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Includes bibliographical references.
No presente trabalho procede-se a uma descrição sobre os aspetos considerados mais relevantes relativos à vida e à obra do extraordinário cientista e humanista do século XIX – Louis Pasteur. Contextualiza-se, também, em vários pontos, a sua obra com a de outros cientistas da época, enquadrando os trabalhos por si realizados em descobertas anteriores. Abordam-se os magníficos estudos feitos no âmbito da cristalografia (que muito contribuíram para a moderna estereoquímica) e da fermentação, como um mecanismo utilizado por certos microrganismos para produzir energia na ausência de oxigénio, facto totalmente inédito na época. Explica-se como Pasteur, de uma forma inteligentíssima, conseguiu pôr fim à velha teoria da geração espontânea. Refere-se como surgiu a genial ideia da pasteurização, termo em homenagem ao grande sábio, que veio a modificar toda a indústria do vinho, da cerveja e de tantos outros alimentos, estabelecendo a importância da microbiologia na indústria alimentar. Abordam-se os estudos realizados por Pasteur sobre doenças infeciosas (a pebrina, a cólera das galinhas, o carbúnculo e a raiva), incluindo os espetaculares procedimentos que conduziram à elaboração das primeiras vacinas que ensinaram aos cientistas mais novos a fabricar outras, salvando-se tantas vidas.
Others, like the prominent humanist and anti-Medicean agitator Francesco Filelfo, would soon join the first wave of exiles.4 Bruni was not only linked to such men by ties of patronage and friendship; he had also for many years acted as the chief ideologue of the preMedicean oligarchy.5 One might logically expect that he too would become a victim of Medici vengeance in 1434, or soon thereafter. Other scholars have stressed that Bruni-despite the occasional flamboyance of his civic rhetoric-was always an advocate of restricted government.8 While the power struggle between the Medici and their adversaries was real enough, the system Cosimo and his associates introduced after 1434 differed from its predecessor only in the consistency with which it was applied.
In this paper, I use a case study drawn from education in the Grenada revolution and afterwards to discuss lessons that postcolonial societies can learn from comparing two approaches to adult basic and popular education. I argue that some approaches to adult education provide subordinate literacies and catch-up schooling on the cheap, while others contribute to sociopolitical change by helping participants develop powerful literacies that challenge the structures of injustice, inefficiency, and dysfunctionality that are still entrenched in most societies. The paper puts forward the concept of epistemic, humanist and public ‘literacies’ as a tool for considering the role of adult education in national development.
This thesis, Reading Lydgate's Troy Book: Patronage, Politics and History in Lancastrian England, discusses the relationship between John Lydgate as a court poet to his patron Henry V. I contend that the Troy Book is explored as a vehicle to propagate the idea that the House of Lancaster is the legitimate successor to King Richard II in order to smooth over the usurpation of 1399. Paul Strohm's England's Empty Throne was a key influence to the approach of this thesis' topic. I examine that although Chaucer had a definitive impact on Lydgate's writing, Lydgate is able to manipulate this influence for his own ambitions. In order to enhance his own fame, Lydgate works to promote Chaucer's canon so that as Chaucer's successor, he will inherit more prestige. The Trojan war is seen in context with the Hundred Years War, and can be applied contextually to political events. Lydgate presents characters that are vulnerable to human failings, and their assorted, complicated relationships. Lydgate modernises the Troy Book to reflect and enhance his Lancastrian society, and the thesis gives a contextual view of Lydgate's writing of the Troy Book. Lydgate writes for a more varied target audience than his thirteenth-century source, Guido delle Colonne, and there is a deliberation on the female characters of the Troy Book which promulgates the theory that Lydgate takes a proactive and empathetic interest in women's roles in society. Furthermore Lydgate has never really been accepted as a humanist, and I look at Lydgate's work from a different angle; he is a self-germinating humanist. Lydgate revives antiquity to educate his fifteenth-century audience, and his ambition is to create a memorial for his patron in the vernacular, and enhance his own fame as a poet separate from Chaucer's shadow.
I am a part-time graduate student who works in industry. This study is my narrative about how six workers and I describe shop-floor learning activities, that is learning activities that occur where work is done, outside a classroom. Because this study is narrative inquiry, you wilileam about me, the narrator, more than you would in a more conventional study. This is a common approach in narrative inquiry and it is important because my intentions shape the way that I tell these six workers' stories. I developed a typology of learning activities by synthesizing various theoretical frameworks. This typology categorizes shop-floor learning activities into five types: onthe- job training, participative learning, educational advertising, incidental learning, and self-directed learning. Although learning can occur in each of these activities in isolation, it is often comprised of a mixture of these activities. The literature review contains a number of cases that have been developed from situations described in the literature. These cases are here to make the similarities and differences between the types of learning activities that they represent more understandable to the reader and to ground the typology in practice as well as in theory. The findings are presented as reader's theatre, a dramatic presentation of these workers' narratives. The workers tell us that learning involves "being shown," and if this is not done properly they "learn the hard way." I found that many of their best case lean1ing activities involved on-the-job training, participative learning, incidentalleaming, and self-directed learning. Worst case examples were typically lacking in properly designed and delivered participative learning activities and to a lesser degree lacking carefully planned and delivered on-the-job training activities. Included are two reflective chapters that describe two cases: Learning "Engels" (English), and Learning to Write. In these chapters you will read about how I came to see that my own shop-floor learning-learning to write this thesis-could be enhanced through participative learning activities. I came to see my thesis supervisor as not only my instructor who directed and judged my learning activities, but also as a more experienced researcher who was there to participate in this process with me and to help me begin to enter the research community. Shop-floor learning involves learners and educators participating in multistranded learning activities, which require an organizational factor of careful planning and delivery. As with learning activities, which can be multi-stranded, so too, there can be multiple orientations to learning on the shop floor. In our stories, you will see that these six workers and I didn't exhibit just one orientation to learning in our stories. Our stories demonstrate that we could be behaviorist and cognitivist and humanist and social learners and constructivist in our orientation to learning. Our stories show that learning is complex and involves multiple strands, orientations, and factors. Our stories show that learning narratives capture the essence of learning-the learners, the educators, the learning activities, the organizational factors, and the learning orientations. Learning narratives can help learners and educators make sense of shop-floor learning.
The typographical naivety of much scientific legibility research has caused designers to question the value of the research and the results. Examining the reasons underlying this questioning, the paper discusses the importance of designers being more accepting of scientific findings, and why legibility investigations have value. To demonstrate how typographic knowledge can be incorporated into the design of studies to increase their validity, the paper reports on a new investigation into the role of serifs when viewed at a distance. The experiment looks into the identification of the lowercase letters ‘j’, ‘i’, ‘l’, ‘b’, ‘h’, ‘n’, ‘u’, and ‘a’ in isolation. All of the letters originate in the same typeface and are presented in one version with serifs and one version without serifs. Although the experiment found no overall legibility difference between the sans serif and the serif versions, the study showed that letters with serifs placed on the vertical extremes were more legible at a distance than the same letters in a sans serif. These findings can therefore provide specific guidance on the design of individual letters and demonstrate the product of collaboration between designer and scientist on the planning, implementation, and analysis of the study.
A presente pesquisa trata da análise da fundação da Neurologia. A maioria das obras que abordam o assunto a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, sobretudo, aquelas que privilegiam uma visão positivista, para a qual a investigação caminharia em direção a um ponto estático, tendem a alcançar o médico inglês seiscentista, Thomas Willis, como o inconteste precursor dessa já estabelecida especialidade médica. Nossa proposta é a de desconstruir essa ideia. A nosso ver, a historicidade do discurso científico estaria sempre em constante expansão e também em uma contínua transformação, pois diferentemente do ideal positivista, o instaurador do que Foucault designava como cientificidade não seria o descobridor de um objeto dado desde sempre, na medida em que seria enganoso supor uma história natural de um objeto cultural o objeto da história das ciências. Resta-nos, portanto, tentar compreender o sentido em que Willis funda o que ele mesmo denominava Doutrina dos Nervos. Entendemos que Willis instituiu um novo arquivo audiovisual, ou seja, uma nova articulação entre o visível e o enunciável, no que tange aos nervos. Propomos, enfim, que no horizonte da fundação a nova imbricação entre forma de representação e forma de vida emerge no mesmo processo em que Willis se consagra como um autor médico e cientista dos nervos.
Staged as an attempt to ‘bring together Shakespeare’s plays and Tang Xian Zu’s classical Kunqu opera, The Peony Pavilion,’ (Ong, Programme Notes) Awaking stands as Singapore Director Ong Keng Sen’s most recent and prominent attempt at engaging issues of the intercultural through music and sound. While Ong’s previous intercultural projects sought to explore the politics of intercultural performance through the exchange, layering, confrontation and inter-mixing of Asian performance modes as visual aesthetics, Awaking is a performance at the borders of theatrical and musical conventions, as it features the music and musicians as central performative devices of staging the intercultural. Northern Kunqu opera, Chinese classical music and Elizabethan folk tunes from Shakespeare’s plays were re-moved, re-contextualised, and juxtaposed to explore ‘differing yet connected philosophies on love, death, and the afterlife’ (Awaking, Publicity). These humanist and ‘universal’ themes found expression in the ‘universal’ language of music. Through a study of the musicalities and sonic expressions of Awaking, the paper seeks to explore the implications of such cultural-musical juxtapositions. The paper engages, specifically, with the problematics and possibilities of music as a ‘universal language’ as implied by Ong’s concordance of Eastern and Western sounds in the final act. It further considers the politics of an intercultural soundscape and the acoustemologies of such an intercultural approach.
A morte é, porventura, o grande tabu da sociedade ocidental contemporânea, fenómeno com clara ressonância na forma como os sobreviventes vivenciam o luto por perda de figura significativa. Numa sociedade que se mantém à margem da morte, as emoções decorrentes do luto são escamoteadas e reprimidas, com sérios riscos para a saúde mental dos enlutados. Essa conspiração do silêncio desagua também nos contextos educativos, onde os valores da juventude, do bem-estar, do prazer e da felicidade, quase não deixam espaço para o sofrimento e a morte. Deste modo, este estudo pretende ser uma contribuição para a compreensão dos efeitos do processo de luto em alunos adolescentes, nomeadamente ao nível do seu desempenho escolar, e, concomitantemente, para a análise do tipo de apoio que a comunidade educativa proporciona a esses alunos, com enfoque no papel dos professores (em geral) e dos diretores de turma (em particular). Pretende ainda apresentar estratégias interventivas, a implementar nas escolas, potenciadoras de uma educação para a vida, mesmo em circunstâncias de morte, e para a gestão do luto, que se revelem promotoras de um lidar pedagógico inclusivo. Sendo o luto um processo que afeta o indivíduo em todas as dimensões que o definem, um paradigma educacional que encontre na complexidade a sua matriz identitária, foi assumido neste estudo como o único capaz de resgatar a importância da gestão equilibrada dos afetos no processo de ensinoaprendizagem. À luz deste paradigma que assume um princípio de totalidade, partindo da totalidade, ou seja, que promove o desenvolvimento do ser humano na sua multidimensionalidade, assumimos também que a missão suprema e última da educação é a construção do sujeito ético. E é nos marcos de uma educação integral, humanista e ética, de responsabilidade pelo Outro, que ganha contornos a figura do professor cuidador, como sendo alguém atento às necessidades emocionais dos seus alunos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, esta investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, interpretativa e complexa e o estudo realizado centrou-se em três fases, tendo a recolha de dados decorrido entre setembro de 2009 e setembro de 2012: (i) Estudo exploratório, dirigido aos Diretores das 61 escolas secundárias do Distrito do Porto, com base num questionário adaptado, com o objetivo de sustentar a importância e pertinência do estudo principal e recolher indicadores para o orientar; (ii) Estudo de Caso Coletivo, envolvendo três alunas adolescentes em luto por perda de pai. Na primeira parte, e com vista à caracterização do contexto, a escola frequentada pelas três alunas, procedeuse à análise documental, concretamente do Projeto Educativo, mas também ao inquérito por entrevista a vários agentes da comunidade educativa: o Diretor, a Psicóloga, a Coordenadora dos Diretores de Turma do ensino secundário e seis Diretores de Turma. Na segunda parte, procedeu-se a uma abordagem holística e aprofundada da complexidade inerente a cada caso, procurando dar “voz” à forma única como cada uma das alunas vivenciou, significou e enfrentou a sua experiência de luto, tendo-se recorrido ao inquérito por entrevista. De forma a cruzar perspetivas de vários informantes, e identificar significados transversais, complementares ou alternativos, foram também entrevistadas as Encarregadas de Educação e os Diretores de Turma das alunas; (iii) Caraterização das conceções de professores sobre a temática em análise e validação de propostas de intervenção a implementar nas escolas, mobilizando-se, assim, dimensões emergentes das Fases I e II da investigação, mas também do quadro teórico que sustentou o estudo. Para a recolha de dados, foi construído um questionário que se aplicou aos professores do 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico e ensino secundário do Agrupamento onde se centrou o estudo de caso desenvolvido na Fase II. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos e corroborando o que é amplamente defendido na literatura da especialidade, o estudo demonstra o impacto negativo que o luto tem no desempenho escolar e revela que o padrão afetivo da ambiência escolar não é favorável à expressão emocional de alunos enlutados, prevalecendo uma atitude de evitação por parte dos colegas e professores, o que sugere a necessidade de serem trilhados novos caminhos, por um lado, ao nível da formação de professores e, por outro lado, através da implementação em contexto escolar de uma intervenção pedagógica que eduque para a vida, mas sem descurar os fenómenos de perda afetiva significativa e respetivas vivências de luto. Deste estudo sai também reforçada a responsabilidade acrescida dos Diretores de Turma na constituição de um ethos de suporte envolvendo alunos em luto, cabendo-lhes um importante papel na articulação entre os vários agentes da comunidade educativa. Em suma: para além da necessidade de repensar o perfil de competências dos professores, mais consentâneo com o paradigma de escola acolhedora, deste estudo ressalta também a premência de validar na prática propostas de intervenção articuladas, consistentes e, sobretudo, éticas.
This research is a self-study into my life as an athlete, elementary school teacher, leamer, and as a teacher educator/academic. Throughout the inquiry, I explore how my beliefs and values infused my lived experiences and ultimately influenced my constructivist, humanist, and ultimately my holistic teaching and learning practice which at times disrupted the status quo. I have written a collection of narratives (data generation) which embodied my identity as an unintelligent student/leamer, a teacher/learner, an experiential learner, a tenacious participant, and a change agent to name a few. As I unpack my stories and hermeneutically reconstruct their intent, I question their meaning as I explore how I can improve my teaching and learning practice and potentially effect positive change when instructing beginning teacher candidates at a Faculty of Education. At the outset I situate my story and provide the necessary political, social, and cultural background information to ground my research. I follow this with an in depth look at the elements that interconnect the theoretical framework of this self-study by presenting the notion of writing at the boundaries through auto ethnography (Ellis, 2000; Ellis & Bochner, 2004) and writing as a method of inquiry (Richardson, 2000). The emergent themes of experiential learning, identity, and embodied knowing surfaced during the data generation phase. I use the Probyn' s (1990) .. metaphor of locatedness to unpack these themes and ponder the question, Where is experience located? I deepen the exploration by layering Drake's (2007) KnowlDo/Be framework alongside locatedness and offer descriptions of learning moments grounded in pedagogical theories. In the final phase, I introduce thirdspace theory (Bhabha, 1994; Soja, 1996) as a space that allowed me to puzzle educational dilemmas and begin to reconcile the binaries that existed in my life both personally, and professionally. I end where I began by revisiting the questions that drove this study. In addition, Ireflect upon the writing process and the challenges that I encountered while immersed in this approach and contemplate the relevance of conducting a self-study. I leave the reader with what is waiting for me on the other side of the gate, for as Henry James suggested, "Experience is never limited, and it is never complete."
Health regulatory colleges promote quality practice and continued competence through Quality Assurance (QA) programs. For many colleges, a QA program includes the use of portfolios that incorporate self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to determine some of the issues surrounding the effectiveness of QA portfolio programs. The literature review revealed that portfolios are valuable tools, but gaps in knowledge include a comparative analysis of QA programs and the perspective of regulatory college administrators. Data were collected through interviews with 6 administrators and a review of 14 portfolio models described on college websites. The results from the two data sources were applied to Robert Stake's responsive evaluation framework to identify issues related to the portfolio's effectiveness (Stake, 1967). The learning components of portfolios were analyzed through the humanist and constructivist lenses. All 14 portfolio models were found to have 3 main components: self-diagnosis, learning plan and activities, and self-evaluation. However, differences were uncovered in learners' autonomy in selecting learning activities, methods of portfolio evaluation, and the relationship between the portfolio and other QA components. The results revealed a dual philosophy of learning in portfolio models and an apparent contradiction between the needs of the individual learner and the organization. Paths for future research include the tenuous relationship between competence and learning, and the impact of technical approaches on selfdirected learning initiatives. A key recommendation is to acknowledge the unique identity of each profession so that health regulatory colleges can address legislative demands and learner needs.
Noam Chomsky, figure notoire du cognitivisme innéiste en psycholinguistique, est aussi un important penseur américain et activiste politique ayant écrit sur une multitude de sujets, issus de domaines variés : politique interne et étrangère des États-Unis, critique des médias de masse et enjeux sociaux liés aux droits de l’Homme, pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Par contre, et malgré l’abondance de ses écrits à ce propos, Chomsky est, à ce jour, très peu étudié en philosophie de l’éducation : ce mémoire de maîtrise s’inscrit ainsi dans une perspective d’exploration, de définition et d’analyse de la pensée éducative chomskyenne, dans le but de présenter et réfléchir la portée possible d’une telle pensée dans l’axe philosophique des recherches en éducation. Devant la rareté, voire l’absence de recherches francophones et anglophones concernant notre objet d’étude, plus d’une centaine de livres, articles, entrevues et vidéos portant sur la philosophie chomskyenne et celle de grands penseurs humanistes, critiques ou opposés aux postulats chomskyens ont été retenus, lus et analysés dans le cadre de ce projet. Deux objectifs précis ont guidé ce mémoire : d’abord, présenter et analyser la pensée éducative chomskyenne en regard de ses fondements philosophiques et de ses ancrages intellectuels dans les traditions humaniste et critique en philosophie éducative, puis mettre en lumière l’unicité de cette pensée par rapport à ces traditions et à quelques courants opposés en éducation. Au terme de ce mémoire, nous espérons ainsi répondre aux questions suivantes : dans quelle mesure Chomsky s’inscrit-il dans les traditions humaniste et critique en éducation? Peut-il être considéré comme un héritier de la pensée de certains philosophes particuliers? En quoi sa pensée, relative à la philosophie de l’éducation, est-elle pertinente et innovante pour ce domaine fondamental? Et, finalement, quelles critiques pouvons-nous lui adresser?
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle, entre l'Université de Montréal, au Département de Sociologie, et l'Université de Rennes 1, à la Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique
En la filosofía política pueden distinguirse dos grandes corrientes de pensamiento que son las teorías liberales, humanistas, y la Real Politik a la que podemos calificar de antihumanista. De esta última y, particularmente, del trabajo de Carl Schmitt, ha surgido el concepto de excepción para designar el elemento constituyente de la comunidad política, que resulta ser solidario del concepto de lo político como relación amigo-enemigo. En este trabajo se busca articular el concepto de excepción a los desarrollos de la teoría psicoanalítica del sujeto en tanto que determinado por el significante y, haciendo alusión a la falta estructural que define la cadena significante, se mostrará cómo lo político se constituye en relación con lo imposible y con el carácter de excepción que tiene el sujeto, en tanto en cuanto éste existe en el síntoma que lo separa de la comunidad política al tiempo que es resorte del lazo social. Con estos elementos de fondo, se adelantará una crítica al concepto de lo político que ha desarrollado el liberalismo, para lo cual se abordarán algunos representantes del pensamiento liberal que exponen los conceptos que definen a esa corriente de la filosofía política.