27 resultados para Incommensurability


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Spin incommensurability (IC) has been recently experimentally discovered in the hole-doped Ni-oxide chain compound Y2-xCaxBaNiO5 [G. Xu et al., Science 289, 419 (2000)]. Here a two orbital model for this material is studied using computational techniques. Spin IC is observed in a wide range of densities and couplings. The phenomenon originates in antiferromagnetic correlations across holes dynamically generated to improve hole movement, as it occurs in the one-dimensional Hubbard model and in recent studies of the two-dimensional extended t-J model. The close proximity of ferromagnetic and phase-separated states in parameter space is also discussed.


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Problem-solving courts appear to achieve outcomes that are not common in mainstream courts. There are increasing calls for the adoption of more therapeutic and problem-solving practices by mainstream judges in civil and criminal courts in a number of jurisdictions, most notably in the United States and Australia. Currently, a judge who sets out to exercise a significant therapeutic function is likely to be doing so in a specialist court or jurisdiction, outside the mainstream court system, and arguably, outside the adversarial paradigm itself. To some extent, this work is tolerated but marginalised. However, do therapeutic and problem-solving functions have the potential to help define, rather than simply complement, the role of judicial officers? The core question addressed in this thesis is whether the judicial role could evolve to be not just less adversarial, but fundamentally non-adversarial. In other words, could we see—or are we seeing—a juristic paradigm shift not just in the colloquial, casual sense of the word, but in the strong, worldview changing sense meant by Thomas Kuhn? This thesis examines the current relationship between adversarialism and therapeutic jurisprudence in the context of Kuhn’s conception of the transition from periods of ‘normal science’, through periods of anomaly and disciplinary crises to paradigm shifts. It considers whether therapeutic jurisprudence and adversarialism are incommensurable in the Kuhnian sense, and if so, what this means for the relationship between the two, and for the agenda to mainstream therapeutic jurisprudence. The thesis asserts that Kuhnian incommensurability is, in fact, a characteristic of the relationship between adversarialism and therapeutic jurisprudence, but that the possibility of a therapeutic paradigm shift in law can be reconciled with many adversarial and due process principles by relating this incommensurability to a broader disciplinary matrix.


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Flows of cultural heritage in textual practices are vital to sustaining Indigenous communities. Indigenous heritage, whether passed on by oral tradition or ubiquitous social media, can be seen as a “conversation between the past and the future” (Fairclough, 2012, xv). Indigenous heritage involves appropriating memories within a cultural flow to pass on a spiritual legacy. This presentation reports ethnographic research of social media practices in a small independent Aboriginal school in Southeast Queensland, Australia that is resided over by the Yugambeh elders and an Aboriginal principal. The purpose was to rupture existing notions of white literacies in schools, and to deterritorialize the uses of digital media by dominant cultures in the public sphere. Examples of learning experiences included the following: i. Integrating Indigenous language and knowledge into media text production; ii. Using conversations with Indigenous elders and material artifacts as an entry point for storytelling; iii. Dadirri – spiritual listening in the yarning circle to develop storytelling (Ungunmerr-Baumann, 2002); and iv. Writing and publicly sharing oral histories through digital scrapbooking shared via social media. The program aligned with the Australian National Curriculum English (ACARA, 2012), which mandates the teaching of multimodal text creation. Data sources included a class set of digital scrapbooks collaboratively created in a multi-age primary classroom. The digital scrapbooks combined digitally encoded words, images of material artifacts, and digital music files. A key feature of the writing and digital design task was to retell and digitally display and archive a cultural narrative of significance to the Indigenous Australian community and its memories and material traces of the past for the future. Data analysis of the students’ digital stories involved the application of key themes of negotiated, material, and digitally mediated forms of heritage practice. It drew on Australian Indigenous research by Keddie et al. (2013) to guard against the homogenizing of culture that can arise from a focus on a static view of culture. The interpretation of findings located Indigenous appropriation of social media within broader racialized politics that enables Indigenous literacy to be understood as a dynamic, negotiated, and transgenerational flows of practice. The findings demonstrate that Indigenous children’s use of media production reflects “shifting and negotiated identities” in response to changing media environments that can function to sustain Indigenous cultural heritages (Appadurai, 1696, xv). It demonstrated how the children’s experiences of culture are layered over time, as successive generations inherit, interweave, and hear others’ cultural stories or maps. It also demonstrated how the children’s production of narratives through multimedia can provide a platform for the flow and reconstruction of performative collective memories and “lived traces of a common past” (Giaccardi, 2012). It disrupts notions of cultural reductionism and racial incommensurability that fix and homogenize Indigenous practices within and against a dominant White norm. Recommendations are provided for an approach to appropriating social media in schools that explicitly attends to the dynamic nature of Indigenous practices, negotiated through intercultural constructions and flows, and opening space for a critical anti-racist approach to multimodal text production.


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The articles in this edition of the International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies engage collectively with how different epistemologies and cultural values inform power relations in different locations, situations and contemporary contexts. As a group, these articles demonstrate, over varying facets, how meaning, communicative intent and interpretive effect are constitutive of power relations between Indigenous people and non Indigenous people. Jackie Grey discusses the labour of belonging as played out in a dispute over Indigenous fishing rights in a small New England town of Aquinnah, located on Noepe Island the traditional lands of the Wampanoag in the United States of America. She reveals the ways in which the jurisdiction of non Indigenous belonging operates discursively and materially to preclude Indigenous rights and self determination. Grey's analysis highlights the incommensurability of Indigenous and non Indigenous belonging that are played out in power relations born of colonisation.


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Este é um trabalho de pesquisa sobre um conjunto de números (irracionais) que é pouco trabalhado no ensino básico de matemática. Foi uma procura muito interessante e enriquecedora, pois encontrei matemáticos e historiadores com visões bem diferentes. Muitos deles não aceitavam este novo conjunto. Para Leopold Kronecker, só existia o conjunto dos números inteiros. Já para Cantor e Dedekind, o aparecimento dos irracionais foi extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento da matemática, abrindo novos horizontes. Menciono aqui um pouco da vida e da obra de alguns matemáticos que se envolveram com os números irracionais. Tratamos ainda da descoberta dos incomensuráveis, ou seja, como iniciou-se o problema da incomensurabilidade, e do retângulo áureo e sua importância em outras áreas. O trabalho mostra também dois grupos de números que não são mencionados quando ensinamos equações algébricas, que são os números algébricos e os números transcendentes, assim como teoremas essenciais para a prova da transcendência dos irracionais especiais e . Por fim, proponho uma aula para uma turma do 3 ano do Ensino Médio com o objetivo de mostrar a irracionalidade de alguns números, usando os teoremas pertinentes


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This thesis introduces elements of a theory of design activity and a computational framework for developing design systems. The theory stresses the opportunistic nature of designing and the complementary roles of focus and distraction, the interdependence of evaluation and generation, the multiplicity of ways of seeing over the history of a design session versus the exclusivity of a given way of seeing over an arbitrarily short period, and the incommensurability of criteria used to evaluate a design. The thesis argues for a principle based rather than rule based approach to designing documents. The Discursive Generator is presented as a computational framework for implementing specific design systems, and a simple system for arranging blocks according to a set of formal principles is developed by way of illustration. Both shape grammars and constraint based systems are used to contrast current trends in design automation with the discursive approach advocated in the thesis. The Discursive Generator is shown to have some important properties lacking in other types of systems, such as dynamism, robustness and the ability to deal with partial designs. When studied in terms of a search metaphor, the Discursive Generator is shown to exhibit behavior which is radically different from some traditional search techniques, and to avoid some of the well-known difficulties associated with them.


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La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’époque actuelle se caractérise par un processus de sécularisation irrésolu. Les inconsistances de notre modernité relèvent à la fois d’une dissolution de l’hégémonie de la religion en occident et d’une diversification de régimes de valeurs, croyances et représentations ayant pour effet la persistance de différends idéologiques que le phénomène de globalisation à la fois accentue et résorbe sans les abolir. Cette thèse examine la pertinence de la traduction pour interroger les fondements littéraires des enjeux esthétiques et politiques de cette condition. En tant que procédé poïétique, modèle de subjectivité éthique et figure de pensée, la traduction constitue un dispositif littéraire intimement relié au problème de la sécularisation. Chacune des études qui composent la thèse cherche à approfondir, dans une perspective comparatiste, une intuition de base : le mode de dépossession inhérent au fait littéraire de traduire permet d’appréhender un certain ethos séculier dont le caractère historique ne serait pas totalement coupé d’un rapport à la transcendance dans le contexte de l’économie culturelle globale. Le problème de la traduction est abordé à partir de deux axes principaux : la distorsion de la tradition religieuse par la formation d’une religiosité d’ordre littéraire (un ethos séculier) et la distorsion d’un certain humanisme d’après l’expérience catastrophique et la manière dont cet ethos permet d’y survivre. Cette thèse vise à dégager de l’idée de traduction une capacité de régénérer un rapport éthique à autrui par la construction de liens inédits avec le passé et l’avenir ; une attention à la finitude humaine caractérisée par une disposition critique et affective face à ces artefacts humains que nous nommons littérature. Les écrits de la poète et traductrice Anne Carson jouent un rôle déterminant dans le cadre de cette recherche puisqu’ils exemplifient une capacité singulière de faire usage de la tradition qui permet d’envisager, ultimement, une régénération de la question du sens de l’humain, c’est-à-dire, d’une pensée sensible à l’inhumain entre nous.


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Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans la constellation de questions regroupées sous l'étiquette de l'éthique de la croyance. Plus spécifiquement, il cherche à analyser la viabilité des jugements tout bien considéré portant sur les croyances lorsque des raisons de types distincts (raisons épistémiques et raisons pragmatiques) entrent en conflit. Cette analyse se fera à l'aune d'une recherche portant sur l'instrumentalisme de la croyance, la position avançant que les croyances sont instrumentales à nos intérêts et que, par conséquent, la normativité de la croyance se jauge en fonction de nos objectifs. L'instrumentalisme de la croyance est tombé sous le coup de plusieurs critiques dans les dernières années et se mémoire se donne comme mission d'en évaluer la portée. Si d'aventure l'instrumentalisme de la croyance devait être une position viable, il y a lieu de penser qu'il existe une commensurabilité possible entre raisons de différents types.


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John Broome has argued that value incommensurability is vagueness, by appeal to a controversial ‘collapsing principle’ about comparative indeterminacy. I offer a new counterexample to the collapsing principle. That principle allows us to derive an outright contradiction from the claim that some object is a borderline case of some predicate. But if there are no borderline cases, then the principle is empty. The collapsing principle is either false or empty.