación a través de estructuras criminales como carteles de droga (en el caso mexicano), y BACRIM, FARC y grupos insurgentes (en el caso colombiano), para luego analizar y evaluar cuáles han sido las tendencias de convergencia y divergencia en el marco de cooperación de estos países en torno al tráfico de droga en un periodo comprendido entre el 2003 al 2010.


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Nos últimos anos, a Gestão de Informação e do Conhecimento (GIC) tem despertado um interesse cada vez maior por parte da comunidade científica e de prestigiadas organizações empresariais e governamentais. A incorporação organizacional desta disciplina possibilitou a correção de lacunas de informação e de conhecimento, contribuindo eficazmente para a superioridade de informação. Desta maneira, este estudo tem por objetivo determinar as opções que permitirão ao Exército Português maximizar a sua eficácia no âmbito da GIC. Posto isto, analisar-se-á primeiramente o impacto da “era da informação” na atual gestão organizacional. Em seguida, proceder-se-á à avaliação do modelo de GIC que melhor servirá uma organização tipo Exército Português, verificando-se, numa fase final, quais os aspetos que caracterizam o atual modelo em vigor no Exército e qual o seu impacto na sua gestão estratégica. Por último, conclui-se com o presente estudo que se encontra em curso uma transformação ao nível de toda a cultura organizacional do Exército, uma vez que a mesma passa a centralizar o seu processo de decisão em rede. Para isso, torna-se essencial a implementação eficaz da GIC, o que é apenas é praticável com a definição de uma estratégia e de um plano de ação para a sua eficaz materialização. Abstract: The Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) is beginning to awaken a growing interest in the academic world as well as in large organizations globally. The implementation of this type of capability allows bridging the information and knowledge gaps contributing to achieve in organizational terms the information superiority. This study focuses on determining the options that will allow the Portuguese Army in order to maximize its effectiveness within the IKM. To achieve this purpose, it begins by analyzing how the "information age" influences the management of organizations. Next, we evaluate which model of IKM that could best serve an organization like the Portuguese Army and finally we analyze which aspects characterizing the current IKM model in the Army and its impact on its Strategic Management. We conclude that the Army is crossing a transformation of the whole organizational culture passing this to centralize its decision process through the network changing the whole paradigm of sharing and obligation to share. For this, it is essential to the implementation of the IKM capacity and this is only possible with the definition of a strategy and action plan for the implementation of this strategy.


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O objeto de estudo da presente investigação é o SIVICC. Sendo o objetivo geral demonstrar o seu desempenho organizacional nos domínios da dissuasão da ilicitude, do apoio à decisão e do suporte à atividade operacional da GNR, procurando adicionar e aprofundar conhecimento teórico e empírico. Em termos de metodologia optámos por uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa e relativamente ao desenho da pesquisa optou-se pela transversal. Os métodos e técnicas utilizadas foram as entrevistas semiestruturadas com a respetiva análise de conteúdo e a análise documental. Como resultado principal destacamos que, com base numa doutrina assente em princípios centrados em rede e no empirismo resultante das entrevistas efetuadas, o SIVICC proporciona superioridade de informação resultando numa consciência situacional partilhada da organização, o que conduz a melhores efeitos operacionais, que contribuem na prossecução da segurança de Portugal e da UE, através de uma efetiva vigilância diária e controlo do mar territorial e zona costeira. Concluímos que o SIVICC promove um apoio importante na tomada de decisão e suporta eficazmente e eficientemente a atividade operacional da GNR, que se vai refletir numa vantagem competitiva sobre o adversário que é persuadido a mudar os seus comportamentos através da dissuasão que o sistema proporciona. Abstract: The study object of this research is the SIVICC. The overall goal is to prove their organizational performance in the areas of deterrence of unlawful, in decision support and in supporting the operational activities of the GNR, attempting to add and deepen theoretical and empirical knowledge. In terms of methodology we chose a qualitative research strategy and for the design of research we chose the transversal. The methods and techniques used were semi-structured interviews with the respective content analysis and document analysis. The main result we highlight, based on a doctrine sustained on principles of centered network operations and a result empiricism of conducted interviews, that the SIVICC provides information superiority resulting in a shared situational awareness of the organization, leading to better operational effects that contribute to the pursuit security in Portugal and in the EU, through effective daily monitoring and control of the territorial sea and coastal zone. We conclude that the SIVICC promotes an important support decision making and supports effectively and efficiently operational activity of the GNR, which will reflect a competitive advantage over the adversary who is persuaded to change their behavior through deterrence that the system provides.


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Um dos efeitos da digitalização do campo de batalha é o uso intensivo de novas tecnologias ao nível tático, de forma a agilizar a gestão e facilitar a compreensão do mesmo, com objetivo de contribuir decisivamente para a obtenção da superioridade de informação durante a condução das operações militares, assumindo particular relevância nesta temática a utilização de sistemas de informação para o comando e controlo. Observando a crescente importância destes sistemas para os exércitos, em particular para os baixos escalões, o presente trabalho, com o tema “Informações, Vigilância e Reconhecimento: Contributo para as Funções de Combate Comando-Missão e Informações”, estuda e analisa o papel dos dados, notícias e informações nessas funções de combate, bem como a sua relação com os sistemas de informação para o comando e controlo. São estudados e definidos os conceitos considerados base para a investigação, à luz da doutrina nacional e NATO, constituindo um suporte essencial para o estudo de sistemas de informação para o comando e controlo utilizados no exército norte-americano (com arquitetura de sistemas considerada como referência nos desenvolvimentos em curso no nosso exército) e para a análise dos sistemas de informação para o comando e controlo utilizados atualmente no Exército Português nas suas forças de manobra, com foco nos baixos escalões, abordando o que se encontra igualmente em desenvolvimento. Do estudo realizado determinaram-se uma série de requisitos operacionais, passíveis de serem integrados num sistema de informação para o comando e controlo de baixos escalões; verificou-se que tipo de dados e notícias eram recolhidos das viaturas utilizadas pela unidade em estudo, neste caso o Grupo de Reconhecimento da Brigada de Intervenção; e relacionaram-se os dados, notícias, informações e funcionalidades presentes com as variáveis de missão e, posteriormente, às funções de combate Comando-Missão e Informações.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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This study examined age differences in the accessibility of a single pool of naturally occurring intentions both before and after completion. Following Maylor, Darby, and Della Sala (2000), accessibility was measured in terms of the number of activities generated in a 4-minute activity fluency task. Each participant undertook two such tasks. A prospective task in which they generated activities intended for completion during the following week and a retrospective task, I week later, in which they generated activities carried out over the previous week. In a partial replication of Maylor et al.'s findings, young, but not healthy older, adults generated more to-be-completed intentions than completed ones, demonstrating an intention-superiority effect (ISE) for everyday activities. The absence of an ISE for older adults appeared to reflect the reduced accessibility of intentions prior to completion, rather than the impaired inhibition of fulfilled intentions. Moreover, both groups showed greater inaccessibility of completed than intended activities, thus demonstrating an intentioncompletion effect for naturally occurring intentions that is preserved in healthy ageing (cf. Marsh, Hicks, & Bink, 1998). Despite showing a reduced accessibility of intended activities, older adults reported having completed a greater proportion of their intentions during the week than young adults. Moreover, there was a correlation between the ability to access intentions and the proportion of intentions completed only for young adults. These observations suggest that older adults' everyday prospective memory performance may be relatively less dependent on intention accessibility and more dependent on other factors. While there was no age difference in the reported use and effectiveness of external retrieval aids, older adults demonstrated a greater level of temporal organization in the production of their intentions in the fluency task. This is consistent with the possibility that older adults may have more structured daily lives and may be able to use information about the sequence of ongoing events to support superior everyday prospective remembering.


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Most recently discussion about the optimal treatment for different subsets of patients suffering from coronary artery disease has re-emerged, mainly because of the uncertainty caused by doctors and patients regarding the phenomenon of unpredictable early and late stent thrombosis. Surgical revascularization using multiple arterial bypass grafts has repeatedly proven its superiority compared to percutaneous intervention techniques, especially in patients suffering from left main stem disease and coronary 3-vessels disease. Several prospective randomized multicenter studies comparing early and mid-term results following PCI and CABG have been really restrictive, with respect to patient enrollment, with less than 5% of all patients treated during the same time period been enrolled. Coronary artery bypass grafting allows the most complete revascularization in one session, because all target coronary vessels larger than 1 mm can be bypassed in their distal segments. Once the patient has been turn-off for surgery, surgeons have to consider the most complete arterial revascularization in order to decrease the long-term necessity for re-revascularization; for instance patency rate of the left internal thoracic artery grafted to the distal part left anterior descending artery may be as high as 90-95% after 10 to 15 years. Early mortality following isolated CABG operation has been as low as 0.6 to 1% in the most recent period (reports from the University Hospital Berne and the University Hospital of Zurich); beside these excellent results, the CABG option seems to be less expensive than PCI with time, since the necessity for additional PCI is rather high following initial PCI, and the price of stent devices is still very high, particularly in Switzerland. Patients, insurance and experts in health care should be better and more honestly informed concerning the risk and costs of PCI and CABG procedures as well as about the much higher rate of subsequent interventions following PCI. Team approach for all patients in whom both options could be offered seems mandatory to avoid unbalanced information of the patients. Looking at the recent developments in transcatheter valve treatments, the revival of cardiological-cardiosurgical conferences seems to a good option to optimize the cooperation between the two medical specialties: cardiology and cardiac surgery.


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In order to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the European Union Member States, the European Commission, on the initiative of Commissioner E. Liikannen, launched in December 1999 a bold programme called “eEurope”. Soon after its creation, the eEurope programme was integrated into the so- called Lisbon agenda for Europe to become the “most advanced knowledge based economy” in the world. We try to assess if the programme is successful in achieving its stated objective of promoting a knowledge based economy through the development of an “information society for all”. First, we conclude that eEurope, due to its origins and its procedures, has intrinsic limits both as regards its scope and effectiveness. Second, we show how Member States have adopted different trajectories towards the “knowledge based society”. To identify these heterogeneous paths of growth, we have selected a set of variables that, combined together, represent the institutional arrangements specific to a country or a group of countries. We found sharp differences between two advanced models that we label, respectively, as Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon. Without asserting the superiority of a model, we propose policy orientations to help Europe overcome those gaps hindering the move towards knowledge economies where information society technologies are widely diffused.


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Developments in information technology will drive the change in records management; however, it should be the health information managers who drive the information management change. The role of health information management will be challenged to use information technology to broker a range of requests for information from a variety of users, including he alth consumers. The purposes of this paper are to conceptualise the role of health information management in the context of a technologically driven and managed health care environment, and to demonstrat e how this framework has been used to review and develop the undergraduate program in health information management at the Queensland University of Technology.