12 resultados para IQI


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Future broadband wireless systems are expected to cope with severely time dispersive channels, due to multi-path signal propagation between the transmitter and the receiver while having high power and spectral efficiency. Thus, advanced Frequency Domain Equalization techniques are required. The implementation complexity in mobile terminals should be as low as possible to achieve highest possible efficiency. Therefore, most of the signal processing requirements will be shifted to the base station and we will employ signals compatible with an efficient, grossly nonlinear power amplification. For this reason, we will consider offset modulation signals with quasi-constant envelope and develop receivers that will obtain good BER performance. However, these signals require a bandwidth significantly above the Nyquist rate, which can be reduced by an overlap of different frequency channels.


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A avaliação da qualidade dos solos agrícolas é importante para definição e adoção de práticas de manejo que garantam a sustentabilidade socioeconômica e ambiental. Os métodos de indexação dos indicadores de qualidade denominados Índice de Qualidade Integrado (IQI) e Índice de Qualidade Nemoro (IQN) foram utilizados neste estudo para avaliar a qualidade de solo em áreas experimentais de plantio de eucalipto. A seleção dos indicadores foi feita a partir de nove indicadores de qualidade do solo: diâmetro médio geométrico, permeabilidade à água, matéria orgânica, macro e microporosidade, volume total de poros, densidade do solo, resistência à penetração e índice de floculação, que estão relacionados à erosão hídrica. Os tratamentos constituíram de eucalipto plantado em nível, com e sem a manutenção dos resíduos, em desnível e solo descoberto, em dois biomas distintos, cujas vegetações nativas são Cerrado e Floresta. Os índices de qualidade do solo (IQS) apresentaram alta correlação com a erosão hídrica. Entre os sistemas manejados, o Eucalipto com manutenção do resíduo evidenciou valores mais elevados em ambos os índices, ressaltando-se a importância da cobertura vegetal e manutenção da matéria orgânica para conservação do solo e da água em sistemas florestais. Os IQS demonstraram alto coeficiente de correlação inversa com as perdas de solo e água. Em locais com as maiores taxas de erosão hídrica manifestaram também os menores valores de IQI e IQN. Assim, os índices testados permitiram avaliar com eficácia os efeitos dos manejos adotados sobre a qualidade do solo em relação à erosão hídrica.


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Objetivos – Descrever as características clínicas de crianças entre 1 e 12 meses hospitalizadas com diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral aguda (BVA), nos primeiros dias de internação, e verificar se o tempo de dessaturação de oxigênio (TD) tem valor prognóstico nesses pacientes. Metodologia – Estudo de coorte realizado de maio a outubro de 2001 com 111 pacientes entre 1 e 12 meses de idade internados no Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio, de Porto Alegre (RS), com diagnóstico de BVA na admissão, com saturação transcutânea de oxigênio da hemoglobina (SatHb) menor que 95% e em oxigenoterapia por cateter extranasal há menos de 24 horas. A gravidade foi verificada através do tempo de internação, tempo de oxigenoterapia e tempo para saturar 95% em ar ambiente (desfechos). Foram realizadas avaliações clínicas duas vezes ao dia (manhã e tarde), durante o período em que o paciente necessitou de oxigênio suplementar (até atingir saturação transcutânea de oxigênio de 95% em ar ambiente), com limite de dez avaliações. Os pacientes tiveram o oxigênio adicional retirado. Foi verificado, então, o tempo necessário para a saturação decrescer até 90% (TD90) e 85% (TD85), limitando-se a medida em no máximo cinco minutos. Foi constituído um escore de gravidade com os sinais clínicos anotados. Utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fischer para comparar entre si os grupos de variáveis categóricas e o teste t ou MannWhitney para variáveis numéricas. Foi utilizada a correlação de Spearman para avaliar associações entre variáveis contínuas de distribuição assimétrica (escore de gravidade, tempo de internação, tempo de oxigenoterapia total e tempo para saturar acima ou igual a 95% em ar ambiente). Considerou-se alfa crítico de 5% em todas as comparações, exceto nas correlações em que foi utilizada a correção de Bonferroni para comparações múltiplas (30 correlações: p= 0,002; 10 correlações: p= 0,005). Os dados relativos ao peso e estatura para a idade foram digitados e analisados no programa específico do EpiInfo que utiliza o padrão NCHS (EpiNut). Resultados – Houve leve predomínio do sexo masculino (54%), predominância de idade inferior a quatro meses (61,3%), prevalência maior nos meses de junho e julho, freqüência elevada de história de prematuridade (23%) e de baixo peso de nascimento (14%). As manifestações clínicas prévias à hospitalização (falta de ar, chiado no peito, febre e parar de respirar) ocorreram, na sua maioria, nos três dias anteriores. Da população estudada, 45% tinha história de sibilância prévia, a maioria com um ou dois episódios relatados (31,5%). Esses pacientes foram analisados separadamente e tiveram resultados semelhantes ao grupo com BVA. A freqüência de desnutrição moderada e grave, excluídos os pacientes com história de prematuridade, foi de 26 pacientes (23%). Todos os pacientes utilizaram broncodilatador inalatório; 20% do grupo com BVA receberam corticosteróides sistêmicos e 47% de toda população, antibióticos. A mediana do uso de oxigênio em pacientes com BVA foi de 4,4 dias (IIQ 70,2-165,2) e o tempo de oxigenoterapia até saturar 95% em ar ambiente foi de 3,4 dias (IIQ 55-128). A mediana do tempo de internação hospitalar foi de 7 dias (IIQ 5-10,5) entre os pacientes com BVA; neste aspecto, apresentou diferença (p = 0,041) em relação ao grupo com sibilância prévia, que teve um tempo de internação mais longo (9 dias, IIQ 5-12). Observou-se pouca variabilidade clínica no período estudado, através da aplicação do escore clínico. Não se encontraram correlações estatisticamente significativas entre os escores clínicos e os TDs com os desfechos. Conclusões – Os TDs como elementos auxiliares na avaliação de pacientes em oxigenoterapia não foram clinicamente úteis neste estudo. É possível, no entanto, que, avaliando pacientes com maiores diferenças clínicas entre si, essas aferições possam mostrar-se importantes.


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The conventional radiographic technique using industrial radiographic films is with the days finishing. The Digital Radiography is taking place in several sectors, e.g., the medical, aerospace, security, automotive, etc. In addition to representing a technological trend, it has been demonstrated that digital radiography offers a series of benefits in terms of productivity, sensitivity, environmental aspects, image treatment tools, cost reduction, etc. If one weld seam to be inspected is from a serried product, as example a pipe, the best option to be implemented is the Flat Panel Detector with this equipment is possible to reduce the obtaining digital radiographic images in place of films and reducing the inspection cycle time due to its high degree of automation. In the experiments described in this paper this new technique was tested and the results were compared with those obtained by the conventional radiography. The welded specimens were prepared using the submerged-arc welding process and small artificial cracks of the most varied dimensions, present in the specimens, were used to establish a comparison of the sensitivities presented by the techniques employed After conducting several experiments, the digital method presented the highest sensitivity to the wire-type Image Quality Indicator (IQI) and in the detection of small defects, leading to the conclusion that the use of digital radiography using the flat-panel detector offers advantages over the conventional technique [1, 2]. This work was carried out based on the API 5L Edition 2004 [3] and ISO 3183 Edition 2007 [4] specifications.


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Conventional radiography, using industrial radiographic films, has its days numbered. Digital radiography, recently, has taken its place in various segments of products and services, such as medicine, aerospace, security, automotive, etc. As well as the technological trend, the digital technique has brought proven benefits in terms of productivity, sensitivity, the environment, tools for image treatment, cost reductions, etc. If the weld to be inspected is on a serried product, such as, for example, a pipe, the best option for the use of digital radiography is the plane detector, since its use can reduce the length of the inspection cycle due to its high degree of automation. This work tested welded joints produced with the submerged arc process, which were specially prepared in such a way that it shows small artificial cracks, which served as the basis forcomparing the sensitivity levels of the techniques involved. After carrying out the various experiments, the digital meth odshowed the highest sensitivity for the image quality indicator (IQI) of the wire and also in terms of detecting small discontinuities, indicating that the use of digital radiography using the plane detector had advantages over the conventional technique (Moreira et al. Digital radiography, the use of plane detectors for the inspection of welds in oil pipes and gas pipes.9th COTEQ and XXV National Testing Congress for Non Destructive Testing and Inspection; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and Bavendiek et al. New digital radiography procedure exceeds film sensitivity considerably in aerospace applications. ECNDT; 2006; Berlin). The works were carried out on the basis of the specifications for oil and gas pipelines, API 5L 2004 edition (American Petroleum Institute. API 5L: specification for line pipe. 4th ed. p. 155; 2004) and ISO 3183 2007 edition (International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3183. Petroleum and gas industries - steel pipes for pi pelines transportation systems. p. 143; 2007). © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background. Ideal training methods that could ensure best peritoneal dialysis (PD) outcome have not been defined in previous reports. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of training characteristics on peritonitis rates in a large Brazilian cohort.Methods. Incident patients with valid data on training recruited in the Brazilian Peritoneal Dialysis Multicenter Study (BRAZPD II) from January 2008 to January 2011 were included. Peritonitis was diagnosed according to International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis guidelines; incidence rate of peritonitis (episodes/patient-months) and time to the first peritonitis were used as end points.Results. Two thousand two hundred and forty-three adult patients were included in the analysis: 59 +/- 16 years old, 51.8% female, 64.7% with <= 4 years of education. The median training time was 15 h (IQI 10-20 h). Patients were followed for a median of 11.2 months (range 3-36.5). The overall peritonitis rate was 0.29 per year at risk (1 episode/41 patient-months). The mean number of hours of training per day was 1.8 +/- 2.4. Less than 1 h of training/day was associated with higher incidence rate when compared with the intervals of 1-2 h/day (P = 0.03) and > 2 h/day (P = 0.02). Patients who received a cumulative training of > 15 h had significantly lower incidence of peritonitis compared with < 15 h (0.26 per year at risk versus 0.32 per year at risk, P = 0.01). The presence of a caregiver and the number of people trained were not significantly associated with peritonitis incidence rate. Training in the immediate 10 days after implantation of the catheter was associated with the highest peritonitis rate (0.32 per year), compared with training prior to catheter implantation (0.28 per year) or > 10 days after implantation (0.23 per year). More experienced centers had a lower risk for the first peritonitis (P = 0.003).Conclusions. This is the first study to analyze the association between training characteristics and outcomes in a large cohort of PD patients. Low training time (particularly < 15 h), smaller center size and the timing of training in relation to catheter implantation were associated with a higher incidence of peritonitis. These results support the recommendation of a minimum amount of training hours to reduce peritonitis incidence regardless of the number of hours trained per day.


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En este trabajo se ha analizado de qué manera los alumnos de tercer curso de la ETSIM (UPM) elaboran mapas conceptuales en la enseñanza de la asignatura de Química Física. Antes de impartir el tema sobre corrosión los investigadores evaluaron los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y los iniciaron en la construcción de los mapas conceptuales. Al final del curso los alumnos elaboraron un mapa conceptual. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que la estrategia utilizada para iniciar a los alumnos en la construcción de mapas conceptuales fue eficiente, permitiéndoles aprender a trabajar con esta herramienta.


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En el Taller de Química Espectacular se describen y desarrollan distintos experimentos visualmente muy atractivos que permiten observar reacciones químicas con reactivos de propiedades opuestas, percibir desde el punto de vista sensorial las características de la reacción y en general, apreciar aspectos que se relacionan con conceptos de química tales como velocidad de reacción y catálisis, reacciones exotérmicas y endotérmicas, reacciones redox, equilibrios de precipitación, cristalizaciones, estequiometría en las formulaciones, estados de equilibrio y oscilaciones etc. Con el desarrollo de estos experimentos se pretende divulgar la química demostrando que es divertida, entretenida, y que está presente en la vida cotidiana, fomentando la creatividad e imaginación de los alumnos, y motivándoles a experimentar y a plantearse cuestiones de tipo químico.


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In this paper, we consider the uplink of a single-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with inphase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI). This scenario is of particular importance in massive MIMO systems, where the deployment of lower-cost, lower-quality components is desirable to make massive MIMO a viable technology. Particularly, we investigate the effect of IQI on the performance of massive MIMO employing maximum-ratio combining (MRC) receivers. In order to study how IQI affects channel estimation, we derive a new channel estimator for the IQI-impaired model and show that IQI can substantially downgrade the performance of MRC receivers. Moreover, a low-complexity IQI compensation scheme, suitable for massive MIMO, is proposed which is based on the IQI coefficients' estimation and it is independent of the channel gain. The performance of the proposed compensation scheme is analytically evaluated by deriving a tractable approximation of the ergodic achievable rate and providing the asymptotic power scaling laws assuming transmission over Rayleigh fading channels with log-normal large-scale fading. Finally, we show that massive MIMO effectively suppresses the residual IQI effects, as long as, the compensation scheme is applied.


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This paper studies the impact of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) in two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems. In particular, the effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is derived for each source node, considering four different linear detection schemes, namely, uncompensated (Uncomp) scheme, maximal-ratio-combining (MRC), zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) based schemes. For each proposed scheme, the outage probability (OP) is investigated over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels, and exact closed-form expressions are derived for the first three schemes. Based on the closed-form OP expressions, an adaptive detection mode switching scheme is designed for minimizing the OP of both sources. An important observation is that, regardless of the channel conditions and transmit powers, the ZF-based scheme should always be selected if the target SINR is larger than 3 (4.77dB), while the MRC-based scheme should be avoided if the target SINR is larger than 0.38 (-4.20dB).


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We investigate the performance of dual-hop two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying in the presence of inphase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, the effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at both sources is derived. These SINRs are used to design an instantaneous power allocation scheme, which maximizes the minimum SINR of the two sources under a total transmit power constraint. The solution to this optimization problem is analytically determined and used to evaluate the outage probability (OP) of the considered two-way AF relaying system. Both analytical and numerical results show that IQI can create fundamental performance limits on two-way relaying, which cannot be avoided by simply improving the channel conditions.