962 resultados para IgE-mediated food allergy
Food allergy is most frequently the result of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Here, we describe a chronic model in which some of the intestinal and systemic consequences of continuous egg white solution ingestion by ovalbumin-sensitized eight-week-old BALB/c mice, 6 animals per group, of both sexes, were investigated. There was a 20% loss of body weight that began one week after antigen exposure and persisted throughout the experiment (3 weeks). The sensitization procedure induced the production of anti-ovalbumin IgG1 and IgE, which were enhanced by oral antigen exposure (129% for IgG1 and 164% for IgE, compared to sensitization values). Intestinal changes were determined by jejunum edema at 6 h (45% Evans blue extravasation) and by a significant eosinophil infiltration with a peak at 48 h. By day 21 of continuous antigen exposure, histological findings were mild, with mast cell hyperplasia (100%) and increased mucus production (483%). Altogether, our data clearly demonstrate that, although immune stimulation was persistently occurring in response to continuous oral antigen exposure, regulatory mechanisms were occurring in the intestinal mucosa, preventing overt pathology. The experimental model described here reproduces the clinical and pathological changes of mild chronic food allergy and may be useful for mechanistic studies of this common clinical condition.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic disease characterized clinically by symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and histologically by eosinophil-predominant inflammation. EoE is frequently associated with concomitant atopic diseases and immunoglobulin E (IgE) sensitization to food allergens in children as well as to aeroallergens and cross-reactive plant allergen components in adults. Patients with EoE respond well to elemental and empirical food elimination diets. Recent research has, however, indicated that the pathogenesis of EoE is distinct from IgE-mediated food allergy. In this review, we discuss the individual roles of epithelial barrier defects, dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses, and of microbiota in the pathogenesis of EoE. Although food has been recognized as a trigger factor of EoE, the mechanism by which it initiates or facilitates eosinophilic inflammation appears to be largely independent of IgE and needs to be further investigated. Understanding the pathogenic role of food in EoE is a prerequisite for the development of specific diagnostic tools and targeted therapeutic procedures. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Adverse food reactions can be classified into two main categories depending on wether an immune mechanism is involved or not. The first category includes immune mediated reactions like IgE mediated food allergy, eosinophilic oesophagitis, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and celiac disease. The second category implies non-immune mediated adverse food reactions, also called food intolerances. Intoxications, pharmacologic reactions, metabolic reactions, physiologic, psychologic or reactions with an unknown mechanism belong to this category. We present a classification of adverse food reactions based on the pathophysiologic mechanism that can be useful for both diagnostic approach and management.
Food allergy in children significantly affects their quality of life. Its impact can be analyzed by quality of life questionnaires. The aim of our study was to validate the French version of disease-specific questionnaires and to evaluate the quality of life in children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Two validated food allergy-specific questionnaires for quality of life, the parent's and children's forms (FAQLQ-PF and FAQLQ-CF), were translated from English to French and submitted to children with food allergy and their parents. Questionnaires were analyzed in terms of emotional impact, food anxiety, and social and food limitations. NCT 01480427. Sixty-two parents of children aged 0-12 yrs answered the FAQLQ-PF, and 32 children aged 8-12 yrs the FAQLQ-CF. Construct validity of both questionnaires was assessed by correlation between the FAQLQs and FAIM (r = 0.85 and 0.84, respectively). Both FAQLQs had good internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.748 and 0.67, respectively). Young children (0-3 yrs old) showed better quality of life scores than older children (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.02). Worse scores were also shown among children with previous severe systemic reactions (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.039), the ones with an allergic mother (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.002), or allergic siblings (FAQLQ-PF emotional impact score: p = 0.034), the ones with multiple food allergy (more than 1 food) (FAQLQ-PF anxiety score: p = 0.04) and among the girls (FAQLQ-CF global score: p = 0.031). Older children, the ones with severe systemic reactions, or with mothers or siblings also affected by allergies, as well as girls, and children with multiple food allergies show worse quality of life scores.
Background: Food allergy in children, an increasingly prevalent disease, significantly affects the quality of life. Its impact can be analyzed by the recently validated French version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ). Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of life in a small sample of Swiss children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Methods: Information were collected with the questionnaire among 0-12 years old children and their parents during a scheduled allergy visit, and analysed in term of emotional impact, food anxiety and social and food limitations. Patients were divided according to the questionnaire in three age groups: group 1 from 0 to 3 years, group 2 from 4 to 6 years and group 3 from 7 up to 12 years. Results: 30 food allergic patients were included, with a girl/boy ratio of 1:1.14. Median age was 6 years. 56% suffered from or had a history of eczema, 23% of rhino-conjunctivitis, 30% of asthma, and 13% reported a drug allergy. None had insect venom allergy. 57% were known to be allergic to one food, 20% to two foods, 20% to 3 foods and 3% had 3 or more food allergies. Tree nuts (51% of all allergies) as well as eggs (28 %) were the major allergies. Emotional impact had a total score of 1.54 but showed differences between age groups. In group 1 it was lower with 0.23, in group 2 the score was 2.03 and 1.77 in group 3. Food anxiety total score was 1.9; 0.76 in group 1, 2.31 in group 2 and 2.23 in group 3. Social and food limitations showed similar results with a total score of 1.73 and 1.23 in group 1, 2.05 in group 2 and 1.68 for group 3. Conclusion: Food allergy affects the quality of life of Swiss children. Our preliminary results on a small sample are comparable to previously published data. We show that the impact of food allergy on daily life increases when the child starts school and social activities.
Background: Mice allergic to ovalbumin (OVA) avoid drinking a solution containing this antigen. This was interpreted as related to IgE-dependent mast cell degranulation and sensory C fiber activation. Methods: We employed pharmacological manipulation to further investigate the mediators involved in immune-induced food aversion. Results: While nonimmunized rats preferred a sweetened OVA solution, immunized rats avoided it. We also employed a paradigm in which rats are conditioned to drink water for two 10-min sessions a day. Tolerant rats presented lower IgE titers, and this manipulation abrogated food aversion. Dexamethasone (1.0 mg/kg) prevented the aversion of OVA-immunized rats to the antigen-containing solution. Combined blockade of H(1) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)(2) receptors by promethazine (3.0 mg/kg) plus methysergide (5.0 mg/kg) was unable to alter food aversion. Blockade of 5-HT(3) receptors by ondansetron (1.0 mg/kg) caused a twofold increase in the ingestion of the sweetened OVA solution by immunized rats, suggesting the involvement of 5-HT(3) receptors in food aversion. Finally, we showed that dexamethasone or promethazine plus methysergide, but not ondansetron, effectively prevented the IgE-dependent mast-cell-degranulation-induced increase in vascular permeability in rats. Conclusion: We suggest that regardless of whether or not they cause edema, IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and consequent 5-HT(3) signaling are involved in the process that triggers avoidance to the source of the allergen in allergic rats. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the colonoscopic allergen provocation (COLAP) test as a new tool for the diagnosis of IgE-mediated food allergy. METHODS: Oral food challenges as well as COLAP testing were performed in a colony of nine research dogs with proven immediate-type food allergic reactions. In addition, COLAP was performed in five healthy dogs. RESULTS: When compared with the oral challenge test, COLAP accurately determined 18 of 23 (73 per cent) positive oral challenge reactions (73 per cent) in dogs with food allergies and was negative in the healthy dogs. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The accuracy of this new test may be higher than that for gastric sensitivity testing. Therefore, COLAP holds promise as a new test to confirm the diagnosis of suspect IgE-mediated food allergy in dogs.
The sera of a retrospective cohort (n = 41) composed of children with well characterized cow's milk allergy collected from multiple visits were analyzed using a protein microarray system measuring four classes of immunoglobulins. The frequency of the visits, age and gender distribution reflected real situation faced by the clinicians at a pediatric reference center for food allergy in 530 Paulo, Brazil. The profiling array results have shown that total IgG and IgA share similar specificity whilst IgM and in particular IgE are distantly related. The correlation of specificity of IgE and IgA is variable amongst the patients and this relationship cannot be used to predict atopy or the onset of tolerance to milk. The array profiling technique has corroborated the clinical selection criteria for this cohort albeit it clearly suggested that 4 out of the 41 patients might have allergies other than milk origin. There was also a good correlation between the array data and ImmunoCAP results, casein in particular. By using qualitative and quantitative multivariate analysis routines it was possible to produce validated statistical models to predict with reasonable accuracy the onset of tolerance to milk proteins. If expanded to larger study groups, the array profiling in combination with the multivariate techniques show potential to improve the prognostic of milk allergic patients. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Résumé destiné à un large public Le système immunitaire associé aux muqueuses gastro-intestinales doit être capable de protéger notre organisme contre l'invasion de pathogènes. Parallèlement, il doit identifier en Cant que tels, des composés inoffensifs comme la nourriture ou les milliards de bactéries qui résident dans notre intestin. Le travail présenté ici aborde ces deux aspects essentiels au bon fonctionnement de notre muqueuse intestinale. Dans une première partie, la protéine nommée pièce sécrétoire a été étudiée pour ses propriétés protectrices contre le pathogène viral rotavirus. Le rôle de la pièce sécrétoire est de transporter les anticorps que nous produisons vers la surface des muqueuses. En dehors de cette fonction bien connue, il se peut que cette protéine soit également capable de protéger notre organisme contre certains virus. L'hypothèse de travail était donc que la pièce sécrétoire se lie directement au virus, l'empêchant ainsi d'infecter des cellules épithéliales de l'intestin. En utilisant différentes techniques biochimiques, cette hypothèse s'est révélée fausse car aucune interaction entre la pièce sécrétoire et le virus n'a pu être observée, et logiquement, aucune protection n'a pu prendre place. En revanche, la pièce sécrétoire se lie à d'autres structures pathogéniques et permet ainsi de neutraliser leurs effets néfastes. La pièce sécrétoire participe donc activement à la protection de nos muqueuses, en plus de son rôle de transporteur. La deuxième partie de ce travail avait pour sujet les réactions inappropriées que le système immunitaire induit parfois contre un aliment, ou, autrement dit, les allergies alimentaires. Un modèle d'allergie alimentaire à donc été développé chez la souris et a permis de mesurer plusieurs symptômes et facteurs liés à l'allergie. Puis, ce modèle a été utilisé afin de tester les effets bénéfiques d'une bactérie lactique, dite probiotique, sur le développement de l'allergie. Il a été observé que, sous certaines circonstances, l'administration de la bactérie lactique protégeait entièrement les souris contre les réactions allergiques. L'effet bénéfique dépend donc du probiotique mais également d'autres facteurs encore inconnus â ce jour. Cette étude ouvre la voie sur la compréhension des mécanismes liés aux allergies alimentaires et sur l'impact que peuvent avoir les bactéries probiotiques sur cette maladie. Résumé Le système immunitaire associé aux muqueuses intestinales doit être capable de différencier les antigènes inoffensifs tels que 1a nourriture ou les bactéries commensales des microorganismes potentiellement dangereux. Cet aspect est essentiel pour le maintien de l'homéostase intestinale et fait l'objet du travail présenté ici. Dans un premier projet, les propriétés protectrices de la protéine appelée pièce sécrétoire (SC) ont été étudiées. SC est une protéine connue pour le transport des immunoglobulines à la surface des muqueuses. Cette protéine est fortement glycosylée paz des sucres complexes, ce qui nous a mené à postuler que SC puisse interagir avec le pathogène rotavirus. Cette hypothèse était soutenue par le fait que ce virus adhère aux cellules épithéliales par des résidus glycosylés. Des analyses biochimiques et biologiques ont démontré qu'aucune interaction entre SC et le virus ne prenait place, et que par conséquent SC n'offrait aucune protection contre ce pathogène. En revanche, SC interagit avec d'autres structures pathogéniques, comme la toxine A de Clostridium difficile, et la molécule d'adhésion intimine de la bactérie entéropathogène Escherichia coli. La liaison se fait par l'intermédiaire des sucres et confère ainsi une protection contre ces pathogènes. Ainsi, SC a été identifié comme agent neutralisant au niveau de l'intestin. La deuxième partie de ce travail abordait le sujet des allergies alimentaires, et avait pour but de tester les effets bénéfiques potentiels d'une bactérie probiotique, Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461, contre les réactions allergiques. Un modèle marin d'allergie alimentaire a été mis au point, permettant de mesurer des immunoglobulines E, des symptômes allergiques, et la dégranulation de mastocytes. Lorsque le probiotique a été administré aux souris, celles-ci ont été complètement protégées des réactions allergiques dans une première expérience. Cependant, cette protection n'a pas été reproduite et suggère que des facteurs environnementaux encore inconnus sont critiques pour que le probiotique agisse positivement. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence la complexité de l'approche des traitements liés aux probiotiques et ouvre la voie sur la compréhension des mécanismes liés à l'allergie. Abstract The mucosal immune system associated to the gastrointestinal mucosa must efficiently distinguish between innocuous antigens, such as food proteins and commensal bacteria and potentially infectious agents. The work presented here deals with these two essential aspects guaranteeing intestinal homeostasis. In the first part of this work, the protective properties of secretory component (SC) toward the pathogen rotavirus were investigated. SC, which allows the transport of polymeric immunoglobulins (Ig) to mucosal surfaces, is highly glycosylated with complex glycan structures. The abundance and the nature of these carbohydrates led us to speculate that SC might interact with rotavirus, which is known to bind target cells with glycan receptors. Using various biological and biochemical techniques, we demonstrated that SC did not interact with rotaviruses, nor protected epithelial cells from infection. However, SC was shown to bind to Clostridium difficile toxin A and to the enteropathogenic Echerischia coli adhesion molecule intimin in a glycan-dependent fashion. These interactions allow in vitro protection of epithelial cells using physiological concentrations of SC. These data identify SC as a microbial scavenger at mucosal surfaces, and in the context of secretory IgA, further enhance the neutralising properties of the complex. The second project was inscribed in the domain of food allergy and aimed to test the modulatory functions of a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei toward allergic reactions. A model of food-mediated allergy was developed in the mouse using mucosal sensitisation. Several parameters associated to allergy were quantified after allergen challenge, and included allergen-specific IgE, allergic signs like diarrhea and temperature drop, and degranulation of mast cells. Administration of the probiotic strain was shown to completely protect mice from allergic reactions. However, these data were not reproduced, suggesting that unknown environmental factors are required so that protection mediated by the probiotic strain occurs. This study paves the way to the understanding of the mechanisms associated to allergy, and highlights the tremendous complexity that probiotic treatments will have to face.
Background: Food allergy (FA) is aunique chronic condition as sufferers aregenerally well unless they accidentally ingest an allergen, whereupon symptoms can be life threatening. A good under-standing of the condition is essential forsuccessful self-management, however little is known about children and young teenagers' understanding. This study aimed toexplore understanding of FA in childrenwith and without FA and whether under-standing changes as children get older.Method: Participants aged 6–14 years (53with FA; 89 without), recruited from loc evidence of a prospective associationbetween maternal, perinatal or infant VDIand subsequent IgE-mediated FA schools and allergy clinics took part insemi-structured interviews; data were analysed using thematic analysis.Results: Three themes were identified fromthe data across the different age groups andallergy statuses: food allergy as a sickness, food allergy as an illness and food allergy asintolerance to food. Children aged 6–8 years described FA as a sickness; you were not allowed the food because it makes youpoorly. Children aged 9–11 years also talked about FA as something that makesyou poorly, but many also described it as anillness and understood that symptoms were caused by food. Children aged 12–14 yearsdescribed it as an intolerance or that FA was your body's response to a particularfood. These age-related differences wereseen in children with and without FA. Conclusion: Although sophistication ofknowledge of FA increases with age, it is still a little understood condition by chil-dren and young teenagers. Clear, age-re-lated information about food allergy andhow it should be managed is needed forthose with and without allergy, to avoidmisunderstanding, and aid awareness andbetter self-management of the condition
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND Exposure to food allergens through a disrupted skin barrier has been recognized as a potential factor in the increasing prevalence of food allergy. OBJECTIVE We sought to test the immunologic mechanisms by which epicutaneous sensitization to food allergens predisposes to intestinal food allergy. METHODS Mice were epicutaneously sensitized with ovalbumin or peanut on an atopic dermatitis-like skin lesion, followed by intragastric antigen challenge. Antigen-specific serum IgE levels and T(H)2 cytokine responses were measured by ELISA. Expression of type 2 cytokines and mast cell proteases in the intestine were measured by using real-time PCR. Accumulation of basophils in the skin and mast cells in the intestine was examined by using flow cytometry. In vivo basophil depletion was achieved by using diphtheria toxin treatment of Baso-DTR mice. For cell-transfer studies, the basophil population was expanded in vivo by means of hydrodynamic tail vein injection of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) cDNA plasmid. RESULTS Sensitization to food allergens through an atopic dermatitis-like skin lesion is associated with an expansion of TSLP-elicited basophils in the skin that promote antigen-specific T(H)2 cytokine responses, increased antigen-specific serum IgE levels, and accumulation of mast cells in the intestine, promoting the development of intestinal food allergy. Critically, disruption of TSLP responses or depletion of basophils reduced the susceptibility to intestinal food allergy, whereas transfer of TSLP-elicited basophils into intact skin promoted disease. CONCLUSION Epicutaneous sensitization on a disrupted skin barrier is associated with accumulation of TSLP-elicited basophils, which are necessary and sufficient to promote antigen-induced intestinal food allergy.
Wood is a natural material that is able to trigger rhinitis and asthma in exposed subjects in occupational settings. This has been described with both soft and hard woods.1,2 Involvement of both low- and high-molecular-weight allergens has been reported, and the relevance of these is related with the wood type.1 There are cases where protein may be the responsible allergen. Crossreactivity between obeche and ramin woods3 and between obeche and latex4 has been shown. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a multiple IgE-mediated sensitization to different woods that caused occupational respiratory symptoms in the same worker.
Cardoso CR, Provinciatto PR, Godoi DF, Ferreira BR, Teixeira G, Rossi MA, Cunha FQ, Silva JS. IL-4 regulates susceptibility to intestinal inflammation in murine food allergy. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 296: G593-G600, 2009. First published January 8, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.90431.2008.-Allergies involve a state of immediate hypersensitivity to antigens, including food proteins. The mechanism underlying the initiation and development of allergic responses involves IL-4 that directly induces the differentiation of committed effector Th2 lymphocytes. Although it is clear that Th2 responses play a pivotal role in the development of allergic responses, it remains unclear which mechanisms are involved in the development of the intestinal damages observed in food allergy. Accordingly, this work aimed to study the role of Th2/IL-4-dependent responses in the development of food allergy and intestinal pathology. C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and IL-4(-/-) mice were sensitized with peanut proteins, challenged with peanut seeds, and followed for the development of food allergy and intestinal inflammation. Results demonstrated that exposure to peanut seeds led to weight loss in WT but not in IL-4(-/-) mice that preserved gut integrity with no signs of mucosal inflammation. These animals presented increased levels of IgG2a in sera, suggesting a role for allergic antibodies in the pathogenesis of WT animals. Most importantly, results also showed that lack of IL-4 modulated gut mucosal response in food allergy through diminished expression of TNF-alpha mRNA, increased Th1 IFN-gamma, IL-12p40, regulatory cytokines, and Foxp3, demonstrating their relevance in the control of allergic inflammatory processes, especially in the intestine. Finally, this study highlighted some of the complex mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of allergic responses to food antigens in the gut, thereby providing valuable tools for directing novel therapeutic or preventive strategies to the control of allergic enteropathy.