113 resultados para ITS2


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The complete internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S ribosomal DNA, and ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA from 60 specimens belonging to two closely related bucephalid digeneans (Dollfustrema vaneyi and Dollfustrema hefeiensis) from different localities, hosts, and microhabitat sites were cloned to examine the level of sequence variation and the taxonomic levels to show utility in species identification and phylogeny estimation. Our data show that these molecular markers can help to discriminate the two species, which are morphologically very close and difficult to separate by classical methods. We found 21 haplotypes defined by 44 polymorphic positions in 38 individuals of D. vaneyi, and 16 haplotypes defined by 43 polymorphic positions in 22 individuals of D. hefeiensis. There is no shared haplotypes between the two species. Haplotype rather than nucleotide diversity is similar between the two species. Phylogenetic analyses reveal two robustly supported clades, one corresponding to D. vaneyi and the other corresponding to D. hefeiensis. However, the population structures between the two species seem to be incongruent and show no geographic and host-specific structure among them, further indicating that the two species may have had a more complex evolutionary history than expected.


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Danny S. Tuckwell, Matthew J. Nicholson, Christopher S. McSweeney, Michael K. Theodorou and Jayne L. Brookman (2005). The rapid assignment of ruminal fungi to presumptive genera using ITS1 and ITS2 RNA secondary structures to produce group-specific fingerprints. Microbiology, 151 (5) pp.1557-1567 Sponsorship: BBSRC / Stapledon Memorial Trust RAE2008


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bactrocera dorsalis sensu stricto, B. papayae, B. philippinensis and B. carambolae are serious pest fruit fly species of the B. dorsalis complex that predominantly occur in south-east Asia and the Pacific. Identifying molecular diagnostics has proven problematic for these four taxa, a situation that cofounds biosecurity and quarantine efforts and which may be the result of at least some of these taxa representing the same biological species. We therefore conducted a phylogenetic study of these four species (and closely related outgroup taxa) based on the individuals collected from a wide geographic range; sequencing six loci (cox1, nad4-3′, CAD, period, ITS1, ITS2) for approximately 20 individuals from each of 16 sample sites. Data were analysed within maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic frameworks for individual loci and concatenated data sets for which we applied multiple monophyly and species delimitation tests. Species monophyly was measured by clade support, posterior probability or bootstrap resampling for Bayesian and likelihood analyses respectively, Rosenberg's reciprocal monophyly measure, P(AB), Rodrigo's (P(RD)) and the genealogical sorting index, gsi. We specifically tested whether there was phylogenetic support for the four 'ingroup' pest species using a data set of multiple individuals sampled from a number of populations. Based on our combined data set, Bactrocera carambolae emerges as a distinct monophyletic clade, whereas B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are unresolved. These data add to the growing body of evidence that B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are the same biological species, which poses consequences for quarantine, trade and pest management.


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The invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White, and the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) are highly destructive horticultural pests of global significance. Bactrocera invadens originates from the Indian subcontinent and has recently invaded all of sub-Saharan Africa, while B. dorsalis principally occurs from the Indian subcontinent towards southern China and South-east Asia. High morphological and genetic similarity has cast doubt over whether B. invadens is a distinct species from B. dorsalis. Addressing this issue within an integrative taxonomic framework, we sampled from across the geographic distribution of both taxa and: (i) analysed morphological variation, including those characters considered diagnostic (scutum colour, length of aedeagus, width of postsutural lateral vittae, wing size, and wing shape); (ii) sequenced four loci (ITS1, ITS2, cox1 and nad4) for phylogenetic inference, and; (iii) generated a cox1 haplotype network to examine population structure. Molecular analyses included the closely related species, Bactrocera kandiensis Drew & Hancock. Scutum colour varies from red-brown to fully black for individuals from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. All individuals east of the Indian subcontinent are black except for a few red-brown individuals from China. The postsutural lateral vittae width of B. invadens is narrower than B. dorsalis from eastern Asia, but the variation is clinal, with subcontinent B. dorsalis populations intermediate in size. Aedeagus length, wing shape and wing size cannot discriminate between the two taxa. Phylogenetic analyses failed to resolve B. invadens from B. dorsalis, but did resolve B. kandiensis. Bactrocera dorsalis and B. invadens shared cox1 haplotypes, yet the haplotype network pattern does not reflect current taxonomy or patterns in thoracic colour. Some individuals of B. dorsalis/B. invadens possessed haplotypes more closely related to B. kandiensis than to conspecifics, suggestive of mitochondrial introgression between these species. The combined evidence fails to support the delimitation of B. dorsalis and B. invadens as separate biological species. Consequently, existing biological data for B. dorsalis may be applied to the invasive population in Africa. Our recommendation, in line with other recent publications, is that B. invadens be synonymized with B. dorsalis.


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A number of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) were used with an advanced driving simulator to assess its influence on driving behavior. Three types of ITS interventions namely, Video in-vehicle (ITS1), Audio in-vehicle (ITS2), and On-road flashing marker (ITS3) were tested. Then, the results from the driving simulator were used as inputs for a developed model using a traffic micro-simulation (Vissim 5.4) in order to assess the safety interventions. Using a driving simulator, 58 participants were required to drive through a number of active and passive crossings with and without an ITS device and in the presence or absence of an approaching train. The effect of driver behavior changing in terms of speed and compliance rate was greater at passive crossings than at active crossings. The difference in speed of drivers approaching ITS devices was very small which indicates that ITS helps drivers encounter the crossings in a safer way. Since the current traffic simulation was not able to replicate a dynamic speed change or a probability of stopping that varies based on different ITS safety devices, some modifications of the current traffic simulation were conducted. The results showed that exposure to ITS devices at active crossings did not influence the drivers’ behavior significantly according to the traffic performance indicators used, such as delay time, number of stops, speed, and stopped delay. On the other hand, the results of traffic simulation for passive crossings, where low traffic volumes and low train headway normally occur, showed that ITS devices improved overall traffic performance.


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Fiji leaf gall (FLG) is an important virally induced disease in Australian sugarcane. It is confined to southern canegrowing areas, despite its vector, the delphacid planthopper Perkinsiella saccharicida, occurring in all canegrowing areas of Queensland and New South Wales. This disparity between distributions could be a result of successful containment of the disease through quarantine and/or geographical barriers, or because northern Queensland populations of Perkinsiella may be poorer vectors of the disease. These hypotheses were first tested by investigating variation in the ITS2 region of the rDNA fragment among eastern Australian and overseas populations of Perkinsiella. The ITS2 sequences of the Western Australian P. thompsoni and the Fijian P. vitiensis were distinguishable from those of P. saccharicida and there was no significant variation among the 26 P. saccharicida populations. Reciprocal crosses of a northern Queensland and a southern Queensland population of P. saccharicida were fertile, so they may well be conspecific. Single vector transmission experiments showed that a population of P. saccharicida from northern Queensland had a higher vector competency than either of two southern Queensland populations. The frequency of virus acquisition in the vector populations was demonstrated to be important in the vector competency of the planthopper. The proportion of infected vectors that transmitted the virus to plants was not significantly different among the populations tested. This study shows that the absence of FLG from northern Queensland is not due to a lack of vector competency of the northern population of P. saccharicida.


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The parasitic protists in the genus Tritrichomonas cause significant disease in domestic cattle and cats. To assess the genetic diversity of feline and bovine isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmuller, 1928) Wenrich and Emmerson, 1933, we used 10 different genetic regions, namely the protein coding genes of cysteine proteases 1,2 and 4-9 (CP1, 2, 4-9) involved in the pathogenesis of the disease caused by the parasite. The cytosolic malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1) and internal transcribed spacer region 2 of the rDNA unit (ITS2) were included as additional markers. The gene sequences were compared with those of Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine. 1875) Morgan and Hawkins, 1948 and Tritrichomonas mobilensis Culberson et al., 1986. The study revealed 100% identity for all 10 genes among all feline isolates (=T. foetus cat genotype), 100% identity among all bovine isolates (=T. foetus cattle genotype) and a genetic distinctness of 1% between the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus. The cattle genotype of T. foetus was 100% identical to T. suis at nine loci (CP1, 2,4-8, ITS2, MDH1). At CP9, three out of four T. suis isolates were identical to the T. foetus cattle genotype, while the T. suis isolate SUI-H3B sequence contained a single unique nucleotide substitution. Tritrichomonas mobilensis was 0.4% and 0.7% distinct from the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus, respectively. The genetic differences resulted in amino acid changes in the CP genes, most pronouncedly in CP2, potentially providing a platform for elucidation of genotype-specific host-pathogen interactions of T. foetus. On the basis of this data we judge T. suis and T. foetus to be subjective synonyms. For the first time, on objective nomenclatural grounds, the authority of T. suis is given to Davaine, 1875, rather than the commonly cited Gruby and Delafond, 1843. To maintain prevailing usage of T. foetus, we are suppressing the senior synomym T. suis Davaine, 1875 according to Article 23.9, because it has never been used as a valid name after 1899 and T. foetus is widely discussed as the cause of bovine trichomonosis. Thus bovine, feline and porcine isolates should all be given the name T. foetus. This promotes the stability of T. foetus for the veterinary and economically significant venereal parasite causing bovine trichomonosis. (C) 2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of pathogenic and endophytic species of Phyllosticta on cultivated Citrus in Australia was investigated by DNA sequence analysis of specimens held in plant pathology herbaria and culture collections. Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2), and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF) gene of 41 Phyllosticta-like isolates from Citrus were compared to those sequences from the type specimens of Phyllosticta recorded from around the world. Phylogenetic analysis resolved all the sequences of Australian accessions into two major clades. One clade corresponded to P. citricarpa, which causes citrus black spot disease. The other clade contained P. capitalensis, which is a known endophyte of Citrus and many other plant species. All included herbarium accessions previously designated as Guignardia mangiferae are now designated P. capitalensis. No Australian isolates were identified as the newly described pathogens of citrus P. citriasiana or P. citrichinaensis, or the endophytes Guignarida mangiferae, P. brazilianiae, or P. citribraziliensis. © 2013 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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Rhizoctonia spp. are ubiquitous soil inhabiting fungi that enter into pathogenic or symbiotic associations with plants. In general Rhizoctonia spp. are regarded as plant pathogenic fungi and many cause root rot and other plant diseases which results in considerable economic losses both in agriculture and forestry. Many Rhizoctonia strains enter into symbiotic mycorrhizal associations with orchids and some hypovirulent strains are promising biocontrol candidates in preventing host plant infection by pathogenic Rhizoctonia strains. This work focuses on uni- and binucleate Rhizoctonia (respectively UNR and BNR) strains belonging to the teleomorphic genus Ceratobasidium, but multinucleate Rhizoctonia (MNR) belonging to teleomorphic genus Thanatephorus and ectomycorrhizal fungal species, such as Suillus bovinus, were also included in DNA probe development work. Strain specific probes were developed to target rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) and applied in Southern dot blot and liquid hybridization assays. Liquid hybridization was more sensitive and the size of the hybridized PCR products could be detected simultaneously, but the advantage in Southern hybridization was that sample DNA could be used without additional PCR amplification. The impacts of four Finnish BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strains 251, 266, 268 and 269 were investigated on Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedling growth, and the infection biology and infection levels were microscopically examined following tryphan blue staining of infected roots. All BNR strains enhanced early seedling growth and affected the root architecture, while the infection levels remained low. The fungal infection was restricted to the outer cortical regions of long roots and typical monilioid cells detected with strain 268. The interactions of pathogenic UNR Ceratobasidium bicorne strain 1983-111/1N, and endophytic BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strain 268 were studied in single or dual inoculated Scots pine roots. The fungal infection levels and host defence-gene activity of nine transcripts [phenylalanine ammonia lyase (pal1), silbene synthase (STS), chalcone synthase (CHS), short-root specific peroxidase (Psyp1), antimicrobial peptide gene (Sp-AMP), rapidly elicited defence-related gene (PsACRE), germin-like protein (PsGER1), CuZn- superoxide dismutase (SOD), and dehydrin-like protein (dhy-like)] were measured from differentially treated and un-treated control roots by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The infection level of pathogenic UNR was restricted in BNR- pre-inoculated Scots pine roots, while UNR was more competitive in simultaneous dual infection. The STS transcript was highly up-regulated in all treated roots, while CHS, pal1, and Psyp1 transcripts were more moderately activated. No significant activity of Sp-AMP, PsACRE, PsGER1, SOD, or dhy-like transcripts were detected compared to control roots. The integrated experiments presented, provide tools to assist in the future detection of these fungi in the environment and to understand the host infection biology and defence, and relationships between these interacting fungi in roots and soils. This study further confirms the complexity of the Rhizoctonia group both phylogenetically and in their infection biology and plant host specificity. The knowledge obtained could be applied in integrated forestry nursery management programmes.


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Lead contamination in the environment is of particular concern, as it is a known toxin. Until recently, however, much less attention has been given to the local contamination caused by activities at shooting ranges compared to large-scale industrial contamination. In Finland, more than 500 tons of Pb is produced each year for shotgun ammunition. The contaminant threatens various organisms, ground water and the health of human populations. However, the forest at shooting ranges usually shows no visible sign of stress compared to nearby clean environments. The aboveground biota normally reflects the belowground ecosystem. Thus, the soil microbial communities appear to bear strong resistance to contamination, despite the influence of lead. The studies forming this thesis investigated a shooting range site at Hälvälä in Southern Finland, which is heavily contaminated by lead pellets. Previously it was experimentally shown that the growth of grasses and degradation of litter are retarded. Measurements of acute toxicity of the contaminated soil or soil extracts gave conflicting results, as enchytraeid worms used as toxicity reporters were strongly affected, while reporter bacteria showed no or very minor decreases in viability. Measurements using sensitive inducible luminescent reporter bacteria suggested that the bioavailability of lead in the soil is indeed low, and this notion was supported by the very low water extractability of the lead. Nevertheless, the frequency of lead-resistant cultivable bacteria was elevated based on the isolation of cultivable strains. The bacterial and fungal diversity in heavily lead contaminated shooting sectors were compared with those of pristine sections of the shooting range area. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS rRNA gene were amplified, cloned and sequenced using total DNA extracted from the soil humus layer as the template. Altogether, 917 sequenced bacterial clones and 649 sequenced fungal clones revealed a high soil microbial diversity. No effect of lead contamination was found on bacterial richness or diversity, while fungal richness and diversity significantly differed between lead contaminated and clean control areas. However, even in the case of fungi, genera that were deemed sensitive were not totally absent from the contaminated area: only their relative frequency was significantly reduced. Some operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned to Basidiomycota were clearly affected, and were much rarer in the lead contaminated areas. The studies of this thesis surveyed EcM sporocarps, analyzed morphotyped EcM root tips by direct sequencing, and 454-pyrosequenced fungal communities in in-growth bags. A total of 32 EcM fungi that formed conspicuous sporocarps, 27 EcM fungal OTUs from 294 root tips, and 116 EcM fungal OTUs from a total of 8 194 ITS2 454 sequences were recorded. The ordination analyses by non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NMS) indicated that Pb enrichment induced a shift in the EcM community composition. This was visible as indicative trends in the sporocarp and root tip datasets, but explicitly clear in the communities observed in the in-growth bags. The compositional shift in the EcM community was mainly attributable to an increase in the frequencies of OTUs assigned to the genus Thelephora, and to a decrease in the OTUs assigned to Pseudotomentella, Suillus and Tylospora in Pb-contaminated areas when compared to the control. The enrichment of Thelephora in contaminated areas was also observed when examining the total fungal communities in soil using DNA cloning and sequencing technology. While the compositional shifts are clear, their functional consequences for the dominant trees or soil ecosystem remain undetermined. The results indicate that at the Hälvälä shooting range, lead influences the fungal communities but not the bacterial communities. The forest ecosystem shows apparent functional redundancy, since no significant effects were seen on forest trees. Recently, by means of 454 pyrosequencing , the amount of sequences in a single analysis run can be up to one million. It has been applied in microbial ecology studies to characterize microbial communities. The handling of sequence data with traditional programs is becoming difficult and exceedingly time consuming, and novel tools are needed to handle the vast amounts of data being generated. The field of microbial ecology has recently benefited from the availability of a number of tools for describing and comparing microbial communities using robust statistical methods. However, although these programs provide methods for rapid calculation, it has become necessary to make them more amenable to larger datasets and numbers of samples from pyrosequencing. As part of this thesis, a new program was developed, MuSSA (Multi-Sample Sequence Analyser), to handle sequence data from novel high-throughput sequencing approaches in microbial community analyses. The greatest advantage of the program is that large volumes of sequence data can be manipulated, and general OTU series with a frequency value can be calculated among a large number of samples.


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Este trabalho visou a averiguação do status taxonômico das esponjas bioerosivas do complexo Cliona celata da América do Sul por meio de técnicas moleculares, utilizando como marcadores a subunidade I da Citocromo c oxidase (cox1) e os Espaçadores Internos Transcritos do RNAr nuclear (ITS1 e ITS2), além de testar outros marcadores. Igualmente, avaliou o grau de variabilidade morfológica encontrado nessas espécies, principalmente por meio da morfometria dos tilóstilos, a fim de estabelecer uma diagnose para elas. Ainda, tentou determinar as relações filogenéticas dessas espécies com as demais esponjas bioerosivas utilizando o gene 28S do RNAr nuclear. Foi possível determinar a existência de cinco clados de esponjas bioerosivas do complexo Cliona celata para a América do Sul, e dois outros clados não-sulamericanos, por meio dos marcadores moleculares utilizados. Embora seja discutida a validade desses clados como espécies distintas, continua impossível, por meio de caracteres morfológicos, distingui-los, e dessa forma, a proposição formal de novas espécies é evitada. Através da reconstrução filogenética do grupo, é possível verificar que as esponjas bioerosivas analisadas se apresentaram como um grupo monofilético, e se separa em três principais clados: Pione, Spirastrellidae, e Clionaidae. Por meio desta, é sugerida a alocação das espécies do complexo C. viridis e C. schimidti dentro de Spirastrella, além de ser necessária a criação de um novo gênero para alocar as espécies do novo complexo identificado aqui, o complexo C. delitrix.


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  毛冠菊属是菊科21个“有问题”属中的一个,主要分布于青藏高原地区。按照林镕、陈艺林的概念,它包含了Nannoglottis、.Stereosanthus、Vierhapperia、Senecio和Doronicum5个属的成员。它曾先后被放入旋覆花族、千里光族和紫菀族,在上述三族中的亚族位置也不确定。它的许多重要性状,如舌片颜色、染色体数目等等,人们所知甚少。由于缺乏野外工作以及看不到大多数名字的模式,林镕、陈艺林对该属的修订有待深入的研究。本文研究了该属的外部形态学、微形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、细胞学、生态学以及ITS序列,确定了毛冠菊属的分类位置,并建立了一个新的属下分类系统。 1.外部形态 在检查大量标本(包括大多数模式)和野外居群考察的基础上,分析了主要外部形态学性状的变异式样及其对划定物种范围的价值。共确认以下9个种:青海毛冠菊、厚毛毛冠菊、狭舌毛冠菊、虎克毛冠菊、宽苞毛冠菊、大果毛冠菊、毛冠菊、玉龙毛冠菊和云南毛冠菊。川西毛冠菊被处理成狭舌毛冠菊的异名。 2.微形态学 在光镜下检查了毛冠菊属9种和紫菀族2个代表属的花柱的形状、花药顶端不育附属物、花药基部、花药基部、花盘、花丝领、药室内壁细胞等微形态性状。除了花柱基外,其他的微形态学在属内一致。管状花的花柱形态支持将毛冠菊属放在紫菀族,但其药室内壁细胞两极加厚式样表明它和广义的旋覆花有某些联系。 3.叶表皮研究 在光镜和电镜下检查了毛冠菊属8个种的叶表皮特征。.所有种的气孔器都为不规则型。青海毛冠菊表皮细胞的为多边形,而其他种都为不规则型。青海毛冠菊表皮角质层的加厚方式也与其他种明显不同。 4.扫描电镜下的舌片和花柱分枝特征 在扫描电镜下观察毛冠菊属8种和紫菀族7个代表种的舌片近轴面表皮细胞。发现毛冠菊属的舌片近轴面表皮细胞都为板状,并且沿细胞中央特征性加厚,这与紫菀族类型的表皮细胞一致,但毛冠菊属表皮细胞的角质层主要是纵向条纹或皱纹,而紫菀族总是横向的条纹或皱纹,明显不同。 在扫描电镜下又检查了毛冠菊属8种和紫菀族8个代表种的管状花花柱分枝近轴面的结构,结果在毛冠菊属管状花花柱分枝的近轴面都发现了柱头毛状的突起,而在紫菀族8种中没有发现。从突起的形状和位置判断,它可能是残存的、未充分发育的柱头毛。这表明雌性不育管状花可能刚刚从两性管状花演化而来。 也在扫描电镜下观察了毛冠菊属6种和紫菀族8个代表种的舌状花和丝状花的花柱分枝的远轴面,结果在毛冠菊属4种中发现了类似扫集毛状的突起。从这种突起的位置和形状判断,它可能是残余的扫集毛。这种突起在除雏菊以外的其他紫菀族代表种中缺失。 5.细胞学 检查了毛冠菊属8种的细胞学性状。结果发现毛冠菊属所有种的染色体基数都为x -9。染色体长度大约4um-lOum。核型公式:毛冠菊、厚毛毛冠菊、狭舌毛冠菊、宽苞毛冠菊和云南毛冠菊都为2n=14m+2sm+2st;玉龙毛冠菊、大果毛冠菊和青海毛冠菊都为2n=12m+4sm+2st。A1、A2值在属内没有明显差异。所有种的核型都是2A型。这表明在物种形成的过程中没有多倍化参与,毛冠菊属宜放在紫菀族而不是千里光族。细胞学证据支持毛冠菊属为一单系类群。 6.分子生物学 测定了毛冠菊属7种的ITS序列,并从基因库里下载了46个ITS序列,涵盖紫菀族14个亚属和旋覆花族、春黄菊族、金盏菊族。以旋覆花族、春黄菊族、金盏菊族为外类群。简约性分析显示,毛冠菊属在紫菀族中,并有较高的bootstrap值,在紫菀族中处于基部位置。Olearia和Chiliotrichum两个Hinterhuberinae亚族的代表属与毛冠菊属密切相关。在属下系统发育分析中,Olearia和Chiliotrichum被选做外类群。652个性状中,共有7】个信息位点(31个在ITSI,33个在ITS2,7个在5.8S)。简约性分析时只获得一棵最简约树。树上有两个明显的进化支,一支仅有青海毛冠菊一种,另一支包含其他种类。这种分支方式也得到形态学和生态学证据的支持。 7.毛冠菊属的系统学 从上述结果可以看出,毛冠菊属宜放入紫菀族中,在紫菀族中处于基部位置,与Hinterhuberinae亚族关系密切。综合上述研究结果,提出一个新的属下 分类系统: 毛冠菊属的新系统 组I单头组Sect. Monocephala T.G.Gao et YL.Chen Sect nov. 青海毛冠菊Nannoglottis ravida (C.Winkl.)Y.L.Chen 组II毛冠菊组Sect. Nannoglottis 系1.长舌系Ser. Delavayanae Ling et YL.Chen 厚毛毛冠菊Nannoglottis delavayi(Franch.)Ling et Y.L.Chen 狭舌毛冠菊Nannoglottis gynura(C.Winkl.) Ling et YL.Chen 虎克毛冠菊Nannoglottis hookeri (C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f.)Kitam. 宽苞毛冠菊Nannoglottis latisquama Ling et Y.L.Chen 大果毛冠菊Nannoglottis macrocarpa Ling et YL.Chen 系2.短舌系Ser. Nannoglottis 毛冠菊Nannoglottis carpesioides Maxim. 玉龙毛冠菊Nannoglottis hieraciphylla (Hand.-Mzt.)Ling et YL.Chen 云南毛冠菊Nannoglottis yuennanensis (Hand.-Mzt.) Hand.-Mzt.