955 resultados para Impact behavior


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GRC is a cementitious composite material made up of a cement mortar matrix and chopped glass fibers. Due to its outstanding mechanical properties, GRC has been widely used to produce cladding panels and some civil engineering elements. Impact failure of cladding panels made of GRC may occur during production if some tool falls onto the panel, due to stone or other objects impacting at low velocities or caused by debris projected after a blast. Impact failure of a front panel of a building may have not only an important economic value but also human lives may be at risk if broken pieces of the panel fall from the building to the pavement. Therefore, knowing GRC impact strength is necessary to prevent economic costs and putting human lives at risk. One-stage light gas gun is an impact test machine capable of testing different materials subjected to impact loads. An experimental program was carried out, testing GRC samples of five different formulations, commonly used in building industry. Steel spheres were shot at different velocities on square GRC samples. The residual velocity of the projectiles was obtained both using a high speed camera with multiframe exposure and measuring the projectile’s penetration depth in molding clay blocks. Tests were performed on young and artificially aged GRC samples to compare GRC’s behavior when subjected to high strain rates. Numerical simulations using a hydrocode were made to analyze which parameters are most important during an impact event. GRC impact strength was obtained from test results. Also, GRC’s embrittlement, caused by GRC aging, has no influence on GRC impact behavior due to the small size of the projectile. Also, glass fibers used in GRC production only maintain GRC panels’ integrity but have no influence on GRC’s impact strength. Numerical models have reproduced accurately impact tests.


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The high velocity impact performance in hybrid woven carbon and S2 and E glass fabric laminates manufactured by resin transfer molding (RTM) was studied. Specimens with different thicknesses and glass-fiber content were tested against 5.5 mm spherical projectiles with impact velocities ranging from 300 to 700 m/s to obtain the ballistic limit. The resulting deformation and fracture micromechanisms were studied. Several impacts were performed on the same specimens to identify the multihit behavior of such laminates. The results of the fracture analysis, in conjunction with those of the impact tests, were used to describe the role played by glass-fiber hybridization on the fracture micromechanisms and on the overall laminate performance under high velocity impact.


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Texas State Department of Highway and Public Transportation, Transportation Planning Division, Austin


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Due to the fact that different injection molding conditions tailor the mechanical response of the thermoplastic material, such effect must be considered earlier in the product development process. The existing approaches implemented in different commercial software solutions are very limited in their capabilities to estimate the influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties. Thus, the accuracy of predictive simulations could be improved. In this study, we demonstrate how to establish straightforward processing-impact property relationships of talc-filled injection-molded polypropylene disc-shaped parts by assessing the thermomechanical environment (TME). To investigate the relationship between impact properties and the key operative variables (flow rate, melt and mold temperature, and holding pressure), the design of experiments approach was applied to systematically vary the TME of molded samples. The TME is characterized on computer flow simulation outputsanddefined bytwo thermomechanical indices (TMI): the cooling index (CI; associated to the core features) and the thermo-stress index (TSI; related to the skin features). The TMI methodology coupled to an integrated simulation program has been developed as a tool to predict the impact response. The dynamic impact properties (peak force, peak energy, and puncture energy) were evaluated using instrumented falling weight impact tests and were all found to be similarly affected by the imposed TME. The most important molding parameters affecting the impact properties were found to be the processing temperatures (melt andmold). CI revealed greater importance for the impact response than TSI. The developed integrative tool provided truthful predictions for the envisaged impact properties.


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Executive control refers to a set of abilities enabling us to plan, control and implement our behavior to rapidly and flexibly adapt to environmental requirements. These adaptations notably involve the suppression of intended or ongoing cognitive or motor processes, a skill referred to as "inhibitory control". To implement efficient executive control of behavior, one must monitor our performance following errors to adjust our behavior accordingly. Deficits in inhibitory control have been associated with the emergènce of a wide range of psychiatric disorders, ranging from drug addiction to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. Inhibitory control deficits could, however, be remediated- The brain has indeed the amazing possibility to reorganize following training to allow for behavioral improvements. This mechanism is referred to as neural and behavioral plasticity. Here, our aim is to investigate training-induced plasticity in inhibitory control and propose a model of inhibitory control explaining the spatio- temporal brain mechanisms supporting inhibitory control processes and their plasticity. In the two studies entitled "Brain dynamics underlying training-induced improvement in suppressing inappropriate action" (Manuel et al., 2010) and "Training-induced neuroplastic reinforcement óf top-down inhibitory control" (Manuel et al., 2012c), we investigated the neurophysiological and behavioral changes induced by inhibitory control training with two different tasks and populations of healthy participants. We report that different inhibitory control training developed either automatic/bottom-up inhibition in parietal areas or reinforced controlled/top-down inhibitory control in frontal brain regions. We discuss the results of both studies in the light of a model of fronto-basal inhibition processes. In "Spatio-temporal brain dynamics mediating post-error behavioral adjustments" (Manuel et al., 2012a), we investigated how error detection modulates the processing of following stimuli and in turn impact behavior. We showed that during early integration of stimuli, the activity of prefrontal and parietal areas is modulated according to previous performance and impacts the post-error behavioral adjustments. We discuss these results in terms of a shift from an automatic to a controlled form of inhibition induced by the detection of errors, which in turn influenced response speed. In "Inter- and intra-hemispheric dissociations in ideomotor apraxia: a large-scale lesion- symptom mapping study in subacute brain-damaged patients" (Manuel et al., 2012b), we investigated ideomotor apraxia, a deficit in performing pantomime gestures of object use, and identified the anatomical correlates of distinct ideomotor apraxia error types in 150 subacute brain-damaged patients. Our results reveal a left intra-hemispheric dissociation for different pantomime error types, but with an unspecific role for inferior frontal areas. Les fonctions exécutives désignent un ensemble de processus nous permettant de planifier et contrôler notre comportement afin de nous adapter de manière rapide et flexible à l'environnement. L'une des manières de s'adapter consiste à arrêter un processus cognitif ou moteur en cours ; le contrôle de l'inhibition. Afin que le contrôle exécutif soit optimal il est nécessaire d'ajuster notre comportement après avoir fait des erreurs. Les déficits du contrôle de l'inhibition sont à l'origine de divers troubles psychiatriques tels que l'addiction à la drogue ou les déficits d'attention et d'hyperactivité. De tels déficits pourraient être réhabilités. En effet, le cerveau a l'incroyable capacité de se réorganiser après un entraînement et ainsi engendrer des améliorations comportementales. Ce mécanisme s'appelle la plasticité neuronale et comportementale. Ici, notre but èst d'étudier la plasticité du contrôle de l'inhibition après un bref entraînement et de proposer un modèle du contrôle de l'inhibition qui permette d'expliquer les mécanismes cérébraux spatiaux-temporels sous-tendant l'amélioration du contrôle de l'inhibition et de leur plasticité. Dans les deux études intitulées "Brain dynamics underlying training-induced improvement in suppressing inappropriate action" (Manuel et al., 2010) et "Training-induced neuroplastic reinforcement of top-down inhibitory control" (Manuel et al., 2012c), nous nous sommes intéressés aux changements neurophysiologiques et comportementaux liés à un entraînement du contrôle de l'inhibition. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié l'inhibition à l'aide de deux différentes tâches et deux populations de sujets sains. Nous avons démontré que différents entraînements pouvaient soit développer une inhibition automatique/bottom-up dans les aires pariétales soit renforcer une inhibition contrôlée/top-down dans les aires frontales. Nous discutons ces résultats dans le contexte du modèle fronto-basal du contrôle de l'inhibition. Dans "Spatio-temporal brain dynamics mediating post-error behavioral adjustments" (Manuel et al., 2012a), nous avons investigué comment la détection d'erreurs influençait le traitement du prochain stimulus et comment elle agissait sur le comportement post-erreur. Nous avons montré que pendant l'intégration précoce des stimuli, l'activité des aires préfrontales et pariétales était modulée en fonction de la performance précédente et avait un impact sur les ajustements post-erreur. Nous proposons que la détection d'erreur ait induit un « shift » d'un mode d'inhibition automatique à un mode contrôlé qui a à son tour influencé le temps de réponse. Dans "Inter- and intra-hemispheric dissociations in ideomotor apraxia: a large-scale lesion-symptom mapping study in subacute brain-damaged patients" (Manuel et al., 2012b), nous avons examiné l'apraxie idémotrice, une incapacité à exécuter des gestes d'utilisation d'objets, chez 150 patients cérébro-lésés. Nous avons mis en avant une dissociation intra-hémisphérique pour différents types d'erreurs avec un rôle non spécifique pour les aires frontales inférieures.


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A simple dependency between contact angle θ and velocity or surface tension has been predicted for the wetting and dewetting behavior of simple liquids. According to the hydrodynamic theory, this dependency was described by Cox and Voinov as θ ∼ Ca^(1/3) (Ca: Capillary number). For more complex liquids like surfactant solutions, this prediction is not directly given.rnHere I present a rotating drum setup for studying wetting/dewetting processes of surfactant solutions on the basis of velocity-dependent contact angle measurements. With this new setup I showed that surfactant solutions do not follow the predicted Cox-Voinov relation, but showed a stronger contact angle dependency on surface tension. All surfactants independent of their charge showed this difference from the prediction so that electrostatic interactions as a reason could be excluded. Instead, I propose the formation of a surface tension gradient close to the three-phase contact line as the main reason for the strong contact angle decrease with increasing surfactant concentration. Surface tension gradients are not only formed locally close to the three-phase contact line, but also globally along the air-liquid interface due to the continuous creation/destruction of the interface by the drum moving out of/into the liquid. By systematically hindering the equilibration routes of the global gradient along the interface and/or through the bulk, I was able to show that the setup geometry is also important for the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions. Further, surface properties like roughness or chemical homogeneity of the wetted/dewetted substrate influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of the liquid, i. e. the three-phase contact line is differently pinned on rough/smooth or homogeneous/inhomogeneous surfaces. Altogether I showed that the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions did not depend on the surfactant type (anionic, cationic, or non-ionic) but on the surfactant concentration and strength, the setup geometry, and the surface properties.rnSurfactants do not only influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of liquids, but also the impact behavior of drops on free-standing films or solutions. In a further part of this work, I dealt with the stability of the air cushion between drop and film/solution. To allow coalescence between drop and substrate, the air cushion has to vanish. In the presence of surfactants, the vanishing of the air is slowed down due to a change in the boundary condition from slip to no-slip, i. e. coalescence is suppressed or slowed down in the presence of surfactant.


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Composite laminates present important advantages compared to conventional monolithic materials, mainly because for equal stiffness and strength they have a weight up to four times lower. However, due to their ply-by-ply nature, they are susceptible to delamination, whose propagation can bring the structure to a rapid catastrophic failure. In this thesis, in order to increase the service life of composite materials, two different approaches were explored: increase the intrinsic resistance of the material or confer to them the capability of self-repair. The delamination has been hindered through interleaving the composite laminates with polymeric nanofibers, which completed the hierarchical reinforcement scale of the composite. The manufacturing process for the integration of the nanofibrous mat in the laminate was optimized, resulting in an enhancement of mode I fracture toughness up to 250%. The effect of the geometrical dimensions of the nano-reinforcement on the architecture of the micro one (UD and woven laminates) was studied on mode I and II. Moreover, different polymeric materials were employed as nanofibrous reinforcement (Nylon 66 and polyvinylidene fluoride). The nano toughening mechanism was studied by micrograph analysis of the crack path and SEM analysis of the fracture surface. The fatigue behavior to the onset of the delamination and the crack growth rate for woven laminates interleaved with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Furthermore, the impact behavior of GLARE aluminum-glass epoxy laminates, toughened with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Finally, the possibility of confer to the composite material the capability of self-repair was explored. An extrinsic self-healing-system, based on core-shell nanofibers filled with a two-component epoxy system, was developed by co-electrospinning technique. The healing potential of the nano vascular system has been proved by microscope electron observation of the healing agent release as result of the vessels rupture and the crosslinking reaction was verified by thermal analysis.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Despite the growing relevance of co-creating customer communities only little scientific evidence is available on their impact on transactional behavior of participants. Previous research has mostly used self-reported data or distinguished only between during and pre-community phases obtaining mixed results. However, the author proposes that co-creating community activity takes place in five distinguishable phases and changes in transactional behavior are limited to certain phases. Using 33 months of transactional data of a Dutch online auction provider a study was conducted covering all five phases of the community co-creation process from community planning over community set-up, co-development and co-testing to post-launch. The overall results indicate mixed effects of community participation on the different transactional variables during the co-creation process. Community participation had positive effects on auctions listing behavior at the community set-up, co-development and post-launch phases, whereby the number of auctions listed peaked during the community set-up phase. These results suggest that the impact on transactional behavior differs between co-creation phases and different psychological mechanism limited to certain phases might trigger the respective changes.


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El presente estudio pretende arribar a la construcción de un modelo explicativo del comportamiento político a partir de la contribución que los marcos sociales (norma sociales, normas de ciudadanía, ideología, confianza política) y sociocognitivos (inteligencia afectiva, interés político, eficacia política, conocimiento político, sentimiento de comunidad) mostraron, en términos de relaciones entre las variables, sobre el mismo. Nuestra atención se centra no sólo al comportamiento político de la ciudadanía -que es donde se desarrollaron la mayor parte de los estudios-, sino a las elites de poder constitutivas del sistema político (jueces, legisladores provinciales y representantes de instituciones del gobierno y de organismos no gubernamentales). Asimismo, pretende establecer las diferencias que puedan evidenciarse en torno a la relación de estas variables con el comportamiento político entre los distintos colectivos estudiados en el ámbito de la ciudad de Córdoba. Para ello se realizara una primera etapa de estudio instrumental, con el objeto de analizar las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos a utilizar en la operacionalización de las variables. Para ello se tomara una muestra accidental de 250 personas entre 18 y 65 años de edad. Posteriormente, se realizarán dos etapas de estudio ex post facto, con la finalidad de construir los modelos planteados. En la primera de ellas, se trabajará con una muestra accidental de 100 representantes de los grupos de poder estudiados y en la segunda con una muestra probabilística de 500 ciudadanos cordobeses entre 18 y 65 años de edad.


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A qualitative study of the impact of electronic journals on the information behavior of academics at Catalan universities shows that academics now read more, and more widely. However, their reading is becoming more superficial; they are compelled to improve their discrimination skills in order to decide what to read in more depth. The electronic accessibility of journals means that academics now make fewer library visits. Web browsing and TOC e-mail alerts are replacing physical browsing, and searching is a very popular option for keeping up to date with developments. Internet search engines, especially Google and Google Scholar, are becoming important sources of information for academics. However, they face problems in managing their personal scientific information.


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The impact of charcoal production on soil hydraulic properties, runoff response and erosion susceptibility were studied in both field and simulation experiments. Core and composite samples, from 12 randomly selected sites within the catchment of Kotokosu were taken from the 0-10 cm layer of a charcoal site soil (CSS) and adjacent field soils (AFS). These samples were used to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), bulk density, total porosity, soil texture and color. Infiltration, surface albedo and soil surface temperature were also measured in both CSS and AFS. Measured properties were used as entries in a rainfall runoff simulation experiment on a smooth (5 % slope) plot of 25 x 25 m grids with 10 cm resolutions. Typical rainfall intensities of the study watershed (high, moderate and low) were applied to five different combinations of Ks distributions that could be expected in this landscape. The results showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher flow characteristics of the soil under charcoal kilns (increase of 88 %). Infiltration was enhanced and runoff volume reduced significantly. The results showed runoff reduction of about 37 and 18 %, and runoff coefficient ranging from 0.47-0.75 and 0.04-0.39 or simulation based on high (200 mm h-1) and moderate (100 mm h-1) rainfall events over the CSS and AFS areas, respectively. Other potential impacts of charcoal production on watershed hydrology were described. The results presented, together with watershed measurements, when available, are expected to enhance understanding of the hydrological responses of ecosystems to indiscriminate charcoal production and related activities in this region.