950 resultados para Hyperelasticity, Articular Cartilage, Biomechanics, Osteoarthritis, Limb, Joint, Computational Modelling


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and quantitative T2 mapping of the talocrural cartilage within a clinically applicable scan time using a new dedicated ankle coil and high-field MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers (mean age 32.4 years) underwent MRI of the ankle. As morphological sequences, proton density fat-suppressed turbo spin echo (PD-FS-TSE), as a reference, was compared with 3D true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFISP). Furthermore, biochemical quantitative T2 imaging was prepared using a multi-echo spin-echo T2 approach. Data analysis was performed three times each by three different observers on sagittal slices, planned on the isotropic 3D-TrueFISP; as a morphological parameter, cartilage thickness was assessed and for T2 relaxation times, region-of-interest (ROI) evaluation was done. Reproducibility was determined as a coefficient of variation (CV) for each volunteer; averaged as root mean square (RMSA) given as a percentage; statistical evaluation was done using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Cartilage thickness of the talocrural joint showed significantly higher values for the 3D-TrueFISP (ranging from 1.07 to 1.14 mm) compared with the PD-FS-TSE (ranging from 0.74 to 0.99 mm); however, both morphological sequences showed comparable good results with RMSA of 7.1 to 8.5%. Regarding quantitative T2 mapping, measurements showed T2 relaxation times of about 54 ms with an excellent reproducibility (RMSA) ranging from 3.2 to 4.7%. CONCLUSION: In our study the assessment of cartilage thickness and T2 relaxation times could be performed with high reproducibility in a clinically realizable scan time, demonstrating new possibilities for further investigations into patient groups.


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INTRODUCTION: In clinical tissue-engineering-based approaches to articular cartilage repair, various types of flap are frequently used to retain an implanted construct within the defect, and they are usually affixed by suturing. We hypothesize that the suturing of articular cartilage is associated with a loss of chondrocytes from, and osteoarthritis-like changes within, the perisutural area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We established a large, partial-thickness defect model in the femoral groove of adult goats. The defects were filled with bovine fibrinogen to support a devitalized flap of autologous synovial tissue, which was sutured to the surrounding articular cartilage with single, interrupted stitches. The perisutural and control regions were analyzed histologically, histochemically and histomorphometrically shortly after surgery and 3 weeks later. RESULTS: Compared to control regions, chondrocytes were lost from the perisutural area even during the first few hours of surgery. During the ensuing 3 weeks, the numerical density of cells in the perisutural area decreased significantly. The cell losses were associated with a loss of proteoglycans from the extracellular matrix. Shortly after surgery, fissures were observed within the walls of the suture channels. By the third week, their surface density had increased significantly and they were filled with avascular mesenchymal tissue. CONCLUSIONS: The suturing of articular cartilage induces severe local damage, which is progressive and reminiscent of that associated with the early stages of osteoarthritis. This damage could be most readily circumvented by adopting an alternative mode of flap affixation, such as gluing with a biological adhesive.


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Current diagnostic methods for assessing the severity of articular cartilage degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis, are inadequate. There is also a lack of techniques that can be used for real-time evaluation of the tissue during surgery to inform treatment decision and eliminate subjectivity. This book, derived from Dr Afara’s doctoral research, presents a scientific framework that is based on near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for facilitating the non-destructive evaluation of articular cartilage health relative to its structural, functional, and mechanical properties. This development is a component of the ongoing research on advanced endoscopic diagnostic techniques in the Articular Cartilage Biomechanics Research Laboratory of Professor Adekunle Oloyede at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane Australia.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers the opportunity to study biological tissues and processes in a non-disruptive manner. The technique shows promise for the study of the load-bearing performance (consolidation) of articular cartilage and changes in articular cartilage accompanying osteoarthritis. Consolidation of articular cartilage involves the recording of two transient characteristics: the change over time of strain and the hydrostatic excess pore pressure (HEPP). MRI study of cartilage consolidation under mechanical load is limited by difficulties in measuring the HEPP in the presence of the strong magnetic fields associated with the MRI technique. Here we describe the use of MRI to image and characterize bovine articular cartilage deforming under load in an MRI compatible consolidometer while monitoring pressure with a Fabry-Perot interferometer-based fiber-optic pressure transducer.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common musculoskeletal disorder and represents a major health burden to society. In the course of the pathological development of OA, articular cartilage chondrocytes (ACCs) undergo atypical phenotype changes characterized by the expression of hypertrophic differentiation markers. Also, the adjacent subchondral bone shows signs of abnormal mineral density and enhanced production of bone turnover markers, indicative of osteoblast dysfunction. Collectively these findings indicate that the pathological changes typical of OA, involve alterations of the phenotypic properties of cells in both the subchondral bone and articular cartilage. However, the mechanism(s) by which these changes occur during OA development are not completely understood. The purpose of this project was to address the question of how subchondral bone osteoblasts (SBOs) and ACCs interact with each other with respect to regulation of respective cells’ phenotypic properties and in particular the involvement of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathways under normal and OA joint condition. We also endeavoured to test the influence of cross-talk between SBOs and ACCs isolated from normal and OA joint on matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. For this purpose tissues from the knees of OA patients and normal controls were collected to isolate SBOs and ACCs. The cellular cross-talk of SBOs and ACCs were studied by means of both direct and indirect co-culture systems, which made it possible to identify the role of both membrane bound and soluble factors. Histology, immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, zymography, ELISA and western blotting were some of the techniques applied to distinguish the changes in the co-cultured vs. non co-cultured cells. The MAPK signalling pathways were probed by using targeted MAPK inhibitors, and their activity monitored by western blot analysis using phospho MAPK specific antibodies. Our co-culture studies demonstrated that OA ACCs enhanced the SBOs differentiation compared to normal ACCs. We demonstrated that OA ACCs induced these phenotypic changes in the SBOs via activating an ERK1/2 signalling pathway. The findings from this study thus provided clear evidence that OA ACCs play an integral role in altering the SBO phenotype. In the second study, we tested the influence of normal SBOs and OA SBOs on ACCs phenotype changes. The results showed that OA SBOs increased the hypertrophic gene expression in co-cultured ACCs compared to normal SBOs, a phenotype which is considered as pathological to the health and integrity of articular cartilage. It was demonstrated that these phenotype changes occurred via de-activation of p38 and activation of ERK1/2 signaling pathways. These findings suggest that the pathological interaction of OA SBOs with ACCs is mediated by cross-talking between ERK1/2 and p38 pathways, resulting in ACCs undergoing hypertrophic differentiation. Subsequent experiments to determine the effect on MMP regulation, of SBOs and ACCs cross-talk, revealed that co-culturing OA SBOs with ACCs significantly enhanced the proteolytic activity and expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9. In turn, co-culture of OA ACCs with SBOs led to abundant MMP-2 expression in SBOs. Furthermore, we showed that the addition of ERK1/2 and JNK inhibitors reversed the elevated MMP-2 and MMP-9 production which otherwise resulted from the interactions of OA SBOs-ACCs. Thus, this study has demonstrated that the altered interactions between OA SBOs-ACCs are capable of triggering the pathological pathways leading to degenerative changes seen in the osteoarthritic joint. In conclusion, the body of work presented in this dissertation has given clear in vitro evidence that the altered bi-directional communication of SBOs and ACCs may play a role in OA development and that this process was mediated by MAPK signalling pathways. Targeting these altered interactions by the use of MAPK inhibitors may provide the scientific rationale for the development of novel therapeutic strategies in the treatment and management of OA.


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Introduction: Degradative enzymes, such as A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), play key roles in osteoarthritis (OA) development. The aim of the present study was to investigate if cross-talk between subchondral bone osteoblasts (SBOs) and articular cartilage chondrocytes (ACCs) in OA alters the expression and regulation of ADAMTS5, ADAMTS4, MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9 and MMP-13, and also to test the possible involvement of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway during this process. Methods: ACCs and SBOs were isolated from normal and OA patients. An in vitro co-culture model was developed to study the regulation of ADAMTS and MMPs under normal and OA joint cross-talk conditions. MAPK-ERK inhibitor, PD98059 was applied to delineate the involvement of specific pathway during this interaction process. Results: Indirect co-culture of OA SBOs with normal ACCs resulted in significantly increased expression of ADAMTS5, ADAMTS4, MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-9 in ACCs, whereas co-culture of OA ACCs led to increased MMP-1 and MMP-2 expression in normal SBOs. The upregulation of ADAMTS and MMPs under these conditions was correlated with activation of the MAPK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway and the addition of the MAPK-ERK inhibitor, PD98059, reversed the overexpression of ADAMTS and MMPs in co-cultures. Conclusion: In summary, we believe, these results add to the evidence that in human OA, altered bi-directional signals transmitted between SBOs and ACCs significantly impacts the critical features of both cartilage and bone by producing abnormal levels of ADAMTS and MMPs. Furthermore, we have demonstrated for the first time that this altered cross-talk was mediated by the phosphorylation of MAPK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway.


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This research has established, through ultrasound, near infrared spectroscopy and biomechanics experiments, parameters and parametric relationships that can form the framework for quantifying the integrity of the articular cartilage-on-bone laminate, and objectively distinguish between normal/healthy and abnormal/degenerated joint tissue, with a focus on articular cartilage. This has been achieved by: 1. using traditional experimental methods to produce new parameters for cartilage assessment; 2. using novel methodologies to develop new parameters; and 3. investigating the interrelationships between mechanical, structural and molec- ular properties to identify and select those parameters and methodologies that can be used in a future arthroscopic probe based on points 1 and 2. By combining the molecular, micro- and macro-structural characteristics of the tissue with its mechanical properties, we arrive at a set of critical benchmarking parameters for viable and early-stage non-viable cartilage. The interrelationships between these characteristics, examined using a multivariate analysis based on principal components analysis, multiple linear regression and general linear modeling, could then to deter- mine those parameters and relationships which have the potential to be developed into a future clinical device. Specifically, this research has found that the ultrasound and near infrared techniques can subsume the mechanical parameters and combine to characterise the tissue at the molecular, structural and mechanical levels over the full depth of the cartilage matrix. It is the opinion in this thesis that by enabling the determination of the precise area of in uence of a focal defect or disease in the joint, demarcating the boundaries of articular cartilage with dierent levels of degeneration around a focal defect, better surgical decisions that will advance the processes of joint management and treatment will be achieved. Providing the basis for a surgical tool, this research will contribute to the enhancement and quanti�cation of arthroscopic procedures, extending to post- treatment monitoring and as a research tool, will enable a robust method for evaluating developing (particularly focalised) treatments.


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Phospholipid (PL) molecules form the main structure of the membrane that prevents the direct contact of opposing articular cartilage layers. In this paper we conceptualise articular cartilage as a giant reverse micelle (GRM) in which the highly hydrated three-dimensional network of phospholipids is electrically charged and able to resist compressive forces during joint movement, and hence loading. Using this hypothetical base, we describe a hydrophilic-hydrophilic (HL-HL) biopair model of joint lubrication by contacting cartilages, whose mechanism is reliant on lamellar cushioning. To demonstrate the viability of our concept, the electrokinetic properties of the membranous layer on the articular surface were determined by measuring via microelectrophoresis, the adsorption of ions H, OH, Na and Cl on phospholipid membrane of liposomes, leading to the calculation of the effective surface charge density. The surface charge density was found to be -0.08 ± 0.002 cm-2 (mean ± S.D.) for phospholipid membranes, in 0.155 M NaCl solution and physiological pH. This value was approximately five times less than that measured in 0.01 M NaCl. The addition of synovial fluid (SF) to the 0.155 M NaCl solution reduced the surface charge density by 30% which was attributed to the binding of synovial fluid macromolecules to the phospholipid membrane. Our experiments show that particles charge and interact strongly with the polar core of RM. We demonstrate that particles can have strong electrostatic interactions when ions and macromolecules are solubilized by reverse micelle (RM). Since ions are solubilized by reverse micelle, the surface entropy influences the change in the charge density of the phospholipid membrane on cartilage surfaces. Reverse micelles stabilize ions maintaining equilibrium, their surface charges contribute to the stability of particles, while providing additional screening for electrostatic processes. © 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The surface amorphous layer of articular cartilage is of primary importance to its load-bearing and lubrication function. This lipid-filled layer is degraded/disrupted or eliminated when cartilage degenerates due to diseases. This article examines further the characteristic of this surface overlay using a combination of microscopy and imaging methods to evaluate the hypothesis that the surface of articular cartilage can be repaired by exposing degraded cartilage to aqueous synthetic lipid mixtures. The preliminary results demonstrate that it is possible to create a new surface layer of phospholipids on the surface of cartilage following artificial lipid removal, but such a layer does not possess enough mechanical strength for physiological function when created with either unsaturated palmitoyloleoyl- phosphatidylcholine or saturated dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine component of joint lipid composition alone. We conclude that this may be due to low structural cohesivity, inadequate time of exposure, and the mix/content of lipid in the incubation environment.


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Objective The aim of this study was to demonstrate the potential of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for categorizing cartilage degeneration induced in animal models. Method Three models of osteoarthritic degeneration were induced in laboratory rats via one of the following methods: (i) menisectomy (MSX); (ii) anterior cruciate ligament transaction (ACLT); and (iii) intra-articular injection of mono-ido-acetete (1 mg) (MIA), in the right knee joint, with 12 rats per model group. After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and tibial knee joints were collected. A custom-made nearinfrared (NIR) probe of diameter 5 mm was placed on the cartilage surface and spectral data were acquired from each specimen in the wavenumber range 4 000 – 12 500 cm−1. Following spectral data acquisition, the specimens were fixed and Safranin–O staining was performed to assess disease severity based on the Mankin scoring system. Using multivariate statistical analysis based on principal component analysis and partial least squares regression, the spectral data were then related to the Mankinscores of the samples tested. Results Mild to severe degenerative cartilage changes were observed in the subject animals. The ACLT models showed mild cartilage degeneration, MSX models moderate, and MIA severe cartilage degenerative changes both morphologically and histologically. Our result demonstrate that NIR spectroscopic information is capable of separating the cartilage samples into different groups relative to the severity of degeneration, with NIR correlating significantly with their Mankinscore (R2 = 88.85%). Conclusion We conclude that NIR is a viable tool for evaluating articularcartilage health and physical properties such as change in thickness with degeneration.


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The focus of this Editorial is recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities for evaluation of the microstructure and macromolecular organisation of articular cartilage. We place a specific emphasis on three types of measurements: (1) MRI transverse spin-relaxation mapping (T2 mapping); (2) diffusion-tensor imaging; and (3) compression micro-MRI (uMRI) measurements of articular cartilage in vitro. Such studies have a significant role to play in improving the understanding of the fundamental biomechanics of articular cartilage and in the development of in vitro models of early osteoarthritis. We discuss how the supramolecular organisation of the cartilage extracellular matrix and its behaviour under mechanical compression can be inferred from diffusion-tensor and T2 maps with in-plane resolution ~100 um. The emphasis is on in vitro studies performed under controlled physiological conditions but in vivo applications of T2 mapping and DTI are also briefly discussed.