993 resultados para Immigrants women


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Local worlds, global economies. For an ethnography of microcredit in Italy. The research main purpose is to provide an anthropological analysis of a microcredit project targeting migrant women in Venice, Italy. Microcredit is a globally widespread financial strategy. Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank success in Bangladesh was pivotal in promoting microfinance as one of the most important poverty alleviation strategies in the Development Countries. Post Industrial Countries adopted microcredit to foster “non bankable” categories – notably immigrants, women and young people - financial inclusion. The history of the Venice project is reconstructed starting from the perspectives of its main characters (promoters, social workers, beneficiaries and local stakeholders). Their positioned representations are analyzed in order to understand how different actors reproduced or renegotiated some of the main rhetorics underpinning the hegemonic “microcredit discourse”. Specifically, keywords such as “sustainability”, “empowerment” and “trust” are critically deconstructed to see how they are meant and translated into practice by different actors. Fieldwork data allows some considerations on the Italian way to microfinance.


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Rooted in critical scholarship this dissertation is an interdisciplinary study, which contends that having a history is a basic human right. Advocating a newly conceived and termed, Solidarity-inspired History framework/practice perspective, the dissertation argues for and then delivers a restorative voice to working-class historical actors during the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. Utilizing an interdisciplinary methodological framework the dissertation combines research methods from the Humanities and the Social Sciences to form a working-class history that is a corrective to standardized studies of labor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Oftentimes class interests and power relationships determine the dominant perspectives or voices established in history and disregard people and organizations that run counter to, or in the face of, customary or traditional American themes of patriotism, the Protestant work ethic, adherence to capitalist dogma, or United States exceptionalism. This dissertation counteracts these traditional narratives with a unique, perhaps even revolutionary, examination of the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. The intention of this dissertation's critical perspective is to poke, prod, and prompt academics, historians, and the general public to rethink, and then think again, about the place of those who have been dislocated from or altogether forgotten, misplaced, or underrepresented in the historical record. Thus, the purpose of the dissertation is to give voice to historical actors in the dismembered past. Historical actors who have run counter to traditional American narratives often have their body of "evidence" disjointed or completely dislocated from the story of our nation. This type of disremembering creates an artificial recollection of our collective past, which de-articulates past struggles from contemporary groups seeking solidarity and social justice in the present. Class-conscious actors, immigrants, women, the GLBTQ community, and people of color have the right to be remembered on their own terms using primary sources and resources they produced. Therefore, similar to the Wobblies industrial union and its rank-and-file, this dissertation seeks to fan the flames of discontented historical memory by offering a working-class perspective of the 1916 Strike that seeks to interpret the actions, events, people, and places of the strike anew, thus restoring the voices of these marginalized historical actors.


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In an era of heightened concern about the second generation of Muslim immigrants in connection with 'home-grown terrorism' and supposed refusal to 'integrate', this paper interrogates the common sense that the second generation is 'lost' between cultures. Informed by in-depth, open-ended, semi-structured interviews with young second-generation Lebanese-background immigrants, this paper presents empirical material from two cohorts of participants, one in 1997 and one in 2003. Five cases are considered here, three from 1997 and two from 2003: all Muslim young women. It is argued that, far from being 'lost', the young women are constructing blended identities which they reflect on consciously, under circumstances of everyday racism to which they respond strategically.


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Increased mass migration, as a result of economic hardship, natural disasters and wars, forces many people to arrive on the shores of cultures very different from those they left. How do they manage the legacy of the past and the challenges of their new everyday life? This is a study of immigrant women living in transnational families that act and communicate across national borders on a near-daily basis. The research was carried out amongst immigrant women who were currently living in Finland. The research asks how transnational everyday life is constructed. As everyday life, due to its mundane nature, is difficult to operationalise for research purposes, mixed data collection methods were needed to capture the passing moments that easily become invisible. Thus, the data were obtained from photographic diaries (459 photographs) taken by the research participants themselves. Additionally, stimulated recall discussions, structured questionnaires and participant observation notes were used to complement the photographic data. A tool for analysing the activities devealed in the data was created on the assumption that a family is an active unit that accommodates the current situation in which it is embedded. Everyday life activities were analysed emphasizing social, modal and spatial dimensions. Important daily moments were placed on a continuum: for me , for immediate others and with immediate others . They portrayed everyday routines and exceptions to it. The data matrix was developed as part of this study. The spatial dimensions formed seven units of activity settings: space for friendship, food, resting, childhood, caring, space to learn and an orderly space. Attention was also paid to the accommodative nature of activities; how women maintain traditions and adapt to Finnish life or re-create new activity patterns. Women s narrations revealed the importance of everyday life. The transnational chain of women across generations and countries, comprised of the daughters, mothers and grandmothers was important. The women showed the need for information technology in their transnational lives. They had an active relationship to religion; the denial or importance of it was obvious. Also arranging one s life in Finnish society was central to their narrations. The analysis exposed everyday activities, showed the importance of social networks and the uniqueness of each woman and family. It revealed everyday life in a structured way. The method of analysis that evolved in this study together with the research findings are of potential use to professionals, allowing the targeting of interventions to improve the everyday lives of immigrants.


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These records document New York Section’s early history to the present, representing a significant portion of its work in community programming and advocacy, as well as its supporting administrative, fundraising, membership, and public relations activities. As a section of the National Council, its records also include a substantial amount of material regarding the National Organization’s programs, events, publications, and reports, dating from 1896 through 1999.


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This paper is a case study of Eastern European immigrant women’s social inclusion in Portugal through civic participation. An analysis of interviews conducted with women leaders and members of two ethnic associations provides a unique insight into their migrant pathways as highly educated women and the ways in which these women are constructing their citizenship in new contexts in Northern Portugal. These women’s accounts of their immigrant experience embrace both the public realm, in using their own education and their children’s as a means of integration but also spill over into ‘non-public’ familial relationships at home in contradictory ways. These include the sometimes traditional, gender-defined division of labour within the associations and at home and the new ways that they negotiate their relative autonomies to escape forms of violence and subordination that they face as women and immigrants.


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This critical analysis explores the conflicted position of women as ''trailing spouses" and the effects on families who relocate globally under the auspices of a multinational corporation, by utilizing a discursive analysis of two contemporary films and available literature. Current portrayals of women and children in contemporary media provide emotional yet conflicting images of the perfect woman, wife, mother, child and family. The basic tenets of a North American patriarchal economic system are being televised around the world. Technological advancements have made it possible to advertise political agendas on a global television screen. Much of what we see is propaganda couched in films and advertisements that are designed to romantic~e the practice of deriving profits from the unpaid labor of woman and invisibility of children and child rearing. I intend to show that the materiality of trailing a spouse globally conflicts with these romanticized images and supports feminist literature that asserts the notion that mothers and children are oppressed and managed for the benefit of capital.


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The National Council of Women of Canada was founded in 1893 in Toronto to address the need for societal reform, such as better education for women and women’s suffrage. The first president was Lady Ishbel Aberdeen, the wife of the Governor General. The group’s early efforts focused on improving conditions for women prisoners, women working in factories, and women immigrants. The efforts of the Council also helped to achieve the passing of the Act to Confer the Electoral Franchise Upon Women in 1918. Members of the Council have advocated for the welfare of children, the family, the community, the environment and equal pay for work of equal value. The Council continues to be concerned with these issues, and presents an annual brief to the Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, as well as occasionally serving on special advisory committees.


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RÉSUMÉ : Problématique : En dépit du nombre croissant de médecins immigrants qui choisissent de s’installer au Québec, et de la pénurie de ces professionnels de la santé, beaucoup d’entre eux ne parviendront pas à exercer leur profession au Québec. Les études réalisées auparavant n’étaient souvent pas spécifiques à l’intégration professionnelle des médecins immigrants au Québec. Et de nouvelles barrières émergeaient à chaque étude, justifiant la nécessité d’une démarche exploratoire pour mieux comprendre le sujet. Objectifs : L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier et analyser les barrières à l’intégration professionnelle ainsi que les facteurs facilitants perçus par les médecins immigrants diplômés hors Canada et États-Unis qui choisissent de s’installer au Québec. Méthodologie : La stratégie retenue est la recherche synthétique de type étude de cas. C’est une recherche qualitative principalement basée sur l’analyse de 22 entrevues semi-structurées, réalisées avec des médecins immigrants diplômés hors Canada et États-Unis, originaires de 15 pays différents. L’échantillon est de type variation maximale, selon le pays d’origine, la formation initiale, l’expérience professionnelle et selon le parcours personnel au Québec. Le recrutement a été réalisé principalement à l’aide de la collaboration du Centre d'évaluation des sciences de la santé de l’Université Laval, de l’organisme « l’Hirondelle » et du département d’administration de la santé de l’Université de Montréal. Le cadre théorique est celui de Diaz (1993) et les différents thèmes qui ont été abordés dans l’entrevue sont inspirés de la synthèse des barrières et des perceptions citées dans la littérature dont la plupart ne sont pas spécifiques aux médecins immigrants. Ces thèmes généraux sont représentés par les contraintes linguistiques, socioculturelles, informationnelles, financières, procédurales et discriminatoires. Pour ce qui est des thèmes des facteurs facilitants, ce sont : les facteurs financiers, informationnels, d’aide et de support à l’intégration professionnelle. Résultats : Les 22 participants étaient composés de 13 hommes et de 9 femmes, âgés de 29 à 53 ans, originaires de 15 pays différents et ayant une durée de séjour au Québec de 2 à 15 ans. Lors des entrevues, les émergences recueillies grâce aux questions ouvertes ont permis d’appréhender les difficultés spécifiques perçues par les médecins immigrants qui n’ont pas été soulevées ii par la littérature. Les barrières à l’intégration professionnelle perçues par les médecins immigrants sont surtout de nature procédurale, mais également institutionnelles, et dans une moindre mesure, socioculturelles. Les principales barrières procédurales sont relatives aux facteurs informationnels, à l’évaluation des connaissances et des compétences médicales, mais surtout à l’absence de garantie de l’octroi des postes de résidence même après la réussite des examens exigés. Les facteurs facilitants les plus importants sont l’harmonisation des procédures provinciales et fédérales, l’amélioration relative de l’information, le soutien linguistique pour les nonfrancophones et la pénurie des médecins. Conclusion : La réduction des nombreuses barrières identifiées dans cette recherche, permettra non seulement de faciliter l’intégration professionnelle des médecins immigrants, mais également de contribuer à réduire la pénurie de ces professionnels de la santé au Québec.


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Près d’un Canadien sur cinq est né à l’étranger. Les niveaux d’immigration ne cessant de croître, la façon dont ces nouveaux venus s’intégreront à leur société d’accueil joue grandement sur l’avenir du pays. Dans les études d'intégration, une attention particulière est portée aux jeunes formant la première et la seconde génération puisqu’ils représentent le lien intergénérationnel entre membres de leurs familles, communautés culturelles et natifs canadiens. Ce mémoire porte sur les tendances liées aux comportements matrimoniaux des différentes générations d’hommes et de femmes provenant de diverses régions géographiques, comparativement à ceux de la population canadienne, incluant l’analyse du rôle que pourraient y jouer les communautés culturelles. En utilisant le recensement de 2001, l'analyse fait une distinction entre le Québec et le reste du Canada, et se concentre sur la probabilité de vivre ou non en union selon l’âge puis, pour ceux en union, la probabilité d’être marié ou en union libre. Les résultats démontrent que les comportements matrimoniaux des immigrants issus d’une union mixte (ayant un parent né au Canada) se conforment plus rapidement à ceux de la population locale que ceux ayant deux parents nés à l’étranger. Aussi, nos résultats révèlent que les immigrants issus de diverses régions géographiques présentent des comportements matrimoniaux et des profils selon le statut générationnel distincts alors que certains d’entre eux ne montrent aucun signe de convergence vers les comportements matrimoniaux des natifs canadiens. Finalement, les résultats liés à la taille et à la présence d’une communauté culturelle varient selon les différents modèles.


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New Zealand is a nation of Migrants. Immigrants have played a significant role in the country’s economic growth and cultural development. With a population of four million people, New Zealand’s population is becoming increasingly culturally diverse. Almost one in five New Zealanders were born overseas, rising to one in three in its largest city, Auckland. Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group, increasing by around 140% since 1996. Indians account for 1.2% of the population (Statistics New Zealand, 2002). The Goan community in New Zealand is relatively small and its size is not formally recorded, however, anecdotally it appears to have grown to over 200 families in the Auckland area, with most arriving after 1996. For women who migrate, loneliness and isolation have been identified as the most ‘glaring’ experience and this is intensified by the loss of extended family networks when they migrate to a country where nuclear families are the norm (Leckie, 1995). The creation of new networks and maintenance of prior networks in new ways is crucial to the successful settlement and integration into a new country. This paper reports on how Goan, Indian women in Auckland, New Zealand used specific strategies to manage the adjustment to living in a new country. The findings reveal that participants used a variety of skills to settle in New Zealand such as cultivating a “can do” attitude, obtaining support and learning. These skills enabled them to move beyond their own culture and begin to take active part in New Zealand culture. However, this process was not immediate and the participants passed through a number of stages along a continuum of settlement and integration. These stages will be discussed below and situated within a body of literature.