1000 resultados para Informàtica-Traducció
The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.
The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.
Aquest llibre cobreixen la major part dels continguts de l'assignatura Tecnologies de la Traducció que cursara l'alumnat de segon curs del grau en Traducció i Interpretació de la Universitat d’Alacant; també pot ser útil per a assignatures similars en altres universitats (per aixo s’hi ha inclòs material mes avançat que no s'estudia en Tecnologies de la Traducció).
[ES]El objetivo del este trabajo ha sido diseñar y validar una prueba psicométrica que mida la autoeficacia informática básica de los estudiantes de traducci´on e interpretaci´on. En principio tal escala difiere de otras que miden la autoeficacia inform´atica general no solo en la especificidad de sus contenidos, sino tambi´en en el grado de profundizaci´on requerido en algunos de ellos. La Escala de Autoeficacia Inform´atica B´asica para Traductores (AeIBT) ha mostrado unas propiedades psicom ´etricas adecuadas en este estudio preliminar; a mayor especializaci´on de las tareas menor nivel de confianza en sus capacidades por parte de los estudiantes, pero tambi´en menor influencia ejercida por la ansiedad inform ´atica. El hecho de disponer de una prueba espec´?fica con propiedades psicom´etricas adecuadas, facilitar´a la investigaci´on emp´?rica acerca de la posible influencia de la autoeficacia percibida por los estudiantes sobre su rendimiento en el aprendizaje y uso de las herramientas de traducci´on asi tida por ordenador.