876 resultados para Indirect bonding


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Introduction : La force d’adhésion à l'interface métal-céramique avec les résines auto-polymérisantes destinées au collage indirect des boîtiers orthodontiques n'a pas été évaluée à ce jour et un protocole clinique basé sur la littérature scientifique est inexistant. Objectifs : 1) Comparer la force de cisaillement maximale entre des boîtiers métalliques et des surfaces en porcelaine préparées selon différentes méthodes; 2) Suggérer un protocole clinique efficace et prévisible. Matériel et méthodes : Quatre-vingt-dix disques en leucite (6 groupes; n = 15/groupe) ont été préparés selon 6 combinaisons de traitements de surface : mécaniques (+ / - fraisage pour créer les rugosités) et chimiques (acide fluorhydrique, apprêt, silane). Des bases en résine composite Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California) faites sur mesure ont été collées avec le système de résine adhésive auto-polymérisante Sondhi A + B Rapid Set (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California). Les échantillons ont été préservés (H2O/24hrs), thermocyclés (500 cycles) et testés en cisaillement (Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts). Des mesures d’Index d’adhésif résiduel (IAR) ont été compilées. Des tests ANOVAs ont été réalisés sur les rangs étant donné que les données suivaient une distribution anormale et ont été ajustés selon Tukey. Un Kruskall-Wallis, U-Mann Whitney par comparaison pairée et une analyse de Weibull ont aussi été réalisés. Résultats : Les médianes des groupes varient entre 17.0 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) à 26.7 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Le fraisage en surface ne semble pas affecter l’adhésion. La combinaison chimique (- fraisage + silane + apprêt) a démontré des forces de cisaillement significativement plus élevées que le traitement avec (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique), p<0,05, tout en possédant des forces similaires au protocole typiquement suggéré à l’acide fluorhydrique suivi d’une application de silane, l’équivalence de (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Les mesures d’IAR sont significativement plus basses dans le groupe (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) en comparaison avec celles des 5 autres groupes, avec p<0,05. Malheureusement, ces 5 groupes ont des taux de fracture élévés de 80 à 100% suite à la décimentation des boîtiers. Conclusion : Toutes les combinaisons de traitement de surface testées offrent une force d’adhésion cliniquement suffisante pour accomplir les mouvements dentaires en orthodontie. Une application de silane suivie d’un apprêt est forte intéressante, car elle est simple à appliquer cliniquement tout en permettant une excellente adhésion. Il faut cependant avertir les patients qu’il y a un risque de fracture des restorations en céramique lorsque vient le moment d’enlever les broches. Si la priorité est de diminuer le risque d’endommager la porcelaine, un mordançage seul à l’acide hydrofluorique sera suffisant.


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Authors - Magno AFF, Martins RP, Vaz LG, Martins LP Objectives - Evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) and the adhesive remnant index (ARI) of indirect bonded lingual brackets using xenon plasma arc light, light-emitting diode (LED) and conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen light. Material and Methods - Lingual brackets were bonded indirectly to 60 premolars divided to three groups according to the curing light used: Group 1, plasma arc for 6 s; Group 2, LED for 10 s; and Group 3, halogen light for 40 s. After bonding, the specimens were subjected to a shear force until debonding. The debonding pattern was assessed and classified according to the ARI scores. The mean shear bond strengths were accessed by anova followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons. ARI scores were assessed using the chi-square test. Results - The three groups showed significant differences (p < 0.001), with the averages of group 1 < group 2 < group 3. Groups showed no differences regarding ARI scores. Conclusion - Bonding lingual brackets indirectly with plasma arc, during 60% of the time used for the LED, produced lower SBS than obtained with the latter. Using LED during 25% of the time of the halogen light produced lower SBS than obtained with the latter. These differences did not influence the debonding pattern and are clinically acceptable according to the literature. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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AIM: To evaluate the bond strength of brackets fixed with different materials (two light-cured nanofilled resins - Transbond Supreme LV and Flow Tain LV, a light-cured resin - Transbond XT (control) and two chemically cured resins for indirect bonding - Sondhi Rapid- Set and Custom I.Q.) using the indirect bonding technique after 10 min and 24 h, and evaluate the type of failure. METHODS: One hundred premolars were selected and randomly divided into groups (n=10) according to the material and fixation period. The brackets were bonded through the indirect technique following the manufacturer's instructions and stored in deionized water at 37°C for 10 min or 24 h. After, the specimens were submitted to a shear bond strength (SBS) test (Instron) at 0.5 mm/min and evaluated for adhesive remnant index (ARI). The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05) and the ARI scores were submitted to the chi-square test. RESULTS: It could be observed a significant difference among the materials (Flow Tain LV = Transbond Supreme LV = Transbond XT> Sondhi Rapid-Set > Custom I.Q.). There was no significant difference in resistance values between 10 min and 24 h, regardless of the materials. Most groups showed adhesive remaining adhered to the enamel (scores 2 and 3) without statistically significant difference (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the light-cured nanofilled materials used in indirect bonding showed greater resistance than the chemically cured materials. The period of fixation had no influence on the resistance for different materials.


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Introduction : Après un traitement orthodontique, la rétention (ou contention) est essentielle pour éviter les récidives vers la malocclusion initiale. Le fil de rétention lingual est un appareil fixe, relativement facile à installer et bien accepté par les patients pour maintenir la position finale des dents antérieures inférieures. Étant de plus en plus utilisé, il devient important de s’assurer de sa fiabilité pour la stabilité de l’alignement dentaire. Objectif : Le but de cette étude clinique randomisée prospective est de déterminer le taux de survie d’un fil lingual mandibulaire de rétention en comparant les méthodes de collage direct et de collage indirect à court et moyen termes. Méthodologie : L’échantillon est constitué de 117 patients consécutifs aléatoirement distribués dans 2 groupes : collage direct (n=58) et collage indirect (n=59). Les fils torsadés de diamètre 0,0175’’ sont préformés par un technicien de laboratoire soit selon la méthode de collage direct, soit selon la méthode de collage indirect. Une matrice de transfert en silicone assure le positionnement précis du fil lingual en bouche. Assure® et Filtek™ Flow ont été utilisés pour le collage direct. Filtek™ Flow, Assure®, and Sondhi™ ont été utilisés pour le collage indirect. Les fils de rétention ont été évalués pour le décollement, l’infiltration, la distorsion et le bris à 2 mois (T1) et 6 mois (T2). Résultats : À T1, le taux de survie du fil de rétention est de 90,2% pour le groupe de collage direct, comparativement à 79,5% pour le groupe de collage indirect (p=0,232). À T2, le fil est resté intact pour 74,1% des participants dans le groupe de collage direct et pour 70,0% des participants dans le groupe de collage indirect (p=0,481). Les différences ne sont pas statistiquement significatives entre les 2 groupes. La fréquence du décollement est plus haute que les autres problèmes enregistrés à T1 (p<0,022), représentant 85,7% des échecs. À T2, le décollement est plus fréquent que la distorsion ou le bris (p<0,04), mais pas statistiquement plus fréquent que l’infiltration (p=0,109). Il représente alors 86,4% des échecs. Conclusion : Le décollement est la principale cause d’échec d’un fil de rétention lingual. Il n’y a pas de différence statistiquement significative du taux de survie d’un fil lingual mandibulaire de rétention entre les techniques de collage direct et de collage indirect à court et moyen termes.


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bracket type on the labiopalatal forces and moments generated in the sagittal plane. Incognito™ lingual brackets (3M Unitek), STb™ lingual brackets (Light Lingual System; ORMCO), and conventional 0.018 inch slot brackets (Gemini; 3M Unitek) were bonded on three identical maxillary acrylic resin models, with a palatally displaced right lateral incisor. The transfer trays for the indirect bonding of the lingual brackets were constructed in certified laboratories. Each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system and ten 0.013 inch CuNiTi wires were used for each bracket type. The wire was ligated with elastomerics and each measurement was repeated once after re-ligation. The labiopalatal forces and the moments in the sagittal plane were recorded on the right lateral incisor. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc Scheffe pairwise comparisons were used to assess the effect on bracket type on the generated forces and moments. The magnitude of forces ranged from 1.62, 1.27, and 1.81 N for the STb, conventional, and Incognito brackets, respectively; the corresponding moments were 2.01, 1.45, and 2.19 N mm, respectively. Bracket type was a significant predictor of the generated forces (P < 0.001) and moments (P < 0.001). The produced forces were different among all three bracket types, whereas the generated moments differed between conventional and lingual brackets but not between lingual brackets.


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Este estudo avaliou a colagem de braquetes linguais nas faces linguais de pré-molares superiores com diferentes espessuras de PADs, confeccionados com a resina fotopolimerizável Transbond XT nas espessuras de 1,0 mm e 2,0 mm e comparando-os com a menor espessura possível. Foi utilizado o adesivo Sondhi Rapid Set para a colagem indireta. Avaliou-se a força de resistência sob cisalhamento cinco minutos após a colagem em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos Kratos, com velocidade de cruzeta de 1,0 mm/min. A força média da resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento para o Grupo I foi de 9,69 MPa (DP 4,02 MPa), para o Grupo II foi de 6,15 MPa (DP 2,69 MPa) e para o Grupo III foi de 5,73 MPa (DP 1,62 MPa). O Grupo I, com menor espessura do PAD, apresentou força de resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento significativamente maior do que os Grupos II e III (PADs com 1,0 e 2,0 mm respectivamente). Estes por sua vez, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de p<0,05. O índice 1 de Adesivo Remanescente predominou nos Grupos I e II, caracterizando um maior número de fraturas do tipo adesiva. No Grupo 3 predominou o Índice 2, com fraturas do tipo coesiva.(AU)


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Este estudo avaliou a colagem de braquetes linguais nas faces linguais de pré-molares superiores com diferentes espessuras de PADs, confeccionados com a resina fotopolimerizável Transbond XT nas espessuras de 1,0 mm e 2,0 mm e comparando-os com a menor espessura possível. Foi utilizado o adesivo Sondhi Rapid Set para a colagem indireta. Avaliou-se a força de resistência sob cisalhamento cinco minutos após a colagem em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos Kratos, com velocidade de cruzeta de 1,0 mm/min. A força média da resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento para o Grupo I foi de 9,69 MPa (DP 4,02 MPa), para o Grupo II foi de 6,15 MPa (DP 2,69 MPa) e para o Grupo III foi de 5,73 MPa (DP 1,62 MPa). O Grupo I, com menor espessura do PAD, apresentou força de resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento significativamente maior do que os Grupos II e III (PADs com 1,0 e 2,0 mm respectivamente). Estes por sua vez, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de p<0,05. O índice 1 de Adesivo Remanescente predominou nos Grupos I e II, caracterizando um maior número de fraturas do tipo adesiva. No Grupo 3 predominou o Índice 2, com fraturas do tipo coesiva.(AU)


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Este estudo avaliou a colagem de braquetes linguais nas faces linguais de pré-molares superiores com diferentes espessuras de PADs, confeccionados com a resina fotopolimerizável Transbond XT nas espessuras de 1,0 mm e 2,0 mm e comparando-os com a menor espessura possível. Foi utilizado o adesivo Sondhi Rapid Set para a colagem indireta. Avaliou-se a força de resistência sob cisalhamento cinco minutos após a colagem em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos Kratos, com velocidade de cruzeta de 1,0 mm/min. A força média da resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento para o Grupo I foi de 9,69 MPa (DP 4,02 MPa), para o Grupo II foi de 6,15 MPa (DP 2,69 MPa) e para o Grupo III foi de 5,73 MPa (DP 1,62 MPa). O Grupo I, com menor espessura do PAD, apresentou força de resistência da colagem sob cisalhamento significativamente maior do que os Grupos II e III (PADs com 1,0 e 2,0 mm respectivamente). Estes por sua vez, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de p<0,05. O índice 1 de Adesivo Remanescente predominou nos Grupos I e II, caracterizando um maior número de fraturas do tipo adesiva. No Grupo 3 predominou o Índice 2, com fraturas do tipo coesiva.(AU)


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the time spent for direct (DBB - direct bracket bonding) and indirect (IBB - indirect bracket bonding) bracket bonding techniques. The time length of laboratorial (IBB) and clinical steps (DBB and IBB) as well as the prevalence of loose bracket after a 24-week follow-up were evaluated. METHODS: Seventeen patients (7 men and 10 women) with a mean age of 21 years, requiring orthodontic treatment were selected for this study. A total of 304 brackets were used (151 DBB and 153 IBB). The same bracket type and bonding material were used in both groups. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Wilcoxon non-parametric test at 5% level of significance. RESULTS: Considering the total time length, the IBB technique was more time-consuming than the DBB (p < 0.001). However, considering only the clinical phase, the IBB took less time than the DBB (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference (p = 0.910) for the time spent during laboratorial positioning of the brackets and clinical session for IBB in comparison to the clinical procedure for DBB. Additionally, no difference was found as for the prevalence of loose bracket between both groups. CONCLUSION: the IBB can be suggested as a valid clinical procedure since the clinical session was faster and the total time spent for laboratorial positioning of the brackets and clinical procedure was similar to that of DBB. In addition, both approaches resulted in similar frequency of loose bracket.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of surface conditioning methods and thermocycling on the bond strength between a resin composite and an indirect composite system in order to test the repair bond strength. Materials and Methods: Eighteen blocks (5 x 5 x 4 mm) of indirect resin composite (Sinfony) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were randomly assigned to one of the following two treatment conditions (9 blocks per treatment): (1) 10% hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 90 s (Dentsply) + silanization, (2) silica coating with 30-Ìm SiOx particles (CoJet) + silanization. After surface conditioning, the bonding agent was applied (Adper Single Bond) and light polymerized. The composite resin (W3D Master) was condensed and polymerized incrementally to form a block. Following storage in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h, the indirect composite/resin blocks were sectioned in two axes (x and y) with a diamond disk under coolant irrigation to obtain nontrimmed specimens (sticks) with approximately 0.6 mm2 of bonding area. Twelve specimens were obtained per block (N = 216, n = 108 sticks). The specimens from each repaired block were again randomly divided into 2 groups and tested either after storage in water for 24 h or thermocycling (6000 cycles, 5°C to 55°C). The microtensile bond strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). The mean bond strengths of the specimens of each block were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA (α = 0.05). Results: Both surface conditioning (p = 0.0001) and storage conditions (p = 0.0001) had a significant effect on the results. After 24 h water storage, silica coating and silanization (method 2) showed significantly higher bond strength results (46.4 ± 13.8 MPa) than that of hydrofluoric acid etching and silanization (method 1) (35.8 ± 9.7 MPa) (p < 0.001). After thermocycling, no significant difference was found between the mean bond strengths obtained with method 1 (34.1 ± 8.9 MPa) and method 2 (31.9 ± 7.9 MPa) (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Although after 24 h of testing, silica coating and silanization performed significantly better in resin-resin repair bond strength, both HF acid gel and silica coating followed by silanization revealed comparable bond strength results after thermocycling for 6000 times.


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The retention phase is initiated after orthodontic treatment completion to prevent orthodontic relapse. There are several techniques, direct and indirect, available for placing bonded lingual retainers, but none of them is considered as a standard clinical protocol. The best choice should be the association of simplicity and efficiency. This article presents a practical method sequence for fixation of the lingual retainer before direct bonding. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd and the Japanese Orthodontic Society.


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This study evaluated the Knoop hardness of a dual-cured resin cement (Rely-X ARC) activated solely by chemical reaction (control group) or by chemical / physical mode, light-cured through a 1.5 mm thick ceramic (HeraCeram) or composite (Artglass) disc. Light curing was carried out using conventional halogen light (XL2500) for 40 s (QTH); light emitting diodes (Ultrablue Is) for 40 s (LED); and Xenon plasma arc (Apollo 95E) for 3 s (PAC). Bovine incisors had their buccal face flattened and hybridized. On this surface a rubber mold (5 mm in diameter and 1 mm in height) was bulk filled with the resin cement. A polyester strip was seated for direct light curing or through the discs of veneering materials. After dry storage in the dark (24 h 37°C), the samples (n = 5) were sectioned for hardness (KHN) measurements, taken in a microhardness tester (50 gF load 15 s). The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The cement presented higher Knoop hardness values with Artglass for QTH and LED, compared to HeraCeram. The control group and the PAC/Artglass group showed lower hardness values compared to the groups light-cured with QTH and LED. PAC/HeraCeram resulted in the worst combination for cement hardness values. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.


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This study evaluated the Knoop hardness and polymerization depth of a dual-cured resin cement, light-activated at different distances through different thicknesses of composite resin. One bovine incisor was embedded in resin and its buccal surface was flattened. Dentin was covered with PVC film where a mold (0.8-mm-thick and 5 mm diameter) was filled with cement and covered with another PVC film. Light curing (40 s) was carried out through resin discs (2, 3, 4 or 5 mm) with a halogen light positioned 0, 1, 2 or 3 mm from the resin surface. After storage, specimens were sectioned for hardness measurements (top, center, and bottom). Data were subjected to split-plot ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The increase in resin disc thickness decreased cement hardness. The increase in the distance of the light curing tip decreased hardness at the top region. Specimens showed the lowest hardness values at the bottom, and the highest at the center. Resin cement hardness was influenced by the thickness of the indirect restoration and by the distance between the light-curing unit tip and the resin cement surface.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim was to compare eight types of luting agents when used to bond six indirect, laboratory restorative materials to dentin. Cylinders of the six restorative materials (Esteticor Avenir [gold alloy], Tritan [titanium], NobelRondo [feldspathic porcelain], Finesse All-Ceramic [leucite-glass ceramic], Lava [zirconia], and Sinfony [resin composite]) were ground and air-abraded. Cylinders of feldspathic porcelain and glass ceramic were additionally etched with hydrofluoric acid and were silane-treated. The cylinders were luted to ground human dentin with eight luting agents (DeTrey Zinc [zinc phosphate cement], Fuji I [conventional glass ionomer cement], Fuji Plus [resin-modified glass ionomer cement], Variolink II [conventional etch-and-rinse resin cement], Panavia F2.0 and Multilink [self-etch resin cements], and RelyX Unicem Aplicap and Maxcem [self-adhesive resin cements]). After water storage at 37°C for one week, the shear bond strength of the specimens (n=8/group) was measured, and the fracture mode was stereomicroscopically examined. Bond strength data were analyzed with two-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Newman-Keuls' Multiple Range Test (?=0.05). Both the restorative material and the luting agent had a significant effect on bond strength, and significant interaction was noted between the two variables. Zinc phosphate cement and glass ionomer cements produced the lowest bond strengths, whereas the highest bond strengths were found with the two self-etch and one of the self-adhesive resin cements. Generally, the fracture mode varied markedly with the restorative material. The luting agents had a bigger influence on bond strength between restorative materials and dentin than was seen with the restorative material.