17 resultados para Hypokinesia


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Populations in developed countries are ageing fast. The elderly have the greatest incidence of de-mentia, and thus the increase in the number of demented individuals, increases the immediate costs for the governments concerning healthcare and hospital treatment. Attention is being paid to disorders behind cognitive impairment with behavioural and psychological symptoms, which are enormous contributors to the hospital care required for the elderly. The highest dreams are in prevention; however, before discovering the tools for preventing dementia, the pathogenesis behind dementia disorders needs to be understood. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), a relatively recently discovered dementia disorder compared to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is estimated to account for up to one third of primary degenerative dementia, thus being the second most common cause of dementia in the elderly. Nevertheless, the impact of neuropathological and genetic findings on the clinical syndrome of DLB is not fully established. In this present series of studies, the frequency of neuropathological findings of DLB and its relation to the clinical findings was evaluated in a cohort of subjects with primary degenerative dementia and in a population-based prospective cohort study of individuals aged 85 years or older. α-synuclein (αS) immunoreactive pathology classifiable according to the DLB consensus criteria was found in one fourth of the primary degenerative dementia subjects. In the population-based study, the corresponding figure was one third of the population, 38% of the demented and one fifth of the non-demented very elderly Finns. However, in spite of the frequent discovery of αS pathology, its association with the clinical symptoms was quite poor. Indeed, the common clinical features of DLB, hypokinesia and visual hallucinations, associated better with the severe neurofibrillary AD-type pathology than with the extensive (diffuse neocortical) αS pathology when both types of pathology were taken into account. The severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology (Braak stage) associated with the extent of αS pathology in the brain. In addition, the genetic study showed an interaction between tau and αS; common variation in the αS gene (SNCA) associated significantly with the severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology and nominally significantly with the extensive αS pathology. Further, the relevance and temporal course of the substantia nigra (SN) degeneration and of the spinal cord αS pathology were studied in relation to αS pathology in the brain. The linear association between the extent of αS pathology in the brain and the neuron loss in SN suggests that in DLB the degeneration of SN proceeds as the αS pathology extends from SN to the neocortex instead of early destruction of SN seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Furthermore, the extent of αS pathology in the brain associated with the severity of αS pathology in the thoracic and sacral autonomic nuclei of the spinal cord. The thoracic αS pathology was more common and more severe compared to sacral cord, suggesting that the progress of αS pathology proceeds downwards from the brainstem towards the sacral spinal cord.


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Hypokinesia, rigidity, tremor, and postural instability are the cardinal symptoms of Parkinson s disease (PD). Since these symptoms are not specific to PD the diagnosis may be uncertain in early PD. Etiology and pathogenesis of PD remain unclear. There is no neuroprotective therapy. Genetic findings are expected to reveal metabolic routes in PD pathogenesis and thereby eventually lead to therapeutic innovations. In this thesis, we first aimed to study the usefulness and accuracy of 123I-b-CIT SPECT in the diagnosis of PD in a consecutive clinic-based material including various movement disorders. We subsequently a genetic project to identify genetic risk factors for sporadic PD using a candidate gene approach in a case-control setting including 147 sporadic PD patients and 137 spouse controls. Dopamine transporter imaging by 123I-b-CIT SPECT could distinguish PD from essential tremor, drug-induced parkinsonism, dystonia and psychogenic parkinsonism. However, b-CIT uptake in Parkinson plus syndromes (PSP and multiple system atrophy) and dementia with Lewy bodies was not significantly different from PD. 123I-b-CIT SPECT could not reliably differentiate PD from vascular parkinsonism. 123I-b-CIT SPECT was 100% sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of PD in patients younger than 55 years but less specific in older patients, due to differential distribution of the above conditions in the younger and older age groups. 123I-b-CIT SPECT correlated with symptoms and detected bilateral nigrostriatal defect in patients whose PD was still in unilateral stage. Thus, in addition to as a differential diagnostic aid, 123I-b-CIT SPECT may be used to detect PD early, even pre-symptomatically in at-risk individuals. 123I-b-CIT SPECT was used to aid in the collection of patients to the genetic studies. In the genetic part of this thesis we found an association between PD and a polymorphic CAG-repeat in POLG1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of mitochondrial polymerase gamma. The CAG-repeat encodes a polyglutamine tract (polyQ), the two most common lengths of which are 10Q (86-90%) and 11Q. In our Finnish material, the rarer non-10Q or non-11Q length variants (6Q-9Q, 12Q-14Q, 4R+9Q) were more frequent in patients than in spouse controls (10% vs. 3.5 %, p=0.003), or population controls (p=0.001). Therefore, we performed a replication study in 652 North American PD patients and 292 controls. Non-10/11Q alleles were more common in the US PD patients compared to the controls but the difference did not reach statistical significance (p=0.07). This larger data suggested our original definition of variant length allele might need reconsideration. Most previous studies on phenotypic effects of POLG1 polyQ have defined 10Q as the only normal allele. Non-10Q alleles were significantly more common in patients compared to the controls (17.3% vs. 12.3 %, p= 0.005). This association between non-10Q length variants and PD remained significant when compared to a larger set of 1541 literature controls (p=0.00005). In conclusion, POLG1 polyQ alleles other than 10Q may predispose to PD. We did not find association between PD and parkin or DJ-1, genes underlying autosomal recessive parkinsonism. The functional Val158Met polymorphism, which affects the catalytic effect of COMT enzyme, and another coding polymorphism in COMT were not associated with PD in our patient material. The APOE e2/3/4 polymorphism modifies risk for Alzheimer s disease and prognosis of for example brain trauma. APOE promoter and enhancer polymorphisms 219G/T and +113G/C, and APOE e3 haplotypes, have also been shown to modify the risk of Alzheimer s disease but not reported in PD. No association was found between PD and APOE e2/3/4 polymorphism, the promoter or enhancer polymorphisms, or the e3 haplotypes.


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We investigated the likelihood that hypokinesia/bradykinesia coexist with druginduced dyskinesias (DID) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The influence of dyskinesias on rapid alternating movements (RAM) was investigated in ten dyskinetic patients (DPD). Their motor performance was compared to that of ten age/gendermatched non-dyskinetic patients (NDPD) and ten healthy control subjects. Whole-body magnitude (WBM) and fast pronation-supination at the wrist were recorded using 6- degrees of freedom magnetic motion tracker and forearm rotational sensors, respectively. Subjects were asked to pronate-supinate their dominant hand for 10s. Pre- and postmeasures were taken in a neutral position for 20s. RANGE (measure of hypokinesia), DURATION (measure of bradykinesia). VELOCITY (measure of bradykinesia) and IRREGULARITY (measure of fluctuations in movement amplitude) were used to assess RAM performance. Results showed that DPD patients had greater WBM than NDPD and control groups during rest and RAM performance. There were no differences in performance between NDPD and DPD groups for RANGE, DURATION and VELOCITY, despite significant longer disease duration for the DPD group (DPD = 15.5 ± 6.2 years versus NDPD = 6.6 ± 2.6 years). However, both the NDPD and DPD groups showed lower RANGE, longer DURATION, and reduced VELOCITY compared to controls,, suggesting the presence of bradykinesia and hypokinesia. In the case of IRREGULARITY, DPD patients showed clear fluctuations in movement amplitude compared to the NDPD and control groups. However, the lack of correlation between WBM and IRREGULARITY within the DPD group (Spearman's rank order, Rho - 0.31, p > 0.05), suggests that DID was not the primary cause of the fluctuating movementamplitude observed in that group. In conclusion, these findings suggest that DID may coexists with bradykinesia and hypokinesia, but that they are not inevitably accompanied with worsening motor performance.


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Los movimientos anormales se pueden definir como síndromes neurológicos en los que puede haber un exceso de movimiento o por enlentecimiento de movimientos automáticos o voluntarios, que no estén relacionados con debilidad o espasticidad. Estos se pueden reunir en 2 grandes grupos. Uno en el que hay movimientos excesivos (hiperquinesias), dentro de los cuales se encuentran el temblor, las coreas, distonías, mioclonus y los tics. Por otro lado, puede haber enlentecimiento de los movimientos (hipoquinesia), en el que los síndromes parkinsonianos son la causa más frecuente de este grupo.


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CONTEXTO: Os efeitos da levodopa na marcha de pacientes com Doença de Parkinson (DP) em terrenos desobstruídos são conhecidos, mas pouco se conhece sobre seus efeitos na marcha com obstáculos. OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou descrever, por meio de ferramenta cinemática, o comportamento locomotor de pacientes com DP e verificar as estratégias locomotoras, sem e sob o efeito da levodopa, durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculos de diferentes alturas. MÉTODO: Cinco pacientes com DP (Hoehn e Yahr= 2±0; idade= 68,4±5,7 anos) percorreram, andando, 10m e ultrapassaram um de dois obstáculos (alto= metade da altura do joelho e baixo= altura do tornozelo) posicionado no meio da passarela em duas sessões (em jejum e no pico de ação do medicamento). As seguintes variáveis foram coletadas e analisadas: distância horizontal pé-obstáculo (DHPO), distância vertical pé-obstáculo (DVPO); distância horizontal obstáculo-pé (DHOP) e velocidades médias, horizontais e verticais, nas fases de abordagem e aterrissagem (respectivamente, VHAO,VVAO; VHDO,VVDO). RESULTADOS: A ANOVA, por tentativa, revelou efeito principal de obstáculo para DVPO (F1,49=15,33; p< 0,001), para VVAO (F1,49= 82,184; p< 0,001), para VHDO (F1,49= 15,33; p< 0,001) e para VVDO (F1,49= 31,30; p< 0,001); e efeito principal de medicamento para DVPO (F1,49= 6,66; p< 0,013) e para VVAO (F1,49= 10,174; p< 0,002). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes foram mais perturbados pelo obstáculo alto. Os sintomas da DP (bradicinesia e hipocinesia) foram diminuídos com o medicamento, evidenciando aumento geral da velocidade da perna de abordagem e da margem de segurança sobre os obstáculos. Pacientes com DP, independente da condição de medicamento, apresentaram um comportamento que garantiu segurança e estabilidade na marcha.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Scopo dello studio: la cardiomiopatia aritmogena (CA) è conosciuta come causa di morte improvvisa, la sua relazione con lo scompenso cardiaco (SC) è stata scarsamente indagata. Scopo dello studio è la definizione della prevalenza e incidenza dello SC, nonché della fisiopatologia e delle basi morfologiche che conducono i pazienti con CA a SC e trapianto di cuore. Metodi: abbiamo analizzato retrospettivamente 64 pazienti con diagnosi di CA e confrontato i dati clinici e strumentali dei pazienti con e senza SC (NYHA III-IV). Abbiamo analizzato i cuori espiantati dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto presso i centri di Bologna e Padova. Risultati: la prevalenza dello SC alla prima osservazione era del 14% e l’incidenza del 2,3% anno-persona. Sedici pazienti (23%) sono stati sottoposti a trapianto. I pazienti con SC erano più giovani all’esordio dei sintomi (46±16 versus 37±12 anni, p=0.04); il ventricolo destro (VD) era più dilatato e ipocinetico all’ecocardiogramma (RVOT 41±6 versus 37±7 mm, p=0.03; diametro telediastolico VD 38±11 versus 28±8 mm, p=0.0001; frazione di accorciamento 23%±7 versus 32%±11, p= 0.002). Il ventricolo sinistro (VS) era lievemente più dilatato (75±29 ml/m2 versus 60±19, p= 0.0017) e globalmente più ipocinetico (frazione di eiezione = 35%±14 versus 57%±12, p= 0.001). Il profilo emodinamico dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto era caratterizzato da un basso indice cardiaco (1.8±0.2 l/min/m2) con pressione capillare e polmonare tendenzialmente normale (12±8 mmHg e 26±10 mmHg). L’analisi dettagliata dei 36 cuori dei pazienti trapiantati ha mostrato sostituzione fibro-adiposa transmurale nel VD e aree di fibrosi nel VS. Conclusioni: Nella CA lo SC può essere l’unico sintomo alla presentazione e condurre a trapianto un rilevante sottogruppo di pazienti. Chi sviluppa SC è più giovane, ha un interessamento del VD più severo accanto a un costante interessamento del VS, solo lievemente dilatato e ipocinetico, con sostituzione prevalentemente fibrosa.


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Little is known about the neurobiology of hypokinesia in schizophrenia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate alterations of white matter motor pathways in schizophrenia and to relate our findings to objectively measured motor activity. We examined 21 schizophrenia patients and 21 healthy controls using diffusion tensor imaging and actigraphy. We applied a probabilistic fibre tracking approach to investigate pathways connecting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), the supplementary motor area proper (SMA-proper), the primary motor cortex (M1), the caudate nucleus, the striatum, the pallidum and the thalamus. Schizophrenia patients had lower activity levels than controls. In schizophrenia we found higher probability indices forming part of a bundle of interest (PIBI) in pathways connecting rACC, pre-SMA and SMA-proper as well as in pathways connecting M1 and pre-SMA with caudate nucleus, putamen, pallidum and thalamus and a reduced spatial extension of motor pathways in schizophrenia. There was a positive correlation between PIBI and activity level in the right pre-SMA-pallidum and the left M1-thalamus connection in healthy controls, and in the left pre-SMA-SMA-proper pathway in schizophrenia. Our results point to reduced volitional motor activity and altered motor pathway organisation in schizophrenia. The identified associations between the amount of movement and structural connectivity of motor pathways suggest dysfunction of cortico-basal ganglia pathways in the pathophysiology of hypokinesia in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients may use cortical pathways involving the supplementary motor area to compensate for basal ganglia dysfunction.


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Objective: Schizophrenia patients suffer from a variety of motor symptoms, including parkinsonism, catatonia, neurological soft signs, abnormal involuntary movements and psychomotor slowing. Methods: Literature review of prevalence rates and presentation of own results. Results: Parkinsonism and abnormal involuntary movements are intrinsic to schizophrenia, but may also be evoked by antipsychotic treatment. Reduced motor activity is associated with negative symptoms, catatonia and psychomotor slowing. Furthermore, 40 % of schizophrenia patients are impaired in gesture performance, which is related to executive and basic motor function. Mild motor disturbances are found in the majority of patients, while severe dysfunctions are limited to a minority. Our neuroimaging studies suggest that hypokinesia is caused by defective cortico-subcortical motor loops in schizophrenia. Taken together, a dimensional approach to schizophrenia motor symptoms seems promising. A purely descriptive assessment of motor signs is preferred over theoryladen categorization. Using objective motor parameters allows finding neural correlates of abnormal motor behaviour. Conclusion: The motor dimension of schizophrenia is linked to distinct disturbances in the cerebral motor system. Targeted modification of the defective motor system might become a relevant treatment option in patients suffering from schizophrenia with predominant motor features.


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is the causative agent of human TBE, a severe infection that can cause long-lasting neurologic sequelae. Langat virus (LGTV), which is closely related to TBEV, has a low virulence for human hosts and has been used as a live vaccine against TBEV. Tick-borne encephalitis by natural infection of LGTV in humans has not been described, but one of 18,500 LGTV vaccinees developed encephalitis. The pathogenetic mechanisms of TBEV are poorly understood and, currently, no effective therapy is available. We developed an infant rat model of TBE using LGTV as infective agent. Infant Wistar rats were inoculated intracisternally with 10 focus-forming units of LGTV and assessed for clinical disease and neuropathologic findings at Days 2, 4, 7, and 9 after infection. Infection with LGTV led to gait disturbance, hypokinesia, and reduced weight gain or weight loss. Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of RANTES, interferon-γ, interferon-β, interleukin-6, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 were increased in infected animals. The brains of animals with LGTV encephalitis exhibited characteristic perivascular inflammatory cuffs and glial nodules; immunohistochemistry documented the presence of LGTV in the thalamus, hippocampus, midbrain, frontal pole, and cerebellum. Thus, LGTV meningoencephalitis in infant rats mimics important clinical and histopathologic features of human TBE. This new model provides a tool to investigate disease mechanisms and to evaluate new therapeutic strategies against encephalitogenic flaviviruses.


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Schizophrenia is frequently associated with abnormal motor behavior, particularly hypokinesia. The course of the illness tends to deteriorate in the first years. We aimed to assess gross motor activity in patients with a first episode (n = 33) and multiple episodes (n = 115) of schizophrenia spectrum disorders using wrist actigraphy. First episode patients were younger, had higher motor activity and reduced negative symptom severity. Covarying for age, chlorpromazine equivalents, and negative symptoms, first episode patients still had higher motor activity. This was also true after excluding patients with schizophreniform disorder from the analyses. In first episode patients, but not in patients with multiple episodes, motor activity was correlated with antipsychotic dosage. In conclusion, after controlling for variables related to disorder chronicity, patients with first episodes were still more active than patients with multiple episodes. Thus, reduced motor activity is a marker of deterioration in the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders.


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Schizophrenia is a devastating disorder thought to result mainly from cerebral pathology. Neuroimaging studies have provided a wealth of findings of brain dysfunction in schizophrenia. However, we are still far from understanding how particular symptoms can result from aberrant brain function. In this context, the high prevalence of motor symptoms in schizophrenia such as catatonia, neurological soft signs, parkinsonism, and abnormal involuntary movements is of particular interest. Here, the neuroimaging correlates of these motor symptoms are reviewed. For all investigated motor symptoms, neural correlates were found within the cerebral motor system. However, only a limited set of results exists for hypokinesia and neurological soft signs, while catatonia, abnormal involuntary movements and parkinsonian signs still remain understudied with neuroimaging methods. Soft signs have been associated with altered brain structure and function in cortical premotor and motor areas as well as cerebellum and thalamus. Hypokinesia is suggested to result from insufficient interaction of thalamocortical loops within the motor system. Future studies are needed to address the neural correlates of motor abnormalities in prodromal states, changes during the course of the illness, and the specific pathophysiology of catatonia, dyskinesia and parkinsonism in schizophrenia.