983 resultados para Induced air


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is exploring the potential of the radio detection technique to study extensive air showers induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) addresses both technological and scientific aspects of the radio technique. A first phase of AERA has been operating since September 2010 with detector stations observing radio signals at frequencies between 30 and 80 MHz. In this paper we present comparative studies to identify and optimize the antenna design for the final configuration of AERA consisting of 160 individual radio detector stations. The transient nature of the air shower signal requires a detailed description of the antenna sensor. As the ultra-wideband reception of pulses is not widely discussed in antenna literature, we review the relevant antenna characteristics and enhance theoretical considerations towards the impulse response of antennas including polarization effects and multiple signal reflections. On the basis of the vector effective length we study the transient response characteristics of three candidate antennas in the time domain. Observing the variation of the continuous galactic background intensity we rank the antennas with respect to the noise level added to the galactic signal.


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Produced water in oil fields is one of the main sources of wastewater generated in the industry. It contains several organic compounds, such as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX), whose disposal is regulated by law. The aim of this study is to investigate a treatment of produced water integrating two processes, i.e., induced air flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton. The experiments were conducted in a column flotation and annular lamp reactor for flotation and photodegradation steps, respectively. The first order kinetic constant of IAF for the wastewater studied was determined to be 0.1765 min(-1) for the surfactant EO 7. Degradation efficiencies of organic loading were assessed using factorial planning. Statistical data analysis shows that H2O2 concentration is a determining factor in process efficiency. Degradations above 90% were reached in all cases after 90 min of reaction, attaining 100% mineralization in the optimized concentrations of Fenton reagents. Process integration was adequate with 100% organic load removal in 20 min. The results of the integration of the IAF with the photo-Fenton allowed to meet the effluent limits established by Brazilian legislation for disposal. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple analytical model for the train-induced flow and its effects on pedestrians is presented in this paper. The expressions developed for the induced air velocity and pressure on the pedestrian surface, as well as their dependence with time, are obtained from unsteady potential theory. The relevant parameters and their effects are analysed, in particular the sensitivity of the pressure coefficient and its rate of change on the train and pedestrian transverse size, the distance to the tracks and the pressure measurement location on the pedestrian surface. In spite of the extreme simplicity of the model and the expressions obtained, good correlation is observed with previously existing experiments. With this work, an absence of published studies concerning analytical approaches to the problem of vehicle-induced pressure on pedestrians is intended to be covered, allowing for simplified testing procedures.


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Sono e imunidade parecem apresentar uma relação de reciprocidade. A ativação do sistema imune altera o padrão de sono e distúrbios do sono podem afetar a função imune. Além disso, é bem descrito que a privação de sono paradoxal (PSP) leva à hiperalgesia e o tratamento com fármacos clássicos, como opióides ou antidepressivos tricíclicos, não é capaz de reverter este quadro. Neste trabalho, avaliamos se a PSP afetaria a resposta inflamatória e a sobrevida em ratos e se o tratamento com um análogo sintético de lipoxinas (ATL-1) seria capaz de reverter a hiperalgesia induzida pela PSP. Todos os protocolos experimentais foram previamente aprovados pelo Comitê de Ética para o Uso de Animais, da UERJ (CEUA/032/2010). Ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos a 96 h de PSP, induzidas pelo método de plataforma única (PU) ou de múltiplas plataformas modificado (MPM). Após 96 h de PSP os animais foram submetidos ao modelo da bolha de ar ou pleurisia utilizando-se a carragenina como agente flogístico, ou ainda a PSP foi aplicada antes ou após a indução de um modelo de ligação e perfuração do ceco (CLP). Quatro horas após a injeção de carragenina os animais apresentaram um aumento no recrutamento de leucócitos para a cavidade da bolha, porém não houve diferença entre animais PSP e controles. O número total de leucócitos no plasma não se alterou após a injeção de carragenina. Na pleurisia, os animais PSP apresentaram um aumento nos níveis de IL-6, IL-1β e TNF-α no plasma, enquanto apenas IL-1β e IL-6 estavam aumentados no exsudato pleural dos animais que receberam carragenina. O padrão de recrutamento de leucócitos para o local da injúria foi bastante semelhante entre os animais controle e PSP 2 h, 4 h e 24 h após a injeção de carragenina. Houve um aumento progressivo com o tempo, apresentando um pico em 24 h, no entanto, não foi observada diferença significativa na resposta dos grupos PSP. A PSP aplicada antes ou após a indução do CLP reduziu a sobrevida dos animais, mas não alterou o acúmulo de neutrófilos, nos dois protocolos. Quando a PSP foi aplicada antes do CLP, os níveis séricos de IL-6 estavam aumentados nos grupos PSP e PSPCLP, porém quando a PSP foi aplicada após o CLP, ambas IL-6 e IL-1β estavam aumentadas nos grupo PSPCLP. O efeito do tratamento com ATL-1 (10 g/kg, i.v.) na hiperalgesia induzida pela PSP foi determinado através do teste da formalina. O análogo reduziu o número de comportamentos relacionados à dor em animais PSP e controles na fase inflamatória do teste. Nossos resultados demonstraram que a PSP por 96 h aumentou os níveis plasmáticos de citocinas, reduziu a sobrevida dos animais, contudo não foi capaz de alterar o recrutamento de leucócitos frente a um estímulo inflamatório ou infeccioso. O aumento de mediadores inflamatórios observado nesses animais pode estar relacionado à hiperalgesia em animais PSP, uma vez que o tratamento com o ATL-1 reverteu esse efeito, possivelmente através de mecanismos envolvendo sua ação anti-inflamatória.


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Die sogenannte natürliche Lüftung - Lüftung infolge Temperatur- und Windeinfluss - über geöffnete Fenster und Türen ist im Wohnbereich noch immer die häufigste Form des Lüftens. Die Wirkung des Lüftens wird einerseits von den baulichen Gegebenheiten, z.B. der Fenstergröße, Öffnungsfläche und Laibungstiefe sowie andererseits durch den Nutzer, der z.B. eine Gardine oder Rollos anbringt, beeinflusst. Über den genauen Einfluss von verschiedenen Faktoren auf den Luftwechsel existieren zur Zeit noch keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse. Die Kenntnis des Luftwechsels ist jedoch für die Planung und Ausführung von Gebäuden in Hinblick auf das energiesparende Bauen sowie unter bauphysikalischen und hygienischen Aspekten wichtig. Der Einsatz von Dreh-Kippfenstern sowie das Lüften über die Kippstellung ist in Deutschland üblich, so dass die Bestimmung des Luftwechsels über Kippfenster von großem Interesse ist. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den thermisch induzierten Luftwechsel über ein Kippfenster unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Randbedingungen zu beschreiben. Hierbei werden Variationen der Kippweite, Laibungs- und Heizungsanordnung berücksichtigt. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in drei Teile: im ersten Teil werden messtechnische Untersuchungen durchgeführt, im zweiten Teil exemplarisch einige messtechnisch untersuchten Varianten mit CFD simuliert und im dritten Teil ein verbesserter Modellansatz zur Beschreibung des Luftwechsels aus den Messwerten abgeleitet. Die messtechnischen Untersuchungen bei einer Kippweite von 10 cm zeigen, dass bei dem Vorhandensein einer raumseitigen Laibung oder einem unterhalb des Fensters angeordneten Heizkörpers mit einer Reduktion des Volumenstroms von rund 20 Prozent gegenüber einem Fenster ohne Laibung bzw. ohne Heizkörper gerechnet werden muss. Die Kombination von raumseitiger Laibung und Heizung vermindert das Luftwechselpotential um ca. 40 Prozent. Simuliert wird die Variante ohne Laibung und ohne Heizung für die Kippweiten 6 cm und 10 cm. Die Ergebnisse der mit CFD simulierten Tracergas-Messung weisen für beide Kippweiten im Mittel rund 13 Prozent höhere Zuluftvolumenströme im Vergleich zu den Messwerten auf. Die eigenen Messdaten bilden die Grundlage für die Anpassung eines Rechenmodells. Werden vor Ort die lichte Fensterhöhe und -breite, die Kippweite, die Rahmen- und Laibungstiefe sowie die Abstände der Laibung zum Flügelrahmen gemessen, kann die Öffnungsfläche in Abhängigkeit von der Einbausituation bestimmt werden. Der Einfluss der Heizung - bei einer Anordnung unterhalb des Fensters - wird über den entsprechenden Cd-Wert berücksichtigt.


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During production of oil and gas, there is also the production of an aqueous effluent called produced water. This byproduct has in its composition salts, organic compounds, gases and heavy metals. This research aimed to evaluate the integration of processes Induced Air Flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton for reducing the Total Oils and Greases (TOG) present in produced water. Experiments were performed with synthetic wastewater prepared from the dispersion of crude oil in saline solution. The system was stirred for 25 min at 33,000 rpm and then allowed to stand for 50 min to allow free oil separation. The initial oil concentration in synthetic wastewater was 300 ppm and 35 ppm for the flotation and the photo-Fenton steps, respectively. These values of initial oil concentration were established based on average values of primary processing units in Potiguar Basin. The processes were studied individually and then the integration was performed considering the best experimental conditions found in each individual step. The separation by flotation showed high removal rate of oil with first-order kinetic behavior. The flotation kinetics was dependent on both the concentration and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the surfactant. The best result was obtained for the concentration of 4.06.10-3 mM (k = 0.7719 min-1) of surfactant EO 2, which represents 86% of reduction in TOG after 4 min. For series of surfactants evaluated, the separation efficiency was found to be improved by the use of surfactants with low HLB. Regarding the TOG reduction step by photo-Fenton, the largest oil removal reached was 84% after 45 min of reaction, using 0.44 mM and 10 mM of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. The best experimental conditions encountered in the integrated process was 10 min of flotation followed by 45 min of photo-Fenton with overall TOG reduction of 99%, which represents 5 ppm of TOG in the treated effluent. The integration of processes flotation and photo-Fenton proved to be highly effective in reducing TOG of produced water in oilfields


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o tratamento da manipueira pelo processo de flotação, visando estabelecer os melhores parâmetros operacionais a serem adotados, sem o uso de agentes químicos. Foram realizados os tratamentos em dois tipos de processo de flotação: por ar dissolvido e ar induzido, sendo as colunas desenvolvidas em acrílico e PVC para operação contínua em uma planta piloto. Os dois sistemas de flotação não demonstraram diferenças em relação à recuperção de proteínas, amidos e matéria graxa, porém, o processo de flotação por ar dissolvido torna a manipueira diluída devido ao volume de água utilizada, o que acaba gerando um volume de resíduo ainda maior e aumentando o custo do processo. Utilizando o processo por ar induzido, foram realizados ensaios variando vazão e temperatura, sendo os melhores resultados obtidos nas seguintes condições: vazão na faixa entre 120 e 420 mL/min e temperatura na faixa de 33 a 36 °C. Foi observada uma redução nos percentuais de remoção de matéria graxa e proteínas de 44,4% e 32,8%, respectivamente.


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Electromagnetic energy injected into the universe above a few hundred TeV is expected to pile up as γ radiation in a relatively narrow energy interval below 100 TeV due to its interaction with the 2.7^°K background radiation. We present an upper limit (90% C.L.) on the ratio of primary γ to charged cosmic rays in the energy interval 65–160 TeV (80–200 TeV) of 10.3 • 10^−3 (7.8 • 10^−3). Data from the HEGRA cosmic-ray detector complex consisting of a wide angle Čerenkov array (AIROBICC) measuring the lateral distribution of air Čerenkov light and a scintillator array, were used with a novel method to discriminate γ-ray and hadron induced air showers. If the presently unmeasured universal far infrared background radiation is not too intense, the result rules out a topological-defect origin of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays for masses of the X particle released by the defects equal to or larger than about 10^16 GeV.


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The Jameson Cell is a high intensity flotation device, which utilises induced air from the atmosphere. It was developed jointly by Mount Isa Mines and Professor Graeme Jameson of the University of Newcastle in the 1980s. It is proven to generate fine bubbles, in the order of 300 to 500 µm, in a high intensity, high shear and compact zone contained in the downcomer. This aerated mixture exits the downcomer into the pulp zone, which is the quiescent mineral and gangue separation zone. A number of Australian base metal flotation circuits feature a reverse flotation stage at the head of the circuit. Testwork and plant operating data has shown that the use of a Jameson Cell in the prefloat cleaner application has further improved prefloat gangue recovery and selectivity. Operation of a Jameson Cell in a carbonaceous/pyrite prefloat cleaner duty at the Mt Isa copper concentrator increased copper recovery and reduced pyrite in the copper concentrate. Testwork at Zinifex Century Zinc Mine showed a decrease in zinc losses by the utilisation of Jameson Cell prefloat cleaner. Appraisal of a Jameson Cell in a scalping role within the Mt Isa Copper Concentrator indicated significant benefits could be achieved.


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Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae), popularly known as ‘mangabeira’, has been used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory disorders, hypertension, dermatitis, diabetes, liver diseases and stomach disorders. Regarding the Hancornia speciosa fruits, the ethnobotany indicates its use especially for treating inflammation and tuberculosis. However, no study has been done so far to prove such biological activities. The objective was evaluation anti-inflammatory activity from the fruits of Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangabeira). Aqueous extract was prepared by decoction, subsequently submitted the liquid-liquid fractionation. The secondary metabolites were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with detector diode array (HPLC-DAD) and liquid chromatography diode array detector coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-MS). The anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol (n-BuOH) fractions of the fruits from H. speciosa, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid were investigated using in vitro and in vivo models. In vivo tests comprised the xylene-induced ear edema that was measured the formation of edema, carrageenan-induced peritonitis was evaluated the total leukocytes at 4h and zymosan-induced air pouch was measured the total leukocytes and differential cell count at 6, 24 and 48 hours, whereas in vitro tests were evaluated levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α using ELISA obtained of carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The results showed the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid were detected in the aqueous extract from H. speciosa fruits by HPLC-DAD and LC-DAD-ME. Furthermore, the aqueous extracts and fractions, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid significantly inhibited the xilol-induced ear edema and reduced cell migration in the animal models such as carrageenan-induced peritonitis and zymosan-induced air pouch. In addition, reduced levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α were observed. This is the first study that demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract from Hancornia speciosa fruits against different inflammatory agents in animal models, suggesting that their bioactive molecules, especially rutin and chlorogenic acid contributing, at least in part, to the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract. These findings support the widespread use of Hancornia speciosa in popular medicine and demonstrate that this aqueous extract has therapeutic potential for the development of a herbal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties.


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The transition from a steady to an unsteady flow induced by an adiabatic fin on the sidewall of a differentially heated air-filled cavity is numerically investigated. Numerical simulations have been performed over the range of Rayleigh numbers from Ra = 105–109. The temporal development and spatial structures of natural convection flows in the cavity with a fin are described. It has been demonstrated that the fin may induce the transition to an unsteady flow and the critical Rayleigh number for the occurrence of the transition is between 3.72 × 106 and 3.73 × 106. Furthermore, the peak frequencies of the oscillations triggered by different mechanisms are obtained through spectral analysis. It has been found that the flow rate through the cavity with a fin is larger than that without a fin under the unsteady flow, indicating that the fin may improve the unsteady flow in the cavity.


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In situ electrochemical polymerization of aniline in a Langmuir trough under applied surface pressure assists in the preferential orientation of polyaniline (PANI) in planar polaronic structure. Exfoliated graphene oxide (EGO) spread on water surface is used to bring anilinium cations present in the subphase to air-water interface through electrostatic interactions. Subsequent electrochemical polymerization of aniline under applied surface pressure in the Schaefer mode results in EGO/PANT composite with PANT in planar polaronic form. The orientation of PANI is confirmed by electrochemical and Raman spectroscopic studies. This technique opens up possibilities of 2-D polymerization at the air-water interface. Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide is used to differentiate the activity of planar and coiled forms of PANI toward electrocatalytic reactions.


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We investigate the evolution of filamentation in air by using a longitudinal diffraction method and a plasma fluorescence imaging technique. The diameter of a single filament in which the intensity is clamped increases as the energy of the pump light pulse increases, until multiple filaments appear. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Filamentation formed by self-focusing of intense laser pulses propagating in air is investigated. It is found that the position of filamentation can be controlled continuously by changing the laser power and divergence angle of the laser beam. An analytical model for the process is given.