73 resultados para Hymenolepis
Cestodes (tapeworms) are a derived, parasitic clade of the phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms). The cestode body wall represents an adaptation to its endoparasitic lifestyle. The epidermis forms a nonciliated syncytium, and both muscular and nervous system are reduced. Morphological differences between cestodes and free-living flatworms become apparent already during early embryogenesis. Cestodes have a complex life cycle that begins with an infectious larva, called the oncosphere. In regard to cell number, cestode oncospheres are among the simplest multicellular organisms, containing in the order of 50-100 cells. As part of our continuing effort to analyze embryonic development in flatworms, we describe here the staining pattern obtained with acTub in embryos and larvae of the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta and, briefly, the monogenean Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis. In addition, we labeled the embryonic musculature of Hymenolepis with phalloidin. In Hymenolepis embryos, two different cell types that we interpret as neurons and epidermal gland cells express acTub. There exist only two neurons that develop close to the midline at the anterior pole of the embryo. The axons of these two neurons project posteriorly into the center of the oncosphere, where they innervate the complex of muscles that is attached to the booklets. In addition to neurons, acTub labels a small and invariant set of epidermal gland cells that develop at superficial positions, anteriorly adjacent to the neurons, in the dorsal midline, and around the posteriorly located hooklets. During late stages of embryogenesis they spread and form a complete covering of the embryo. We discuss these data in the broader context of platyhelminth embryology.
Foi feita tentativa de controle do Hymenolepis nana em uma comunidade fechada utilizando-se o praziquantel em repetidos tratamentos. Concomitantemente, foram estudados os prováveis mecanismos de transmissão da parasitose. A comunidade trabalhada possuia inicialmente 161 pessoas, sendo 109 crianças internas, com idade variando de dias e/ou meses a 8 anos, e de 52 adultos, funcionários da instituição. O diagnóstico parasitológico foi realizado aproximadamente de 2 em 2 meses em toda a população, pelo método de Hoffman, Pons e Janer, e o controle de cura, pelo mesmo método, entre o 7.º e o 14.º dia. Quinzenalmente foram realizadas pesquisas para ovos de H. nana no leito ungueal das crianças, em insetos, no lixo doméstico, nas maçanetas das portas e geladeiras, nos botões e cordões de descarga. Posteriormente examinou-se água recolhida dos urinóis e do chão do "box" do chuveiro. Todos os pacientes eliminando ovos de H. nana nas fezes foram tratados com praziquantel, após exame clínico, na dose única oral de 25mg/kg, após o almoço. Em 4 tratamentos realizados (66 pacientes), não foram observadas reações colterais importantes, e o controle de cura foi sempre de 100%. No 5.º e último tratamento, grupos de pacientes positivos e negativos para H. nana foram divididos em subgrupos e tratados com uma dose da droga (25mg/kg) ou duas doses espaçadas de 4 dias (total: 50mg/kg). No levantamento realizado dois meses após o tratamento, foram encontrados apenas 6 indivíduos eliminando ovos do parasita. Estes pertenciam ao subgrupo de crianças com himenolepíase tratado com uma única dose da droga. Ovos e larvas de helmintos e cistos de protozoários foram encontrados no lixo doméstico, insetos (baratas) e maçanetas de portas, enquanto ovos de H. nana só foram achados em água aspirada do "box" do chuveiro e da lavagem dos urinóis. Apesar da elevada percentagem de cura e dos vários tratamentos realizados, não se conseguiu o controle da himenolepíase.
Em virtude de sugestão decorrente da investigação experimental, foi usado o praziquantel, através de duas administrações intervaladas por dez dias, como tentativa para controlar a himenolepíase devida à Hymenolepis nana, em coletividade semifechada. Houve emprego, em cada oportunidade, de 25 mg/kg, tendo ficado comprovada a validade dessa conduta, a despeito da ocorrência de raras positivações, interpretadas como reinfecções, durante o seguimento. O presente estudo afigura-se importante no contexto das medidas destinadas a combater globalmente a himenolepíase em apreço, em comunidades fechadas ou semifechadas, diante da possibilidade de aproveitamento da elevada atividade curativa do praziquantel.
Single doses of praziquantel were administered by oral route, at various time intervals, following the experimental infection of mice with Hymenolepis nana eggs (2000 per animal), to investigate the drug action against different development stages of the parasite. It was shown that either 25 or 50 mg/kg given on the 4th day after inoculation had just a partial effect against the cysticercoids. Moreover, 25 mg/kg given on the 7th day was not able to kill all juvenile forms as well. However, this dose administered on the 10th day, when the parasites had reached maturity taut oviposition was not yet initiated was 100% efficacious. The same degree of efficacy was achieved with the administration of 25 mg/kg on the 14th day when the fully mature worms already lay eggs. These animal findings indicate that in the treatment of human hymenolepiasis praziquantel, 25 mg/kg, should be taken twice, 10 days apart, so that the second dose kills the larval and juvenile forms which have survived the first one. This should be particularly recommended for treating H. nana infection in close communities.
Foram selecionadas, numa comunidade fechada, 20 crianças com himenolepíase, apresentando carga parasitária acima de 1 000 ovos/g de fezes, visando a averiguar a eficácia terapêutica do praziquantel e as alterações morfológicas induzidas nos ovos de H. nana por sua administração oral, em dois esquemas posológicos. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos com igual número de casos. O grupo "A" foi tratado com uma única dose de 25 mg/kg de peso corporal e o grupo "B" com a mesma dose, porém repetida 10 dias depois. A partir do terceiro dia até o 19.°, verificou-se, em ambos os grupos, o surgimento, com um pico em torno do sétimo dia, de ovos distorcidos do parasita. Os ovos normais decresceram gradativamente, desaparecendo em 100% dos casos do grupo "B", do 19° dia em diante, mas mantendo-se presentes em 20% dos casos no grupo "A". A tolerância ao medicamento mostrou-se igualmente excelente com as duas posologias empregadas. Conclui-se pela elevada eficácia terapêutica do praziquantel na himenolepíase, sugerindo-se administrá-lo em duas doses de 25 mg/kg, com um intervalo de dez dias, nos pacientes intensamente parasitados e que convivam em comunidades fechadas.
Com o intuito de demarcar convenientemente o espectro de atividade do albendazol, no que diz respeito às helmintíases intestinais, foram efetuadas observações referentes à himenolepíase causada por Hymenolepis nana. Nesse contexto, duas ordens de investigações tiveram lugar: a) tratamento de camundongos, renovado depois de transcorridos dez dias, por meio de doses únicas de 25 mg/kg ou 50 mg/kg, sendo que 25 mg/kg de praziquantel e animais que não receberam os antiparasitários, serviram como controles; b) tratamento de crianças e adultos mediante uso de 400 mg cotidianamente, em três oportunidades consecutivas, com repetição após intervalo com duração de dez dias. O estudo concernente aos animais revelou ineficácia do albendazol, pois sistematicamente houve verificação da persistência de vermes vivos no intestino. Por seu turno, só 10% dos indivíduos medicados puderam ser considerados curados. Portanto, pelo menos de acordo com a maneira como procedemos, o albendazol não se afigurou capaz de debelar satisfatoriamente a himenolepíase.
Sera from patients infected with Taenia solium, Hymenolepis nana and Echinococcus granulosus were tested against homologous and heterologous parasite antigens using an ELISA assay, and a high degree of cross-reactivity was verified. To identify polypeptides responsible for this cross reactivity, the Enzyme Linked Immunoelectro Transfer Blot (EITB) was used. Sera from infected patients with T.solium, H.nana, and E.granulosus were assessed against crude, ammonium sulphate precipitated (TSASP), and lentil-lectin purified antigens of T.solium and crude antigens of.H.nana and E.granulosus. Several bands, recognized by sera from patients with T.solium, H.nana, and E.granulosus infections, were common to either two or all three cestodes. Unique reactive bands in H.nana were noted at 49 and 66 K-Da and in E.granulosus at 17-21 K-Da and at 27-32 K-Da. In the crude cysticercosis extract, a specific non glycoprotein band was present at 61-67 K-Da in addiction to specific glycoprotein bands of 50, 42, 24, 21, 18, 14, and 13 K-Da. None of the sera from patients with H.nana or E.granulosus infection cross reacted with these seven glycoprotein bands considered specific for T.solium infection.
O autor descreve o ciclo biológico de hymenolepis diminuta (Rud., 1819) em dois novos hospedeiros intermediários: Strongylopsalis mathurinii (Dermaptera) e Alphitobius piceus (Coleoptera). O desenvolvimento larvar é similar em ambos os hospedeiros, embora algumas diferenças em detalhes tenham sido observadas, tais como os tempos de evolução e as dimensões dos cisticercóides; os cisticercóides obtidos dos dermápteros têm maiores dimensões relativas e o tempo de evolução pode ser de apenas 9 dias. O autor sugere que Strongylopsalis mathurinii, inseto freqüentemente encontrado na ração prensada dos roedores é um excelente hospedeiro intermediário, ideal para trabalhos experimentais com Hymenolepis diminuta.
Natural anti-parasitic compounds in plants such as condensed tannins (CT) have anthelmintic properties against a range of gastrointestinal nematodes, but for other helminths such effects are unexplored. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of CT from three different plant extracts in a model system employing the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, in its intermediate host, Tenebrio molitor. An in vitro study examined infectivity of H. diminuta cysticercoids (excystation success) isolated from infected beetles exposed to different concentrations of CT extracts from pine bark (PB) (Pinus sps), hazelnut pericarp (HN) (Corylus avellana) or white clover flowers (WC) (Trifolium repens), in comparison with the anthelmintic drug praziquantel (positive control). In the in vitro study, praziquantel and CT from all three plant extracts had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on cysticercoid excystation. The HN extract was most effective at inhibiting excystation, followed by PB and WC. An in vivo study was carried out on infected beetles (measured as cysticercoid establishment) fed different doses of PB, HN and praziquantel. There was a highly significant inhibitory effect of HN on cysticercoid development (p = 0.0002). Overall, CT showed a promising anti-cestodal effect against the metacestode stage of H. diminuta.
The population dynamics in the enteric connective tissues of eosinophils, mucosal mast cells (MMC), and in the mucosal epithelium of goblet cells were examined morphometrically in fixed ileal tissue of outbred Sprague Dawley rats during the first 32 days of infection with the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta. MMC and eosinophils were present in the lamina propria and submucosa; however, only eosinophils were also present in the muscularis externa. Eosinophilic infiltrate was first observed in the lamina propria at 15 days postinfection (dpi) and the numbers of eosinophils remained elevated through 32 dpi. Initial mucosal mastocytosis was detected on 6 dpi and MC numbers continued to rise over the study period without reaching a plateau. Goblet cell hyperplasia occurred only at 32 dpi. In contrast to some intestinal nematode infections where these same 3 cell types are associated with the host's expulsion responses, H. diminuta is not lost by a rapid host response in the outbred Sprague Dawley rat strain used in these experiments. We suggest that either the induction of hyperplasia of these host effector cells in ileum tissue during H. diminuta infection is not capable of triggering parasite rejection mechanisms, or the function of the induced hyperplasia is necessary for some as yet unassociated physiological or tissue architecture change in the host's intestine.
The rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, induces mastocytosis, hypertrophy of enteric smooth muscle, alteration of enteric myoelectric activity, and slowed enteric transit of the rat host's intestine. This report examines the resolution of both tapeworm-induced mastocytosis and tissue changes during the period following removal of the tapeworm with Praziquantel (PZQ). The dynamics of the mucosal mast cell (MMC) population following removal of the tapeworms was assessed by histochemical identification of MMC and morphometric techniques. As a possible mechanism of MMC population regulation, MMC apoptosis was examined over the same experimental period using the in situ nick end labeling of fragmented DNA (TUNEL). Shifts in MMC numbers were correlated with functional and morphological changes of the intestine following removal of the adult-stage tapeworm. Ileal tissues from rats infected 32 days with H. diminuta (the beginning of plateau phase of tapeworm-induced chronic mastocytosis) were harvested 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the PZQ treatment. Control ilea were obtained either from rats which were never infected and never treated with PZQ or from rats infected with H, diminuta for 32 days but not treated with PZQ. In order to detect MMC and apoptosis, tissue sections of ileum were doubled stained sequentially with Astra blue for MMC granules followed by a modification of the TUNEL technique. No alteration in MMC numbers were observed in PZQ-treated animals until 3 weeks after the removal of the tapeworms. The decline of MMC occurred in the mucosa and submucosa. MMC numbers first approached uninfected control levels at 4 weeks posttreatment. Coincident with the decline in mucosal MMC numbers, the rate of MMC entering apoptosis also declined. Simultaneously, ileal smooth muscle layers, hypertrophied by infection, and mucosal structures began the process of involution and atrophy. Apoptosis of MMC in the submucosa and muscularis mucosa was not detected. In conclusion, H. diminuta elicited mastocytosis and increased thickness of both mucosa and muscularis externa do not begin a decline toward control Values until 3 weeks after the parasites are gone and normal intestinal motility is restored. These data are consistent with the lack of MMC mediation of altered motility, and the decline in the rate of MMC apoptosis at 3 weeks post-PZQ suggests that apoptosis may play an important role in the involution of tapeworm-induced mastocytosis. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
The neurotrophin, glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), is essential for the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in both the embryo and neonate and may be important for maintenance and plasticity of ENS. The tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, altered the number of cells containing GNDF in the host's jejunum and ileum. Numbers and locations of GDNF-containing cells were determined by applying monoclonal anti-GDNF antibody to intestinal segments collected from infected and uninfected age-matched rats during the initial 34 days post-infection (dpi). Most cells staining positive for GDNF were present in the lamina propria of the jejunum and ileum from both infected and uninfected rats. The co-localization of staining by the antibodies, anti-GDNF and anti-ED2 (a nuclear specific antibody for resident macrophages) indicated that at least 74% of the cells staining for GDNF were macrophages. Mast cells did not stain with the anti-GDNF antibody. The increased number of GDNF+ cells in the infected rat intestine suggests that this neurotrophin may play a role in the neural and mucosal responses to lumenal tapeworm infection.