14 resultados para Hydropsychidae


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The genus Synoestropsis contains 10 described species, six of which occur in Brazil. The species S. furcata was described by Flint (1974), based on adults only. In this paper, the larvae are described and illustrated. This description constitutes the first definitive species-level association in the genus, and also enlarges the known distribution for S. furcata.


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Características morfológicas sugerem que larvas de Synoestropsis sp. (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) são predadoras. Examinamos o conteúdo estomacal de 48 larvas de Synoestropsis sp. coletadas na época de estiagem de quatro rios de cerrado (Arraia, Cauamé, Cotingo e Ereu) do estado de Roraima para avaliar o hábito alimentar de larvas desse gênero. A alta freqüência de itens animais no conteúdo estomacal das larvas corrobora a hipótese de que esta espécie é predadora.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate benthic macroinvertebrate communities as bioindicators of water quality in five streams located in the "Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural" (RPPN) Mata Samuel de Paula and its surroundings, in the municipality of Nova Lima near the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. This region has been strongly modified by human activities including mining and urbanization. Samples were collected in the field every three months between August 2004 and November 2005, totaling six samplings in the rainy and dry seasons. This assessment identified one area ecologically altered while the other sampling sites were found to be minimally disturbed systems, with well-preserved ecological conditions. However, according to the Biological Monitoring Work Party (BMWP) and the Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) indices, all sampling sites had excellent water quality. A total of 14,952 organisms was collected, belonging to 155 taxa (148 Insecta, two Annelida, one Bivalvia, one Decapoda, one Planariidae, one Hydracarina, and one Entognatha). The most abundant benthic groups were Chironomidae (47.9%), Simuliidae (12.3%), Bivalvia (7.5%), Decapoda (6.1%), Oligochaeta (5.2%), Polycentropodidae (3.7%), Hydropsychidae (2.5%), Calamoceratidae (1.8%), Ceratopogonidae (1.7%), and Libellulidae (1.2%). The assessment of the benthic functional feeding groups showed that 34% of the macroinvertebrates were collector-gatherers, 29% predators, 24% collector-filterers, 8% shredders, and 5% scrapers. The RPPN Mata Samuel de Paula comprises diversified freshwater habitats that are of great importance for the conservation of many benthic taxa that are intolerant to organic pollution.


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A composição, abundância e riqueza de Trichoptera imaturos foram estudadas em 12 tributários da bacia do rio Suiá-Miçú, afluente do rio Xingu, um mosaico de áreas alagadas, córregos e rios na área de transição Cerrado - Floresta Amazônica na região leste de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Larvas de insetos aquáticos foram amostradas em transectos nas margens de tributários lênticos e lóticos com tamanho e níveis de conservação variáveis, em três períodos entre 2007 e 2008. Foram coligidas 867 larvas (sete famílias, 17 gêneros, 45 morfoespécies), sendo Hydropsychidae e Leptoceridae as famílias mais abundantes e ricas, e Leptonema sparsum a espécie mais abundante (n=370). Houve perda de riqueza de espécies em ambientes impactados e naqueles de maior porte ou de fluxo lêntico. Foi possível detectar variações na composição relacionadas ao fluxo, tipo de vegetação e na interação entre o nível de conservação e fluxo. O nível de conservação, a largura e o índice quantitativo de integridade de hábitat (IIH) não influenciaram a composição de Trichoptera isoladamente. Estes resultados podem fomentar novas investigações dos efeitos dos impactos sobre a composição da entomofauna aquática na transição entre o Cerrado e a Floresta Amazônica.


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The study was set up to evaluate the impact of two commercial larvicide formulations, Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis base (Bti) at 15 ppm/1 min and temephos at 0.03 ppm of active ingredient, used to control Simulium pertinax populations, on associated non-target entomofauna occupying the same breeding sites. The experiments were carried out on the Pedra Branca and Muricana rivers, on the slopes of Serra do Mar massif, municipality of Paraty, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bti was applied to the river Pedra Branca and temephosto theriver Muricana. On both rivers, treatment and control sections were labeled as such, each one with two observation posts: slow moving water and fast water regions respectively. Artificial substrata was used to evaluate the abundance of associated entomofauna. Attached immature stages of arthropods were removed from both of its surfaces fortnightly. Were collected, from the two rivers, 28 477 specimens of the entomofauna associated with S. pertinax. The families Hydropsychidae, Chironomidae, Bactidae, Simuliidae, Blephariceridae and Megapodagrionidae were represented. These was an impact of temephos on the entomofauna associated with S. pertinax only in Simuliidae and Chironomidae, and to Bti only in Simuliidae. However, the reduction in their numbers was not statistically significant.


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The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground


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A comparative analysis was conducted of the colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates of rocky and leaf pack substrates, both natural and artificial. This colonization was evaluated by season, with the objective of ascertaining the influence of rainfall on the rate of colonization. The total density of macroinvertebrates after 21 days of colonization was significantly greater in the dry than in the wet season. When the substrate types were compared, artificial leaf pack substrate presented the smallest density for both seasons. In the wet season, Chironomidae, Leptohyphidae, Hydropsychidae, Elmidae, immature stages of Trichoptera, and Hydroptilidae showed a more representative density. In the dry season, Chironomidae, Baetidae and Oligochaeta were the most abundant taxa. The artificial rocky substrate used in this experiment was the most appropriate, due to its resemblance with natural substrate conditions in terms of the maintenance of the structural integrity of the substrate throughout the experimental period. Successional and seasonal effects were of great relevance, playing an important role in the colonization process.


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In order to determine the feeding preference of Aegla platensis in streams and the importance of microorganisms in its detritivore diet, we carried out two experiments designed to evaluate the food preferences of A. platensis (1) among leaves with different levels of microbial colonization and (2) among insect larvae (Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Hydropsychidae) and microbially conditioned leaves. A. platensis preferred animal over plant food items; when only leaves were offered, this aeglid preferred the leaves with higher levels of microorganism conditioning.


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a estrutura da assembléia de macroinvertebrados bentônicos no médio rio Xingu, estimando a produção secundária anual. Dois ambientes no setor do médio rio Xingu foram estudados, um lêntico (lago da Ilha Grande) e o canal principal. No lago foram realizadas coletas nos habitats marginal e profundo, utilizando amostrador tipo core e uma draga Ekiman-Birge; já nos habitats de corredeira e remanso no canal principal, os organismos foram coletados com uma rede tipo surber e core. As coletas ocorerram durante 12 meses abrangendo o período de cheia (janeiro a maio) e da seca (junho a dezembro) local. Foram coletados um total de 23.432 indivíduos da macrofauna bentônica, referentes a 43 táxons, 8 classes e 4 filos. Os insetos e gastrópodes corresponderam, respectivamente, a 47% e 36% do total de exemplares capturados. A maior diversidade de táxons foi registrada para os ambientes de corredeiras. O ambiente de remanso do rio por sua vez foi muito similar em riqueza de espécies, ao ambiente marginal do lago. A densidade média no período de seca foi de 1.605,75 ind.m-2, e no período da cheia de 894,43 ind.m-2. Leptophlebiidae, Hydropsychidae e Chironomidae, com 29,0%, 21,4% e 13,1%, respectivamente contribuíram com a maior abundância no ambiente de rio. Já para o lago, os Chironomidae (34,6%) Oligochaeta (23,2%), Chaoboridade (14,7%) e Nematoda (14,5%) contribuíram com a maior proporção da densidade. As diferenças encontradas nas assembléias de macroinvertebrados entre habitats foram relacionadas a diferenças de oxigênio dissolvido e nutrientes. Os ambientes de corredeira foram os mais diferenciados de todos os habitats estudados.


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A composição, abundância e riqueza de Trichoptera imaturos foram estudadas em 12 tributários da bacia do rio Suiá-Miçú, afluente do rio Xingu, um mosaico de áreas alagadas, córregos e rios na área de transição Cerrado - Floresta Amazônica na região leste de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Larvas de insetos aquáticos foram amostradas em transectos nas margens de tributários lênticos e lóticos com tamanho e níveis de conservação variáveis, em três períodos entre 2007 e 2008. Foram coligidas 867 larvas (sete famílias, 17 gêneros, 45 morfoespécies), sendo Hydropsychidae e Leptoceridae as famílias mais abundantes e ricas, e Leptonema sparsum a espécie mais abundante (n=370). Houve perda de riqueza de espécies em ambientes impactados e naqueles de maior porte ou de fluxo lêntico. Foi possível detectar variações na composição relacionadas ao fluxo, tipo de vegetação e na interação entre o nível de conservação e fluxo. O nível de conservação, a largura e o índice quantitativo de integridade de hábitat (IIH) não influenciaram a composição de Trichoptera isoladamente. Estes resultados podem fomentar novas investigações dos efeitos dos impactos sobre a composição da entomofauna aquática na transição entre o Cerrado e a Floresta Amazônica.


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There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.


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The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground


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The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground