979 resultados para Imunoglobulinas IgM e IgA


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Um estudo duplo-cego foi conduzido em pacientes portadores de lepra lepromatosa estável, para avaliar a resposta à administração de talidomida 100 mg por dia, por 18 dias, dos níveis séricos de IgM e IgA e dos títulos de fator reumatóide e isohemaglutininas anti-A e anti-B. Nenhum efeito significativo foi detectado ao fim deste período.


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The persistence, in some subjects, of specific IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii for several months after the acute phase of infection has complicated the interpretation of serological test results for toxoplasmosis. Several reports have emphasized the value of the detection of Toxoplasma-specific IgA antibodies for the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. In this article, we report the follow-up profiles of Toxoplasma-specific IgM and IgA antibodies in serum samples obtained from 12 patients at various intervals after the onset of the clinical manifestations of infection. IgM antibodies were detected by the indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test, antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) and enzyme-mediated chemilluminescent technique (CmL). IgA antibodies were quantified by the direct ELISA (dELISA) and cELISA procedures. As defined by the manufacturer of the cELISA test for IgA used, most patients with acute toxoplasmosis have antibody levels > 40 arbritary units per ml (AU/ml). At values > 40 AU/ml, the cELISA for IgA detected significant antibody levels for a shorter time than the other techniques used for IgM and IgA detection. However, IgA levels £ 40 AU/ml do not exclude the possibility of acute toxoplasmosis since such levels can be reached very soon after infection with T. gondii. The results obtained in the present study show that the serological diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis may not be such an easy task. Our data suggest that use of the IgA-cELISA concomitantly with IgM antibody screening could permit, in some circumstances, a more efficient diagnosis of acute acquired toxoplasmosis


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The diagnostic potential of circulating IgM and IgA antibodies against Schistosoma mansoni gut-associated antigens detected by the immunofluorescence test (IFT) on adult worm paraffin sections was evaluated comparatively to the fecal parasitological method, for epidemiological purposes in low endemic areas for schistosomiasis. Blood samples were collected on filter paper from two groups of schoolchildren living in two different localities of the municipality of Itariri (São Paulo, Brazil) with different histories and prevalences of schistosomiasis. The parasitological and serological data were compared to those obtained for another group of schoolchildren from a non-endemic area for schistosomiasis. The results showed poor sensitivity of the parasitological method in detecting individuals with low worm burden and indicate the potential of the serological method as an important tool to be incorporated into schistosomiasis control and vigilance programs for determining the real situation of schistosomiasis in low endemic areas.


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Intravenous administration of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies has proven to be a clinically valid approach in the treatment, or at least relief, of many acute and chronic pathologies, such as infection, immunodeficiency, and a broad range of autoimmune conditions. Plasma-derived IgG or recombinant IgG are most frequently used for intravenous or subcutaneous administration, whereas a few IgM-based products are available as well. We have established recently that secretory-like IgA and IgM can be produced upon association of plasma-derived polymeric IgA and IgM with a recombinant secretory component. As a next step toward potential future mucosal administration, we sought to unravel the mechanisms by which these secretory Igs protect epithelial cells located at the interface between the environment and the inside of the body. By using polarized epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers and Shigella flexneri as a model enteropathogen, we found that polyspecific plasma-derived SIgA and SIgM fulfill many protective functions, including dose-dependent recognition of the antigen via formation of aggregated immune complexes, reduction of bacterial infectivity, maintenance of epithelial cell integrity, and inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine production by epithelial cells. In this in vitro model devoid of other cellular or molecular interfering partners, IgM and secretory IgM showed stronger bacterial neutralization than secretory IgA. Together, these data suggest that mucosally delivered antibody preparations may be most effective when combining both secretory-like IgA and IgM, which, together, play a crucial role in preserving several levels of epithelial cell integrity.


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A study was carried out to evaluate the presence of serological markers for the immunodiagnosis of the vertical transmission of toxoplasmosis. We tested the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (positive and negative) of different serological methods for the early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. In a prospective longitudinal study, 50 infants with suspected congenital toxoplasmosis were followed up in the ambulatory care centre of Congenital Infections at University Hospital in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, from 1 January 2004-30 September 2005. Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA), Enzyme-Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) and Immune-Fluorescent Antibody Technique (IFAT) were used to detect specific IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and a capture ELISA was used to detect specific IgA antibodies. The results showed that 28/50 infants were infected. During the neonatal period, IgM was detected in 39.3% (11/28) of those infected infants and IgA was detected in 21.4% (6/28). The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (positive and negative) of each assay were, respectively: MEIA and ELFA: 60.9%, 100%, 100%, 55.0%; IFAT: 59.6%, 91.7%, 93.3%, 53.7%; IgA capture ELISA: 57.1%, 100%, 100%, 51.2%. The presence of specific IgM and IgA antibodies during the neonatal period was not frequent, although it was correlated with the most severe cases of congenital transmission. The results indicate that the absence of congenital disease markers (IgM and IgA) in newborns, even after confirming the absence with several techniques, does not constitute an exclusion criterion for toxoplasmosis.


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IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies to GP43 (glycoprotein fraction of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) were measured by ELISA in 63 samples from 23 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis before and twice after chemotherapy was started. Antibodies against P. brasiliensis were detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IF) (IgG, IgM and IgA isotypes), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and complement fixation. Two control groups composed of 19 healthy individuals and 12 patients with other diseases (six with histoplasmosis, three with tuberculosis and three with other mycoses). The highest efficiency percentages were found with IgG and IgA- ELISA (100%), IgG-IF (96.2%), CIE (94.4%) and the lowest with CF (75.9%). Highest positive and negative predictive values (100%) were observed for IgG and IgA ELISA. IgG and IgM-ELISA antibodies are more often found in patients with acute than chronic disease (P = 0.01). Four to six months after treatment follow-up showed decreased levels of IgG and IgM-ELISA for acute cases and decreased titres of CIE for chronic cases in relation to pretreatment levels. This study suggests that IgG-ELISA anti-GP43 represents a good marker to monitor clinical response to therapy.


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In an attempt to find a better T. cruzi antigen and possible immunological markers for the diagnosis of different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, amastigote and trypomastigote antigens obtained from immunosuppressed mice infected with T. cruzi (Y strain) were assessed in comparison with conventional epimastigote antigens. A total of 506 serum samples from patients with acute and with chronic (indeterminate, cardiac and digestive) forms, from nonchagasic infections, and from healthy individuals were assayed in immunofluorescence (IF) tests, to search for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Amastigote proved to be the most convenient antigen for our purposes, providing higher relative efficiency indexes of 0.946, 0.871 and 0.914 for IgG, IgM and IgA IF tests, respectively. Anti-amastigote antibodies presented higher geometric mean titers (GMT) than anti-trypomastigote and anti-epimastigote. Anti-amastigote IgG antibodies were found in all forms of Chagas' disease, and predominantly IgA antibodies, in chronic digestive and in acute forms, as well as IgM antibodies, in latter forms. Thus, tests with amastigote antigen could be helpful for screening chagasic infections in blood banks. Practical and economical aspects in obtaining amastigotes as here described speak in favour of its use in developing countries, since those from other sources require more complex system of substruction, specialized personnel or equipment.


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De um grupo de 112 casos crônicos de Doença de Chagas recebidos, foi possível selecionar 32 casos dotados de dados clínicos e testes de diagnóstico completos que permitiram uma avaliação da resposta imunitária humoral em face de quadros clínicos e cardiológicos bem definidos. Observou-se um ligeiro aumento dos níveis de IgG, sem que houvesse significância destes resultados quando feita a comparação com um grupo de habitantes da região de Bambuí, cujos testes, empregados normalmente para diagnóstico da Doença de Chagas, foram negativos. Este grupo, que foi considerado como o "normal" da região, não apresentava nenhuma sintomatologia e, tanto quanto foi possível observar, gozava bom estado de saúde. Os níveis de IgM e IgA apresentavam-se dentro da faixa de normalidade, enquanto os títulos de anticorpos heterófilos, ficaram entre 1/56 e 1/112. Na Correlação que se tentou estabelecer entre anticorpos heterófilos e cardiopatias chagásicas constatou-se não existir, aparentemente, relação entre concentração e cardiopatia.


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We studied the frequency of specific anti-Toxoplasma IgM, IgA and IgE antibodies in serum of 28 immunocompetent Colombian patients, selected by ophthalmologists and with lesions that were compatible with ocular toxoplasmosis. Patients were classified in three groups: (i) group 1 consisted of ten patients with a first episode; (ii) group 2, with seven patients with a recurrence and (iii) group 3, consisted of eleven patients with chronic chorioretinal lesion without uveitis. We found that 10/28 (35%) of Colombian patients with ocular toxoplasmosis possessed at least one serological marker for Toxoplasma infection different from IgG. In group 1 (first episode), we found simultaneous presence of specific IgM plus IgA plus IgE in 1/10 (10%). In group 2 (recurrences) in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgA test positives and in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgE tests positives. In group 3 (toxoplasmic chorioretinal scar) the IgA serological test was positive in 2/11 (18%). These results show that serum IgM or IgA or IgE can be present during recurrences.


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Estudou-se o perfil de variação das imunoglobulinas em lavados das regiões traqueobrônquica e broncoalveolar do trato respiratório de bezerros neonatos sadios. Vinte bezerros da raça Holandesa, recém-nascidos e clinicamente sadios, receberam o colostro e foram distribuídos em dois grupos de dez animais cada. O Grupo 1 foi submetido à técnica de sondagem nasotraqueal para obtenção de lavado bronco-alveolar (LBA) e o Grupo 2, à traqueocentese para colheita de lavado traqueobrônquico (LTB), sendo estes procedimentos realizados em intervalos semanais, iniciando-se nos primeiros dias pós-nascimento até, aproximadamente, um mês de vida. Verificaram-se maiores teores de IgG que IgA ao longo do trato respiratório e estas imunoglobulinas sofreram influências da região do trato respiratório lavado, bem como influência do tempo de vida dos bezerros. Pôde-se detectar maiores teores de imunoglobulinas no LTB, assim como as maiores taxas de IgM e IgA em comparação com aquelas do LBA. As imunoglobulinas do LBA tenderam a aumentar seus teores com a evolução das semanas de vida dos bezerros, enquanto tenderam a diminuir no LTB.


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A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.


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Foi estudada a evolução das imunoglobulinas envolvidas na resposta imune de camundongos ao Schistosoma mansoni durante oito semanas de infecção, utilizando soros pluri-específicos como reativos biológicos e a técnica da imunoeletroforese bidimensional. Os resultados expressaram modulação da resposta imune humoral, tanto em soros de animais parasitados (I) como nos normais, tomados como controle (C). Aumentos relativos dos níveis de imunoglobulinas entre estes dois grupos foram constatados pela relação I/C. Foi possível verificar o aparecimento de uma resposta primária, ocorrida entre o início da doença e a segunda semana de infecção, constituída de IgM e IgA, e uma secundária, iniciada na sexta semana de infecção, constituída pelas IgA; IgG1 e IgM, com aumentos relativos de 4.5; 3 e 2 vezes normal.


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Twenty one cases of hepatoesplenic schistosomiasis patients without clinical and laboratory evidence of renal disease, were studied by surgical biopsies using light microscopy and immunofluorescence. The cases were classified histologically as: normal pattern (6 cases); minimal changes (6 cases); and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (9 cases). By the immunofluorescence microscopy using anti IgM, IgG, IgA and C3, the predominant finding in all biopsies, except the normal cases, was granular deposits of IgM in the mesangium along with C3. On the other hand, IgG was present in all cases including normal biopsies along the capillary walls. However IgG was also present in the mesangium only in cases with glomerular lesions. This finding may well be similar to that recently described as IgM mesangial nephropathy. According to our cases a mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, characterized by segmental cell proliferation and deposition of IgM in the mesangium, is probably the entity found in the early stages of mansonic schistosomiasis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)