940 resultados para InVest
O presente documento, elaborado especificamente para a minha candidatura às provas de “Especialista” pelo Instituto Politécnico do Porto, está centrado apenas na minha actividade profissional dos últimos 7 anos e considera a sua relação com uma futura atividade académica como docente. A possibilidade de participar na definição, criação, organização e gestão de uma empresa municipal, na qualidade de seu Diretor-Executivo e Presidente do Conselho de Administração, num processo iniciado no contexto do Regime Jurídico do Setor Empresarial Local de 2006, constituiu um momento central no meu processo de aprendizagem e investigação no domínio do Enquadramento na Organização / Empresa. No quadro de uma nova ordem mundial, onde o poder público é convocado a agir em prol do desenvolvimento das matrizes económicas, onde a concorrência pelos investimentos escassos é crescente e onde se aprofundou o problema do desemprego estrutural, torna-se urgente para os governos locais a elaboração de políticas públicas e privadas que potenciem os fatores locais, transformando-os em vantagens competitivas. O Município de Paços de Ferreira propôs-se desenvolver um modelo que decorreu diretamente do Regime Jurídico do Setor Empresarial Local (que veio promover e até estimular o desenvolvimento de iniciativas empresariais locais com um caráter racional e otimizado), e que pressupôs a criação de uma entidade empresarial municipal que realizasse o investimento necessário à concretização da zonas de acolhimento empresarial de Paços de Ferreira, assegurasse a sua gestão e a atração e captação de investimento privado gerador de riqueza e de emprego para o Concelho. Este relatório analisa, em detalhe, todos os passos na criação, organização e gestão dessa empresa municipal - a PFR Invest.
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
This work project presents a road map for making deals under the umbrella support of a private equity investor. Fundraising, investment analysis, asset monitoring, and divestment are stages in the process that are covered in-depth and clarified in terms of action plan and procedures. Moreover, private equity brings tangible and intangible efficiency to the economy and companies, not only by providing finance to grow and expand but also by forcing superior organizational organics that foster sustainable business positions. In a world domain, Europe as been a second liner as compared to US in terms of size within the private equity sector, but it is quickly maturing and converging to US numbers. In this sense, Portugal has been improving in both numbers and regulations in order to leverage on its strategic location and position itself as a key player to address future business challenges coming from emerging markets such as Africa and Latin America.
This paper develops a comprehensive framework for the quantitative analysis of the private and fiscal returns to schooling and of the effect of public policies on private incentives to invest in education. This framework is applied to 14 member states of the European Union. For each of these countries, we construct estimates of the private return to an additional year of schooling for an individual of average attainment, taking into account the effects of education on wages and employment probabilities after allowing for academic failure rates, the direct and opportunity costs of schooling, and the impact of personal taxes, social security contributions and unemployment and pension benefits on net incomes. We also construct a set of effective tax and subsidy rates that measure the effects of different public policies on the private returns to education, and measures of the fiscal returns to schooling that capture the long-term effects of a marginal increase in attainment on public finances under c
This paper develops a comprehensive framework for the quantitative analysis of the private and fiscal returns to schooling and of the effect of public policies on private incentives to invest in education. This framework is applied to 14 member states of the European Union. For each of these countries, we construct estimates of the private return to an additional year of schooling for an individual of average attainment, taking into account the effects of education on wages and employment probabilities after allowing for academic failure rates, the direct and opportunity costs of schooling, and the impact of personal taxes, social security contributions and unemployment and pension benefits on net incomes. We also construct a set of effective tax and subsidy rates that measure the effects of different public policies on the private returns to education, and measures of the fiscal returns to schooling that capture the long-term effects of a marginal increase in attainment on public finances under conditions that approximate general equilibrium.
This article aims to analyze the different impact that some factors may exert on the probability that a small young firm invests intensively in R&D. Recently, an increasing amount of the literature makes reference to the vital role played by a small number of young firms in generating jobs and increasing efficiency levels. However, not all new firms invest in R&D. Departing from the definition of YICs (firms younger than 6 years old, fewer than 250 employees and with more than 15% of their revenues invested in R&D activities), and with an extensive sample of the Spanish Community Innovation Survey between 2004- 2010, we try to determine: i) those factors that cause firms to become YICs (innovative young small firms) or YNICs (moderately innovative young small firms); ii) what is the difference in the impact of those factors between YICs and YNICs. Our results show that factors such as initial innovation capacity and cooperation in R&D projects enhance the probability of becoming a YIC. Nevertheless, factors such as export potential and market uncertainty may influence the decision to invest moderately and become a YNIC. Keywords: Innovation, Policy, YICs. JEL Classifications: O31, D21
Tämän tutkielman päätavoitteena oli tutkia varastoinvestointitoimintaa ja sen mandollisuuksia Haminan satamassa. Teoreettinen osa jakautuu kahteen osa-alueeseen. Ensimmäisessä osassa käydään läpi investointien suunnittelua ja niiden taustoja, investoinnin kannattavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä suosituimpia investointilaskentamenetelmiä. Toisessa osassa keskitytään investointien rahoitukseen ja sen suunnitteluun Empiirinen aineisto muodostuu haastatteluista case-yrityksessä. Tutkimusote on normatiivinen. Tutkimuksessa on esitetty Hamina Port Invest Oy:n investointitoiminnan nykytila sekä investointitoimintaanvaikuttavat tekijät. Tutkimustulokset on esitetty tutkielman empiirisen osion lopuksi.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to study the role of sponsorship in the business value of companies and clubs. In order to achieve this goal, the French women’s football context is studied. The main research question is formulated as follows: What is the business value in sport sponsorship? The literature and theory part consists of three chapters that clearly follow the theoretical framework: from the sport sponsorship to the sponsor brand, from the sponsor brand to the brand equity, from the brand equity to the business value. The empirical part of the master’s thesis is based on qualitative research method. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 4 participants who are Sponsorship Manager or General Manager of French women’s football clubs or sponsors and thus considered as specialists of the study context. The results of the study show that the planning process, the objectives, the sponsor brand, the brand equity components such as the customer behaviour, the economic, financial and immaterial values have positive impacts on the business value in sport sponsorship in the French women’s football context.
The Mexican dream is the equivalent of the American Dream for Mexico. This thesis explores what is the equivalent of the American Dream for young Mexican adults (25 to 35 year old Mexicans). The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the core values of young Mexican adults. The study is made for a case company, Expertos Patrimoniales Wealth Management Advisors, who intend to sell financial management services to these young Mexican adults in the next 5 to 10 years. This study implements a cross-cultural consumer behavior framework by David Luna, in order to consider factors like culture, and value systems to uncover the Mexican Dream for young Mexican adults. In order to gather data for this study, key informants were interviewed in specific areas, such as culture, financial consumer behavior and Mexican culture among others. The results suggest that independence is a strong driver for the young Mexican adults, independence from their family, from the corporate hierarchy and men. These core drivers differ from the traditional culture values where hierarchy and a secure job, family which includes the extended family and women´s economic dependency on men have been strong. Images of the future are created in order to understand the young Mexican adults Mexican Dream in the next 5 to 10 years, in order to provide useful information for the case company for the development of products and services that this segment of the Mexican market might find interesting in the near future.