986 resultados para INCREMENTAL EXERCISE
Pires, FO, Hammond, J, Lima-Silva, AE, Bertuzzi, RCM, and Kiss, MAPDM. Ventilation behavior during upper-body incremental exercise. J Strength Cond Res 25(1): 225-230, 2011-This study tested the ventilation (V(E)) behavior during upper-body incremental exercise by mathematical models that calculate 1 or 2 thresholds and compared the thresholds identified by mathematical models with V-slope, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotO(2)), and ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2)). Fourteen rock climbers underwent an upper-body incremental test on a cycle ergometer with increases of approximately 20 W.min(-1) until exhaustion at a cranking frequency of approximately 90 rpm. The V(E) data were smoothed to 10-second averages for V(E) time plotting. The bisegmental and the 3-segmental linear regression models were calculated from 1 or 2 intercepts that best shared the V(E) curve in 2 or 3 linear segments. The ventilatory threshold(s) was determined mathematically by the intercept(s) obtained by bisegmental and 3-segmental models, by V-slope model, or visually by V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) and V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2). There was no difference between bisegmental (mean square error [MSE] = 35.3 +/- 32.7 l.min(-1)) and 3-segmental (MSE = 44.9 +/- 47.8 l.min(-1)) models in fitted data. There was no difference between ventilatory threshold identified by the bisegmental (28.2 +/- 6.8 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) and second ventilatory threshold identified by the 3-segmental (30.0 +/- 5.1 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) (28.8 +/- 5.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), or V-slope (28.5 +/- 5.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). However, the first ventilatory threshold identified by 3-segmental (23.1 +/- 4.9 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) or by VE/(V) over dotO(2) (24.9 +/- 4.4 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) was different from these 4. The V(E) behavior during upper-body exercise tends to show only 1 ventilatory threshold. These findings have practical implications because this point is frequently used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects, athletes, and in elderly or diseased populations. The ventilatory threshold identified by V(E) curve should be used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects and athletes.
Hypoxia increases the ventilatory response to exercise, which leads to hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia and subsequent reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF). We studied the effects of adding CO2 to a hypoxic inspired gas on CBF during heavy exercise in an altitude naïve population. We hypothesized that augmented inspired CO2 and hypoxia would exert synergistic effects on increasing CBF during exercise, which would improve exercise capacity compared to hypocapnic hypoxia. We also examined the responsiveness of CO2 and O2 chemoreception on the regulation ventilation (E) during incremental exercise. We measured middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv; index of CBF), E, end-tidal PCO2, respiratory compensation threshold (RC) and ventilatory response to exercise (E slope) in ten healthy men during incremental cycling to exhaustion in normoxia and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.10) with and without augmenting the fraction of inspired CO2 (FICO2). During exercise in normoxia, augmenting FICO2 elevated MCAv throughout exercise and lowered both RC onset andE slope below RC (P<0.05). In hypoxia, MCAv and E slope below RC during exercise were elevated, while the onset of RC occurred at lower exercise intensity (P<0.05). Augmenting FICO2 in hypoxia increased E at RC (P<0.05) but no difference was observed in RC onset, MCAv, or E slope below RC (P>0.05). The E slope above RC was unchanged with either hypoxia or augmented FICO2 (P>0.05). We found augmenting FICO2 increased CBF during sub-maximal exercise in normoxia, but not in hypoxia, indicating that the 'normal' cerebrovascular response to hypercapnia is blunted during exercise in hypoxia, possibly due to an exhaustion of cerebral vasodilatory reserve. This finding may explain the lack of improvement of exercise capacity in hypoxia with augmented CO2. Our data further indicate that, during exercise below RC, chemoreception is responsive, while above RC the ventilatory response to CO2 is blunted.
We determined the response characteristics and functional correlates of the dynamic relationship between the rate (Δ) of oxygen consumption ( O2) and the applied power output (work rate = WR) during ramp-incremental exercise in patients with mitochondrial myopathy (MM). Fourteen patients (7 males, age 35.4 ± 10.8 years) with biopsy-proven MM and 10 sedentary controls (6 males, age 29.0 ± 7.8 years) took a ramp-incremental cycle ergometer test for the determination of the
O2 on-exercise mean response time (MRT) and the gas exchange threshold (GET). The Δ
O2/ΔWR slope was calculated up to GET (S1), above GET (S2) and over the entire linear portion of the response (S T). Knee muscle endurance was measured by isokinetic dynamometry. As expected, peak
O2 and muscle performance were lower in patients than controls (P < 0.05). Patients had significantly lower Δ
O2/ΔWR than controls, especially the S2 component (6.8 ± 1.5 vs 10.3 ± 0.6 mL·min-1·W-1, respectively; P < 0.001). There were significant relationships between Δ
O2/ΔWR (S T) and muscle endurance, MRT-
O2, GET and peak
O2 in MM patients (P < 0.05). In fact, all patients with Δ
O2/ΔWR below 8 mL·min-1·W-1 had severely reduced peak
O2 values (<60% predicted). Moreover, patients with higher cardiopulmonary stresses during exercise (e.g., higher Δ ventilation/carbon dioxide output and Δ heart rate/Δ
O2) had lower Δ
O2/ΔWR (P < 0.05). In conclusion, a readily available, effort-independent index of aerobic dysfunction during dynamic exercise (Δ
O2/ΔWR) is typically reduced in patients with MM, being related to increased functional impairment and higher cardiopulmonary stress.
A study was conducted on the effects of acute administration of aminophylline on physiological variables in purebred Arabian horses submitted to incremental exercise test. Twelve horses were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval in a crossover study. These horses were divided into two groups: control (C, n = 12) and aminophylline (AM, n = 12). The drug at 10 mg/kg body weight or saline was given intravenously, 30 minutes before the incremental exercise test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by gradually increasing physical exigency. Blood samples were assayed for lactic acid, glucose, and insulin. Maximal lactic acidemia was greater (P = .0238) in the AM group. Both V-2 and V-4 (velocities at which lactate concentrations were 2 and 4 mmol/ L, respectively) were reduced in the AM group by 15.85% (P = .0402) and 17.76% (P = .0 109), respectively. At rest as well as at 4 minutes, insulinemia was greater in the AM group (P = .0417 and .0393), Glycemia group at times 8 was statistically lower in the Al (P = .0138) and 10 minutes (P = .0432). Use of ammophylline in horses during incremental exercise does not seem to be beneficial, because this drug has a tendency to cause hypoglycemia and to increase dependence on anaerobic glucose metabolism.
Determinou-se, em eqüinos, o efeito do treinamento sobre as concentrações sangüíneas de lactato e plasmáticas de glicose durante exercício de intensidade progressiva em esteira rolante. Demonstrou-se que o treinamento aeróbico causou diminuição da concentração máxima de lactato e que o limiar de lactato corresponde ao ponto de inflexão da curva de glicose plasmática, confirmando esse parâmetro como indicador da capacidade aeróbica de cavalos.
[EN] To determine central and peripheral hemodynamic responses to upright leg cycling exercise, nine physically active men underwent measurements of arterial blood pressure and gases, as well as femoral and subclavian vein blood flows and gases during incremental exercise to exhaustion (Wmax). Cardiac output (CO) and leg blood flow (BF) increased in parallel with exercise intensity. In contrast, arm BF remained at 0.8 l/min during submaximal exercise, increasing to 1.2 +/- 0.2 l/min at maximal exercise (P < 0.05) when arm O(2) extraction reached 73 +/- 3%. The leg received a greater percentage of the CO with exercise intensity, reaching a value close to 70% at 64% of Wmax, which was maintained until exhaustion. The percentage of CO perfusing the trunk decreased with exercise intensity to 21% at Wmax, i.e., to approximately 5.5 l/min. For a given local Vo(2), leg vascular conductance (VC) was five- to sixfold higher than arm VC, despite marked hemoglobin deoxygenation in the subclavian vein. At peak exercise, arm VC was not significantly different than at rest. Leg Vo(2) represented approximately 84% of the whole body Vo(2) at intensities ranging from 38 to 100% of Wmax. Arm Vo(2) contributed between 7 and 10% to the whole body Vo(2). From 20 to 100% of Wmax, the trunk Vo(2) (including the gluteus muscles) represented between 14 and 15% of the whole body Vo(2). In summary, vasoconstrictor signals efficiently oppose the vasodilatory metabolites in the arms, suggesting that during whole body exercise in the upright position blood flow is differentially regulated in the upper and lower extremities.
To investigate the validity and reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) as a new non-invasive determinant of the metabolic response to incremental exercise in elite cyclists. The relation between EMG activity and other more conventional methods for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition such as blood lactate measurements (lactate threshold (LT) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)) and ventilatory parameters (ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2 (VT1 and VT2)) was studied.Twenty eight elite road cyclists (age 24 (4) years; VO2MAX 69.9 (6.4) ml/kg/min; values mean (SD)) were selected as subjects. Each of them performed a ramp protocol (starting at 0 W, with increases of 5 W every 12 seconds) on a cycle ergometer (validity study). In addition, 15 of them performed the same test twice (reliability study). During the tests, data on gas exchange and blood lactate levels were collected to determine VT1, VT2, LT, and OBLA. The root mean squares of EMG signals (rms-EMG) were recorded from both the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris at each intensity using surface electrodes. Results - A two threshold response was detected in the rms-EMG recordings from both muscles in 90% of subjects, with two breakpoints, EMG(T1) and EMG(T2), at around 60-70% and 80-90% of VO2MAX respectively. The results of the reliability study showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) between mean values of EMG(T1) and EMG(T2) obtained in both tests. Furthermore, no significant differences (p > 0.05) existed between mean values of EMG(T1), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT1 and LT (62.8 (14.5) and 69.0 (6.2) and 64.6 (6.4) and 68.7 (8.2)% of VO2MAX respectively), or between mean values of EMG(T2), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT2 and OBLA (86.9 (9.0) and 88.0 (6.2) and 84.6 (6.5) and 87.7 (6.4)% of VO2MAX respectively). Rms-EMG may be a useful complementary non-invasive method for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition (ventilatory and lactate thresholds) in elite cyclists.
The aim of this study was to determine if the carbohydrate (CHO) availability alters the rate of increase in the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during high intensity exercise and whether this would be associated with physiological changes. Six males performed high intensity exercise after 48 h of controlled, high CHO (80%) and low CHO (10%) diets. Time to exhaustion was lower in the low compared to high CHO diet. The rate of increase in RPE was greater and the VO(2) slow component was lower in the low CHO diet than in the control. There was no significant condition effect for cortisol, insulin, pH, plasma glucose, potassium, or lactate concentrations. Multiple linear regression indicated that the total amplitude of VO(2) and perceived muscle strain accounted for the greatest variance in the rate of increase in RPE. These results suggest that cardiorespiratory variables and muscle strain are important afferent signals from the periphery for the RPE calculations.
A deficiency in secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is associated with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections both in the general community and in elite athletes. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and relaxation on various indices of sIgA in 12 male and 8 female adults who varied in levels of recreational activity. Salivary samples were obtained before, immediately after and 30 minutes after an incremental cycle ergometer test to fatigue. after 30 minutes of cycling at 30% or 60 % of maximum heart rate, and after 30 minutes of relaxation with guided imagery. Each session was run on a separate day. When expressed in relation to changes in salivary flow rate, sIgA did not change after exercise. However, both the absolute concentration and secretion rate of sIgA increased during relaxation (167 +/- 179 mug ml(-1), p < 0.001: and 37 +/- 71 g(.)min(-1), p < 0.05 respectively). Nonspecific protein increased more than sIgA during incremental exercise to fatigue (decrease in the sIgA/protein ratio 92 +/- 181 g(.)mg protein(-1), p(0.05), but sIgA relative to protein did not change during relaxation. Our findings suggest that sIgA secretion rate is a more appropriate measure of sIgA than sIgA relative to protein, both for exercise and relaxation. These data suggest the possibility of using relaxation to counteract the negative effects of intense exercise on sIgA levels.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of strenuous exercise on bone metabolism and related hormones in elderly subjects. METHODS: Twenty one active elderly subjects (11 men and 10 women; mean age 73.3 years) showing a mean theoretical Vo2max of 151.4% participated. Concentrations of plasma ionised calcium (iCa), serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and 1.25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 (1.25(OH)2D3), as well as the bone biochemical markers type I collagen C-telopeptide for bone resorption and osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase for bone formation, were analysed before and after a maximal incremental exercise test. RESULTS: At basal level, iPTH was positively correlated with age (r = 0.56, p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with 25(OH)D (r = -0.50; p < 0.01) and 1.25(OH)2D3 (r = -0.47; p < 0.05). Moreover, 25(OH)D and 1.25(OH)2D3 levels were negatively correlated with age (r = -0.50, p < 0.01 and r = -0.53, p < 0.01, respectively). After exercise, iCa and 25(OH)D decreased (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively) while iPTH increased (p < 0.001). The levels of 1.25(OH)2D3, bone biochemical markers, haematocrit, and haemoglobin were unchanged. The variations in iCa and 25(OH)D were not related to age and/or sex. The iPTH variation was directly related to basal iPTH levels (p < 0.01) and indirectly related to age. CONCLUSIONS: In active elderly subjects, strenuous exercise disturbed calcium homeostasis and bone related hormones without immediate measurable effect on bone turnover. Although an increase in iPTH could have an anabolic action on bone tissue, our findings from our short term study did not allow us to conclude that such action occurred.
This study aimed to compare oxygen uptake ( V˙O2), hormone and plasma metabolite responses during the 30 min after submaximal incremental exercise (Incr) performed at the same relative/absolute exercise intensity and duration in lean (L) and obese (O) men. Eight L and 8 O men (BMI: 22.9±0.4; 37.2±1.8 kg · m(-2)) completed Incr and were then seated for 30 min. V˙O2 was monitored during the first 10 min and from the 25-30(th) minutes of recovery. Blood samples were drawn for the determination of hormone (catecholamines, insulin) and plasma metabolite (NEFA, glycerol) concentrations. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) magnitude during the first 10 min was similar in O and in L (3.5±0.4; 3.4±0.3 liters, respectively, p=0.86). When normalized to percent change ( V˙O2END=100%), % V˙O2END during recovery was significantly higher from 90-120 s in O than in L (p≤0.04). There were no significant differences in catecholamines (p≥0.24), whereas insulin was significantly higher in O than in L during recovery (p=0.01). The time-course of glycerol was similar from 10-30 min of recovery (-42% for L; -41% for O, p=0.85), whereas significantly different patterns of NEFA were found from 10-30 min of recovery between groups (-18% for L; +8% for O, p=0.03). Despite similar EPOC, a difference in V˙O2 modulation between groups was observed, likely due to faster initial rates of V˙O2 decline in L than in O. The different patterns of NEFA between groups may suggest a lower NEFA reesterification during recovery in O, which was not involved in the rapid EPOC component.
The effect of intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs) on endurance performance with high skeletal muscle glycogen availability remains unclear. Previous work has shown that a lipid-supplemented high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet increases IMCLs while permitting normal glycogen loading. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of fat supplementation on fat oxidation (Fox) and endurance performance. Twenty-two trained male cyclists performed 2 simulated time trials (TT) in a randomized crossover design. Subjects cycled at ∼53% maximal voluntary external power for 2 h and then followed 1 of 2 diets for 2.5 days: a high-CHO low-fat (HC) diet, consisting of CHO 7.4 g·kg(-1)·day(-1) and fat 0.5 g·kg(-1)·day(-1); or a high-CHO fat-supplemented (HCF) diet, which was a replication of the HC diet with ∼240 g surplus fat (30% saturation) distributed over the last 4 meals of the diet period. On trial morning, fasting blood was sampled and Fox was measured during an incremental exercise; a ∼1-h TT followed. Breath volatile compounds (VOCs) were measured at 3 time points. Mental fatigue, measured as reaction time, was evaluated during the TT. Plasma free fatty acid concentration was 50% lower after the HCF diet (p < 0.0001), and breath acetone was reduced (p < 0.05) "at rest". Fox peaked (∼0.35 g·kg(-1)) at ∼42% peak oxygen consumption, and was not influenced by diet. Performance was not significantly different between the HCF and HC diets (3369 ± 46 s vs 3398 ± 48 s; p = 0.39), nor were reaction times to the attention task and VOCs (p = NS for both). In conclusion, the short-term intake of a lipid supplement in combination with a glycogen-loading diet designed to boost intramyocellular lipids while avoiding fat adaptation did not alter substrate oxidation during exercise or 1-hour cycling performance.
The acute administration of an indirect activator of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) in human athletes causes a reduction in blood lactate level during and after exercise. A single IV dose (2.5m.kg-1) of dichloroacetate (DCA) was administered before a submaximal incremental exercise test (IET) with five velocity steps, from 5.0 m.s-1 for 1 min to 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5m.s-1 every 30s in four untrained mares. The blood collections were done in the period after exercise, at times 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min. Blood lactate and glucose (mM) were determined electro-enzymatically utilizing a YSI 2300 automated analyzer. There was a 15.3% decrease in mean total blood lactate determined from the values obtained at all assessment times in both trials after the exercise. There was a decrease in blood lactate 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min after exercise for the mares that received prior DCA treatment, with respective mean values of 6.31±0.90 vs 5.81±0.50, 6.45±1.19 vs 5.58±1.06, 6.07±1.56 vs 5.26±1.12, 4.88±1.61 vs 3.95±1.00, 3.66±1.41 vs 2.86±0.75 and 2.75±0.51 vs 2.04±0.30. There was no difference in glucose concentrations. By means of linear regression analysis, V140, V160, V180 and V200 were determined (velocity at which the rate heart is 140, 160, 180, and 200 beats/minute, respectively). The velocities related to heart rate did not differ, indicating that there was no ergogenic effect, but prior administration of a relatively low dose of DCA in mares reduced lactatemia after an IET.
Controversy still exists concerning the potential ergogenic benefit of caffeine (CAF) for exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of CAF ingestion on endurance performance during exercise on a bicycle ergometer at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above the anaerobic threshold (AT). Eight untrained males, non-regular consumers of CAF, participated in this study. AT, defined as the intensity (watts) corresponding to a lactate concentration of 4 mM, was determined during an incremental exercise test from rest to exhaustion on an electrically braked cycle ergometer. On the basis of these measurements, the subjects were asked to cycle until exhaustion at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above AT. Each intensity was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by ingesting either CAF (5 mg/kg) or a placebo (PLA) 60 min prior to the test. Venous blood was analyzed for free fatty acid, glucose, and lactate, before, during, and immediately after exercise. Rating of perceived exertion and time to exhaustion were also measured during each trial. There were no differences in free fatty acids or lactate levels between CAF and PLA during and immediately after exercise for either intensity. Immediately after exercise glucose increased in the CAF trial at both intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was significantly lower (CAF = 14.1 ± 2.5 vs PLA = 16.6 ± 2.4) and time to exhaustion was significantly higher (CAF = 46.54 ± 8.05 min vs PLA = 32.42 ± 14.81 min) during exercise below AT with CAF. However, there was no effect of CAF treatment on rating of perceived exertion (CAF = 18.0 ± 2.7 vs PLA = 17.6 ± 2.3) and time to exhaustion (CAF = 18.45 ± 7.28 min vs PLA = 19.17 ± 4.37 min) during exercise above AT. We conclude that in untrained subjects caffeine can improve endurance performance during prolonged exercise performed below AT and that the decrease of perceived exertion can be involved in this process